Electronic Arts acted quickly and resolutely.

Wang Zichen never expected that he would be fired for refusing to launch his game in advance.

When the notice came down, he looked incredulous.

Electronic Arts has a common problem among large companies, which is that it is bloated and inefficient.

But this time it would happen so quickly, which he never expected.

Pack your things and get in your friend's car.

Liu Hao joked as soon as they met: "Unemployed? Congratulations. It seems that your status as a rich second generation in China does not help your work."

However, Wang Zichen had not recovered from the shock at this time. Without saying a word, he lay on his side on the passenger seat and looked out the window with some depression.

There was silence in the car for a while, and Liu Hao asked: "What's the next plan? You have experience in the development of "Skyfire War Armor", so you know that if you are unemployed, you should not worry about finding a job."

Wang Zichen's expression became even more sad, and he sighed: "I think I may not be suitable for working in games. I am really disappointed with this industry."

"Why, Young Master Wang is going home to inherit the family business?"


"You can't do this. Why don't you go and relax? How about Dinis?"

"I'm not going." As soon as he said these two words, he saw that his friend drove the car in the opposite direction of his home without any hesitation. He could only sigh helplessly, "Hey, okay, you have the final say."

Come to Disneyland.

When he walked into the park, his mood improved a little, probably because of the environment.

But only a little.

Because he saw the linkage statue not far away after entering the park.

The statue of the demon lord in "Demon Hunter".

Many players who are not involved in video games see the statue as somewhat handsome, and some people take photos or group photos from time to time.

Wang Zichen couldn't help but cursed: "Damn Martin, this is originally a promotional resource for Skyfire Armor 2!"

"It's a good thing I didn't give Skyfire Armor 2, or will you have to suffer even more now?"


The purpose of this trip was to relax, so the two simply enjoyed the joyful atmosphere, walking, watching and chatting.

While chatting, we walked to Area C.

Wang Zichen subconsciously rejected this place, which brought him many bad memories.

It stands to reason that this place also has a linked statue about the demon hunter.

But look around.


Instead, tourists gathered in a long queue outside a venue, and screams could be heard from inside.

At that decibel, those who don’t know how frightened they thought they were.

Among them, there are many game enthusiasts wearing game-style pain shirts.

Take a closer look.

monster hunter?

After asking the surrounding staff, I found out that it was due to the agreement reached between Dinis and Naughty Cat.

There was originally a statue here, but because we had to make room for the naughty cat, it was moved to a small corner of the park.

Listening to this, Wang Zichen felt inexplicably happy.

Well done!

Evil people will be tortured by evil people.

Thinking again, Martin has been in a worse situation than him recently. He has been bullied online one after another. At the same time, it was revealed that he made rude remarks to Lin Mo at the WGA and used dirty methods to exclude Wang Yi.

Such a studio that is constantly experiencing thunderstorms and cannot make money for Electronic Arts has only one fate.

That is dissolution.

Moreover, Martin has a bad record before him. This time the studio is disbanded, it will be difficult to find a job again.

Even though Electronic Arts would lose the order from Disney to Naughty Cat, this is still a bit unexpected.

Although it has many shortcomings, it is still a monster with a market value of US$30 billion.

Previously, no one expected this result.

Seeing that the spot that belonged to "Demon Hunter" was taken away, Liu Hao thought of it and pulled him directly to start queuing.

And said: "By the way, do you want to refer to Wang Yi and return to China to work? Try Naughty Cat?"

I thought it was a good suggestion, but Wang Zichen shook his head without hesitation and said: "No. Lin Mo is a genius, but his games are mainly famous for their trendy design concepts. You know, I like games that win with plot. game."

Liu Hao nodded, this is the truth.

Even the biochemical series with the richest amount of plots has not been able to make much breakthrough in the plot due to the limited themes.

As for the other games, either the plot plays a supporting role, or there is no plot at all.

Although Wang Zichen is a rich second generation, he never borrows family resources.

The eldest brother inherited the family business. He has been fond of games since he was a child, and his family did not object to it. They just hoped that he could return to China to develop.

It’s not like he just wanted to enter the gaming industry.

His debut work "Skyfire War Armor" has many shortcomings. The characters' faces are stiff due to lack of money, the dialogue is stationary, the gameplay is not rich enough, and the graphics are average.

But the plot is truly incredible, and in the end, it won the game and was widely praised by players.

He is more like a screenwriter than a chief designer.

"But I think a designer like Lin Mo, who is ambitious and has ideas and is always looking for breakthroughs, will not be willing to have weaknesses. Maybe he will make some story-based games in the future? Won't there be room for you to play by then? Already?"

Wang Zichen said lazily: "If there is such a day, I would be happy to take up the job. But who knows when it will be? Besides, Lin Mo's storytelling skills may not be as good as mine, so why should I go?"

During the chat, two people had already lined up.

The order for Disney's new indoor park, which is mainly focused on electronic entertainment, is most likely from Naughty Cat. This is something both of them know.

When it was their turn, they discovered that the old venue had been completely remodeled to test some aspects of the new venue.

The site area is limited, and there is only one project. Looking at the on-site equipment, is this a facility that uses VR to simulate riding a roller coaster?

There are 20 transparent round glass capsules in the venue, which can seat two players.

Each glass sphere has an operating platform, and I don’t know what it can control.

"This is not something that has been played in VR experience stores for a long time. It has no feeling at all while sitting. As for screaming like that? Disney would actually have such a boring project."

Liu Hao sat down in his seat enthusiastically and said, "Let's talk about it after experiencing it. Naughty Cat can always surprise players, right?"

With questions in mind, a staff member came to help put on glasses and take safety measures.

After the glasses were activated, everything was dark.

Then, surround sound filled my ears.

"Dear players, please follow the prompts to control the spherical car."

In the darkness in front of him, the position of the joystick glowed slightly.

Wang Zichen pushed gently, feeling the slight recoil caused by the spherical car, and then walked forward.

At the same time, a gate in front of him slowly opened after making a sound, giving a panoramic view of the sunshine and scenery outside.

A lush forest came into view, and when several Corontosaurus saw the spherical car driving out, they quickly turned around and ran away.

The huge tree crown soared into the sky, and the cooing of birds and the dull cry of the Corythosaurus came to my ears.

Even though I knew everything was fake, I felt like I was smelling a breath of fresh air.

Looking around, there is a vibrant green.

Looking up, the bright sunlight shines through the gaps between leaves and branches, creating a Tyndall effect view that is hard to see in the city.

The spherical car went further.

The surround sound broadcast in my ears said: "Visitors, welcome to the ancient tree forest."

Seeing this scene, Wang Zichen couldn't help but sigh.

Electronic Arts seems to have lost unjustly.

late, sorry

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