The time comes on April 10th.

The Fantasy Future Concert will last for three days, and tickets are $699 each.

Compared with the same period, it is very expensive.

However, there are still many interested players coming from all over the United States to imagine with their own eyes what the future will be like.

Martin arrived at the scene early, more than an hour in advance.

When I came to the scene today, I naturally didn’t have the guts to do a live broadcast or act openly.

He was wearing a baseball cap, with the collar pulled up to cover less than half of his face.

This EA concert will feature all IP classic music under EA Entertainment, not just "Devil Hunter".

He is also not qualified to participate in the production of this concert.

So I don’t know what the content is.

If it's wonderful, players will be so satisfied that they won't even talk about it.

But if it breaks the pot

I don’t want to lose anyone again.

But there are disadvantages to dressing up like this.

On the way here, I was questioned by the police for a while.

When we arrived at the venue, the audience had not yet started to enter the venue, and there was a sea of ​​people outside the door.

Naturally, there is no shortage of popular anchors at such a grand event, and one person even had two mobile phones attached to a selfie stick to broadcast the live broadcast.

There are also some anchors I know.

For example, Zhao Peng.

"Brothers, come to the venue. Audio and video recording is prohibited inside, so I will broadcast it for you for a while, and it will stop broadcasting when you enter the venue.

You ask me why I went to see an Electronic Arts concert? I want to say that a game is a game, just enjoy it and don’t take sides until you end. "

As he spoke, he got closer to here.

Martin frowned and walked away. He didn't want to enter the country and be ruined if he was recognized.

After waiting for a while, it was time to enter.

I found my seat and sat down, thinking that when the concert would officially start, I would take off my hat and neckband and listen to the music to relax.

But it's almost May, and this look is still a bit hot.

Everyone has a VR glasses on their seat. After all, Disney’s main consideration is VR capabilities.

After the concert, someone will come and collect it.

What makes Martin embarrassed is that these glasses are Genting VR1.

Not only does it have VR functions, but it also has AR functions. You really can only choose this one.

After putting it on, it is no different from normal glass glasses, but the display is already in the activated state.

It seems that a long concert requires the use of many of its functions.

Good guy, you have become an enemy invisibly.

The concert was about to start, but unexpectedly, an uninvited guest came next to me.

Zhao Peng sat beside him impartially.


Now, I don’t dare to pick it off.

Ordinary players may not know him, but a streamer who specializes in Easter eggs would not dare to bet.

Not long after, the concert finally started.

Since it is a fantasy about the future, it is to show Disney’s technical capabilities.

Then it cannot be a traditional concert.

It's a very cool light show right from the start.

Although it doesn’t match the venue’s decoration style very well, overall it’s quite cool.

Accompanied by a classic melody familiar to Electronic Arts players, the game officially started.

"Brother, are you a fan of Electronic Arts games? You guys are in luck, it seems that Electronic Arts is well prepared! Look at it like this, Naughty Cat really may not be able to win." Zhao Peng said excitedly.

Martin couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

Guess you kid can talk.

The sounds of the drums and music become denser and denser.

There have also been some changes to the light show.

At the climax of the music, the stage was filled with "fog" from dry ice.

The fog forms an invisible curtain on the stage.

Then, countless laser lights formed patterns in the sky.

The players in the audience burst into applause and cheers again, and the waving light sticks also changed colors.

These are the LOGOs of various IPs owned by Electronic Arts, including new games and old games.

"Football World", "Super Speed", "Global Alert".

Many of them are old IPs that have been with players for many years. Fans of any game can't help but cheer.

Although laser imaging in the air is not a black technology, it also fits the theme of fantasy future.

"Brother, have you seen it? "Sky Fire Armor"! It's another work of our Chinese designers!"

Martin laughed inwardly.

How could I not know?

It was from this game that I took the opportunity to send "Devil Hunter" to Disneyland in California.

"This! "Devil Hunter"! This LOGO is pretty cool!"

Martin couldn't help but smile when he heard this. You must be discerning.

As the last LOGO appeared, the music ended and the lights dimmed.

The next second the lights on the main stage came back on, a band appeared.

Since you are fantasizing about the future, will anything exciting happen?

Just in the midst of everyone's expectations, a person walked out.


Holding the baton, he stood in the commanding position.

Martin raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but also said: "Hey, it's a bit interesting."

But there was no response after the words were spoken.

Turning around, Zhao Peng next to him looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? Don't you think it's cool?"

"Uh, a little bit. Well, I can't blow it anymore." Zhao Peng asked with a strange expression, "Is this thing cool?"


