There was a puff of dust.

With no room for resistance, he fell to the ground exhausted.

Xiaobai was silent for a few seconds, with a look of disbelief on his face.

No, this action is more than one level faster than the previous flying thunder dragon? !

Isn't this a bit ridiculous?

I haven't even touched the butt of the Barbarignathus yet, so this is the only time I've done it?

"Damn, it's interesting. It's indeed one of the strongest dragons." Not only was Xiaobai not discouraged, but he was full of fighting spirit, "It's interesting when it's difficult!"

Then, get ready and continue your crusade!

This time, he was much more cautious.

Instead of dealing damage immediately when they meet, they choose to dodge first and wait until the time is right before dealing damage.

"Brothers, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, hide! Okay, dodge. Don't be too far away, it will be a dragon's car. Don't be too close to the head, the forward swing of the bite is too short."

"The hair is weak and the fire body is big and the anus is weak! So, now!"

Xiao Bai rolled to the back of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, slashed it with his sword without hesitation, and finally saw the damage number.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared and tried to turn around and bite him, but was dodged again, still behind its butt.

Continue output.

Xiaobai laughed loudly and said: "I have found its weakness! Such a big body means poor flexibility, which gives me an opportunity to take advantage of it!"

However, the words just fell.

I saw the Barbarian Jaw Dragon raised its tail high and slapped it fiercely.

And this trick? !

This tail flick was so powerful that more than half of his health was lost.

Xiaobai quickly drank the medicine, and just as his blood volume was full, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon chased him up again and took a bite.

"Fuck! No, big brother! You should give me time to drink medicine!"

Xiaobai was extremely embarrassed for a moment.

In the previous battles, except for the flying thunder dragon, most of the attacks were due to greed for swords.

Very few people get tricked because they fail to react.

Moreover, the previous monster's desire to attack was far inferior to the forest thug in front of him.

Its desire to attack is terrifyingly strong. One move after another, the attacks are endless.

Xiaobai still couldn't withstand another round of violent attacks and fell to the ground for the second time.

【Hahahahaha! Damn it, what did I say? I’m going to stay up all night]

[It is indeed one of the strongest dragons, a bit fierce! 】

[Three cats exit, next! 】

[Barbarian Jaw Dragon: Little girl, you’re helping me enjoy it, right? 】

Xiaobai coughed lightly and said: "I was careless. I forgot the dragon's tail flicking skill. With such a long body, the side is the safe zone for output! Look at me!"

With that said, he set off on his journey again.

This time, I was more careful.

Every time he waited for the Barbarian Jaw Dragon to attack, he dared to strike a few times.

However, this is too slow.

Finally unable to bear it any longer, he rolled onto the side of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

Picking up the Tai Dao will cause a burst of output.

Looking at the damage figures popping up one after another, it feels so good to be happy, and I feel a sense of venting pleasure.

"Look, what did I say? The side is the safe zone! Haha!"

It seemed that the Barbarian Jaw Dragon existed specifically to slap him in the face.

As soon as these words were spoken, the two strong and powerful thighs of the Barbarian jaws bowed slightly, and then

A powerful and heavy iron mountain hit Xiaobai's body.

Wait, what is this? !

Xiaobai was knocked stiff and watched helplessly as the dragon's head turned around.

Time seems a little slow at this moment.


He turned sideways, trying to shrink to the side of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon again.

It’s just that it’s too early!

After the roll was over, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon bit it with its mouth wide open.

With one bite, more than half of the blood volume was lost.

Xiaobai took a deep breath, turned around and ran away in embarrassment.

No stopping!

[Hahahaha, laugh to death, where is the heroic monster hunter? 】

[Lin Mo: Laughing so hard, you still look like a badass after lowering the difficulty level, right? 】

【overnight! overnight! 】

[I just admire the way you look with flags all over your body. As promised, we must finish defeating the Barbarian Jaw Dragon! 】

Xiaobai ran some distance away. He wouldn't be knocked down by the dragon cart at this distance, right?

Thinking about it, he took out the medicine and drank it.

"I'm telling you, I'm getting familiar with this beast's skills, and I'll pass it right away in the next one!"

The so-called professional slap in the face of Barmangnathus.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Bai saw the two thighs of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon bow, and then jump high.

Jumped here!


The moment he landed, Xiaobai was even a little unsteady and staggered.

Nervously, he quickly pressed the scroll button.

The moment the hard fight ended, the character who received the instruction rolled directly to his side.

Still the same problem.


The attack comes only after the roll is over.

Seeing the word "mission failed" in front of him, Xiaobai's head was buzzing.

No, is this reasonable?

The difficulty of Flying Thunder Dragon has already gone up a notch, so why did Barbarian Jaw Dragon go up another level?

It's iron mountain support and crow flying.

Look at the gray hair on the back of the Mangnathosaurus.

Haha, have you been discovered by me?

This hunt lasted ten minutes.

[Laughing to death, the whole process of running, Monster Hunter has become a running simulator, right? 】

[Mr. Manjasaurus, is Xiaobai’s Meituan special delivery here? Your takeaway has arrived]

【overnight! overnight! 】

Xiaobai gritted his teeth and accepted the task again without believing in evil.

Fifteen minutes later.

He lit a cigarette and looked at the screen with some melancholy.

What went wrong?

Seeing Xiaobai being so humiliated by the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, Danmaku immediately became excited.

The popularity skyrocketed even further.

