After the Fantasy Future concert ended, it still caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

Some people feel that they come here with joy and return disappointed, while some people feel that it is wonderful.

Those who praise it praise it to the sky, while those who disparage it regard it as worthless.

Unlike the endless debates on foreign social media, the domestic public opinion environment is much calmer.

Even said that no one discussed it.

Because there are only three Fantasy Futures concerts, and they are all in Los Angeles.

I don’t have the conditions to go!

What can be done about this?

Instead of fantasizing about future concerts, it’s better to think about Naughty Cat’s future concerts.

The official stated that using Genting VR1 to experience it will have quite good results.

Because of the superposition of the two factors of "Hunter: Call of the Wild" and concerts, Genting VR1 is almost sold out.

This made Zhou Yun complain again and again.

"Mr. Lin, you have to tell me about this in advance. Many places are no longer able to supply the goods."

Lin Mo had no idea about this.

After all, it was relatively late when Dinis contacted him about the matter.

The concert hadn't even started yet, and Lin Mo was scolded a lot innocently.

Due to the global time difference, no matter which time it opens, some players will have to get up in the middle of the night to watch this concert.

Since there are always people complaining about time issues, Lin Mo simply chose the most friendly time for domestic players.

eight pm.

After a meal, reading will not affect your sleep.

But this time is not very friendly to the lighthouse country.

"Damn it, couldn't Lin Mo choose a better time?"

Bowen, CEO of Electronic Arts, climbed out of bed sleepily.

In another year he will be sixty.

At his position, it was rare for anything to get him out of bed in the middle of the night.

But today is an exception.

Naughty Cat's future is now concerts, held online.

Free to watch worldwide.

A week ago, he was very confident that he would definitely be able to win Dinis's big order.

But within a few days, news came that the naughty cat had stepped in.

What made all this happen was a hunting game with a sales volume of only 1.55 million.

This made him feel extremely ridiculous.

Electronic Arts has been preparing for a year to imagine future concerts.

As for Naughty Cat, it has been since the commercial version of "Hunter: Call of the Wild" was released and was spotted by Disney until today.

How long has it been?

If you can snatch the order from him like this, you might as well just buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

In recent years, the game industry has been full of vicious competition, and Electronic Arts' games have also experienced thunderstorms several times.

It wasn't until the release of "Dark Cage" in December last year that the decline was stopped.

Although the games did not lose money, their reputation collapsed and indirectly affected the stock price.

It wasn't until there was news that they were going to win a big deal from Dinis that some of the decline was restored.

Although he doesn’t understand games and doesn’t play them, it doesn’t stop him from being one of the most successful businessmen in the gaming industry.

He fully understands the importance of this order to the company and is a key part of boosting investor confidence.

It’s inevitable to win, there’s no room for loss!

He also went to watch the Fantasy Future concert.

Very wonderful.

He really couldn't imagine why Electronic Arts would lose?

I am full of confidence in my fantasy future concert.

After waiting for a while, the concert was about to start.

He also followed the prompts, put on the VR glasses, and connected it to the computer.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has been downloaded on the computer a long time ago, and the updated version of today's Research and Innovation Conference has been completed.

The first sight upon entering.

A gift package pops up on the interface.

You can get it for free for a limited time, and it contains the body movements of some characters.

For example, cheering, blowing kisses, calling, waving light sticks, various disco moves, etc.

There is also a paid gift package with some additional special effects props.

Buy everything you can.

Looking at the game again, there is a dedicated server for the future concert on the interface.

click to enter.

After loading, you will see an island scenery in front of you.

It was dusk, and the sun was setting in the distance.

The first reaction was the same as when I played the educational version of "Hunter: Call of the Wild".

Reality, details, and the ultimate picture.

Look around.

This is a small island located in the south of the classic map Erangel, far away from the nearest airport.

There is a unique stage in the center of the island.

The surroundings are filled with light and are very beautiful.

There are many players on the stage who have already climbed up, looking left and right with fresh faces.

A left punch and a right kick.

However, players can see each other's movements, but cannot physically touch each other.

There are also players who display their fine traditions and lie on the ground one after another, playing human centipede.

Others use the various moves they just got on stage.

Some were playing wota art, some were nodding and dancing in place, and some were cheering and jumping.

It seems that there is no difference?

There is also a stage and an audience.

It’s just that the location has been moved from the scene to online, and watching real people has become watching fake people.

Is this also called the future has arrived?

Isn’t this future too simple?

While they were thinking, a viewing reminder popped up in front of everyone.

Includes epilepsy warnings, courtesy issues during viewing, concert content and more.

Baoken did a lot of homework and still has impressions of many of the above programs.

Some are CSGO music box tracks, some are game soundtracks, and some are theme songs.

It's a concert, but it's not exactly like a fantasy future concert, consisting of a pure orchestra playing pure music.

It's a bit like a hodgepodge.

The reminder ends and a colorful countdown appears on the screen.

The big screen on the island's center stage also has a picture.

It is the player scene in each group of servers.

Every second that passes, a shot is cut.

Gradually, I didn't know who was first, and started counting down.


"Open the door!"

"Start quickly!"


The audience cheered.

The moment the countdown ended, a band appeared on the stage like magic.

You can immediately recognize it as a band from China.

Instantly, background music started playing.

Just after seeing this scene, the originally excited players were stunned.

Including Baoken, he almost burst out laughing.

That's it?

Did you really move the concerts you watched offline to online?

Does it make sense?

Sure enough, nothing good can be made in such a short time.

Shaking his head, he was about to exit to catch up on his sleep.

But I heard the roar of some players.

"What are you doing? What is this? You're making trouble!"

"RNM! Refund!"

Players' outcry is getting louder.

Then, a tomato appeared on all players' hands at the same time.

Everyone understood it and threw it directly on the stage.

Several members of the band scurried away, covering their heads and jumping to the back of the stage.

The player quickly caught up, but was nowhere to be seen.

Everyone was confused for a while.

What is this scenario?

Performance accident?

But what happened to the tomatoes in my hand?

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