Lighthouse country.

Bao Ken looked at the data with a gloomy expression.

Although Skyfire Warframe 2 did not lose money, it also did not meet sales expectations.

Sales in the first week were 1.2 million.

If subsequent promotions and discounts are run well, the final sales volume will be between 4.5 and 5.5 million copies.

A small profit, but it can't save the financial report.

The key is that the purpose of letting investors see that "EA can also make high-quality word-of-mouth games" has not been achieved.

What does this data mean?

According to Naughty Cat official data.

Titanfall sold 4.2 million copies in its first week, with subsequent sales easily reaching tens of millions.

Of the 4.2 million players who purchased the game, a full 1.9 million played the multiplayer mode for more than five hours in a week.

After doing this, Bao Ken felt even more sad.

Damn, the number of people buying the game is not as high as the number of players in other multiplayer modes.

The money you make from selling your own games is not as profitable as other people’s multiplayer modes.

Now I understand why the price of the game is not expensive.

It is to attract players to play multiplayer!

The more I think about it, the more I feel sad and frustrated.

Who would have thought that by bragging for Naughty Cat, all the bragging would come true!

I regretted it just thinking about it.

It has also become the laughing stock of the industry.

The more I think about it, the angrier I feel is that the toy company Kids King used to be very aggressive when it came to cooperation.

He actually became aloof!

The Skyfire War Armor toy series came to our door and asked for cooperation.

He was actually rejected!

This was something he couldn't understand.

Fortunately, the Thunderfire Ranger tested in the second quarter showed very good data.

It also makes sense in terms of financial reports.

Otherwise, he may really have to be replaced by a vote at the shareholders' meeting.

"Dad, it's easy to go out today and stop being busy with work, right?"

When Bao Ken looked up, his son, daughter-in-law and grandson stood helplessly in front of him.

Putting away the phone, he laughed and said, "Okay, okay, I'm not busy with work."

Thanks to the performance of Thunderfire Ranger, he was in the mood to spend the weekend with his family.

This is a commercial pedestrian street in Lighthouse Country.

There are many tourists and people shopping.

Bao Ken knelt down, smiled, touched his grandson's face, and asked, "Is there anything you like? Grandpa will buy it for you."

"I want toys!"

"Haha, okay! Let's go buy toys."

With that said, he led his grandson towards the direction of the toy store.

"Grandpa! I want that big robot toy!"

"Okay, okay, I'll buy you whatever you want."

"That's so cool. Can you talk?"

"Really, what will you say?"

"What's the deal, insist on protecting the Pilot?"

"It's to protect the pilot, haha, grandpa knows this."

As he said that, Bao Ken's expression froze.

Wait, protect the Pilot?

This sentence has been all over the Internet for more than a week.

As the CEO of Electronic Arts, he couldn't be more clear.

Protect Pilot? !

Isn’t this Titanfall?

This game is like a nightmare.

Are toys out?

how come!

Feeling something bad in my heart, I quickly asked: "Are there any other toys we brought together?"

"Also, there are sunflowers, and pea and zombie dolls!"

Sunflowers, peas.

It doesn't matter if I say it alone.

Speaking of two, it might be some kind of plant-themed doll series.

But three, isn’t that Plants vs. Zombies?

Bao Ken's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously thought of some bad guesses.

Why did the child king's back suddenly harden?

Why don't you want to link up with Skyfire Armor 2? There is obviously a basis for cooperation in the first film.

Wouldn't he be the king of children?

No way?

With a bad suspicion, I opened my phone and took a look.


"Right now, take a look, just a look!"

Baoken opened Twitter and took a look anxiously.

The most popular tag is # The gift that men most want during the holidays.

I clicked it open and then everything went dark.



[Fuck, it’s so cool, I’ve already placed an order]

[I bought it late, the first batch of goods is gone, I’m so angry]

[How can I let my girlfriend see this message? 】

[My wife bought this for my son and I took photos all night]

[Share the tips and lens parameters for shooting BT]

And the number one ranking is the official title of King of Children.

[KidsKing linked to Naughty Cat Network Technology Co., Ltd. series of toys are online starting today! 】

[BT7274 and Jack Cooper series toys are officially on sale today! 】

[Plants vs. Zombies series dolls are now on sale]

Monster Hunter Nergigante statue, Resident Evil character figure

There are all kinds, covering all types.


I asked why you didn’t dare to answer the phone later.

You should answer the phone! !

Your kid Wang actually betrayed Electronic Arts? !

Why are there so many young men around me?

Bao Ken almost vomited out a mouthful of blood, and his blood pressure was a little high.

Hold it back, don't let it happen.

Today is the weekend to spend time with your family. Be good-tempered and gentle.

Suppressing the anger in my heart, I arrived in front of Kids King's store.

However, the people in line have already reached the next corner, which is a full fifty meters away.

Queues are not uncommon.

But this is a toy store!

People lining up included people with children, teenagers, and people in their thirties.

I was thinking about buying other toys?

But children are not that understanding of winks.

If you don't like it, cry!

Just, make trouble!

We had no choice but to start queuing.

A full half hour.

Looking at each family, they left with happy and satisfied smiles.

Some girls actually buy them and wrap them up, intending to give them to their boyfriends.

There are even more shelves selling Titanfall, Resident Evil and Monster Hunter games in Kids King.

Finally arrived.

Baoken said with a stiff face: "I want a toy of BT and Jack Cooper."

The employee was already sweating profusely and said sheepishly, "Sorry, it's sold out."

sold out? !

The little grandson's mouth was already deflated.

"So, what about the dolls from the Plants vs. Zombies series? Any one will do."

“Sorry, sold out too”

There were already tears in the corners of the little grandson's eyes.

"Monster Hunter statue?!"

"This one is gone too."

The little grandson started to choke.

"A figure from the Resident Evil series?!"

Baoken almost wanted to curse.

I'm actually here to buy toys for Naughty Cat!

Can’t buy it yet!

This is the most annoying.

The clerk asked with an embarrassed look on his face: "There is only one from King Ada. This is the extra one that someone just unsubscribed."

As he said that, he put the figure in the shopping bag and wrapped it.

Anyway, don’t worry about selling.

Another clerk had already put up a sold out sign and apologized to the customers behind.

"Okay, that's it."

Bao Ken gritted his teeth as he spoke, and his eyelids twitched as he spent money.

Never expected to have such a bad shopping experience.

The little grandson's expression finally stopped changing.

Except for Baoken, everyone walked out of the store happily.

This day can't be any more unlucky, right?

Naughty cat, Lin Mo!

When Thunderfire Ranger becomes popular, see how I mock you!

Just as I was thinking about it, there might be a Brother Ni wearing a hat and a scarf around.

He walked over leisurely.

Ignoring the fruit mobile phones in the hands of people around me and several ladies wearing expensive jewelry.

Passing by, he grabbed the handbag containing the figurines and ran away to moisten them at a speed that even Bolt could not catch up with.

Baoken's eyes widened and he felt his blood pressure was 160.

Can he be unlucky again?

What's all this about? ? !

Are you sick?

There was no time to call the police.

"Wow!!!! My toy!!"

The little grandson cried.

Bowken's head was empty.

You can really be unlucky again, right?

Now, my blood pressure is 180.

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