While he was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery, Liu Hao's voice came from beside him: "Look, I said naughty cats can always surprise people, right?"

Wang Zichen nodded: "Indeed, I didn't expect it."

"Think about it, this kind of technology is the only one in the world. How cool would it be if this kind of technology could interpret your wonderful story!"

These words touched Wang Zichen's heart.

He has loved the touching and shocking stories brought to him since he was a child.

It’s just that the density and efficiency of information conveyed by text is not as good as that of video, and video is slightly lower than that of games.

As a comprehensive art form, this is one of the reasons why he entered the gaming industry.

To say that I am not moved would be a lie.

Just looking at it makes me think of many opportunities for me to show my talents.

At this time, the voice in my ears sounded again.

"Visitors, welcome to use time travel technology to experience a world that has disappeared in the long river of history."

"There will be optical camouflage protecting the spherical vehicle and it will not pose any danger to you."

"Now, please follow my command to visit the habitat of the Corontosaurus."

The purpose of this statement is somewhat like a game narration, the purpose is to increase the player's sense of involvement.

But I have to say, after such a period of time, there is really an illusion.

Have you really traveled into the world of Monster Hunter?

Looking around, in this lifelike virtual world, all the spherical cars that are activated are coming out.

In reality, they are obviously fixed in one position, but everyone's operations are different, and they will have different reactions in this virtual world.

It's like an online game on a VR platform.

"Now activate the camouflage mode to better observe the habits of the Corontosaurus. Please do not touch it to avoid danger."

"Corontosaurus is a herbivorous dragon. The adult male is between 1.5 and 2 meters long and about 1.8 meters high."

After gradually getting closer, relying on the 4K image quality, it looked like a real Corontosaurus appeared in front of me.

It's a different feeling compared to playing games on the screen.


When I used the Hunter to kill this poor thing in the game, I didn't realize how powerful it was at all, but when I saw it up close, I knew it was definitely not easy to mess with.

A herbivore weighing more than 500 kilograms collides with it. Who can resist it?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw a spherical car slowly driving past and getting close to an adult male Corontosaurus.

It attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Uh, isn't contact prohibited?"

As a game designer, Wang Zichen's first reaction was to count the number of spherical cars present.


"This should be a purely virtual spherical car. If all players are honest and don't anger the coronasaurus, it will help players do this."



After all, the spherical car is not a car. This kind of equipment mainly used for sightseeing is difficult to control and it is too close!

A flash of light flashed, and the optical camouflage was instantly disabled.


The angry male Corontosaurus immediately took a defensive posture, and the others followed suit and prepared to attack.

Even though I knew it was fake, the scene in front of me was so realistic that I couldn't help but be scared.

Liu Hao swallowed his saliva and said, "Uh, the beginning of an American industrial film? There are always a few troublemakers who put people in danger?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the explanation became a little urgent: "The remote control mode is now used to control the return of the spherical car. Please pay attention to safety."

But the angered Corontosaurus didn't care at all, and the entire group rushed over in unison.

In an instant, the scene was in chaos.

Wang Zichen watched helplessly as a crested dragon rushed over. He knew it was a fake, but he subconsciously raised his hands to protect himself.

Corontosaurus put its head on the spherical car, and with a click, a small crack actually appeared!

The next second, an interface appeared in front of him.

Warning: The remote control system has failed!

Not just this spherical car, but others too.

"Damn it! It's really a common opening for art and industrial blockbusters!" Liu Hao asked nervously, "What should I do? Do you want to go back with your hands?"

Wang Zichen came back to his senses, shook his head and said: "No, it seems that Genting VR1 has a really strong sense of immersion. This is essentially a stand-alone game. Even if you stay put, Lin Mo's design will allow all players to experience the adventure together. "

That being said, other players don't think so.

He quickly and nervously drove on the road.

At this time, there was another movement in the forest.

But this time, it was not the natural enemy the ferocious jackal that appeared, but an even more terrifying forest thug - the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

It roared and jumped over.

The ground seemed to be shaking when he landed.

Across the spherical car, I heard the uncontrollable screams of many tourists.

But he had to hold back not to scream, his heart was pounding.

Damn it!

It seems a bit exciting!

No wonder there were so many screams heard outside.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared, feeling extremely angry.

It doesn't know who it is, but it dares to walk into its hunting ground!

So he launched the attack without hesitation.

The first thing to suffer was that stupid spherical car.

The Barbarognathus bit it down without hesitation and held it in his mouth.

The terrifying bite force made the ball of the spherical car make a creaking sound.

The next second, there was a click, and it was bitten into pieces.

Just as the Barbarian Jaw Dragon was about to continue its attack, there was a buzzing sound in the sky, and an armed drone flew out, launching an attack without hesitation.

The flames of the explosion lit up.

Some players have forgotten that they are experiencing the game and cheered directly.

Unfortunately, this is not the only kind of terrifying creature in this terrifying and beautiful forest.

A phantom flashed among the giant trees in the forest.

Another giant beast appears!

