Brother Piao Gua glanced at the time and saw that it was already the 28th.

There are two big things today. One is that the multiplayer mode of Titanfall was unlocked just half an hour ago.

Then Skyfire Warframe 2 will be officially unlocked and released in the afternoon.

In the time since Titanfall was released, he had barely slept.

Since the broadcast, I have been busy writing copywriting and editing videos.

I originally made the video just to comment on Titanfall. Why would you, Lin Mo, release your game with the Skyfire Armor?

But unfortunately, Titanfall is too good.

Even if there were rumors of "50 hours of play time" beforehand, it didn't matter in the face of such excellent game quality.

The word sincerity can be seen everywhere in the game, which is completely different from the high-profile and arrogant publicity style at that time.

So on a whim, the criticism video turned into a serious review and Amway.

But while editing the video, he discovered something else.

From the subsequent plot, we learn that the soul of BT is actually AI data, which is stored in a tool set.

In one chapter, when facing the Twin Vanguard Titans, the other party has a black technology, the mind connection sharing technology.

BT tried using it and accidentally connected to a device at the headquarters.

Combined with the chapter title "Never Separate", let's think about the precedent of BT borrowing the bodies of other Titans for "resurrection".

Brother Exaggerated has a bold guess.

Is there a deep hidden ending buried in the game?

Is it possible for BT to survive the ending?

In order to verify this conjecture, he replayed Titanfall several times during this period.

I read every readable document in an attempt to find clues.

I have to talk to every NPC that I can talk to countless times.

Needless to say, I actually found some clues.

The small device that BT accidentally connected using mind-sharing technology is broken. If it is in good condition, can BT leave a "doppelganger" when connecting the device?

In order to verify this, he repeatedly backed up the archive and read the archive.

By chance, he overheard a conversation between two staff members.

"Damn it, there's been such a shortage of supplies recently, and that broken equipment can't be repaired."

"I heard that the hunter Ash from IMC has replaceable parts on his mecha."


After getting the important clue, Exaggerated Brother immediately read the file repeatedly and beat Ash again and again.

Could it be that the parts on Ash's mecha were broken due to the final execution?

This time, just start from scratch.

Playing the level again, this time he discovered that there was a small mechanism hidden deep in the previous level.

After opening it, an extra mechanical claw will appear when fighting Ash.

Use the mechanical claw to defeat Ash in a terrain kill.

Sure enough, this time the parts were not damaged.

Once brought back to base, staff will repair that device with new parts.

When facing the Twin Titans, Puffy was inspired to try to defeat the Twin Titans at the same time.

This time, instructions for using the mind-sharing technology were left.

BT successfully connected with the equipment at the headquarters.

Even to a certain extent, BT can control some machines in the headquarters.

Keep playing with excitement and beat the ending.

It's still a familiar line.

"Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot."

BT then throws Cooper out, sacrificing himself to save the world.

There seems to be no difference.

But after Cooper's lost monologue, the game doesn't end and the credits pop up.

But there is a short animation!

"Damn it! Is there really a hidden animation? Lin Mo, I love you!"

Brother Exaggerated shouted excitedly, and then stared at the screen.

The end of the game.

"I don't know what it's like to have a new Titan. But I quite like the old one."

"Pilot Jack Cooper, end call."

The screen turned and we were inside the headquarters.

At this time, everyone was still immersed in the joy of victory in the war.

He didn't pay any attention to an inconspicuous device in the corner, and the red light on it turned on.

Then it turns green.

Twinkle and twinkle, as if talking.

At this point, the game is all over, and the credits pop up.

The green light is flashing!

Within a few days, I played 30 hours of Titanfall.

The physical fatigue had long since disappeared at this moment, and instead he exclaimed excitedly.

"Beautiful! I found it, I found it! BT may not be dead, it may still be alive!"

A hidden easter egg that took thirty hours to see.

Although it was only a short, unclear animation for a few seconds, he felt that it was all worth it.

This means the game is likely to have a sequel.

That Pioneer Titan BT7274 might come back!

Brother Exaggerated excitedly hammered his chest like a King Kong.

He couldn't wait to post this latest discovery online and share this surprise with Titanfall fans.

But he glanced at the time again.

Skyfire Armor 2 will be unlocked in half an hour.

Depend on!

It’s already this time?

His face was full of confusion.

