Unlike the outside world's madness about Titanfall, Lin Mo was quietly playing Skyfire Armor 2 at this time.

This game clearly explores the theme of the cost of becoming a hero.

In the ending, the protagonist encounters a dilemma.

To be a true hero, to kill the respected senior who is actually a traitor, and to prevent him from leaking important information about the Federation.

But this will always bear the infamy, face trial, and become a prisoner.

It is better not to reveal the identity of the senior and become a hero in name only, but an important piece of information will be leaked to the enemy.

But in this way he becomes an actual sinner, which may lead to the overthrow of the Federation, but that will only happen a hundred years later.

Lin Mo let out a sigh of relief, it was quite difficult to choose.

That's him. If the player reaches this point, shouldn't he curse?

He chose to kill the senior.

This man, who is like a master, has saved the protagonist several times and helped him in his most difficult time.

Now, he is killed by the protagonist himself.

The BOSS battle is over.

Before he died, the senior did not feel sad at all. Instead, he smiled happily and closed his eyes.

The protagonist changes from hero to sinner.

The game ends here, leaving an open ending.

Lin Mo let out a long breath and took a sip of the coffee on the table.

Wang Zichen, who was across the table, waited for a long time and asked anxiously: "Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Mo nodded in recognition and said, "It's an okay game with some highlights in terms of plot."

The joy on Wang Zichen's face flashed, and then he asked tentatively: "But?"

"However, you have to know that such an ending cannot be accepted by all players. The cruel fact is that not all of the millions of players you face have enough understanding to understand your expression, discussion, and story. Depth. They will just ask questions, why is my protagonist regarded as a criminal if he is so awesome? They will think this story is stupid."

Wang Zichen's expression darkened, he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "As expected of Mr. Lin, he saw the problem at a glance."

"As a player, I think this Skyfire Armor 2 is just okay." Then Lin Mo sighed again, "But as a practitioner, your choice is open to question."

"So, when Mr. Lin was making Titanfall, he borrowed a somewhat routine story framework just to reduce the difficulty of understanding?"

As a comprehensive art form, the most difficult thing about games is not to write any amazing plots, how deep they are, or how profound topics they explore.

It is not difficult for practitioners to do this. Never underestimate the power of professionalism.

What's difficult is to make all players understand it, understand it, and be moved or passionate about it.

If it's a game, you have to dig deep into the meaning behind every scene and every line, and rack your brains before you can understand the complete plot.

That is undoubtedly a failure in game production.

For example, "Skyfire Armor 2".

Lin Mo nodded and said, "Yes. From my perspective as a player, Skyfire Warframe 2 is quite to my liking. It's a very good story-driven game. From a practitioner's perspective, it's a bit of a show off."

Wang Zichen nodded and said with deep approval: "As expected of Mr. Lin. I have to apologize for what I said at the beginning. Mr. Lin, your storytelling skills are better than mine."

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "There is no such thing as being strong or not. It is said that there is no one who is first in literature and no one in martial arts. In the game industry, the story of a best-selling game will definitely not be bad."

"Oh? That's what you say." Wang Zichen's eyes lit up, "Mr. Lin, do you mean that the sales volume of "Skyfire Armor 2" will not be bad?"

Lin Mo chuckled and said without mercy: "I thought too much, and it's far inferior to the previous work."

Wang Zichen:

He was confused for a while, then let out a long sigh.

Let’s blame Electronic Arts.

But it didn't take long for him to come back to his senses.

They are all the pet peeves of the palms and backs of the hands, so there is no shame in losing to Mr. Lin.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Mr. Lin, Electronic Arts has a shooting game with skills that has a lot of action. It's a hit and has been pre-ordered. Do we want it?"

"You mean "Thunderfire Ranger", right?" Lin Mo shook his head, "This game won't be a hit."

Wang Zichen quickly sat forward and said, "Mr. Lin, you don't know, but 27% of this game's first week retention was."

"I know. But, who told you that 27% retention can explode?"

Wang Zichen was speechless for a while.

I even doubted my ears.

If the person in front of him was not Lin Mo, he would have laughed at him.

Do you understand the game?

Do you know what 27% first-week retention means?

But facing Lin Mo, he was a little unsure.

He asked tentatively: "Can I hear the reason?"

"Electronic Arts will launch a competitive ladder mode as soon as the game is released, right?"


"When the game goes online, it will promote the simultaneous start of e-sports events, right?"


"There aren't many heroes yet, right?"


"Buyout system, right? This is not the main reason for the problem."

"Yes." Wang Zichen became even more confused, "Isn't this normal? Isn't this the case in our CSGO and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?"

Lin Mo asked back: "Who told you that shooting games are suitable for competition? Suitable for competition?"

There was silence for a long time.

Wang Zichen couldn't say a word, he couldn't keep up with his thoughts at all.

"Aren't ladders and competitions standard for popular FPS games? Will these two things harm the game?"

Lin Mo nodded and said: "This is a bit absolute and a bit arbitrary, but in "Thunderfire Ranger", it will be."

Wang Zichen was completely silent.

Do you believe this? Do not believe.

If he believed it, it would subvert his understanding of the game industry over the years.

But he couldn't say he didn't believe it. The person in front of him was his boss after all.

Seeing his expression of silence and disbelief, Lin Mo smiled faintly and said: "Don't believe it? It doesn't matter. I can make a bold prediction. There may be 15 million players in the first week of this game. In the second and third weeks, It will be halved every week.”

Wang Zichen smiled and said: "Mr. Lin, this game will be a hit. It is a judgment made by myself and other designers and we unanimously agree."

Lin Mo knew what he meant.

The designers of Naughty Cat are now the most popular in the industry, and have been poached countless times.

One or two mistakes in judgment are excusable, but so many talented designers made mistakes in judgment?

That's outrageous.

Lin Mo tapped the desktop twice with his fingers, "It just so happens that it is commonly known as an FPS game with skills, and it is also a new project of Naughty Cat. Let "Thunderfire Ranger" teach you a vivid lesson."

"We want to do it too?" Wang Zichen's eyes lit up, "Is it the APEX printed on the card in Titanfall?"

This meaningful easter egg was specially requested by Lin Mo.

None of the Naughty Cat employees knew what it meant.

"Not now. With your current level, this game may fail." Lin Mo smiled and said, "Let's wait until "Thunderfire Ranger" has finished teaching you lessons, and we'll talk about it next year."

"Ah? So, Mr. Lin, what new project are you talking about?"

"The new project is named "Overwatch"."

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