"The game is about to begin. Let me see how much I weigh for daring to over-proclaim my hair."

In the game, Cooper descends from the sky on the lifeboat of a spaceship.

The ground was already a sea of ​​fire.

Cooper's resistance army and the IMC troops were fighting each other. Burning and explosions lit up the night like day. One can imagine the intensity of the war.

As the protagonist, Cooper immediately joins the battle to support his teammates.

The atmosphere of the battlefield is extremely well rendered, and human lives are like nothing.

As soon as the teammates who charged with Cooper arrived at the front line, one of them was shot directly between the eyebrows by a sniper and fell down helplessly.

The blood hole on his head continued to flow out of blood, and his brain was vaguely visible.

Before Cooper could feel sad, an enemy rushed up and planned to attack him.

The teammates around him rushed to support him and killed him.

Then a bullet directly shattered his teammate's arm, and blood spurted out like a fire hydrant discharging water.

"My hand, my hand!!!"

Missiles with flaming tails constantly landed in the sky, exploding into a cloud of sparks.

Huge warships were exchanging fire in the sky, and the behemoths were burning with flames and slowly falling.

Various robot combat weapons slaughtered mercilessly and harvested lives.

Brother Exaggerated took a deep breath and clicked to pause the game.

Then he opened the live broadcast plug-in and wrote down a series of previous content that he thought were excessively publicized, and listed them on the left side of the screen.

Shocking and intense battlefield atmosphere, realistic physical effects and scene destruction, dozens of guns and Titans, a touching plot that can make players cry out against mechas, at least 50 hours of game time, and movie-level game content. , 32v32 super large battlefield, rich Titan modification system.

There are a dozen items in total.

As soon as the game started, I scored 70 points in the "shocking and intense battlefield atmosphere".

“It’s just the beginning, so I’ll give it a score of 70 for the time being. Some changes may be made based on the content of the game later.”

With that said, the game continues.

At this time, Cooper was holding a weapon called a parallel rifle, and he killed several enemies to get a feel for it.

The shooting feel is really good.

Sound effects are an important part of the impact.

The popping sound of the bullet hitting the enemy is very nice, and the shattering sound of the enemy armor being shattered is even more addictive.

It even feels like I am addicted to shooting just to hear the sound of design feedback.

The moment the enemy saw Cooper, they exclaimed loudly: "It's the enemy pilot! Requesting support!"


Brother Exaggeration directly controlled Cooper to quickly approach, and then long-pressed to launch a melee attack.

A handsome execution move.

Cooper knocked the enemy to the ground with a knee, then took out his pistol and shot him in the head.

Paused again, and scored 85 points in the "refreshing and exciting silky combat experience".

Along the way, almost every enemy you can kill will drop the weapon they used.

What electric submachine gun, mastiff shotgun?

These weapons are almost all different, including power, attack range, feel, reload speed, etc.

Cooper blocked the way to kill Buddha, and soon he and his teammates attacked to a pool.

His good luck ended there.

There was a roar and a huge thing fell from the sky.

Enemy Titan!

As soon as this terrifying war weapon met, it used a large-caliber weapon to beat a teammate into a pulp.

Then he raised his leg high and stepped down, and a handful of blood mist exploded.

A poor soldier became a meatloaf.

When Cooper was about to be killed by the Titans.

Captain Lastimosa arrived in BT7274.

BT grabbed the local Titan's body, threw it over his shoulder with one hand and slammed it to the ground. The weapon in his hand fired directly at the cockpit.

The enemy Titan even tried to resist, but without saying a word, BT used his arms to tear the huge mechanical body in half.

After dealing with the enemy, Captain Lastimosa injected Cooper with a drug that would cause coma.

Before losing consciousness, he heard BT's voice.

"Lastimosa is the enemy Titan, the top hunter!"

This mentor and friend immediately stepped into the cockpit and started a battle with the enemy Titan.

As one of the strongest Vanguard Titans, BT is not afraid of any single challenge.

But there was no one on the other side.

A Titan almost flashed over and snatched away the energy battery from the back of BT.

Without power, even BT was unable to fight against three Titans alone.

Captain Lastimosa was defeated.

At this time, the villains were chatting about something.

"We have 18 hours left. In 18 hours the Holy Ark will be sealed in preparation for teleportation. Hurry!"

Then, Cooper finally couldn't resist the power of the drug and lost consciousness.

He was thought to be a corpse and escaped death.

Brother Exaggerated subconsciously shrank his toes, a little worried about the character on the screen.

The scene switched to the next day.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by a group of wild beasts.

The already dilapidated BT in the distance, driven by the seriously injured Captain Lastimosa, used its last energy to save Cooper's life.

This powerful pilot authorized BT to Cooper before his death.

After burying the master, before you have time to feel sad, you must immediately embark on an adventurous journey to retrieve the battery behind the enemy's rear and restart the BT.

Only in this way can we have a chance to break out of the siege.

Brother Exaggerated muttered dissatisfiedly: "Really, when can I drive a Titan?"

The ensuing battle further demonstrates Naughty Cat's talent in level design and combat system design.

In complex wild terrain, the combat capabilities of the pilots will undoubtedly be demonstrated.

