After hearing this, the barrage immediately started outputting.

[Laughing to death, some people have never made a good game in their life, and if they have a slightly successful one, they don’t know what their last name is]

[Lin Mo can lose money on ten games like this without breaking a sweat. If you fail once, you will pack up and go home]

[Even if this game fails, Lin Mo is also the one who writes the history of the game. Who are you? 】

Martin ignored it at all, as if nothing happened, and clicked to start the game.

Entering the game, the protagonist is in the car, talking on the radio with a man named Colton.

"So, you haven't caught any prey yet? Rookie, you need to learn more."

"Fuck you Colton."

"A battle royale survivor came here some time ago. Guess which of you two will be the first to catch the prey?"

"It must be me."

While talking, the car stopped.

The protagonist gets out of the car and looks outside.

Leighton Hoo is located in the center of the area, surrounded by undulating terrain and dense woods. The yellow and red leaves make the area very beautiful.

Then, he said something strange and angry.

"The scenery is really nice, and the screenshots are all wallpaper quality. It's a pity that the ability to make money is a bit lacking."

Looking at the barrage of curses, Martin felt secretly happy.

If Lin Mo can talk to me on the WGA, I can also talk to you in the live broadcast room!

Who is afraid of whom?

The dissatisfaction of the audience and the barrage did not affect Martin at all. On the contrary, he still looked proud.

Naughty Cat fans are angry, but there is nothing they can do.

The game "Hunter: Call of the Wild" is indeed too hardcore, and many people can't play it. It's not their favorite type.

Many players have purchased support, but have left it in the library to gather dust.

no way.

Chasing a deer for a day is really no fun.

Faced with such a close attitude, I wanted to refute but couldn't.

Because the game really didn't sell as well as the previous games.

How is the reputation?

Naturally top notch.

However, there are some hints of being well-received but not well-received.

Chatting with Danmu from time to time, Martin continued to play the game.

According to Colton's reminder in the voice, there was a deer grazing leisurely at the entrance of the camp.

Lift the shotgun and shoot him in the chest.

But the shot failed to kill the deer, and it ran away.

Seeing this, he quickly chased after him.

Where the deer was just now, there are a lot of remaining blood stains, which are highlighted to remind the player where the prey ran away.

After walking a few steps, he found his prey.

This was the first prey he had ever seen in the game.

It’s different from when watching a live broadcast.

Looking closer, the visuals look nothing like the models in the game.

More like a photo!

This is a photo of an animal protection organization that can be held in situ at a gathering of demons and people.

When you get closer, you can still see blood oozing from the prey's wounds, and the effect of the liquid flow is extremely impressive.

The hair was stained with blood and sticky, and there were grass clippings and dust on the hair.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

Many players simply commented that the graphics were great.

But Martin, an industry insider, was stunned when he saw this scene.

I even once doubted, is this really a game?

Could it be that he really shot a deer?

How can it be so real?

What kind of monster engine can actually produce such an effect? ​​Naughty Cat's technical ability has reached this level?

Then the teaching of skinning the prey begins.

The process is not just a short animation.

There is a detailed process, how to cut, where to apply force, and in which direction. Even mistakes can cause dense damage.

Bleed, remove the internal organs, slit the Achilles tendons of the hind legs, cut the skin of the four legs with a skinning knife, and cut along the thighs.

Lift the deer up, pull the fur from the back buttocks down slowly, and occasionally use a skinning knife to cut away some of the sticky skin.

Soon a piece of deer skin was peeled off.

Just because the mouse shook a little while peeling, the force was applied in the wrong direction and the fur was damaged.

Otherwise, it can be sold for more.

This process is so real.

It's really like a documentary.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he added a sentence in the live broadcast room.

Game screen, not my actual operation.

It's better to guard against being charged.

He had already learned this part of the teaching process in other live broadcast rooms, so naturally it wasn't a problem and everything went smoothly.

Just watching others play is one concept, and playing it yourself is another concept.

Because it is more realistic and hard-core, it is not like CSGO where you have to have accurate aim, just aim and shoot.

When the first person does not have a scope, it is really uncomfortable to use the machine sight.

The second mission requires heading to the Watchtower.

I also encountered many animals on the road and wanted to hunt a few, but they were no longer the welfare deer that I taught beginners at the beginning.

How difficult is it?

The wind was blowing in the wrong direction and the deer caught the scent and ran away.

Passing by the bushes and trees, there was a sound and he ran away.

The attack was in the wrong position and there was no fatal injury, so he ran away.

None of the prey encountered during the mission could be captured.

But the more this happened, the happier he felt.


that's all!

The more intelligent the animals are, the more realistic and hard-core they are, the smaller the audience of players will be.

You don’t lose money on this game?

God cannot tolerate it.

It just so happens that the animals have to be made lifelike, just like real ones.

We even saw the courtship and mating process between animals.

This means increased costs.

Making cost recovery even more difficult.

