Ryan watched in astonishment as his father walked upstairs step by step.


The old father from his youth is back?

Become a workaholic again?

Not that much.

Ryan sent the two children to the restaurant, arranged for a nanny to take good care of them, and then rushed upstairs.

As soon as I walked to the door of the study, I heard a conversation, or "quarrel" coming from inside.

"Damn it, you don't know how comfortable those VR glasses are, it's even more comfortable than when I was in xxx! I guarantee the animals in that game are more realistic than what you see on a 4K TV!"

"But Wilson."

Ryan reluctantly opened the door and walked in.

How long has it been since you last seen this scene with your father?

He has returned to his youthful appearance.

Wilson was on a video call at this time.

"Listen to me! I know you don't believe that game is so charming, but it will be loved by people of all ages. And the game has a customizable commercial version, do you know what this means!"

"No, Wilson, I."

“I’ve thought of a variety of rides that will bring our classic imagery into the mix to excite players! I can’t wait to see the smiles on the kids’ faces!”

"Wilson!" The man opposite yelled helplessly, "I'm having a meal. After dinner, can we talk after dinner? I'm somewhat interested in this."

Then the video call hung up.

But Wilson obviously didn't listen.

"Ryan! Come here, do you need to make an appointment from the official website to customize the commercial version?"

"Yes dad."

Ryan walked forward with a speechless expression and helped log in to the official website of Naughty Cat International Edition and set the language to English.

Look at the price first.

The commercial version is available for rental and is priced at US$2,499 per year.

Slightly more expensive than many software tools on the market.

As for the customized version, a general customization price is given.

If you want in-depth customization, you need to discuss it in detail.

According to the reservation method on the official website, a form was filled in and submitted.

Then Wilson immediately opened social media again and began searching for information on the commercial version.

To his surprise, it was probably because the educational version and the commercial version were launched on the same day and within less than 24 hours.

There is very little information online, and no one seems to be interested in it.


Just as he was about to continue working, Ryan was dissatisfied, took Wilson's arm and stood up, heading downstairs.

"Eat first. It's not too late to get busy after eating. Besides, didn't you say you want to spend time with your family in the future?"

"Just for a moment, you guys eat first, I'll be down right away."

But he still couldn't resist Ryan's insistence and went to the restaurant helplessly.

During meals, he was no longer as friendly and chatty as before. He chatted with his family and told some interesting things.

Instead, he frowned, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Moreover, the speed of eating can be described as a breeze.

Not long after, he finished his portion and hurried upstairs.

Ryan was speechless for a while. Sure enough, an impatient workaholic will always be like this all his life.



After finishing the meal leisurely, my son and daughter were playing in the living room.

He walked upstairs with some fruit and walked into the study.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Wilson's curse.

"Damn it, why haven't you responded yet? The official website says that in-depth customization takes time, so you have to queue up. Could it be that your peers have already taken the lead? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

With that said, Wilson impatiently picked up his cell phone and made a call.

"Hello? Old man, I know you have cooperation with Internet companies in China. Can you contact Lin, the designer of Naughty Cat? Me"

"Dad, please wait."

"Don't bother me. I have a cooperation and I need to find him."


"I told you not to bother me!"

Faced with Wilson's dissatisfied gaze, Ryan reluctantly tapped the time on his watch.

"Dad, it's around four or five in the morning in China right now. People are still sleeping!"


Wilson was embarrassed for a moment and quickly said sorry to the person on the phone.

Then he calmed down a little.

It is inevitable to be excited that the new park has a more suitable partner for cooperation.

Ryan shook his head and said helplessly: "Didn't Electronic Arts showcase "Devil Hunter"? There was also a fantasy future music-themed concert to show off its VR technology?"

"Electronic Arts? "Devil Hunter"?" Wilson snorted disdainfully, "Does their technology match it? Despite the hype, they definitely can't produce the effects of "Hunter: Call of the Wild"."


A full week has passed since the release of the Player Edition of "Hunter: Call of the Wild".

The sales volume is quite good compared to its peers, with 1.55 million copies.

But compared to my previous games, it's a lot worse.

However, Lin Mo didn't take it too seriously. The sales volume required by the mission did not need to be boosted by this game.

The next two are enough.

After arriving at the office, I habitually opened the panel and took a look.

Yesterday it was still 1.55 million copies, but today it has soared to 1.74 million copies.

What's happening here?

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

He never engages in promotional fraud. The content of the game is what it is promoted for.

Anyone interested in the game has already pre-ordered it, or bought it days before release.

How did it grow against the trend and soar so many shares in one day?

I was a little confused when I thought about it, so I asked in my mind: "System, why did the task completion progress shown today increase so much game sales? Is it a miscalculation?"

As soon as I asked, I got an answer immediately.

[System: The sales volume of the customized version of the game will be divided by the unit price of the game, and the whole number will be converted into game sales volume]

You should have told me earlier!

Lin Mo was speechless for a while.

Although the number of players buying the customized version is far less than that of the player version, the advantage is that the unit price is high enough.

Many businesses have realized the value and charm of the educational and commercial versions supported by VR.

Unseen by players, this game has become popular.

If that's the case.

"System, what if I complete the task with just two games?"

[System: Rewards will be issued based on the sales volume of the third game, up to a reward of your choice]

Your choice!

This reward is quite tempting.

But it's not that easy to get.

First of all, you have to rely on the two games "Hunter: Call of the Wild" and "Monster Hunter: World" to complete the mission.

The latter has now been basically completed and is in the polishing stage. It’s time to announce it and start promoting it.

The sales limit of the former player version is not high, but the potential of the commercial version has not been fully developed.

While I was thinking, Wang Yi came.

"Mr. Lin, there is an order for a customized commercial version that needs your approval."

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "No, didn't I say before, it's up to you to make the decision."

Wang Yi hesitated and said: "But this order may be very large. It comes from Disneyland in California and is about the in-depth customization of the supporting software and games for the new venue."

Lin Mo suddenly raised his head.

This is indeed a big order, worthy of his own decision as the boss.

And the key is, if this order is won.

It is possible to complete the task with two games, and the third game will exceed the reward limit.

Chapter 4 Afternoon

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