Chapter 157 Machine Gunner Jack Cooper

In the period leading up to the release of the game, both Electronic Arts and Naughty Cat were in a strange state.

After a brief spat, the two seemed to have calmed down immediately.

I thought Electronic Arts, the industry leader, would fight back, but I didn't expect it to be as stable as a mountain.

I thought that Naughty Cat would take advantage of the situation to increase its intensity of ridicule and transform into a completely naughty cat just like the name of the company, causing chaos.

But unexpectedly, this naughty cat turned into a good cat.

Apart from the occasional regular publicity, there are no extraordinary operations.

Lin Mo's original plan was indeed to disgust Electronic Arts all the time.

But I didn’t expect that the good old man Bowken would actually help promote Titanfall. I was really afraid that it would be too disgusting and EA would change its strategy.

Stop this kind of propaganda.

This costs a lot of money!

But at the same time, the industry and players also criticized Naughty Cat's behavior during this period.

Everyone thought that this excessive publicity came from Lin Mo.

We all know that your game is good, but aren’t you trying too hard to promote it?

Moreover, why do you always have to use Skyfire War Armor 2?

This makes fans of the Skyfire Warframe series quite dissatisfied. Why are you promoting your game and stepping on the game we like?

The first generation of the series is the White Moonlight of many people, the kind that cannot be desecrated.

There was also a lot of resistance online, and it was another day of carnival for black fans.

Many people even compare the current Titanfall to the original "Doomsday" and "City of the Dead".

Under this circumstance, many players spontaneously began to support Skyfire War Armor, and many game self-media bloggers did not mind helping to promote this series that is famous for its reputation.

After negotiating with Kids King about the development of a series of toys and the licensing of other IP toys from Naughty Cat, Lin Mo finally returned to China after more than ten days.

Work with the team on game development.

During this period, Goldnow, the CEO of the toy company Kidswant, even received a call, saying that he knew who was causing trouble.

He can help and bring this matter to light.

But Lin Mo refused.

You told the whole world what happened, who will help me promote the game?

Amid controversy, the end of June arrived.

Titanfall was released on the 25th, and Skyfire Armor 2 was released three days later on the 28th.

On the day of release on the 25th, in the live broadcast room of Mouse Channel.

"Fake, I really liked Naughty Cat games before, but this time Lin Mo disappointed me so much!"

The exaggerated brother shouted impassionedly at the screen.

He is an anchor in Lighthouse Country and likes to play some plot-based games.

Some plots that are more exciting, more tearful, and more knife-like will always make him have a huge reaction and bring tears to his eyes.

Therefore, there is the title of Exaggerated Brother.

His personal preferences and live broadcast content are mainly mobile games and two-dimensional content, supplemented by a small amount of stand-alone game live broadcasts.

Among them, the stand-alone game Skyfire Armor series is his favorite.

Not only the games, but also the official novels and comics have been purchased and read several times.

I have talked about the classic scenes in the game several times. The scene where the protagonist pilots the Skyfire to delay time for his teammates and faces the enemy army alone will make his eyes filled with water.

"In order to promote his own game, he actually slandered Skyfire Armor due to conflicts with Electronic Arts! I can't accept it! Of course, Electronic Arts is even more rubbish."

Most of his audience came to see his strange reactions, so they were even more excited to see this scene.

[Perhaps Titanfall is as good a game as it’s cracked up to be? 】

[I have been slapped in the face many times. Now Lin Mo’s game involves intubation in the back of the head. I completely believe in making a game like SAO]

[I also think these guesses are not impossible, that’s Naughty Cat]

[There is something wrong with this matter, I suspect it is a trick of Electronic Arts]

[Although various analyzes are somewhat outrageous, Naughty Cat officials have never said that their games are that exaggerated]

Brother Exaggerated snorted when he saw this: "How is it possible? A 198 game will have so many terrible contents? There are dozens of weapons, and there are not so many in "War World"! Players will cry at the Titans ?How can it be!"

"You don't want to say that Electronic Arts risked losing Skyfire Warframe 2 players by promoting Titanfall, right? Would there be such a stupid person? If it is true, I will release a Naughty Cat game in the future. Play one.”

During the chat, the unlock time has expired.

Titanfall, officially released.

"Again, I play this game to do video trolling, so Naughty Cat fans can get out."

As soon as these words came out, the number of people in the live broadcast room was really reduced, with hundreds more people leaving.

However, Exaggerated Brother didn’t mind and clicked to start the game.

Title CG.

From the beginning, it was a chaotic battlefield.

There were explosions everywhere, people fell to the ground, and soldiers from both sides were fighting bloody battles hiding behind the ruins.

As the narrator narrates, an elite special forces soldier, who is also the pilot of Titan, joins the battlefield.

"In all the battles I have seen on the border, the Pilot is the top hunter."

"Flexible, fast, elegant, yet powerfully destructive."

"Sharply observant, resourceful and ruthless."

The core of this CG is to explain the profession of "pilot control".

He is highly skilled and equipped with high-tech equipment. With the help of the hook lock and the flame booster behind his back, he can fly over walls and walls, and easily penetrate the enemy's interior.

