This metal war weapon has become Cooper's most reliable partner.

The relationship between the two gradually deepened through repeated battles and teasing each other.

Cooper's enthusiasm and BT's calmness were in sharp contrast.

When facing the Vanguard-class Titan driven by Ash, the enemy who killed the master.

BT said trust me.

In the end, the two of them worked together to defeat it.

BT grabbed the giant sword, turned around and slashed it down vertically.

Dismember Ash's Titan directly.

In the level of karma, Cooper got the wristband left by Anderson that can travel through time and space.

You can travel back and forth between two time spaces in one place and different time points.

One time it was desolate and burning with raging fire, the other time it was full of enemies.

At different points in time, the building structure is completely different. Now there is a wall in front of you. At a point in time in the past, the wall may have disappeared.

If you go back in time after encountering an enemy, the enemy will disappear.

Make reasonable use of abilities to cross obstacles, avoid enemies, and solve puzzles.

Brother Exaggeration once again gave high scores to many items, and even gave full marks to the level design.

At the end of this chapter, Cooper also learned what the Holy Ark was that the villain said at the beginning.

It is a special energy body that contains huge energy. It can not only distort time and space, but also cause huge explosions.

The IMC discovered it and named it the Holy Ark, which could easily destroy a planet.

Its ultimate goal is to destroy Harmony, the home of Cooper's resistance force.

There are not only rebels up there, but also 40 million civilians.

In order to stop it, the two continued their adventure.

When there is no way to cross the endless abyss to reach the other side, BT can only throw Cooper over.

Once you fail, you will be shattered to pieces.

BT: "Wind force: 3 knots. Wind direction: 274. Distance: 95 meters. Throwing mass: 89 kg."

BT: "Trust me."

After repairing the signal tower on the opposite side, but lost his footing and fell into the abyss, BT caught Cooper in time.

BT: "Got you."

Cooper was shocked and just raised his thumb.

BT looked at his hand in confusion and gave a thumbs up imitatingly.

When Sarah wanted to choose a new pilot for BT.

BT: "No. Cooper is my pilot!"

Brother Exaggerated was unknowingly attracted to the game, and he was getting slower and slower in grading various items.

He even analyzed the plot rigorously.

When I see some inspiring scenes, I don’t hesitate to praise them.

I don’t even care about the barrage of ridicule anymore.

The next task is to prevent the IMC from using the Holy Ark.

This is related to the preservation of the planet.

The next battle was even more brutal, with one Titan after another being destroyed by BT.

IMC's defense was also completely defeated.

However, the progress of Brother Exaggeration slowed down.

Why does it feel like the game is almost over?

Seeing that it couldn't bear it, the IMC moved the holy cabinet onto the spacecraft in advance to prepare for departure.

Thus, a brutal air battle began.

There also appeared a Titan sent by the top hunter - Viper.

The poisonous snake is so powerful that even BT cannot deal with it.

In the close combat, BT even had one of his arms removed, but the protective cover of the opponent's cockpit was also damaged.

BT: "Cooper, aim for the cockpit!"

This time, Cooper protected BT.

Faced with the holy cabinet being transported away, BT could only put it into the cockpit and take it away.

During the evacuation, an accident occurred.

There was a violent explosion from the exit.

The BT with the body of steel can naturally break through the encirclement, but Cooper can only stay here and die in the sea of ​​fire.

According to protocol 2, BT should stick to the mission at this time.

But it rushed back without hesitation, protecting Cooper tightly under its body.

Cooper shouted in horror: "BT what are you doing! Send the holy cabinet back quickly!"

But BT's electronically synthesized sound doesn't look like a machine at all at this time.

"Protocol 3. I will not lose another Pilot!"

Brother Piao Gua trembled all over, his eyes were a little sore and his hands were trembling.

To be able to reach the status of a major anchor today, he has encountered too many disgusting things in adult society.

He would do anything to have such a strong and reliable partner.

BT's behavior surprised everyone.

But what's more worrying is yet to come.

The mission failed because of protecting Cooper.

BT and Cooper were captured.

The top hunter Brisk threatened BT with Cooper's life to open the hatch.

In order to protect Cooper, BT had no choice but to recruit him.

Because of Protocol 3, we must protect Pilot.

But at the same time, BT said those three words.

"Believe me."

It made one last stand, allowing Cooper to break free.

But a Titan also took away the Holy Ark and fired wildly at the dilapidated BT with its weapons.

Mecha fragments were flying everywhere.

Totally destroyed BT.

Seeing this, Brother Piao exclaimed: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"Lin Mo, what are you fucking doing??!!"

【? ? ? ? ! ! ! 】

[Old thief Lin Mo, eat my blade! 】

【Give me back the BT! ! 】

[Fuck, my fucking mentality is broken! 】

Who still cares about whether "Titanfall" has excessive false propaganda?

No one cares.

Moreover, aren’t all the seemingly false and excessive propaganda realized in the game?

Everyone who watched the live broadcast was attracted by the plot and story.

The partners who fought side by side were destroyed before their eyes.

I can't do anything I want to do, but I can't.

Fortunately, the tool set that houses BT's core AI is still there.

The soul of BT is still there.

For the mission, and for BT, Cooper took his master's relics and a pistol that could open a book and aim at it and break out of the siege.

On the front line, all soldiers are fighting the IMC.

At this time, the only one who can prevent the Holy Ark from exploding is Cooper.

At this time, Sarah airdropped the last Pioneer-class Titan.


Cooper placed the AI ​​tool set on the new Titan, BT, a good partner who has been away from the player for nearly half an hour.

came back.

Countless people shed tears.

At this time, the holy cabinet has entered the launch chamber.

Cooper and BT saw the last enemy standing in front of them.

An arduous BOSS battle with three stages, plus a QTE battle.

This battle can be said to show the players the destructive power and charm of Titan.

The long-distance fire suppressed the bullets, leaving no room for dodge.

Hand-to-hand combat at close range, every move is deadly, and one can be in a different place if one is not careful.

At the same time, a steady stream of enemy Titans join the battlefield.

The powerful strength of the last BOSS Sloan and the more advanced Titans overwhelmed Cooper.

However, BT and Cooper.

How can two people lose their brains and their deep bond here?

The final QTE animation.

Sloan chased BT.

He pushed the battered BT to the ground just as he was about to deliver the final blow.

But it was discovered that Cooper had left the cockpit at some point.

Attacked from behind and destroyed key parts on the Sloane Titan.

BT seized the opportunity, turned over and kicked Sloan's Titan a distance, and then poured out all the bullets in the gun.

Beat this Titan to rubble.

Finally, the cockpit is completely shattered.

At this time, the folding space-time weapon has begun to launch the holy cabinet.

BT had no choice but to break open the launch chamber.

But the huge impact directly paralyzed BT's motivation.

What's even scarier is.

BT: "My analysis shows throwing is the only way to go."

BT: "Warning! Enemy Titan detected."

BT: "Warning! Enemy Titan detected."

Big Boss Blisk stepped off the Titan.

Looking at BT and Cooper condescendingly, he said contemptuously: "You are lucky, hero. The agreement between I and IMC has been completed. I never work in vain."

As he spoke, he slowly squatted down, took out a card from his pocket, glanced at it, and then looked at Cooper and BT.

"I won't kill you, but you don't want to kill me either."

"This is what you deserve."

As he spoke, he threw the card over and landed on the cockpit cover.

The card bears the symbol of a red and white sheep-headed devil.

There are four letters at the same time.


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