It is a flying thunder dragon known for its agility, lightning, and short-term flight capabilities.

As soon as they met, it unfolded the membrane between its front and rear feet and glided through the air. It destroyed a drone and landed on the top of another giant tree.

With a roar, the terrifying static electricity ability was released.

The next second, the drones in the sky were like headless flies, falling one after another.

The commentator's voice was no longer calm and he said urgently: "Tourists, run!"

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon also moved, spitting out a mouthful of flames and burning the roadblocks in front of it.

Seeing this, the spherical cars quickly ran away towards the front.

But not every player is proficient in using the console.

The last ones have been overtaken.

The screaming started again.

The barbarian dragon picked up its tail and threw it hard, like hitting a baseball.

"Bang" sound.

Wang Zichen watched a spherical car draw a beautiful parabola in the air and land in front.

The great escape of life and death has begun.

Knowing that it was no match for this top-notch hunter, the drone began to use its own advantages to guide the fleeing tourists.

Sometimes to heaven.

Above the ancient tree forest, I saw a fire dragon flying in the sky.

Flames spurt out, making the player feel a burst of hot breath.

Sometimes he goes to the ground.

In the process of escaping, they reached the Great Ant Mound Wasteland.

After accidentally entering the horned dragon's lair, the violent attack and the powerful horn made every player unable to help but worry about whether the spherical car would be destroyed.

Just when I thought I had escaped and ascended to heaven, I encountered the most familiar monster in Monster Hunter World again.

A terrifying and extremely ferocious monster like a demon, the ancient dragon hunter with unlimited destructive power - Nergigante.

At this time, Nergigante had been beaten to a pulp in the hands of the first batch of old hunters.

But now, it's an unstoppable monster.

Its huge wings cover the sky and the sun, its body is covered with white spikes, it has a huge mouth, and two huge horns that are even better than a horned dragon.

In the storyline, the appearance of the Nergigante is accompanied by the ancient dragon crossing, and it will pursue those ancient dragons with huge life energy.

Wang Zichen no longer ignored the designer's instinct and analyzed the content of this "game".

As the cover girl of Monster Hunter World, this means that there will be other ancient dragons appearing.

as expected.

While chasing the spherical car, we arrived at the underground lava cave.

Here, the extermination dragon and the ancient dragon species Flame King Dragon fought together.

The two giant beasts landed on their hind feet, stood upright, and grappled with each other as if they were wrestling.

For a moment, the ground shook, magma splashed, the cave was affected by the battle, and rubble continued to fall from the top.

However, in terms of pure strength, how can the Flame King Dragon defeat the Nergigante Dragon with its powerful limbs?

But after a brief stalemate, Yanwanglong was pushed to the ground.

In the land of dragon crystals.

The ancient dragon Steel Dragon wanted to use its own advantage to launch an attack from the air. The power of the wind gathered and blew a terrifying tornado in the cave.

The huge wind force pulled the spherical car unable to move.

Just when all the spherical cars were about to be sucked into the tornado, the Nergigante let out a deafening roar.

He actually grabbed the steel dragon from the sky, locked it tightly, and then threw it out like a bowling ball. It hit the cave wall and countless crystal stones fell from the sky.

"Visitors! There is a backup evacuation point in the cave ahead. You guys need to leave quickly!"

But, how can it be that easy?

Ahead is an old friend that the fast-moving hunters have already met - Yanfeilong.

As soon as the two ancient dragons met, they started fighting without any explanation.

In the communication channel, the commentator's voice sounded a little frightened: "It's over, the entrance to the evacuation point is blocked!"

Facing the Flame Concubine Dragon, the Nergigante Dragon undoubtedly showed its cruelty.

Yan Fei Long couldn't even use his ultimate move, so he was bitten by the throat and pinned to the ground.

But at this time, another monster rushed over.

Yanwanglong, which has failed once before!

The couple Yanwanglong and Yanfeilong faced the brutal Nergigant.

This battle was fought in darkness, and heat waves hit everyone in the spherical car.

A huge creature was thrown over.

Yan Feilong's huge body directly hit the boulder.

The hole at the evacuation point was finally revealed!

How dare the spherical car stay longer after seeing this?

He rushed in quickly.

Behind him, the fighting momentum of three ancient dragons covered the sky and the sun.

A violent explosion sounded. The impact hit along the cave, throwing every spherical car out.

Then he landed suddenly.

"Jump begins. 3, 2, 1!"

There was a flash of white light in front of my eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already back inside the venue, which was not that big.

Wang Zichen touched his thumping chest and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Even though I knew it was fake, I still couldn't help but feel nervous and even a little scared.

He even couldn't help but scream a few times.

Liu Hao, who was with him, was even more unbearable, so nervous that his forehead was covered with sweat.

The commentator's voice sounded again.

"Please remember that players must stay away from all visible creatures when visiting. It's over, something happened, and your wages will be deducted."

The voice hangs up.

The hatch of the spherical car opens.

At this time, less than five minutes had passed since entering the spherical car.

It was a thrilling five minutes.

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