"No, I have to go practice with my weapons. It seems that this monster can't be defeated by swinging a knife all the time."

At the training ground, he began to study and practice weapon skills for the first time.

While practicing, he also said: "To be honest, two hours ago, I thought Lin Mo had made the same mistake as the Demon Hunter. He designed redundant equipment systems and weapon skills. I didn't expect that he was waiting for me here. .”

It's okay if you don't look at it. At first glance, the skill system is quite complicated.

Different combinations of skills can produce different effects.

And he also discovered a magical skill, the Dragon Climb which is so cool and does good damage!

After half an hour of hard study and practice.

"Master Dao, I'm done!" Xiaobai vowed and walked out of the training ground, "Barbarian Jaw Dragon, right? Watch me climb up the dragon and chop off your head."

Fifteen minutes later.

Xiaobai lit a cigarette again and stared at the screen with a sad face.

No, it’s different from the training ground!

[Hahahaha, no, do you want to laugh me to death and inherit my Huabei quota? 】

[Have you ever hit it with Dragon Climb? I’ll just ask]

[Emotional monster hunter is not a professional term, but refers to monsters that hunt humans. Is it called monster "hunter" for short? 】

"I don't believe it, come again!"

"Come again!"

"Again, again."

I originally thought I could take down the Barbarian Jaws in about ten minutes, but now I have been fighting for two and a half hours.

Xiaobai also gradually became irritable.

"You want me to take some medicine!?"

"Can you please stop spinning! You are a big windmill, spinning slowly!"

"Look at me. Damn! It's early!"

The scene was very brutal and bloody.

But there is progress every time.

The timing of skill release is also accurate, and he will not run away randomly after being hit.

Can accurately roll to avoid skills.

From the beginning of random attacks, to the skillful use of skills later, to the precise timing of output.

From rolling randomly at the beginning, you can accurately judge the skill release and roll later.

I was a little scared when I saw the barrage later.

[Please, Xiaobai, just go and build some equipment]

【What did I say? You really stayed up all night, right?]

Try again.

This time the progress was good, and the Barbarian Jaw Dragon escaped once.

In the subsequent battle, it was the Barbarian Jaw Dragon in an even more violent state.

Moreover, it also has the skill of breathing fire, a large-scale AOE.

Xiaobai once again had three cats leave.

Only this time, instead of slamming the table angrily, he suddenly laughed out loud.

This really scares the barrage.

【Fuck! Either sleep! It’s already half past four, and it’s already dark.]

[May I ask about the host’s mental state? 】

[If I can’t make it today, if I can make it I’ll use Rockets]

[After that, I will use the plane]

Xiaobai chuckled and lit a cigarette again, and said with some nostalgia: "Brothers, thank you for accompanying me until now. Have you ever played horizontal or vertical scrolling games like the Famicom?"

Looking at the barrage, some said they had played it, while others said they had never played it, and reported a series of familiar game names.

Xiaobai nodded and said: "Yes, these are the games you are talking about. In order to practice how to pass the level in a place, I could buy snacks for my amazing little friends and spend a few days practicing. Unexpectedly, now I can It’s only been stuck for a few hours and I can’t stand it anymore.”

This sentence brought back the memories of many players.

It seems true.

How long has it been since you were so stuck on a game?

The games I played later became simpler and less difficult, for fear that players would give up.

But it is rarely as happy as playing as a child.

"Brothers, I know that it is not a good choice to fight the Barbarian Jaw Dragon with the junk equipment that has been pieced together here and there. If I had used a Mudfish Dragon weapon and a set of Fire Pit equipment, I might have passed."

Xiaobai took a deep breath and clicked to accept the task again.

"But! This is one of the few that gives me the feeling that I defeated the BOSS after I became stronger. Rather than defeating the BOSS after my equipment became stronger and my skills became stronger."

"It's true that I have been dying, but I am getting stronger! The Barbarian Jaw Dragon has not grown at all! Tonight, I will decide on its dragon head!"

"The Barbarian Jaw Dragon is indeed one of the strongest dragons. I admit your strength. But today, I, Xiaobai, want to stand at the top of the food chain!"

With that said, he stepped back into the mission map.

【ohhhhh! 】

[What happened to the inexplicable ignition? 】

【Just do it! 】

Xiaobai once again stepped into the battlefield.

At this time, it was almost six o'clock.

Although sleepy and exhausted, he was surprisingly focused.

And, surprisingly confident.

Every move of the Barbarognathus is engraved into its DNA.

So calm and scary!

The actual situation is just right, no longer empty.

Gradually the forest thug was cornered.

Even Xiao Bai felt that he saw a trace of fear in its eyes.

"Come on! Barbarian Jaw Dragon! See how many shots you can take from me? Climb the dragon and kill it!"

As the thrust hit, Xiaobai flew up, jumped into the air, and then struck down with the sword.

In an instant, countless numbers popped up.

There is no intact spot on the skin of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon. It has become bloody and miserable.

Where is the majesty of the forest thugs?

The last damage number pops up.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon finally couldn't withstand such a violent attack.

After 18 minutes, a cat car.

Listen to the system's triumphant music.


"Fuck! It worked! I succeeded! Everyone stand up! Where's the one who said airplanes and rockets before? Give me a brush! Where's the one who said apologize? Apologize!"


【Xiaobai is awesome! I saw that some anchors also defeated the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, but they all upgraded their equipment, which is a lot better]

[When it comes to the end, it’s really a matter of seconds. Can you pass this? It’s so cool]

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