But while I was secretly happy, there was also a hint of envy and jealousy in my heart.

With such technical skills, you made such a game?

After playing with it for more than two hours, I can basically confirm one thing.

The money-making ability of this game is far inferior to that of "Devil Hunter".


At first, I was still hesitant, afraid of this, afraid of that, afraid that Lin Mo was hiding something.

I didn't expect it to be such a simple hunting game.

Even being ridiculed by the barrage for not being able to catch prey feels insignificant.

While commenting, advance the dispensable plot.

When arriving at an outpost.

Martin did not rush to advance the story, but first wandered around the area.

Near the house he saw an advertising leaflet.

Above is an extremely huge monster, and the island next to it is as big as a toy.

Its entire body resembles a dragon, but it is bloated and huge, with lava flowing all over its body, making it more like an active volcano.

From the burning trees on the island, it can be seen that its whole body should be filled with extremely high heat.

"What is this? Is it a monster from Lin Mo's previous game? Or is it related to a movie linkage?"

Martin was confused.

Such a monster that is obviously an avatar does not match the overall style of "Hunter: Call of the Wild".

As a game designer, studying Lin Mo’s games has almost become a required course.

From CSGO to the latest "Hunter: Call of the Wild", this is his job.

But I didn’t see any dragons?

Is it a new game?

There was a hint of ominous premonition in my heart.

Based on experience, most of the people who dare to play Lin Mo's games in this way are not long after the release date of the game.

At that time, in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds survival mode, a short plot after eating chicken had already appeared.

If that can be explained by the psychological trauma of the plot protagonist, then what does this mean?

Looking at the barrage again, the players in the live broadcast room have already gone crazy.

[Laughing to death, Lin Mo’s new game is coming soon and he’s still playing the lute, just wait to die]

[The main element of the new game is dragons? Very cool! 】

The main element of my new game is still demons!

I cursed in my mind and continued playing the game.

The next task is to help a man named Hope investigate his residence. I don't know whether it was destroyed by animals or stolen.

In this task, the protagonist learned to use the camera function to find clues.

After completing the task, Hope appeared, accompanied by a masked man whose gender, skin color and nationality were unknown.

The protagonist can also choose whether to talk to him or not.

Anyway, I’m not in a hurry to play games, let’s talk.

"Hey rookie, you're making rapid progress. I heard you've already shot your first deer? Not bad, but a little worse than me. Colton should have said that he survived the latest Battle Royale The one who comes down.”

The protagonist stepped forward and shook hands with him.

"I heard that it was a hellish experience?"

The masked man nodded and said, "I often have nightmares after I came back from that day. I dreamed that I was wearing strange armor and holding strange weapons, and fighting some monsters."

"Oh? What kind of monster? Like, King Kong?"

"No, that's a monster like a Tyrannosaurus rex. Its forelimbs are short but its hind legs are very developed. It has a thick tail, a huge head and jaws, and it can even breathe fire."

"Well good luck to you."

The conversation ended in just a few sentences, less than half a minute.

At this time, many players immediately became energetic.

Another dragon?

From the end of the first day of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, where there were only giant horns in the clouds, three "dragons" had appeared.

In PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, there is a dragon with huge horns in the clouds. On the poster, the dragon is covered in lava like a volcano, and the dragon is described as breathing fire, somewhat like a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Isn't this a preview of the new game? What is it?

Is the game really going to be released? But don't crash the car!

It seemed that he could see the uneasiness in Martin's heart.

[Laughing to death, winning "Hunter: Call of the Wild" is the appetizer. The one you can't afford to offend is coming]

【Are you not afraid anymore? 】

[The graphics and details of "Demon Hunter" and "Hunter: Call of the Wild" can't be compared. How dare you compare with new games? 】

After all, Martin is not a professional anchor, and his ability to withstand daily pressure is not that strong.

Being provoked like this, I immediately got up and said directly: "It's so funny that the success of a game depends on its commercial performance! It depends on whether it makes money! The game "Hunter: Call of the Wild" just doesn't work!

"Demon Hunter" will be linked to Disneyland, and the music will be featured in the Electronic Arts Fantasy Future Game Concert on the 15th. Am I afraid of Lin Mo? "

But when he said this, he actually felt a little guilty.

It is true that cooperation was achieved, but it was not him who promoted the cooperation.

But parent company Electronic Arts.

Disney has plans to enter the field of electronic games in recent years and will build a new venue next year focusing on electronic entertainment.

The supporting related games and software are a big list.

The Electronic Arts Fantasy Future Game Concert on the 15th is a theme concert focusing on displaying technology.

The purpose is to grab this list.

As for "Devil Hunter", Electronic Arts chose one of the works of many studios to display to Disneyland how popular its products are among players.

This opportunity came to him on his knees.

But as soon as I said these words, I felt a little regretful.

Realizing that something was wrong with his mood, he quickly cut off the live broadcast.

Even he himself didn't know why he was so excited when he saw the news about Lin Mo's new game.

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