"Oh, you are from the Lighthouse country and you don't know what's normal. Our Chinese country has a traditional program called the Spring Festival Gala." Zhao Peng thought of the tragic situation of being bombarded by various relatives every year, "Ten years ago, we used this thing to dance on stage. "

Martin's face darkened, he snorted and stopped talking.

Although it can be imagined that the robots mentioned by the two are definitely not the same thing, the robot on the stage must be more advanced.

But that said, it's really not that surprising.

Robots are something that everyone knows and thinks about. It is really not enough to rely on this to imagine the future.

The ideas are indeed not amazing enough, but the music is really good, the stage design is very high-level, and the visual appearance is quite good.

The robot conductor only conducted one piece and then ended.

Then the roar of engines sounded around the stage. Through VR glasses, you could see that a modified red racing car directly crashed through the big screen behind it and landed on the stage.

The door opened and the driver stepped out, an orchestra conductor in a tuxedo.

Seeing this, Martin couldn't help but take off his glasses and take a look.

Sure enough, the big screen was fine, and the orchestra conductor came out of a small door on the stage.

With the AR function of the glasses, it looks like you are getting out of the car.

The video prepared in advance began to play on the big screen. It was a classic picture of the game in the past, full of memories.

The third piece of music is the music in "Skyfire Armor".

The big screen behind began to play CGs and cutscenes from the game.

In AR glasses, the stage and big screen suffered again.

Just as it was playing, it was suddenly smashed into pieces by a huge monster.

The famous villain in the game smashed the screen and tried to escape, but he had just crawled out half of his body and was pulled back by a huge force.

Then he was beheaded by a huge laser sword, which paid tribute to the classic scene in the game.

The one who pulled it back was the Skyfire driven by the protagonist in the game.

Seeing this scene, many players once again burst into exclamation.

Tianhuo glanced at the audience, waved his hand, and the broken screen was intact again, and continued to play video content matching the music.

It can be seen that a lot of money was spent on this.

Every piece of music has some special design.

Some are physical on stage, and some are done using AR technology on glasses.

Due to battery power issues, the concert lasting more than an hour ended quickly.

Martin's heart surged when he saw it, and his high-pitched heart was swallowed into his stomach.

Fortunately, it didn't stretch my crotch.

With such quality, it's at least 50-50 comparable to Lin Mo, right?

It's just that I'm covering my face with a neckband, wearing a hat, and wearing VR glasses.

He was already sweating profusely.

I regret a bit, I would have worn a mask if I had known earlier.

Sweat dripped down the corners of his eyes and the bridge of his nose.

Zhao Peng took a long breath and took off his VR glasses. He glanced to the side, was startled, and asked quickly: "Brother, are you moved to tears? Isn't that true?"

Cry your sister!

Martin cursed inwardly and wiped the sweat from his exposed facial skin without answering.

At this time, he looked into the venue.

Somewhat embarrassingly, almost everyone is doing the same thing.

Get your hair done.

In order to fit tightly and not fall off while wearing, the glasses have two straps, one goes from the top of the ears to the back of the head.

The second one goes over the head.

This causes people with longer hair to have a pit in their hair.

Martin thought for a moment, then lowered his voice and asked, "What do you think of this music?"

After Zhao Peng thought for a while, he said with a strange expression: "Somewhat satisfied, but not quite satisfied."


"I feel that this concert is only fantasy and has no future." Zhao Peng sighed, "I wear VR glasses to watch it, which always feels weird. But I have to say that the concert is still very exciting and worth it. fare."

Hearing this comment, Martin felt a little uncomfortable.

Can't you just say "good"?

But he also knew it in his heart.

This concert was exciting, but not surprising.

There is no such thing as a concert that is completely unexpected and feels like it happened in the "future".

But it’s understandable, right?

But on second thought, Naughty Cat’s future lies in concerts.

How confident are you?

Dare you call this name?

Many people saw that the concert was over and wanted to leave.

But he was stopped by the staff.

Because VR glasses need to be inspected and recycled one by one.

This one is not cheap!

This made many people look dissatisfied.

Many people were forcibly pulled out of that dreamlike world.

Look at the big pit in everyone's hair.

The only sense of "fantasy" or "future" is gone.

But this concert was not in vain.

After counting the glasses.

When the show was over, many people were whispering.

"This Genting VR1 seems quite comfortable to wear. Do you want to buy one?"

"Buy one, there will be a Naughty Cat Online Future Has Come concert tomorrow."

"The AR special effects in the middle are quite awesome."

"After all, Electronic Arts is also a big company."

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