In the face of such a tense plot, no one posted any barrages.

They were all watching the plot nervously.

Brother Exaggerated's heart was in his throat.

The enemy actually left just like that.

BT repeated his previous words: "My analysis shows that throwing is the only way."

All the systems of BT, which were scarred by battles along the way and were hit by the Holy Ark, have been damaged.

I can't even say a complete sentence.

Brother Phua had already crossed his fingers in a prayer gesture.

He kept muttering in his mouth: "What do you mean by throwing me over?! Don't let anything happen. Please, come back alive, Lin Mo, I beg you!"

BT's chaotic and emotionless voice sounded.

"Cooper, help."

"My autopilot is broken."

"Help me enter the injection assembly room. Cooperation is required."

The garbled characters on the screen gradually became normal, and a line of words appeared.

Protocol 1, Connect with Pilot: Jack Cooper - Connected

BT: "I have a way. If my core reactor is exposed, it can destabilize the Holy Ark at the center of the folded space-time weapon."

The second line of garbled characters appears.

Agreement 2, stick to the mission: destroy the space-time folding weapon

BT used up his last strength to rush towards the Holy Ark.

Cooper knew that if he left, he would die without rebirth.

But he plans to fight until the end.

In the cockpit, he whispered his final goodbyes.

"Don't worry, BT, I'm not going anywhere."

BT's emotionless voice replied: "Roger, Pilot."

Then a line of garbled words appeared on the third line.

Protocol 3, protect the Pilot.

At the moment when he was about to rush towards the Holy Ark, BT opened the cockpit cover.

Cooper was pulled out.

The pair of bodies that were damaged by the war and the pair of mechanical eyes stared at Cooper, as if they were saying a final farewell.

"Protocol 3, protect the Pilot. Trust me!"

All the spectators, including Brother Phua, opened their mouths wide and looked at what was happening in front of them in disbelief.

Brother Exaggerated yelled angrily: "No! BT what are you doing! No!!"

Throwing Cooper out as he had done several times.

It itself floated towards the core of the Holy Ark, and then a huge explosion occurred.

Sarah’s voice came through just now.

"Cooper! We just lost BT's signal, what happened?"

Brother Exaggerated stared at the screen blankly.

I just feel my eyes are a little sore.

He knew what he should say as the anchor at this time, but he couldn't say a word.

I tried to open my mouth, but my voice was choked.

My vision is getting blurry.

Yes, I said it as early as the beginning of the game, and even several stages of the game are preparing for this moment.

Protocol 3, protect the Pilot.

Believe me.

Throw Cooper.

The tacit understanding between the two.

Everything was unknown before, and I don’t know why the plots of the big book and the special book converge here.

【What the hell? ? ! ! What about BT? Gone! ? 】

[Fake, Lin Mo is an old thief! Give me back the BT! I really believe you! 】

[I will go to China tomorrow. Who knows where Lin Mo lives! ! 】

[I want to settle the score with him! 】

Cooper successfully evacuated, boarded the spacecraft, and flew into the sky.

The holy cabinet completely exploded.

Blast the planet beneath your feet into powder.

Sarah, who came to support at this time, arrived belatedly.

She felt very guilty and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I'm late. Many people owe you their lives, Cooper, and BT."

Cooper just stared blankly at the bombed planet, unable to say a word.

There is no joy at all in completing the task.

He knows that he is his best partner, his best partner, and his best comrade-in-arms.

Stayed there forever.

I do not know how long it has been.

The scene shifts to Harmony.

Cooper looked at this vibrant planet and said to himself.

"The destruction of Typhon saved Harmony. The rebels called it their headquarters, and more people called it home."

"The commander said that a new Titan will be assigned to me, but the technology department will first cut off the neural connection between me and BT."

"I don't know what it's like to have a new Titan. But I quite like the old one."

"Pilot Jack Cooper, end call."

At this point, Brother Exaggerated couldn't bear it anymore.

My nose was sore and tears came to my eyes.

While crying, he also cursed: "Fake! Damn it, I guessed that BT might sacrifice, but I still couldn't help it."

"Damn Lin Mo, you did it, you did it! You made me cry in front of a mecha! Damn it, I'm still broadcasting."

The barrage was also filled with howls.

[Trust me, Pilot]

[Protocol Three, Protect the Pilot]

【My BT. My BT! ! 】

[Xie Te, does Lin Mo have any brain disease? Did he have any mental trauma? 】

[Tell me, will BT be resurrected? 】

[Devil, Lin Mo must be a demon, I don’t like this sad ending]

Brother Phua took a few deep breaths and then held back the tears that filled his eyes.

He directly opened various scoring items.

Whether it is a score of 70 that has not yet been modified, or a score of 85 that is indeed the score, delete them all.

Then change them all to 100 points.

Still not relieved.

In the last one, the "masterpiece" one.

I directly pressed a number 1, and then pressed my finger on the number 0 without releasing it.

I pressed it for half a minute before letting go.

Then wailed.

"I rebelled, okay I admit it, I rebelled."

"Sequel, Lin Mo, make a sequel! I know your game production cycle is very short!"

"I will do it. I will play every Naughty Cat game after it comes out. Let BT come back for the sequel!"

"Bring BT back!!!"

The barrage was also sent out along with it.

[I'm going to start a petition to have Naughty Cat get a sequel soon. I will buy it. For $90, I will too! Let BT come back! 】

【Who knows where Lin Mo lives? ! 】

[The anchor gave the wrong score. Titanfall does not have 50 hours of game time, it is less than 10 hours]

Brother Exaggerated saw this barrage, took a deep breath, and yelled: "Get out!!! Titanfall is 100 points!"

After saying that, he left the live broadcast room and immediately rushed to the bathroom.

After washing my face, I returned to the camera.

"Sorry that today's live broadcast has to end early, I have to make a video."

"But instead of criticizing the video of Titanfall's false promotion, I want to recommend it so that more players can see this game."

"If games really are art, then Two for Two and Titanfall are art!"

"There may be viewers who came later and did not watch it from beginning to end. But I want to say that there was no false propaganda or excessive publicity."

"Lin Mo has realized all the awesome things he boasted about. It is so outstanding."

“If there is a release of peripheral figurines and toys related to Titanfall BT, I will buy them.”

"Goodbye and please wait for my new video."

With that said, he clicked play without hesitation.

Then comes the intense video production process.

The main plot of Titanfall is not particularly long.

If you want to select some actual game content to attract players watching the video and arouse their interest.

The level design of this chapter of Karma is undoubtedly very suitable.

Beyond that, there’s the chapter “Never Separate.”

In order to highlight the tacit understanding between BT and Cooper after getting to know each other, this chapter encounters the twin Vanguard-class Titans of IMC.

The two pilots are twins, and the two Titans use a shared thinking technology to make their cooperation more tacit.

There is a 15-minute chase battle with movie-level camera movements and scene management throughout.

When I play it, I feel like I’m watching another exciting robot blockbuster.

Finally, before the twins and the Twin Titans fell, they said something very villainous but also very embarrassing.

"We are the best partners and we will never separate!"

Then died.

Out of curiosity, BT also tested the other party's mind-sharing technology on himself. After a while of tinkering, he accidentally connected to a small device at the headquarters.


The exaggerated brother who was editing the video got excited and stopped what he was doing.

Mind connection technology? Headquarters? equipment?

Chapter names are never separated?

No way.

No way!

Could it be?

Brother Exaggerated was so excited that he trembled all over and quickly opened the game.

Play it again!

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