
"Just follow the path of CSGO! Follow it strictly and make sure there is no difference at all, you know?" Bao Ken said seriously.

The Ruian in front of him couldn't express his pain. After hesitating for a long time, he decided to speak out.

"Sir, although Thunderfire Rangers and CSGO are both FPS, they are different types. We cannot copy them completely! We"

Before he finished speaking, Bao Ken interrupted: "Are you saying that Lin Mo's decision was wrong?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Or are you saying that Lin Mo is not as good as you?"

"B-better than me"

"That's alright." Baoken nodded, "Just follow the CSGO way. Ladder, competition system, operations, etc."

Ryan was literally vomiting blood.

How come Electronic Arts has such a boss?

Who said that a successful businessman can lead a game company?

The past was before and the present is now.

There was no Lin Mo before, but now it is another era.

But, it still has to be said.

"Sir, the number of heroes in Thunderfire Ranger is not enough to support the competitive mode, and it is particularly difficult to balance FPS with skills. It is impossible to produce new heroes quickly."

However, these earnest words had no effect.

"It's the second test now. Aren't the data rising all the time? Are the player reviews very good? That's it. That's it."

Bowken firmly shut down the topic.

thought at the same time.

Whether it's Demon Hunter or Skyfire Armor 2.

They give these game designers too much authority.

I delegated power to you, what have you done?

The head office still needs to intervene.

But he also knows that capacity problems do exist and must be solved.

"Don't worry about the manpower problem, I will solve it for you. All you have to do is to balance the game. New heroes can be released slowly, but you must be prepared for the Thunderfire Ranger League and competitive mode."

Ryan felt weak all over.

Now it makes no sense whether he is alive or dead.

There is no precedent in this world for an FPS game with skills.

No one knows what the prospects of this type of game are, what are the key points and highlights.

Thunderfire Ranger is a game that inexplicably became popular while exploring.

But his instinct told him that if he played the game the way Bowen did, something would go wrong.

Where exactly will something go wrong?

Don't know yet.

Maybe it's Lin Mo, or maybe Lin Mo doesn't know?

Leave Electronic Arts headquarters and return to the studio.

Since you can't defeat the boss, you can only do it.

Let’s strengthen the hero Wandering Swordsman first.

In the following period, the development progress of the studio's new heroes almost stalled.

The existing 15 heroes have begun various modifications.

Surprisingly, players didn't resent it, and the game's popularity grew.

For example, the modified Wandering Swordsman has suddenly become one of players’ favorite heroes.

It has a handsome appearance and good skill mechanics. Once its numerical value is enhanced a little, it becomes like a little monster.

The Thunderfire Ranger League is also in preparation.

According to the two divisions in the east and west of the Lighthouse Country, it is similar to the NBA's competition system.

Major cities have their own representative teams, and games are played on a city-by-city basis.

The strongest in the East and West will enter the playoffs, and the champions of the East and West will eventually determine the championship.

As soon as this news came out, countless teams began to form Thunderfire Ranger e-sports divisions.

Many talented young people have also bet on Thunderfire Rangers, hoping to realize their e-sports dreams.

The popularity of games is getting higher and higher, and many manufacturers are also interested in it. Before the game is launched, various knock-off products have also been launched.

Shark platform.

Meng Dazui still ignored the calls of the platform and the audience, and would not play Thunderfire Ranger again after that day.

Even if his account has been unblocked.

【What a confused person! If you don’t play Thunder Fire Rangers, your position as the number one shooter in the shooting game will be gone.]

[It’s not that it’s necessary, it’s that it’s gone]

[Meng Dazui? Not as good as a hair of Ogawa]

[Ogawa is a serious expert, he previously won the first place in the country in CSGO]

Faced with the rhythm, Meng Dazui didn't care.

Still playing games in your own style.

Mainly focus on CSGO without losing the basics.

When I get tired of playing, I find a few friends to have some fun.

If you can't find a black one, just go to Titanfall and have a blast.

On the other side, Xiaochuan, the new brother of the platform, has not broadcast CSGO for a long time.

Even the division changed to Thunderfire Ranger.

Outside the AR E-Sports Club.

"Xiao Mo, you have to look forward. The bonuses and wages at Thunder Fire Rangers are much higher than those at CSGO. Why are you holding on?"

Xiao Mo was confused for a while: "I am a professional CSGO player, why do I want to play in the Thunderfire Ranger League?"

"You have good marksmanship, quick reactions, and good awareness. You are suitable for the Thunderfire Ranger!"

"Haaland has good health, is tall, strong in confrontation, and fast, but he doesn't play basketball."

With that said, he turned and walked towards the club.

These newly established e-sports clubs have been like crazy lately, poaching players everywhere.

Behind him, agents from other clubs said loudly: "The entire team of TY's CSGO division has decided to transform into Thunderfire Rangers!"

"None of my business."

Saying that, ignore it again.

Still have to train.

The second test of Thunderfire Ranger released a large number of internal test codes.

This time it is not only available for streamers, but also for many players.

Everyone said it was good after playing it.

For the official launch of the game, the voices for the game and the ladder are getting louder and louder.

The momentum was huge at the time, quite a bit like when Naughty Cat rose to prominence.

Many people have a feeling that something is going to change?

Is Naughty Cat going to have a tough opponent?

Many people with vested interests in Naughty Cat are also a little anxious.

Such as event organizers, such as game video sites, such as fan communities, such as MOD producers, such as anchors, such as live broadcast platforms.

Mr. Lin, you are following similar games!

There are a lot of games in the world, as long as you, the naughty cat, make the game first.

Let's hang out with you!

Just copy what you have to, don't shudder.

After all, Naughty Cat’s reputation is notoriously good.

We never mind giving profits to other companies, we can make money by working together, we never do anything to bully others, and our products are mature and of high quality.

The premise is to follow the rules of Naughty Cat.

Inside Naughty Cat, many people are also anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Mr. Lin didn’t react at all?

Electronic Arts is so arrogant and arrogant, why shouldn't we give him some color?

With Naughty Cat’s production capacity, there is no problem at all in making a new game to catch up and release it first to capture the market.

The more anxious the outside world becomes, the more stable Lin Mo becomes.

At this time, he was playing a domestic turn-based game called "Sword Immortal".

The plot is so-so, and the gameplay is even more boring.

After closing the game, I opened the mobile game "Frontline War" and refreshed my physical strength for today.

Then he rubbed his neck and walked out of the office.

I saw Lin Mo coming out with a USB flash drive in his hand.

Many people guessed something.

Is Mr. Lin finally going to take action?

"Have a meeting, it's time to start preparations for a new project."

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of cheers.

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