In the Naughty Cat games, the stories of the biochemical series were written by Lin Mo himself with screenwriters from other companies.

Stories like Monster Hunter and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds are not the main gameplay, and the emotions they bring to players are relatively intuitive.

Like Titanfall, which brings players more delicate emotions and moisturizes things silently, it is a bit stretched.

The two protagonists in the game are BT and Cooper.

Cooper is a human being with a more enthusiastic personality and is easier to control.

But BT is a Titan mecha. How can it establish a bond with Cooper in cold language, so that players can subtly accept and be willing to understand the relationship between the two "people".

is a problem.

The emotional outburst at the end of the game requires a lot of plot and dialogue to pave the way.

Otherwise, no matter how well the ending story is designed, it will not be able to convey this emotion to the players' hearts.

It's a pity that none of the current naughty cats can take on this important responsibility.

Wang Yi became more and more weird the more he listened.

She even felt that Mr. Lin didn’t know who called her just now?

The gaming industry in this world is terrible, and the gaming environment in China is even worse.

Before Naughty Cat came out, there were only a few games such as Counter-Terrorist Squad that were relatively popular.

Therefore, many talented and aspiring designers choose to go overseas.

For example, Huo Qinan from Baofeng Entertainment, her and Wang Zichen from Electronic Arts.

Each of them has their own characteristics. For example, the former has made great achievements in the MMO field. Her design concept was famous before Lin Mo appeared, and the latter is a master of storytelling.

We work under the same roof as Wang Zichen, so we have met each other and have contact information. If we meet by chance, it is naturally impossible to chat on the phone and make porridge.

Could it be

Thinking about it, Wang Yi said: "Mr. Lin, can you give me a few minutes? I need to make a call."

Although he didn't know what she had to do today, Lin Mo still nodded and agreed to continue talking when she comes back.

As a result, the wait lasted ten minutes.

Just when Lin Mo was about to continue talking without waiting for her, the door opened.

Wang Yi poked her head in with a strange look on her face, covering the receiver of her mobile phone with her hand, and asked: "Mr. Lin, there is a master storyteller here. Are you willing to admit him?"

Lin Mo didn't understand what she meant, so he just thought he was an ordinary screenwriter.

"It's not impossible. But there is still a big difference between traditional film and television drama screenwriters and game screenwriters. Are you qualified for the job?"

Wang Yi nodded: "His job responsibility is to be the chief designer and also the game screenwriter."


"Wang Zichen."

As soon as the name came out, Lin Mo was stunned for a moment.

He still knows the chief designer of the Skyfire Armor.

The first part of the series was quite a pity.

It can be seen that the team has great ambitions and has many ideas. However, the development costs provided by Electronic Arts are insufficient and too poor, which makes many contents unable to be realized.

Although mechas still make countless people excited, most of them are achieved through plots and only highlight the power of mechas.

And, just cold killing machines.

The battle process is actually the difference between a person using a gun and a mecha using a gun.

The biggest advantage of the game is that in a very short game process, the characters are well drawn and the story is told wonderfully.

Through some excellent small designs, many characters are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But they are just characters.

The second part is said to have increased some investment, and the development cost has doubled!

Well, 50 million.

By the standards of AAA games in the industry, it can be said to be quite chilling.

But this is still a very anticipated work this year.

"Skyfire 2" and Wang Zichen are also the bookers of this year's WGA Best Narrative Award and Best Game Screenplay Award.

It would be great if such people could join.

but why?

Thinking about it, Lin Mo simply walked out of the conference room and listened carefully to Wang Yi's explanation of the future.

After hearing that Electronic Arts had asked Skyfire Warframe 2 to be released ahead of schedule for financial reasons, Wang Zichen was fired after refusing.

Lin Mo couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

So, I still have the responsibility?

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "If such talents are willing to join, of course they are welcome."

Wang Yi nodded, let go of the receiver and chatted with the other party for a few words.

A minute later, he held his phone again and said, "Mr. Lin, he wants to talk to you, look."


