Baoken doesn't like to play games and doesn't know how to play them. He's just a businessman.

But at this time, he also understood something.

Screwed up.

Totally ruined.

Media ratings unlocked.

Even BGN, which has always had trouble dealing with Naughty Cat, gave it a 9-point rating.


The details are excellent, and if you don’t rush through the plot, you can dig out a lot of interesting content;

The graphics are amazingly expressive, and both the plot animation and combat scenes are exciting;

The plot is deeply touching, and the relationship between BT and Cooper deserves to be remembered by everyone.


The plot is too short;

The story is not finished yet, and there is no more information to explain what the four letters APEX stand for at the end of the game.

Looking at the online reviews, they are all positive.

Occasionally, there are negative reviews, which are written out of anger because of the sacrifice of our good friend BT.

The evaluation of the game content is still very high.

[When will BT be resurrected and when will the praise be changed! 】

[Who can tell me where Lin Mo’s family lives? I have some local specialties]

[Old thief Lin Mo, you deserve to die! ! 】

Let’s look at more rational comments.

He almost created all the content that he wanted to praise and kill Naughty Cat!

Originally, we wanted to create a huge gap between players before and after the game, but the backlash ruined Naughty Cat's reputation.

But unexpectedly, it had the opposite effect.

Bao Ken almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The content in the promotion plan is all about bragging as much as possible within the limitations of the game theme.

It is also very difficult to boast in such a way that people believe that it is not nonsense and that it is possible.

It's a bit ridiculous to say that there is a second hidden ending in the game. If it were said that there are 300 square kilometers of explorable land in the game, no one would believe it.

But how can you, Lin Mo, do all of this? !

For example, there is a rich firearm system, seven types of firearms, and more than 30 kinds of guns.

For example, Titan can be modified and equipped with skills.

Is this too much? !

Is it necessary?

Don't you consider the cost?

At the same time, there is still one biggest question in my mind.

Why? !

Why do you sell it so cheaply?

For such a high-quality game, one can imagine how terrifying its development costs are.

Such a price is probably just enough to recover the cost, don’t you want to make money? !

Obviously even if it sells for 60 US dollars, a large number of players will buy it, and the sales volume will not decrease too much.

But the profits are completely different.

I don’t want to think about this issue for the time being. Baoken is most anxious.

What to do in Skyfire Armor 2 three days later!

It was originally expected that Titanfall would really fall due to praise and killing.

After the backlash from word-of-mouth, Skyfire Armor relied on its excellent quality and solid content to gain the favor of players and continue its reputation myth.

But now it's completely counterproductive.

Titanfall’s reputation exploded.

This time, instead of inflicting 800 damage on the enemy, you will inflict 1000 damage on yourself.

It's my own life that's dead.

Faced with such an opponent whose quality is crushed in all aspects, how can you rely on word of mouth to come back to life?

almost impossible.

Baoken was a little anxious and angry, and many issues had not yet been fully clarified.

The top priority is to try to save the tragically killed Skyfire Armor 2.

Thinking about it, I quickly called Godnow, CEO of Kidswant.

The call is connected.

After a few simple greetings, Bao Ken tentatively asked: "We didn't reach an agreement on the last cooperation. I think our cooperation can be discussed again? I can make some concessions on the price, you know. That’s a lot of money.”

But Godno on the phone showed no sign of being moved.

"Sorry, old man, this is not about money. I can't reach a cooperation with you on this matter. You can find other toy dealers."

Hearing these words, Bao Ken almost cursed.

There are many toy companies in the Lighthouse Country.

But not everyone is the king of children!

The recognition of the brand by children and parents, as well as the sales channels, are unmatched by other companies.

Working with an unknown toy company?

Wouldn’t that make you laugh out loud!

Baoken backed down several steps on the phone, but still failed to convince the other party.

The King's condition has not been very good in recent years.

The company's current market value has shrunk by half compared to its peak.

In recent years, we have been seeking cooperation with various parties and seeking copyright cooperation to produce corresponding toys.

It should have been you Godno who begged me Electronic Arts!

When did it turn around?

Who gave you the confidence!

"If nothing else, bye Mr. Bowken."

With that said, he hung up the phone.

The words are formal and the attitude is respectful, but the refusal is also polite.

Baoken cursed for a while.

What's going on in the last few months?

How come you have to memorize Chinese characters year after year!

When did this start?

Think about it carefully.

It seems to have started from WGA, when that idiot Martin mocked Lin Mo.

Damn it!

When he thought of this incident, he regretted not getting rid of this idiot.

Look at the trouble you've caused!

Feeling very angry, I opened social media again and took a look.

a follower tweeted.

At first glance, who is this Lin? In the past, there was only one automatically posted tweet on the day of registration.

The avatar is blank, the profile is blank, but there is a blue V.

The new tweet also @him and Electronic Arts Entertainment officials.

Wait, that can't be it?

I quickly clicked on the content and took a look.

The content is very simple.


Seeing these two words, Baoken was going crazy, and people were going crazy.

