Lighthouse country.

Bowken's head is about to explode lately.

Trouble comes one after another, never ending.

And any one of them will cause a period of turmoil within the company and make people panic.

"Mr. Wilson, Electronic Arts has an advantage that Naughty Cat does not have. We are not only one of the top five game companies in the world, but also the largest publisher. If we reach a cooperation this time, it will be a great success for the Disney Entertainment Business Department."

"Sorry, this is the head office's decision. I don't have that much energy." Wilson's plain voice came over the phone.

"I mean, you can completely trust Electronic Arts' technical capabilities. For example, we can also produce the Future Already concert and the linkage project with "Monster Hunter: World"."

"That's how it is. I'm just informing you out of courtesy. Goodbye."

"Hello? Hello? f※※k!"

He cursed angrily and dropped his phone on the table.

Just now, after considering several aspects, Dinis finally chose to hand over the order to Naughty Cat.

Nothing else, strong technology, popular.

The linkage project of "Monster Hunter: World" has become one of the most popular projects among tourists.

Although 90% of players don’t know what Monster Hunter is.

But this does not affect their enjoyment of this exciting journey.

All kinds of mighty and domineering monsters with astonishing destructive power fought in front of their eyes, causing the world to collapse.

Who wouldn't like that?

He never expected that after planning for so long, the order that he thought was a sure thing would actually fly away like a cooked duck.

The key is that "Devil Hunter", which originally had at least 12-15 million copies of sales potential, was due to the departure of chief designer Wang Yi and the collision with "Monster Hunter: World".

Not to mention violent death, it is also half-dead.

2.8 million copies were sold in pre-sales, and only 3.7 million copies were sold in the first week including pre-sales.

So far, there are only 3.79 million copies.

It's quite miserable.

Unfortunately, Wang Yi's name is on the production list of Monster Hunter, and he holds an important position.

If only Wang Yi had not been allowed to leave and Martin, an idiot who had conflicts with Lin Mo, could not have succeeded him.

Is there not so much going on later?

The more I think about it, the more I regret it, and the more I think about it, the more angry I become.

The expression on his face was indescribable anger.

Forest! silent!

It's all you!

At this time, there was a knock on the office.

"Mr. Bowken, Martin is here."

"Let him in!"

Not long after, Martin walked in like a quail.

A look of guilty conscience and a look of fear.

He knew this trip would not be easy.

As expected, they were scolded as soon as they met.

At this time, how could Bowken still look as confident, well-informed and polite as he appeared in the news media?

"Damn idiot, who asked you to change the design left by Wang Yi? You are mainly responsible for the failure of the game! Damn it, you damn redneck, I shouldn't trust you!"

"You don't know how good you are! Who asked you to challenge Lin Mo? Do you really think you can beat the two-time WGA Best of the Year winner? Idiot!"

"Look at Monster Hunter, don't you have any idea of ​​the direction of the wind? Who asked you to make the game so simple? My grandma can even clear "Demon Hunter"!"

"You linked up with Dinis, and when the other party cooperated so well, you actually made a few broken statues! Can't you make a linkage game like Lin Mo!"

Martin only felt a violent storm, and spittle sprayed onto his face from a distance of several meters.

He also had troubles that he couldn't express.

Isn’t it that the design was changed because your senior management didn’t think that high-difficulty games would be in line with the market?

Without the explicit permission from your senior management, I would be scared to death that I would not dare to change a project with an investment of 80 million U.S. dollars!

And, is your grandma still alive?

As for making linked games, you should give me money!

Making games is not something you just slap on your head, it takes time and money!

After cursing for a while, Baoken stopped until his mouth felt dry.

His cold eyes looked like he wanted to eat someone.

"All unfinished content on hand will be cut off, and the studio will be dissolved on the spot, you"

Martin's hair stood up as he listened.

You’re not really going to lose your job!

No, we can't let him say it. If he says it, there will be no chance to change it.

"Mr. Bowken!" Martin interrupted hurriedly, "I have experience in open world game design before joining the job. I have worked on such game worlds and map design. I can help with the "Galaxy Hunter" project team !”

Bao Ken frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Galaxy Hunters" is the company's key project and will be released next year. It is an open world game built with a lot of money.

Open world games cannot be made by any company, and the technical accumulation and financial support required cannot be underestimated.

Seeing that what he said was useful, Martin said cautiously: "Please believe me, Mr. Bowen. The success of Monster Hunter World is an example. It and Demon Hunter are actually two different types of games. Such a difficult game wants to Winning a WGA award is a pipe dream."

Seeing Bao Ken's expression change again, Martin added: "Sir, as far as I know, Wang Zichen also joined Naughty Cat after leaving his job. I remember that there is a clause in the company's employment contract that if the project progress is affected due to personal reasons , can I ask for compensation?”

Baoken's face turned even darker when he heard this.

Hey, Lin Mo, are you here to buy some goods? !

