In the live broadcast room at 6:30, there was a lively atmosphere that did not match the time.

A dozen rockets flew out of the plane before they stopped.

Xiaobai was full of energy and felt full of strength.

Looking at the body of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon lying on the ground, an unprecedented sense of accomplishment surged into my heart.

Did I defeat this extremely powerful behemoth?

I defeated one of the strongest monsters in the game?

The smile on his face was completely unstoppable, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the base of his ears.

Thank you for the gifts one by one.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and went to the plot mission.

The next target is the Lava Dragon.

Xiaobai suddenly had a bold idea.

"Brothers, we've all reached this point. Let's meet the Molten Mountain Dragon, right? If it's difficult, just sleep. If it's not difficult, just finish the game and then sleep."

The audience naturally doesn't mind.

They all started to boo.

At this time, Xiaobai was dazzled by the joy of victory and started a new task directly.

This time he went in, something he didn't expect.

The Laoshan Dragon's crusade was different from before.

It is a mission similar to a story campaign.

There is difficulty, but not great.

"It looks like I'm about to finish the game. I've already beaten the Molten Dragon. Let me just give you a brief review. This game is good and fun. I may try it with other weapons to get a feel for it."

"As for the length of the game, to be honest, I think a game of this quality is worth the price, although it is indeed a bit short."

"I wonder if those dragons revealed at the concert will be released as DLC? I don't know when we can see the Nergigante."

This campaign is divided into several steps.

First weaken the Laoshan Dragon's physical strength, and then go up to its body to destroy its heat dissipation organs.

Just when I thought I was going to finish the game like this, an unexpected thing happened.

The aforementioned Nergigante appears.

Xiaobai was stunned for a while, what are you talking about?

Are you really coming?

Under the interference of Nergigante, the investigation team worked together.

Although it failed to cause more casualties, the battle against Laoshan Dragon failed.

[I’ll go, there’s more! Let me just say, Lin Mo never makes headlines]

【Awesome! It looks like there is more content later! 】

[Look at the next dragon]

Xiaobai was not displeased at all, but in great interest.

He liked this game so much that he laughed loudly and said: "See? I have defeated one of the strongest Barbarian Jaws, what can stop me next?"

Not only is there game content at the back, but there is also an additional map - Coral Mesa.

There are two new tasks -

The fire dragon is the top of the forest

The horned dragon is at the bottom of the sand

"Watch my show, let you know what a heroic monster hunter is!"

Fifteen minutes later.

Xiaobai lit a cigarette and fell into silence watching the character being sprayed to death by the fire dragon.

"Ahem, cough, cough, although the Barbarian Jaw Dragon is one of the strongest, it's not the strongest, right? Mistakes are normal."

The blood was so hot that it was half cold.

Another fifteen minutes later.

Xiaobai's eyes twitched as he watched the horned dragon push the character away with his face full of black lines.

Lighted a cigarette again.

Something seems wrong?

This scene seems familiar?

[Ceratopsian: I heard that you are a heroic monster hunter? 】

[Continue to set up FLAG, please help me]

[Please, fight another dragon, just one! I feel like there are ants crawling in my body now. It’s so itchy. Brother, let’s hit one more. The last one. I swear, it’s really the last one.]

Xiao Bai's warm blood had cooled down again, and he finally realized what he was doing.

"Damn it, who said that the Barbarian Jaw Dragon is one of the strongest? Are you fooling me?!"


[Didn’t you say this yourself? ! 】

Xiaobai was afraid for a while.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything about going to bed after fighting a horned dragon or a fire dragon.

Or he would really die suddenly.

Then regardless of the barrage's attempts to stay, he hurriedly logged off.

On the first day of the game’s release, it wasn’t just Xiaobai.

Many players have encountered the same situation.

Those who performed better were stuck in the Barbarian Jaws.

If the operation is not very good, it will get stuck on Fei Leilong.

Some players even got stuck on the Mud Fish Dragon and the Earth Sand Dragon.

However, many players misunderstood their own strength after a long process of pinching their faces and seeing a few very deceptive monsters in front of them.

Missed the best time for refund.

By the time the card owner got into trouble and cursed at the table, the refund time had already passed.

"Old thief Lin Mo!! Your intentions are so sinister?!"

On this day, the anchors were basically divided into two groups.

Play Demon Hunter, and play Monster Hunter.

I originally thought that the Demon Hunter with more gorgeous skills and even some light pollution would be more popular with players.

But what I never expected was.

There are several times as many people watching Monster Hunter as Demon Hunter.

The more the host breaks defenses and suffers, the happier the players will be.

Moreover, there is a characteristic of the game Monster Hunter. As long as you have not played it, the wonderful operations of the master will seem ordinary, because cloud players cannot feel the gold content.

This makes many players feel that they can do it on their own.

This doesn’t look that difficult! Why is the anchor so stupid?

Or, is this game really that difficult?

Once you try it, you'll be out of control.

And some people have discovered that this game is better than playing alone.

Playing in a team seems to be a lot of fun.

The premise is that there are no pressure monsters.

A few days after the release.

Monster Hunter\u003c/em\u003e's online presence is nothing short of outrageous.

It doesn't get very good reviews.

Countdown in all naughty cat games.

Most of the negative reviews are criticizing the difficulty as being unreasonable.

And the negative reviews are concentrated on players who have played for less than five hours.

The more time you play, the fewer negative reviews you give, and the more you feel like the game from the reviews.

But we also know from the number of reviews that sales are good.

They are the best in naughty cat games.

This puzzles many designers.

Just like Martin.

Why? !

Do players really like being abused that much? !

What happened to this world?

Many hardcore games have become obsolete, so why does this game survive?

And it’s so hot?

In the game producer table.

In addition to Lin Mo, who has remained immobile for ten thousand years, there is another name that is also extremely conspicuous.

Wang Yi was the abandoned son of Electronic Arts a few months ago.

She was "fired" due to a discrimination scandal and the dissatisfaction of Lighthouse players, and then joined Naughty Cat, becoming a laughing stock for a period of time.

There are indeed many people who blame Wang Yi for "The Dark Cage" not winning the best, thinking that this is a failed and immature design.

Only the fans of "Dark Cage" were heartbroken and told you guys to get lost, we want Wang Yi.

The industry has previously laughed at the so-called difficult design, a design with the core idea of ​​awakening players' sense of accomplishment.

But looking at the popularity of Monster Hunter after its release, is it wrong again?

Countless designers are messy again.

Chicken-fighting games haven’t been studied clearly yet. Except for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, there hasn’t been a serious large-scale chicken-fighting game.

Now there is a design concept that they don't understand at all.

Lin Mo, do you want to live or not?

In a studio at Electronic Arts.

Wang Zichen received a notice that he did not expect at all.

"What?! The pre-sale and release of the game are advanced? No! The game has not been polished yet, and I want to apply for an extension! Doesn't this advance collide with Electronic Arts' own games? How can this be?"

On the phone, the voice carried a majesty that could not be denied.

"Please obey the arrangements!"

Wang Zichen's voice was also higher.

"It can't be done in advance! I don't agree! If it must be done in advance, I would rather resign."

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds.

"as you wish."

Chapter 4 Afternoon

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