China, Shark Platform.

Meng Dazui looked at the ending of "Skyfire Armor 2" with a confused expression.

At the end of the story, he chose to ignore the traitor status of his predecessors.

The senior looked at the protagonist with complicated eyes and pretended to be dead to bring the information back to the empire.

Another imperial spy deliberately revealed his identity and controlled the senior mecha to have a final battle with the protagonist.

The Federation mistakenly believes that the protagonist has once again saved the Federation, and the protagonist becomes the nominal hero.

He received a reward and was able to save his sick little sister at home.

But the countdown to the destruction of the Federation has entered a hundred years.

game over.

Meng Dazui didn't respond for a long time, and he was about to yell out what a bad game this was.

The combat system is so-so, and the plot is still like this?

But when the words came to his lips, he held back.

"Brothers, did I miss something? Why did my senior become a traitor?"

The barrage explained to him one after another.

[You were thanking the gift at that time and missed the key scenes and dialogue]

[Senior is originally from the Empire, but you didn’t know it, and there are hints in the plot]

[Take a closer look at the plot. If you don’t read carefully, will you blame this or that? 】

[Isn’t this a problem with the game? 】

Seeing the barrage on the verge of quarreling, Meng Dazui quickly changed the subject and then calmed down.

But I was still a little worried.

What kind of game is this that you can’t pick up after not watching it for a while?

It would be good to be able to vaguely understand the plot, but is it too difficult to understand?

The last time I couldn't connect without looking carefully at the front and back was when I was in school and listening to a math class.

However, after completing the game, he still gave a fair evaluation.

"I think this game is just okay. Due to the cost, it cannot be as detailed as Titanfall, and it cannot have a rich weapon system and multiplayer mode."

"It has a strong personal style. People who like it will like it very much. The story is good, but it is a bit difficult to understand."

"Of course, its lukewarmness is also related to Electronic Arts' promotion strategy."

As he said that, Meng Dazui sneered disdainfully.

Titanfall crushed Skyfire 2, and EA's calculations were exposed.

Now, everyone on the Internet laughed at him.

I wanted to praise my opponent, but I didn't expect that all the bragging for my opponent was realized.

Praising him turned into helping with publicity.

Instead, it hurts my own game.

This kind of interesting thing is really something you will never see in a few lifetimes.

Of course, I also added in my heart that it is not unfair to lose this game to Titanfall.

Stretched and deleted Skyfire War Armor 2.

Then he asked: "Brothers, what do you want to see? Choose 1, the multiplayer mode of Titanfall. Choose 2, Thunderfire Rangers."

[Ten Thousands of Blood Books: Titan Falls! 】

【Thunderfire Ranger! How lively was the fight? 】

[Don’t play any of Electronic Arts’ games, just play Titanfall! 】

Although Skyfire Armor 2 failed.

But another game from Electronic Arts has become popular inexplicably.

Slowly captured a large number of live broadcast rooms - Thunder Fire Ranger.

And it is becoming more and more popular.

Everyone who has played it says it’s good.

The audience also loves to watch it.

For a while, there were a lot less people playing CSGO and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds in shooting games.

The rest of the games simply disappeared.

In the stand-alone game sector, it is basically divided into two.

Half in Thunderfire Rangers, half in Titanfall's multiplayer mode.

The same is true in his live broadcast room. The players are almost divided into two halves, each accounting for 50%.

Since there are players on both sides who want to watch, today’s live broadcast is almost over.

Then play both sides and then broadcast.

The first thing I played was Titanfall.

After waiting for less than ten seconds, a handful of new games were queued.

The 32v32 battlefield boasted in the plan was indeed not realized in Titanfall.

Because the big battlefield is 64v64.

There are currently two maps, and the main game modes are point capture and annihilation.

In the point-taking mode, there are five points in total.

After occupying a point, you will continue to gain points, and you will win after accumulating to a certain level.

Meng Dazui moved around in the game, relying on his excellent body skills to form an army alone.

When you climb over a wall and see an enemy, shoot skillfully and take aim with a shuttle to take them away.

From the corner of his eye, he saw someone coming to support him. He immediately closed the distance with a hook and lock, killed one person and then escaped by sliding on the wall, with the enemy chasing after him.

When you climb over the wall and see a spray gun dropped by a dead player on the ground, just change the gun!

The player climbed over the wall and saw the black muzzle of the shotgun.

Bang bang and kill him with two shots.

At this time, he had already broken through a line of defense alone.

There are many enemy soldiers holding sniper rifles and firing cold shots at high points.

Meng Dazui summoned the Titan without hesitation, and then long-pressed on the back of an old silver coin on the ground to perform a melee execution.

The character of Meng Dazui undergoes an execution that reflects the style of Pilot.

The character knocks the enemy into the air with an uppercut, and then uses a hook to penetrate the opponent's body and pull hard.

The other person's body fell to the ground and he breathed his last.

Meng Dazui shouted "Shuang" and looked at the Titan on the other side who had also landed.

Directly driving the Titan, a dozen snipers were deployed to cover the area with firepower.