The speed of making videos must not be much faster.

You need to write copy, dub, edit, do special effects, align, compress, upload, etc.

No matter how little you say, it still takes three hours to start.

If you want to make the video quality better, it will take more time.

However, this will delay the play time of Skyfire Warframe 2.

His face is full of tangles, should we play first? Or make a video first?

No one has found any clues about BT's hidden mission yet.

He is the first!

But after clearing Skyfire Armor 2, that won't necessarily be the case.

Hesitated for a long time.

Just bite the bullet and make a video!

Let me first let the countless players who are crying over BT stop their tears.

So, once again, I plunged into intense work.

When the video was ready and clicked to upload, it was already six hours later.

Looking at this time, he felt a little disappointed for a moment.

As a loyal fan of the Skyfire Armor series.

I actually.

Really mutinous.

With a long sigh, he opened the group of fellow anchors UP in the game area.

Typing asked.

[Brother Exaggerated: Have you all cleared Skyfire Armor 2? 】

I just waited for a long time and no one responded.

What happened?

In the past, people in this group loved chatting.

I like to talk about games and post the latest pictures related to Naughty Cat games.

Where have everyone gone today?

Just when he was wondering, several people jumped out at the same time.

【Thank you! We are playing the multiplayer mode of Titanfall in black, and we have forgotten about the release of Skyfire Warframe 2]

[It’s over, I missed the broadcast time because of playing, let’s chat first]

[The devil must be the devil! Lin Mo unknowingly stole my time]

Brother Exaggerated couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Titanfall shocked countless people and made countless people cry for BT.

It has long become the anchor's favorite.

I also had great fun while working live.

These colleagues really like Titanfall.

After thinking about it, he still said it in the group.

[Brother Exaggerated: I found a hidden easter egg, BT may not be dead yet]

As soon as these words came out, a stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Many people who love water groups, some who don't like water groups, and some who like to talk but don't like to talk, all jumped out in just a few minutes.

Asked eagerly.

【What did you say? ! BT is not dead? Where is it? I’ll look for it as soon as the live broadcast is over]

【Say it! Damn it, if BT dies, I will collapse]

[You better not lie to me, right? I'm in the same state as you, you know what I mean? 】

[Say it, immediately, immediately! 】

Seeing that the group of friends were so excited, Brother Piao's hair stood up and he quickly explained a few words.

[Brother Exaggerated: I put them all in the latest video. I guess you will be able to see it after it is reviewed and uploaded. I am not lying]

【ohhhhhhhhhhh! 】

[I'm waiting, if you lie you will be dead]

Countless anchors learned the news and stayed in front of the screen, waiting for the latest video of Brother Piao Gua.

The news spread quickly.

Even some anchors who were playing Skyfire Armor saw the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"What the hell? Hidden easter egg? Maybe BT is not dead?"

After reading this, how can I still be in the mood to continue playing Skyfire Armor 2?

Although this game is good.

But that’s BT!

I immediately quit the game and started to stay on the YouTube channel of Brother Piao Kua, waiting for the video.

This left countless fans of Skyfire Armor 2 who came late to the show confused.

Isn’t today the day when Skyfire Warframe 2 is released and unlocked?

What's going on on the Mouse Stage?

Why are all the anchors staring at the same YouTube channel and constantly refreshing it?

What are you waiting for?

Or did you remember the wrong date?

Will the game be released and unlocked tomorrow?

In the single-player game section of Mouse Station, except for the Titanfall multiplayer mode and the live broadcast room waiting to watch the new video of Exaggerated Brother.

In a small corner, there are some live broadcast rooms broadcasting a game that many players have never heard of.

The graphics are average, the character art style is average, and the shooting feel is just passable.

However, the audience is incredibly loyal.

He is not moved at all by the overwhelming content of Titanfall from the outside world.

Some players who clicked in accidentally wanted to quit, but were attracted by the exciting gameplay of the game.

FPS with skills?

After seeing this, he stayed in the live broadcast room.

[Can anyone tell me what the name of this game is? 】



【PUBG Battle Royale】

The anchor saw this barrage and said helplessly: "New viewers can check out the pinned message in the live broadcast room. The name of the game is "Thunderfire Ranger" and it is currently in internal testing."

【Electronic Arts game? Electronic Arts is finally going to release a good game after "Dark Cage\

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