The game opens in a cabin.

The style is a bit wild and a bit primitive.

It was filled with people wearing armor and weapons, chatting and drinking together.

There is also the cat who plays Proof of Heroes in the future concert, this time acting as a waiter.

A plate of barbecue is held on the head and served to the guests.

It should be said that it is a whole leg of some kind of creature.

The protagonist started to pinch his face while chatting with other people.

Xiaobai thought to himself, it was only broadcast for an hour anyway, so pinching one’s face is part of the game, right?

Well, let’s do a newbie mission after pinching my face.

Off the air!

After more than half an hour, a girl with white hair and red eyes, with a curvy front and back that conforms to Chinese aesthetics, appeared.

After finishing the face pinching, he unexpectedly discovered that the protagonist could bring a cat!

After pinching the cat's face again, I thought about it and gave the cat a prank name - Naughty Cat.

[Warning from Lin Mo’s lawyer]

[Naughty Cat’s Little Butler reminds you, please cherish your account]

[Do you really think Lin Mo doesn’t dare to block your account? 】

After a brief cutscene, we learned that the fifth investigation team was setting off again after 40 years.

In order to solve the mystery of ancient dragon migration.

While they were chatting, the boat they were on suddenly started to shake.

It was like hitting something huge.

Several people quickly ran out of the cabin.

At this time, the weather outside was already cloudy and the wind was howling.

In the middle of the fleet, a huge creature slowly appeared.

It was much larger than all the ships in the fleet combined, and was covered in high-temperature magma.

The moment it appeared, a burst of water vapor rose around it.

In an instant, the fleet suffered a devastating blow, and people were like ants in front of it.

Xiaobai's eyes lit up, his sleepiness reduced a lot, and he thought of the information released at the concert.

"Is this the Molten Dragon? Damn it, it's so big? Don't be a useless little thing anymore."

The ship is destroyed, and the protagonist is forced to climb into the body of the Lava Dragon.

From its body, you can clearly see the water vapor rising everywhere and the flowing magma.

You can feel the heat across the screen, and paired with appropriate music, the sense of urgency is heightened.

The protagonist used the hook lock to grab the pterosaur's legs and escape from the lava dragon. The scene turned to a green and vibrant new continent.

After landing, before he had time to praise Laoshan Dragon for his shock, Xiaobai once again looked at the primeval forest in front of him and was speechless.

So beautiful.

Huge vines and trees are intertwined with roots, and a huge tree reaches straight into the sky. There are small rivers flowing on the ground, the water is crystal clear, and several herbivorous animals are drinking and resting leisurely.

A feeling of peace and tranquility.

The trees are tall and short, with different shapes, and the tall grass can even cover most of the protagonist's body.

When the protagonist runs past, there is an obvious physical collision effect with the vegetation, making people really feel like they are walking in a primitive forest.

The map design has clear layers, showing the charm of this map called Ancient Tree Forest.

Along the way, you are integrated into the plot while also acting like a real hunter.

Learn to collect, avoid, and collect prey information and footprints.

Of course, there cannot be only peace and stability in the virgin forest, but there are also dangers.

For example, the ferocious jackal dragon that has just killed its prey is eating.

There is also a big ferocious jackal dragon that is obviously the leader of the ferocious jackal dragon.

Being interrupted from eating, he stared at the two of them with ferocious eyes, and then launched an attack without hesitation.

Thanks to the help of the squad leader of the investigation team, we were able to get out of trouble.

But the danger is not over yet.

The big ferocious jackal dragon chased after him, appearing extremely ferocious along the way, smashing everything it encountered.

The protagonist, the receptionist girl and the investigation squad leader ran away.

The stronghold is just ahead.

At that time, he didn't have time to run to the gathering point.

Another roar came from behind.

Xiaobai couldn't help but glance back.

A dragon-like creature with a pink-purple body, gray hair on its back, short forelimbs but extremely strong hind legs, and a giant jaw jumped over directly.

The ferocious jackal, which was huge and arrogant just now, looked like a small animal in front of it. It was bitten on the vital part of the throat and locked tightly, unable to move.

"What the hell?! What is this? Tyrannosaurus rex? Oh no, what's it called? Barbarosaurus!"

The huge bite force made the body of the big ferocious jackal make a heart-breaking sound of bone cracking.

The blood of the big ferocious jackal seeped out between the teeth of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, which was extremely miserable.

He raised his head again and hit the ground hard. This time, the ferocious jackal dragon completely lost its breath.

The trio also took the opportunity to escape towards the stronghold.

Upon discovering the three people's escape, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared and ran over with its strong hind legs.

At the critical moment, the gate of the stronghold fell straight down, and the protagonist escaped at the last moment.

Behind him, there was the sound of the Barbarian Jaws slamming into the gate, making a loud noise.

Xiaobai swallowed.

My head, which was a little drowsy because of "Devil Hunter", completely woke up.

The players were also excited.

[Holy shit, this Barbarian Jaw Dragon is a BOSS, right? The pressure is so strong! 】

[Want to fight this thing? The body shape difference is too big, right?]

【handsome! so cool! A real man would have to fight this giant monster in close combat! 】

[This cutscene is just like a movie, Naughty Cat Studio really did it]

Only a short plot at the beginning shows the upper and lower status of the food chain.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon can easily hunt down the Big Ferocious Jackal, and there are groups of Ferocious Jackal dragons below the Big Ferocious Jackal. The Ferocious Jackal can hunt herbivorous animals without any pressure.

Xiaobai also analyzed with excitement: "This should be one of the most powerful dragons in the entire game. As a BOSS, the ending of the game should be the Molten Dragon."

