April 10th.


Johnson returned home cursing.

He was one of the executives at Disneyland.

Now he is 62 years old and his hair is basically white.

There is naturally no shortage of income.

It's just that he has been troubled by something recently.

Due to the strategic adjustment of the head office, a new indoor park will be added in Disneyland California, focusing on electronic entertainment.

The plan is still in preparation, and a game company needs to be selected to develop supporting software and games. VR experience is a very important part.

The top management was most optimistic about Electronic Arts, but he was firmly opposed to it.

This company's reputation is not very good, and its technical capabilities are average.

Not the ideal goal.

But if you don’t choose Electronic Arts, who can you choose?

Some distress.

I haven't been home for two full days because of work.

Today, my son came home with a pair of lively and lovely grandchildren. He must take time to spend with his family no matter what.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard movement from the second floor.

There were heavy footsteps, the excited squeals of grandchildren, and laughter.

A smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

Go upstairs and find yourself in an empty house.

Push the door open and go in.

This house was originally vacant, just to give the grandchildren a place to play.

Now, everything inside has been emptied.

Two 98-inch TVs hang on one wall.

On TV, there is a natural scenery.

The sun is shining brightly, the sky is blue and the clouds are white, the grass is green, and occasionally cattle and sheep are grazing leisurely. It is a beautiful scenery.

The grandson and granddaughter were wearing small VR glasses and looking at the world around them with novel faces.

The viewing angle on the TV will look in different directions as it rotates.

Two children are standing on two universal treadmills. Although they remain stationary, they will run in different directions on the grassland in the virtual world depending on the direction of running.

A new VR game?

"Father, are you back? Are you still busy today?" Seeing this, the eldest son Ryan walked up and asked.

Wilson shook his head and joked: "If I come back two days later, you might tear down my home."

"Haha, I think you won't mind if it makes your grandchildren happy."

This is true.

Wilson took one look at the complete set of VR equipment and said, "Let them come down. If this thing is used too much, it will not be good for children."

"It doesn't matter. This is a new product from a Chinese company. It won't cause dizziness and is very light. Children can use it."

After hearing this, Wilson still didn't believe it, and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm just old, but I'm not out of touch with the times. How can I still not understand what VR equipment is like?"

Due to professional reasons, although he is not young, his ability to accept new things is actually not bad.

He tried VR equipment when it was first launched and was thinking about bringing it to the park.

However, the extremely strong sense of dizziness, limited field of vision, and heavy weight put this plan in jeopardy.

No player will like such a project.

But he also believes that this thing has unlimited potential, but the technology is not yet mature.

After hearing this, Ryan knew that his old father's stubborn habit had returned.

Facts speak louder than words.

So he directly suggested: "Why don't you give it a try? Wouldn't you feel relieved?"

"No, no, I'll faint."

"You really can't, just try!"

During the conversation, the two little beanies also took off their VR glasses, saw Wilson, and heard the voice.

"Grandpa! It's interesting. You should try it!"

They are all cousins ​​​​from another generation. The two little cubs have said things many times, but Wilson really can't stand it.

Just try and die.

Lane adjusted the dimensions of the universal treadmill so that adults could use it.

Then put on the equipment and tactile gloves for the old father.

Wilson's first reaction was that it was light, comfortable, and completely free of the jamming feeling of previous devices.

It’s not all black in front of you, but a combination of virtual reality and mixed reality.

You can also see the outside through the glasses, and there is an icon in front of you.

"Hunter: Call of the Wild·Educational Edition"

"what game is this?"

"Yes." Ryan nodded, "You know I like hunting. I tried the player version of the game a week ago when it was released. It was quite interesting. This is the educational version released today, which can be experienced by children."

Use eye control to select the icon and start it.

The whole process feels smooth and there is no delay at all.

In the main interface of the game, in addition to the game LOGO and the education version marked.

There are many options.

"Which one should I choose?"

"Tourist mode."

Choose, map or grassland, confirm you are over 18 years old, and start.

The next second, he appeared in the same place as his grandchildren that he had just seen on TV.

The first reaction is that this scene is really beautiful.

When he first came into contact with VR, the things he could experience were extremely limited.

Many things are demonstrated in the same way and experienced in the same way.

Rough modeling, stiff movements, and only some small games can be experienced.

Unexpectedly, after putting on VR glasses, the scenery I saw was even more beautiful than on TV.

Although he had never set foot on a pristine grassland in his life, he thought it would be the same scenery he saw in person.

I took two steps forward and approached the cows and sheep grazing leisurely in the distance.

If you look carefully, every hair of the animal is clearly visible, and every movement is accompanied by the ups and downs of muscles.

Eat a bite of grass, and there will be one less piece of green grass on the ground.