The excellent shooting feel and smooth combat make everyone hooked.

Moreover, these soldiers on the opposite side are not just lines of cold data.

They will be angry.

When they see their teammates being killed by Cooper, they will surround them angrily and want to avenge their comrades.

"Damn it, John! He killed John!"

"Save me, save me"

Will be afraid.

After suffering a major blow, the soldier's expression will be distorted and he will make a final resistance.

"Fire! Fire! Fight to the last moment!"

Will be afraid.

The last soldier knelt down with fear on his face and begged for mercy.

He put down the weapon with both hands, his body shaking like chaff.

Brother Exaggerated looked at the soldier kneeling in front of him begging for mercy with a complicated expression.

Is this war? Brutal war.

Even when the gun is pointed at a person's face, the soldier will lower his head in fear and burst into tears.

My heart softened.

forget it.

It's just a game.

Cooper can fight his way out no matter what.

Thinking about it, he ran towards the mission point ahead.

The soldiers behind him cried with joy, quickly dropped their weapons and ran towards the distance.

Then he was killed with a single shot from a sniper rifle.

Enemy support has arrived.

The enemy is not just a puppet standing still.

Able to use tactical outflanks, maneuver through complex terrain, and provide fire cover.

If it weren't for Cooper's unparalleled mobility and the ability to breathe and restore blood, it would really not be easy to kill these soldiers in front of him.

After killing all the new enemies, Brother Fuhua walked to the fleeing soldiers with complicated thoughts.

I found a broken and bloody pendant with a photo next to it.

Above is a family photo of a family of three.

In the eyes of the border people, they are all unforgivable IMC invaders.

But every soldier is also an ordinary person who fights with his life for a living.

IMC, damn it! ! !

The barrages also have complicated thoughts.

[Lin Mo really likes to highlight his ingenuity in some inexplicable places]

[Hey, all living beings are equal under war]

Full of anger, I paused the game, and then without hesitation gave it a perfect score of 100 in the "Extremely Rich Details and Characters" column.

All batteries found and BT finally started.

BT: "Power two-thirds, data core re-initialized. Vision system - activated."

"Adjusting focus. Are you okay? Pilot?"

Cooper was a little surprised and asked: "Probably. You call me Pilot?"

BT: "Captain Lastimosa has given you the temporary authority to act as the pilot. Congratulations. You can call me BT."

Cooper understood and replied: "BT? Got it."

Pilot and Titan finally meet.

Exaggerated brother finally set foot on the Titan mecha that he had longed for for the first time - BT7274.

Three lines of words popped up in front of me, accompanied by BT's electronically synthesized voice.

“Protocol 1: Connect Pilot

Agreement 2: Stick to the mission

Protocol 3: Protect the Pilots"

But the IMC army has also arrived.

Brother Exaggerated was gearing up for a while and shouted: "Give me back my master! IMC, go to hell!"

In the first battle of BT, its power crushed the entire audience.

Mountains and seas of soldiers came, but they couldn't get any closer to BT.

Large-caliber machine guns and self-aiming shoulder cannons killed the enemy to a rout.

The attack that was finally organized was completely blocked by the energy shield.

The only one that might pose a slight threat is an IMC Beast Titan.

But is it useful?


BT: "Fight your way out."

Cooper: "Are you sure?"

BT: "Trust me."

The powerful energy easily knocked the Titan named "Beast" into scrap.

An execution button popped up on the screen.

The moment he pressed it, BT jumped over.

The iron fist penetrated the cockpit with great force, and the other hand crushed the core of the Titan to pieces.


Brother Exaggeration wants to switch out and rate the relevant parts.

But on second thought, the rhythm split is a bit serious.

No more points!

Keep playing! Let’s wait until the important points are reached.

Next, it was Cooper and BT fighting side by side.

Brother Phua was surprised to find that there was more than just fighting in the battle.

BT will give combat suggestions based on the situation, and these suggestions are often useful.

Even when it fails, BT has a serious analysis.

"It was detected that the pilot was emotionally disturbed and acted irrationally, and the mission completion rate dropped by 7%."

"Okay, okay, thank you very much BT."

Even, BT can tell cold jokes seriously.

Cooper: "I think someone is in love?"

BT: "According to human understanding of love, love requires admiration, attraction, devotion and respect. Conclusion: There is a 50% chance that I am in love."

Brother Exaggeration and the barrage were both entertained.

[Laughing to death, machine sex, right? 】

[Mama, I’m in love, my partner’s name is BT, her gender is unknown]

[If I could have a BT, I would live ten years shorter]

At the same time, the content of Agreement 3 should be kept in mind at all times.

BT: "This slime waterfall has a high concentration of metals that will interfere with my aiming system."

Cooper: "As hard as it can be, just shoot."

BT: "Blindly firing into the Pilot combat zone would be a violation of Protocol 3."

But the two haven't always been able to take risks together.

In the factory, the powerful BT will also be defeated and captured. Cooper goes deep behind enemy lines to rescue his partner.

Even BT apologized for their poor judgment.

Exaggerated brother made a sensitive discovery.

Although what BT says are all electronically synthesized sounds.

But it seems to have human compassion and emotion.

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