At this time I looked at the time and saw that it had already been an hour.

After hesitating for a moment, is it unreasonable not to kill one monster?

Well, just do a quest or kill a monster and go to sleep.

The name of the stronghold is Star.

After walking through the tutorial for about ten minutes, I learned how to use the functions in the stronghold.

As for weapons, Xiaobai chose the Tai Sword that he had longed for.

Because, handsome!

The gameplay can be said to be very simple and can be understood at a glance.

Accept the mission, enter the map, hunt, and return.

Soon, the first mission begins.

Hunting the ferocious jackal dragon.

Follow the guide insect to find the target, and then chop melons and vegetables at the little ferocious jackal.

While testing the weapon skills, he also commented.

"Weapon skills are like those in the arcade game era, which require hand-to-hand training and good reviews. This can widen the gap between skills."

"The weapon feels good and has a good impact, slightly better than "Devil Hunter"."

"It's just that the character's mobility is a bit poor, and I'm not used to it."

"Isn't this game a bit simple? The Fierce Jackal Dragon is too good at it."

Since it's so simple, let's play a few more missions.

The second mission is the fierce jackal dragon.

Although it is a little difficult, it also brings a good challenge. The process is a bit thrilling. At one point, I was surrounded and killed by a small ferocious jackal dragon, and I almost died.

But in the end, he managed to get through without any danger.

Finally, watching the big ferocious jackal dragon fall to the ground, a sense of relief came to my heart.

Xiaobai took a long breath and wiped the sweat from his hands, and said with a smile: "To be honest, if "Demon Hunter" has such a reasonable difficulty design, I won't feel sleepy while playing it."

But, should we download it?

Xiaobai hesitated.

He discovered that he was somewhat addicted to hunting.

It's different from "Devil Hunter".

In this game, there are early-stage creatures like the Great Vicious Jackal, which can be killed instantly if you don't pay attention.

There is an inexplicable sense of joy in defeating an opponent with one's own skills.

"Brothers, let's play another mission and kill this guy called Bird Tickler. I'll do it."

Fifteen minutes later.

"Brothers, after beating the poisonous demon bird, I really want to kill it."

Half an hour later.

"Brothers, after fighting the Earth Sand Dragon, I'm really going to kill it!"

As the plot progresses, more and more monsters appear.

All kinds of animals also build a vivid and living world.

You can see the ferocious jackal dragons cooperating to hunt, and you can also see the snipe and clam fight between the mud fish dragon and the earth sand dragon.

The rich movements of each dragon make it feel like they were modeled after living animals.

Xiao Bai originally thought that monsters he had hunted once would be taken out again and asked to fight.

Unexpectedly, each main mission is a different dragon type.

And it's not just a skin change. Each one's attack methods, modeling appearance, living habits, environment, and weaknesses are completely different.

While ensuring freshness, the difficulty gradually increases.

The exciting hunting also attracted countless players to stay in the live broadcast room, and the popularity skyrocketed.

I originally planned to go offline after killing one monster, but unexpectedly I killed one monster after another.

When killing the Flying Thunder Dragon, you can feel that the difficulty has directly increased by a level.

The cat traveled twice, drank up the last potion, and finally succeeded in hunting with remaining blood.

By the time Xiao Bai came to his senses, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

But there is still something unfinished.

This has reached his usual broadcast time.

But after taking a look at the target he was going to hunt next, he immediately accepted the task with high spirits.

The hunting target this time is the Barbarian jaw dragon.

"Brothers. The wonderful time is always short. After I fight the Barbarus, I will go to bed and log off. See you at the same time tomorrow."

As he spoke, he controlled the character to collect information and look for the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

The audience doesn’t care whether the host is tired or not, the day for many night owls has just begun.

[After defeating the Nergigant, start again! ! Or cancel it! ! 】

[Sleep after beating the Barbarian Jaws, right? It’s a deal, sit and wait all night]

[As promised, we must finish the fight, even if we fail multiple times, we must finish the fight]

Xiaobai said disdainfully: "Are you kidding me? I used to be in the strategy team. If you don't see me, three cats will leave the game at once?"

[Waiting for a slap in the face, you said this is one of the most powerful dragons, how can it be so easy to succeed? 】

[Do you think this is a demon hunter? 】

[Sit back and wait for a slap in the face]

"Are you kidding? Look at me!"

During the chat, Xiaobai had followed the guide insect to where the Barbarian Jaw Dragon was.

The majestic and ferocious jackal at the beginning of the game was now trampled on the ground and ravaged like a little Karami.

You can feel from the ferocious eyes of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon that this is not a monster that is easy to mess with.

The protagonist looked up and found many boulders tied to the vines directly above.

With an idea, he used the arm crossbow to knock down the boulder and hit the Barbarian Jaw Dragon hard.

Xiaobai couldn't help but smile when he saw this: "Lin Mo is too kind, isn't he? He is afraid that the player will not be able to beat him and deliberately lowers the difficulty. It is unnecessary. Isn't this too underestimating the player's strength? I am a brave monster hunter!"

Saying that, he rushed forward with his sword in hand.

As soon as they met, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon gnawed it down without hesitation.

Caught off guard, one-third of the blood volume disappeared directly.

"Hiss! Does it hurt so much?"

Xiaobai was so frightened that he rolled backwards, ran a few steps quickly, and then drank the medicine.

But, I just picked up the medicine bottle.

I saw the Barbarian Jaw Dragon assume a charging posture, and then hit it head-on.

I just discovered today that there were some problems with the chapter numbers before, but it didn't affect reading. I checked and the plot is coherent. I don't know why the chapter numbers can't be modified.

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