After answering the phone, they exchanged simple greetings and business talk.

During the phone call, Wang Zichen was the first to ask: "Mr. Lin, this may be a bit presumptuous. I heard Wang Yi say that you are developing a game with plot as one of the main selling points. I would like to ask, what do you think of the plot of Skyfire Armor?"

At this time, he and his friend Liu Hao were sitting in a quiet corner of Dinis.

I still felt a little uneasy when I said this.

Some expect the other party's answer, whether it is praise or criticism, it doesn't matter.

The story is not perfect, and you will see it differently from different angles.

But he was also afraid of the other party's answer, fearing that the other party would say something outrageous and destroy the majestic image of this talented designer in his heart.

If the other party is eager for talents and invites you warmly, do you want to join?

What should I do if the other party says that Wang Zichen’s style and philosophy conflict with Naughty Cat?

If Naughty Cat suits him but says he doesn't need him, should he actively ask to join?

No, I can’t pull that face off.

Mr. Lin must take the initiative to invite!

Amidst the anxiety, the answer came.

"I just feel sorry for the Skyfire Armor."


Wang Zichen was shocked when he heard the news coming from his cell phone.

It's a pity indeed.

A lot of ink in Skyfire Armor can only focus on people, not mechas.

Not because I don’t want to, but because it’s expensive.

It’s not like he hasn’t conceived the story of the “mecha partner” that many boys have dreamed of since childhood.

But what I want to achieve is to make players really like this mecha and regard it as a trustworthy partner instead of simply evaluating it as a "handsome" weapon.

It takes a lot of work.

His voice was trembling with excitement.

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean?"

"Don't you feel it's a pity?" Mr. Lin smiled lightly, "In the Skyfire Armor, we dare not design cool execution moves in battle because the engine is too stretched and too difficult. We dare not design too many rich features for the mecha. Action, because it is poor. I dare not give too many frontal shots of the mecha, because the details that need to be shown cannot be reflected. Is that right?"


"I want to have a VR version of the game and give the story the ultimate sense of immersion, but I don't have VR development experience and technology. I want to polish the game to satisfaction before releasing it, but Baoken, who only pursues profit, only cares about the company's financial report. I want to let The game has been seen by more players, but the clown has robbed you of your publicity resources."

Wang Zichen was completely speechless.

After a long time, he asked: "So Mr. Lin, if you were asked to develop it, how would you show the charm of the mecha? How would you tell this story well?"

"If we want to improve the combat system of the Skyfire War Armor, we must first make the players feel that every battle in a mecha is worth looking forward to and exciting. Instead of the character holding a gun and then driving an iron lump holding Gun chug chug.”

"What about the story? We can't let the players cry in front of the mecha, right?"

"Who says it can't be done?" Lin Mo asked back.

"If you follow the idea of ​​a mecha companion that you have thought about, a big difficulty is how to show the changes of a cold iron lump who can only do calculations. And then how to make players believe that under this steel behemoth, there is a person worthy of being a partner. Interesting soul..”

You say something to me.

In the corner of Dinis, Wang Zichen was finally able to talk about all his past whims and wonderful ideas, and exchange creative ideas to his heart's content. It even felt like he had met a confidant.

to the end.

There was silence on the phone.

Wang Zichen knew that he was waiting for his decision.

He glanced at his friend who looked over with a wicked smile.

Helplessly, he said in a low voice that only the two of them could hear: "Don't look at me like that. I admit that Mr. Lin's story telling skills are indeed very good. It's not that he can't make games with good plots. It's because he didn't have the time. Okay?"

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Take a deep breath.

Think about the lack of attention to your hard work after leaving Electronic Arts, and the attitude of always picking at SoSo and not being taken seriously.

Thinking about the naughty cats again, the more I thought about it, the more excited I became.

Forget it, since Mr. Lin doesn’t invite.

Then I will apply.

"Mr. Lin, does your company need a game screenwriter? I will send the resume to the mailbox according to the normal process."

"Of course. And, welcome."

Chapter 4 Afternoon

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