Titan's powerful firepower met the sniper, killing more than a dozen people in an instant.

All designs encourage players to attack and engage in aggressive bayonet fighting.

It doesn't matter if you die, you can be resurrected in just a few seconds and join the fierce fight.

Coupled with its extremely strong maneuverability, it can quickly reach the battlefield.

After playing it for a while, the only feeling is that it’s great.

Meng Dazui quickly ranked first in his side due to his extremely strong skills.

Then lost the game.

When the barrage saw this, they complained one after another.

[Can’t you even bring your teammates with you? It’s a bit too stupid]

[I’m used to being loud, so I’ve long been mad to death]

[A single player defeated a point, but his teammates refused to come to support. What kind of cerebral hemorrhage operation?]

[When will the ladder be launched for Titanfall multiplayer mode? 】

Meng Dazui smiled and said: "As long as it's fun to kill, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose. This game is originally designed to be fun to play, not to compete."

"As for the ladder mode, I think it would be better not to open it. The ladder mode is for competition, and competition must be balanced."

"But it's impossible to achieve balance in a game like Titanfall."

With that said, he turned off Titanfall and turned on Thunderfire Ranger.

As the game slowly became popular, more and more codes were released for internal testing.

Especially the big anchors, almost everyone has one.

The purpose is to use the streamer’s traffic to promote the game.

While playing, Meng Dazui kept talking.

"Eh? The Wandering Swordsman is an interesting hero. Although he is not very strong, he is so handsome and interesting."

"Holy shit! So big! So white! I'm going to play with her this round! Is this skill a bit too weak?"

During the remaining live broadcast time, Meng Dazui changed heroes almost every game.

Winning or losing doesn't matter.

Anyway, just have fun.

There were even a few games where he, a former professional gunman, actually posted the lowest statistics for the entire team.

But it was a lot of fun.

Time passed unconsciously.

"Brothers, the last move is about to be made."

As he spoke, he locked in a character that was closest to the attack style of a traditional shooting game.

Heavy assault rifle.

Unlike the fancy attack methods of other characters, its gameplay is very simple.

Just shoot and load the bullet.

The small skill is to jump up on the spot, and the big skill is to speed up the firing speed and power of bullets.

Then, his teammates were horrified to discover that the rookie in the team suddenly became awesome.

No matter how flashy the hero is, he is no match for a heavy assaulter.

10 kills, 20 kills, 30 kills

By the end of the fight, my teammates couldn't bear it anymore.

"No, buddy, where did you get this hangup? It's already been locked but it hasn't been blocked yet? It's all hanged up so quickly?"

Meng Dazui was not angry at all. Instead, he responded triumphantly: "Customized hook, 3,000 a month. Awesome, right?"


Then, the game was lost.

Meng Dazui wasn't angry at all, he was enjoying the killing anyway.

Play games for fun.

Winning is also happiness, killing well is also happiness, and climbing the ladder is also happiness.

He is getting older now, and he even feels that this kind of game designed purely for fun is more in line with his personality.

"Phew! I have long said that there will be a huge market for shooting games that focus on fun rather than competition. Look, aren't there two of them in one go?"

"If the anti-terrorist special forces had figured it out, they wouldn't be so cool even if they turned into Shuangyou."

"Lin Mo is still sensitive to the market. Knowing that the competitive gaming field is almost divided, he immediately engages in differentiated competition and starts to earn another wave of players' money."

"Okay, brothers, I'm going to get off. Huh?"

The moment the game returned to the main interface, Meng Dazui was stunned.

What the hell is this? !

"You have been reported for using third-party software and your account has been temporarily frozen?!"

Meng Dazui looked confused, "No, I'll just tell you!"

I am a streamer, cheating on a new game?

Have you seen any Naughty Cat game anchor cheat?

He never expected to be stabbed in the back by his teammates.

[Hahahahaha, it made me laugh so hard, I just like to watch Naughty Cat’s gun anchor play other games and get banned]

[New era cheat detection methods from other manufacturers. If you are suspected of cheating, go to CSGO and PUBG to prove it yourself]

Meng Dazui's good mood all night was instantly ruined, and he quit the game with a curse.

Then delete Thunderfire Ranger.

"I would say that this type of game is not recommended for small studios with weak technical skills."

“The more complex the game, the more difficult it is to fight against cheats because of the skill factor.”

"Just watch, this game is destined to be bad."

These somewhat angry words made many people dissatisfied.

[Only Naughty Cat games are popular, right? Are other games so bad? 】

[Unlocked, you should still be your Naughty Cat game anchor]

Meng Dazui didn't care at all about such a rhythm.

Several times every few days.

“This level of anti-cheating can only be achieved by sitting at the children’s table.”

"No need to compare with Naughty Cat, not even "The Edge"."

"When there is a fire, there are ghosts."

"Let me put it here, this game has clearly stated that there is a competitive mode. I am waiting for you to lose consciousness due to cheats and mis-blocking in the competitive mode."

"When the time comes, come back to me and apologize!"

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