So I made a prompt decision.

"The studio continues to disband, with one of its people being merged into the Galaxy Hunters production team."

When Martin heard this, he smiled bitterly inwardly.

It's only been less than five months.

He plummeted from the position of chief designer to become the most ordinary employee.

Fortunately, I am not unemployed.

He gritted his back teeth and walked out of the office.

I will prove myself in the production team of "Galaxy Hunters"!

Just wait and see!

Naughty Cat is busy here.

In the development plan of "Titanfall", in addition to the console and PC versions, there is also the development of a VR version.

It is so easy to have such a magical tool, it would be a pity not to make good use of it.

The characteristic of VR equipment is that it can improve the player's sense of immersion and give them an immersive feeling.

It is particularly suitable for games with a first-person perspective.

But in addition to a strong sense of immersion, there is also a problem that needs to be solved, and that is the dizziness problem that may be caused by the gameplay.

The Titan in the game is a large mecha that can be controlled by humans. The driver is called a pilot, which is standard configuration.

After all, the pilot who drives the Titan in the game is extremely agile and can do anything in the sky or on the earth.

The plot of the game is one of the main selling points, so a considerable amount of preparation time is required before making the game.

write script.

Originally, this matter was mainly handled by Lin Mo himself. Fortunately, Wang Zichen was about to join, which made the work progress a lot faster.

A few days later, Wang Zichen finally returned to China after settling the matters related to the Lighthouse Country.

After a simple gathering with my family, I went to Naughty Cat non-stop.

before signing the contract.

Wang Zichen asked tentatively: "Mr. Lin, I know you. Our company's game production cycle has always been very short. Can I ask when the game will be released?"

"If you join, the progress will be faster. It is expected that the announcement will start at the end of June." Lin Mo glanced at him and smiled, "Why, are you afraid that the new project will collide with your hard work and affect each other?"

Wang Zichen sighed and said with a complicated face: "I hope "Skyfire Warframe 2" can be a big hit, but I don't want Electronic Arts to make money. I don't know how to describe it."

Lin Mo can understand this mentality.

After all, it is the hard work of the past, and I definitely hope to sell it well and prove myself.

But the big sales will make money for Electronic Arts, which fired him. He definitely doesn't want the resentment of being fired to remain.

So he said: "I can't help you with your mentality adjustment. If you want to make Electronic Arts regret it, I can help you."

When Wang Zichen heard this, he laughed loudly and said, "Just because of this sentence, I also ask to join Naughty Cat."

With that said, he picked up the contract and read it carefully.

After confirming that there was no problem, he was about to take out the pen to sign when his cell phone rang first.

Who is it at this time?

Wang Zichen showed an apologetic smile.

Lin Mo shook his head indifferently, indicating that he could answer the phone.

Just after we got through and chatted for a few words, I saw a huge change in his expression.

He quickly stood up and walked out of the door.

A few minutes later, he came back with an extremely ugly expression.

He took a deep breath and said apologetically: "Mr. Lin, I really hope to join Naughty Cat. But I have to make one thing clear before signing the contract. I got into some trouble."

Lin Mo frowned and asked: "Trouble? What trouble?"

Wang Zichen clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth: "Electronic Arts sued across the country and demanded 15 million U.S. dollars from me. The reason is that my resignation caused damage to the company's progress. But I was fired!"

Lin Mo sneered and shook his head.

This kind of thing really happens in every world.

Ninety-nine percent of these lawsuits are fruitless and end in an out-of-court settlement.

In fact, they are disgusting.

Because it requires a lot of time and energy.

In the past life, many game designers had trouble with their parent companies and then started a new business. After being so disgusted for several years, the time for the new game was delayed, the progress was delayed, and the money was delayed.

If Wang Zichen really signs to join the company, then there is no need to think about the follow-up.

Electronic Arts will continue to disgust people in this way.

Making games is actually also doing business.

But if you are holding back because you are afraid of this kind of thing, don’t open a game company or do business.

There are a lot of disgusting things happening in business.

Naughty Cat releases high-quality games so frequently, which whets the appetite of players. Sooner or later, they will make enemies and encounter similar disgusting things.

The difference between late or early.

If you are afraid of this or that, what can you accomplish?

And even without Wang Zichen, EA could still use this trick on Wang Yi.

No difference.

Besides, it’s disgusting, right?

I'm better at this than you are at Electronic Arts.

"As I said before, the choice is yours." Lin Mo said with a faint smile, "If you don't even dare to recruit employees because of this kind of thing, will I still be able to stay in the industry? Wouldn't I become a laughing stock in the future? What would outsiders think of Naughty Cat?”

Wang Zichen lowered his head and thought for a while.

Finally he raised his head and gritted his teeth and said, "In that case, I'd like to apologize for the trouble I've caused. But don't worry, Mr. Lin, I won't let you regret admitting me. Please look forward to my performance!"

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