This journey is over.

When many players got off the spherical car, their legs were even a little weak and they needed help from the staff.

Wang Zichen and Liu Hao sat on the chairs outside for a long time, unable to recover.

After a long time.

"Okay, I admit, this is indeed not comparable to the fake VR experience stores on the street." Wang Zichen let out a long breath, "Naughty Cat really keeps surprising me."

Liu Hao said proudly: "Really? Then do you want to consider applying for Naughty Cat?"

But as soon as these words came out, Wang Zichen hesitated again.

"But if Lin Mo keeps making games that I don't like, wouldn't it be a waste of time? Again, Lin Mo is indeed a genius, but he can't be omnipotent. His story-telling skills may not be as good as mine. Or why don’t any of his games have a good plot?”

Seeing that there was hope, Liu Hao continued to encourage: "Why don't you call Wang Yi and ask? Maybe you haven't had time to do it yet? I know you are not familiar with each other, but I just have contact information. But try Well! It won’t happen.”

Wang Zichen wanted to refuse, but thought again.

Looking around the world, Naughty Cat, a VR developer, has long been far ahead.

VR is another highly immersive gaming method, which is very suitable for rendering emotions and telling stories.

After hesitating for a long time, Liu Hao could no longer wait and urged him again and again.

"Hurry up, maybe after knowing more about it, you may want to join Naughty Cat."

"Then give it a try." Wang Zichen gritted his teeth and said, "But I won't beg anyone to join. If you don't want me here, I will have my own place. It's not like no one wants me."

With that said, he took out his mobile phone and found Wang Yi's Duoxin.

The last message was three years ago.

Wang Yi: I passed your friend verification request and now we can start chatting.

Besides, there is nothing else.

So, should you call or send multiple messages? Or multi-channel voice?

While hesitating, Liu Hao grabbed the phone and clicked on the voice call on Duoxin.

"I'm really impressed by you, grown men, don't be so nagging."

Wang Zichen had a dark look on his face.

"You are so rude, don't be rejected."

"No, we are colleagues after all, so we won't be so disrespectful. Huh?"

The beeping sound ended.

A message pops up on Duoxin.

The other party has refused.

Liu Hao:.

Wang Zichen's face was covered with black lines and he gave him an unkind look.

His fists were clenched.

Wang Yi hung up the multi-message call and put it on mute. She turned around and asked sheepishly: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry. Did I miss anything important?"

Lin Mo shook his head and said it was okay, and said: "It doesn't matter, it won't affect you. Let me briefly talk about the company's new project "Titanfall"."

Du Rui asked with some confusion: "Mr. Lin, won't you continue to use the environment module to develop games?"

"Yes, but not now."

The system made it clear that if the first two games had sold 60 million copies.

Then the higher the sales volume of the third game, the better the rewards will be, up to the maximum of your choice.

In order to achieve this goal, it depends on the performance of "Hunter: Call of the Wild" and "Monster Hunter: World".

The third paragraph is not urgent at the moment.

Next, there are sketches and explanations to restore the appearance of a game.

Titanfall, you can’t understand the content of the game just by hearing the name.

At first glance, you might think it is a game based on Greek mythology.

Just after seeing the sketch, the eyes of all the male employees present lit up.


Men are always interested in weird things and find them cool.

For example, a particularly straight wooden stick, or a sword-shaped ice skate.

Or, giant monsters or mechas.

Of course, Lin Mo is no exception.

Who can resist a humanoid mecha's war weapon?

The faint smell of machine oil is even more charming than the smell of perfume on a woman's body.

Giant monsters, everyone has become addicted to them during the development of Monster Hunter.

But the concept of mecha has not yet been touched upon in Naughty Cat's games.

As a result, everyone sat upright and listened very seriously.

Because the mecha in the sketch is called BT-7274.

It’s so cool!


"Mr. Lin, why is it called BT? Does it have any meaning?"

"It is the abbreviation of BuddyTitan."

"There are obviously cooler names." Zuo Xuming was a little anxious, "Like Electronic Arts' Skyfire Armor? Like a more awesome codename, like Hunter?"

"Or EVANGELION, a general-purpose artificial humanoid decisive battle weapon? Crimson Storm?" Lin Mo glanced at everyone with a smile, "It's called BT, and this cannot be changed. Also, during the production process, remember not to look at Qi Tianhuo Armor, this game is Not bad, but a bit regretful.”

Everyone sighed with regret.

But then he asked: "Regret?"

"Yes, it's a pity." Lin Mo said feeling a little pity, "If it weren't for Electronic Arts' stinginess and the poor production team, the Skyfire Armor driven by the protagonist might not be a cold and simple war weapon. It would be a A reliable partner.”

"That said, I feel the same way. In the final scene where the protagonist drives the Skyfire Armor to cover the allies' departure and attacks the enemy alone, his emotions did not burst out. It would be great if this mecha could communicate."

"Yes, the characters are all pure stand-ups and have poker faces. If you want to turn a mecha into a trustworthy partner, the workload will be much greater."

Lin Mo nodded and said: "So, it is up to us to make up for the player's regret. Let BT become a comrade and partner that the player can remember for a lifetime."

"OHHHHHHHHH! This is such a cool idea!"

"Fuck, I can't wait anymore. It's on fire!"

The female employees participating in the meeting looked confused.

Wang Yi glanced at these male colleagues and said with some confusion: "It's just a mecha, is it necessary to be so excited?"

Gu Ranmin also helplessly spread his hands, expressing his understanding.

"You don't understand." Zuo Xuming and Du Rui said in unison, "This is a man's romance!"

Next, there is a more specific explanation.

The more they looked, the more surprised everyone became.

Because the style of this game is the biggest difference from previous Naughty Cat games.

It seems, quite traditional?

There are no unique concepts or designs.

If anything, the only highlight is that during combat, the mobility of the character controlled by the player has been improved unprecedentedly. It is possible to slide and shovel, double jump, slide on the wall, and go up to the sky and into the ground one by one.

And the key is that this time the plot is the focus of the game, which is the biggest difference from before.

It is also the biggest challenge.

Mecha, plus story plot.

Everyone thought of Electronic Arts' Skyfire Armor series, which had some friction with Naughty Cat.

Although the first part was limited by cost, the campaign part was very short.

It almost serves as a tutorial for the multiplayer mode, and it only takes an hour to play the full game.

Then there's the multiplayer mode.

But in such a short period of time, it still created a character that impressed players and made them like it.

Wang Yi asked: "Mr. Lin, since the plot of the game is the top priority, should you personally be the screenwriter? Are you busy enough? This is not a small project."

Lin Mo sighed and said: "You have to be busy even if you are busy. I don't feel comfortable leaving it to you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone lowered their heads in shame.

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