One sheep had some grass clippings on its nose, and Johnson couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

The grass clippings were wiped away, and the sheep seemed a little scared, and took a step back with a bleating sound.

Hengtong looked around in panic, but it seemed like he couldn't see anyone here.

Tactile gloves cannot completely simulate touch, but the shock to him is truly beyond words.

Ryan asked with some pride: "Not bad, father? China always has some magical technologies, don't you feel dizzy?"

Only then did Wilson realize.

Not only did I not feel dizzy, I even felt so immersed that I forgot I was wearing VR glasses.

Not to mention dizziness, I didn’t feel it at all.

You call this a game?

Wilson's whole body was numb. He had no idea that this game he had never heard of would have such charm.

The world is too big, and there are always places that people have never had the chance to visit, scenery that they have never seen, and animals that they have never seen.

If the production capacity can keep up, in this game, wouldn’t it be possible to use VR glasses to see all the scenery around the world and see all kinds of animals?

The scenery is okay, but how is this animal designed to be so realistic?

"What can I do in the game?"

Ryan thought for a while and said: "In the travel mode, it is mainly about seeing the scenery and interacting with animals. In the editing mode, it is mainly about scientific research, and you can even dissect, rescue, set the environment, set variables, etc."

Wilson found himself fascinated.

The animals in front of you not only graze in place, but also rest, eat, drink, and compete for mating rights.

There will also be dangers.

He witnessed a wolf pack hunting together.

You can even pause at any time, come closer, and take a closer look.

Some prey will be lucky enough to escape, while others will be hunted.

In the end, only the bones were left.

Time can also speed up, with old wolf kings aging and being replaced by new, strong, young wolf kings.

The old wolf was expelled from the pack, gradually died, and finally turned into withered bones.

Some plant-eating insects are eaten by spiders, which are eaten by insect-eating birds, which are eaten by hawks.

Although the smallest observable unit is a small mammal, the smallest insect level only has some textures and cannot be observed.

But this is amazing.

A complete ecosystem.

The living habits of each animal, how to find food, how to avoid natural enemies, and how to thrive.

In edit mode, you can also control variables, such as if the wolf population decreases on a large scale in the grassland ecosystem.

Without human intervention, we can see the proliferation of herbivores, large-scale destruction of pastures, and gradual desertification.

All this is basic knowledge that can be seen in textbooks.

I didn't expect that seeing it with my own eyes would be so shocking.

I had anticipated the role that VR technology would play in the education field after its advancement, but I didn’t expect it to be so amazing.

No wonder it would be released separately as an educational version.

I tried "Hunter: Call of the Wild Player Edition" again.

With the immersive experience brought by VR, the hunting process has become more interesting.

"This is so amazing." Wilson said with emotion, "This game seems to come from the future. Which company is it?"

"Naughty Cat, you must have heard of it, right?"

Wilson was a little surprised, he must have heard of this name.

If I hadn't heard that Naughty Cat never accepts outsourcing and has no development experience in the VR field, I would have really considered this company.

"Are these games and equipment all from Naughty Cat in China? What an amazing company."

"Not quite, but almost."

It's noon and lunch is ready.

I took off my VR glasses, got off the multi-directional treadmill, and moved my body without feeling any discomfort.

As he walked towards the restaurant downstairs, he chatted with his son.

Wilson sighed and said, "It's a pity that we can't bring it to Disneyland."

"It? It's absolutely fine. Just buy glasses and other equipment."

"No, no, no, the equipment problem is one of the reasons. The key is the game, my son." Wilson said regretfully, "First of all, it cannot be commercialized without copyright. Secondly, we can't really let tourists see animals like this, right? Dinis This is not a video game store. Finally, Naughty Cat does not accept outsourcing.”

Ryan shook his head and said: "Dad, there are three versions of this game. The player version, which is the version with hunting function. The educational version, which is the version where I let the children see animals. Finally, there is also a version with customizable content. Commercial version, no need for me to explain more, right?"

Wilson stopped, turned his head suddenly, and asked quickly: "Wait, what did you say?"

"I said that this game has a commercial version, and it can be customized. For customization, you need to contact Naughty Cat official."


Customizable commercial version!

Wilson's eyes widened. If this were the case, it would really work.

If so, that's another concept.

Countless facilities suitable for the park instantly appeared in my mind.

As far as he knows, the industry has not yet matured and successfully developed VR rides for all ages.

Although Disney is a giant in the industry, there are many peers in the amusement park business, and competition is fierce.

If the first mature VR facility, an amusement facility covering men, women, and children appears in Disney.

Thinking about it, he turned back upstairs without hesitation.

"Dad? What are you going to do?"


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