You can use optical camouflage to become temporarily invisible, transform into an enemy soldier, and become proficient in using various weapons.

"But the biggest difference between Pilots and other infantrymen and Provocations on the battlefield is their relationship with Titans."

Then, a Titan fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

The pilot in the CG jumped from the roof of the building, was caught by Titan, and put into the cockpit.

The originally precarious battle line was defended by a Titan and the enemy troops were forced back.

The energy shield can withstand all bullet attacks, the powerful force can throw gravel as powerful artillery shells, and the heavy firepower weapons on the body can easily tear apart all human soldiers.

Especially when the two Titans collided head-on, their firepower was fully unleashed, and their destructive power was astonishing.

So handsome.

Brother Exaggerated looked at it and said reluctantly: "Okay, I have to admit, this Titan is quite handsome, even stronger than the Skyfire Armor."

A short section of CG ends.

The main game methods, selling points, background stories, and the enemy camp's IMC situation are all condensed into just three minutes of CG.

The CG is over, and the game officially starts with Genting VR1 on the headset.


Captain Lastimosa walked closer and said: "Rifleman Jack Cooper, let's go! Damn it, the simulation cabin on the ship must have been restarted, we have to reset it."

"Oh? Is this a novice tutorial?"

Exaggerated brother completes each action according to the instructions, jumping, double jumping, sliding on the wall, aiming, shooting, etc.

They are all common key settings for FPS, nothing special.

It’s just that we have reached the stage of pilot pilot review for beginners.

Brother Exaggerated curled his lips and said: "Isn't it interesting to have a timer for a novice tutorial?"

When I learned the basic moves one by one, I didn’t feel very good about it, but in the short level of Pilot Review, so many tactical moves were integrated into it.

I felt different immediately!

He has also played many FPS games before.

But for the sake of competitive balance, most of them limit the character's mobility.

He never thought that the combination of those basic moves just now would make it so fun to play.

The character moves very quickly, without the slow and constipating feeling in previous shooting games.

Cooper is omnipotent in the sky and on the ground at the same time. He can shoot when sliding on the wall, shoot when double jumping, and shoot when sliding.

Various actions are combined together to highlight a handsome figure.

Coupled with various tactical props and the ultimate sense of immersion brought by VR glasses, you really have the illusion that you are a pilot.

Speed ​​is originally a factor commonly used in games to improve positive feedback from players.

Otherwise, the three cars, guns and balls will not become evergreen new year products in the industry.

He was still a little hesitant at first. Will he get dizzy when playing the VR version with VR glasses?

The answer is, no.

When the wall sliding command is pressed, the game will automatically correct the viewing angle to face the enemy who is about to attack. No matter whether the hand is shaking or shaking, the movement of the viewing angle is very limited.

When shooting along the wall, apart from the thrill of the character's high-speed movement, the shooting feel is no different from that on the ground.

And he was surprised to find that the impact of the grenade explosion would make him move faster.

After passing the trial for the first time, I hesitated and started the second time.

Seeing this scene, Danmaku was happy.

[Aren’t you collecting and making videos to spray? Why do you become addicted to playing? 】

[Laughing to death, another young man has defected to Lin Mo]

Just the exaggerated brother snorted: "I'm not stupid, I'm just unhappy. But for this game, I need to treat it fairly and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. Otherwise, how can I justify Skyfire War Armor 2?"

The barrage continued to tease.

[There is an idiom in China called "Being happy to miss Shu". In your case, if you are too happy to play Titanfall, you will forget Skyfire Battle Armor 2]

[Isn’t it just to be a traitor? Lin Mo’s games are almost all rebels from various families, and all of them are extremely loyal]

"I have already said that I will not betray, not even in this life. The Skyfire is the White Moonlight in my heart!"

After completing the Pilot Trial for the second time, the speed reached 37 seconds.

On the big screen of statistics, he was surprised to find that there was also a ranking function.

The first one was a Chinese player, who took only 13 seconds!

Brother Exaggerated thought to himself that he must have used the technique he just discovered.

My hands are itchy.

I wanted to play it again, but I had to endure it and let it go.

It is important to advance the main line.

Next exercise, summoning a Titan.

Brother Exaggerated's eyes lit up, and he immediately followed the prompts and summoned in the open space.

Countdown, the Titan will fall from the sky in 7 seconds.

Brother Exaggerated is looking forward to it. Will he see the mighty appearance of Titan?

He's so handsome in CG.

Hope to see it with my own eyes, don't be disappointed.

After just waiting a few seconds, when the countdown turned to one second, a black shadow fell from the sky.

The screen suddenly got stuck!

It's all mosaic.

Then, the Titan that fell from the sky disappeared without a trace.

A prompt pops up in the upper left corner.

Simulation warehouse operating system v04.118

System error: Energy too low

Brother Exaggerated was stunned, and then he remembered that Cooper was practicing in the simulation warehouse at this time, just like playing games in VR.

Learned through dialogue.

The villain IMC is coming to kill us.

Simulation training aborted.

Brother Exaggerated knocked on the table angrily and cursed: "Let me play with the Titans. Isn't this just to whet my appetite?"

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