No wonder Lin Mo's flat-headed brother only posted a sarcastic and sarcastic video and then nothing happened.

At first I thought I was focused on game production so I wouldn’t have time.

Unexpectedly, this murder plan has been discovered long ago?

They originally planned to make the game like this, so they simply didn’t care about it anymore.

Do you plan to let the promotion plan help promote the game and save publicity costs?

They have been arguing together for a long time, but they have helped each other instead?

Lin Mo looked proud and happy when he thought about the person behind this account.

Bowken was furious.

Now, the second quarter financial report will be completely ruined, far below the target by 1,000%.

Bao Ken turned around in circles anxiously.

At this time, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Who is calling at this time?

When connected, I expected something bad: "Hello!"

"Uh, Mr. Bowken, it's me, Ryan, the chief designer of "Thunderfire Rangers."

"Just tell me if you have anything to say." Bao Ken was holding back his anger and almost burst out.

"That's right, the first round of internal test data results for "Thunderfire Ranger" are out."

"You wasted my precious time just because of this?!" Baoken yelled and vented his inner anger, "I don't care about internal test data! I don't care!"

There was a few seconds of hesitation on the phone.

Bao Ken was about to hang up the phone when he heard the other party say: "But sir, it was you who revealed the data to you immediately after you asked me to come out."

Is this happening?

Bao Ken frowned and thought for a while, it seemed that it was true.

When the CSGO project was established two years ago, it shocked the industry with its micro-innovation on top of traditional gameplay and its extremely competitive and balanced gameplay.

Many game companies have launched projects to explore how to further micro-innovate in this traditional shooting game mode and then shine.

Something that comes to mind for many people is.

Add skills.

So "Thunderfire Ranger", an experimental work, was born.

The idea is very novel, the gameplay is eye-catching and very fresh.

Originally it was just a shooting type buyout online game produced at a low cost.

Unexpectedly, the game quality is pretty good.

The game will be released around the end of August.

As a new work that Bao Ken was somewhat interested in, he specifically notified the other party. He would notify the other party after the first internal test data came out.

Thinking of this, he quickly asked: "How is it? How is the data?"

"After a week of testing, the retention rate was 27%."

Bob was almost speechless when he heard this data.


What does this mean for the concept of an online game?

If a designer confidently states that he can achieve 20% game week retention, he is either a very confident master or an idiot.

But if it is really done, it will be worthy of a personal toast from the boss at the annual meeting.

If you dare to say that your game has 25% retention within seven days, then don’t think about it, you are a liar.

But this game is 27%!

Are you finally going to find a treasure?

Bob almost couldn't hold back a laugh.

Who said you, Lin Mo, are the only genius?

Didn’t Electronic Arts also produce a talented designer?

Thinking of this, his voice immediately softened.

"You've done a good job and deserve a reward. After the project is officially launched, your bonus will not be reduced. Keep working hard. Also, if you have any difficulties, let me know. The company will increase the publicity budget for "Thunderfire Rangers"."

"Uh." Ryan on the phone didn't expect his attitude to change so much. He didn't know how to reply for a moment, "Okay, sir. There is one thing."


"Due to insufficient manpower and funding, the game has too few heroic characters. Can I apply for a postponement?"

"Except for this, everything is fine. The issue of the number of heroes can be solved slowly after the game is released, and people can also be recruited slowly."

"Then, can we use free games and abandon the buyout system?"

"Except for this, everything is fine."

Are you kidding me? You can't sell things that affect the balance of a game like this to increase revenue.

The money for the buyout system is a huge amount of money!

How much is this!

"Well, Mr. Baoken, you mentioned before that you would like to test the e-sports field. The competition system can be based on CSGO. Can this be postponed?"

"Except for this, everything is fine. E-sports events are a must for a shooting game. Whether it is to maintain the popularity of the game or maintain player stickiness, it is essential."

On the other side of the phone, Ruian was speechless.

It doesn’t matter, just mention it if you have any difficulties.

Why bring it up?

What's wrong with you?

Of course, I can only say this in my heart.

"Then it's nothing."

"Work hard. Now that we have entered the second half of the year, there will be a trophy for you at this year's WGA, believe me."

Wait to hang up the phone.

The smile on Baoken's face could no longer stop.

This data is worthy of being included in the financial report.

Although it’s just a round of internal testing, it also happened in the second quarter, didn’t it?

As long as investors and shareholders are satisfied, it's worth writing home about.

After confirming that the call had been hung up, I finally couldn't help laughing a few times.

In his heart, because the flattery and killing plan was calculated, it helped Lin Mo feel less depressed.

Bob gritted his teeth for a moment.

Skyfire Warframe 2 hasn't failed yet, although its future is unclear.

But Thunderfire Rangers is a really good game.

As long as it is operated according to the CSGO model, events are held, and ladder competitions are held, no changes are made easily to avoid affecting the balance.

A game with 27% retention.

Tell me, how can you lose in a game like this?

I don’t believe it. The operating method you, Lin Mo, are using, are you actually harming yourself? !

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