meeting room.

"Perhaps everyone knows that some information about the new project was officially announced today."

"New project, "Overwatch". Now, I will briefly explain it."

Before Lin Mo could finish his sentence, everyone cheered again.

"Beautiful, finally taking action!"

"Overtaking in corners, beating up Electronic Arts!"

"Hey! I'm getting married in August. It's over. With such a tight deadline, I have to work overtime."

"Postpone it! Can you bear it when Electronic Arts is making fun of you?"

Lin Mo took a look at the family photos of all the heroes on the PPT and the Overwatch LOGO on them.

Through Wang Zichen's mouth, many people already know that this game is the next project.

But it’s not that exciting, right?

Lin Mo clapped his hands and reminded: "Calm down, work when it's time to work, get married when it's time to get married, the construction period is very sufficient, the game release date is expected to be early October."

Early October?

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

It's early July now.

Three months?

The original three versions of Hunter's Call of the Wild were produced together with Monster Hunter World, which took four months.

Du Rui said anxiously: "Mr. Lin, isn't this just over a month behind Thunder Fire Ranger? How can we compete?"

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "Thunderfire Ranger is looking for death. It will die suddenly soon."

Wang Yi's ideas are already trendy enough, but he has not kept up with the thinking.

"Mr. Lin, but now Thunderfire Ranger has the momentum to surpass CSGO and chicken, how could he die suddenly?"

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "It's too early to tell you now, and you won't understand even if I tell you. The fate of the Thunderfire Rangers will be the Anti-Terrorist Special Forces."

Wang Yi rubbed his forehead, thought for two seconds and said: "But Mr. Lin, once players have invested a lot of time in the Thunderfire Ranger ladder mode, how can they transition to Overwatch to score points? The learning cost is too high. ”

Lin Mo did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Who told you that I would enable ladder or competitive mode for Overwatch?"

Say it without saying a word.

Everyone was silent.

Everyone is doubtful about life, and they all wonder if they have missed something.

No ladder competition?

CSGO only became popular after competition started.

At the same time, Lin Mo added another big bomb: "Not only the ladder, but I don't plan to hold an Overwatch league."

Making these two decisions is a choice that cannot be made due to the type of game.

When talking about competition at the professional level, there is almost always an optimal solution.

In CSGO, players will only choose the guns that are most useful and can best bring victory.

For example, the rise of some versions of AUG and 553 has left the AK and M4 series uninterested.

Even the two guns of the M4 series have been in a state of you and me all year round in the history of CSGO.

Another example is LOL. There are very few versions where a hundred flowers bloom. If you leave out the unique skills, most professional players will choose the version with a strong lineup.

Or WAR3, before the updates were stopped, racial tactics were almost solidified.

This is even more true in Overwatch.

It is often seen that the lineups on both sides are exactly the same, because there is no other way, and the other players cannot play.

Can the powerful fortress in the hands of ordinary players be strengthened? If it is strengthened, ordinary players will be unable to play. If it is not strengthened, it will be a drain in the professional league.

Tracer, who is favored by professional players, often dies due to unknown AOE in the hands of players. The selection rate is not high all year round, and it is rarely played well.

If you strengthen it, you can't play in professional leagues. If you don't strengthen it, ordinary players can't play it.

Another example is the 303 lineup that once became a hit, with 3 tanks and 3 nannies.

It’s not fun for players to play, and the league is not fun to watch.

However, it is so strong that other lineups just can't beat it.

Do you use it?

In Lin Mo's previous life, the explosion of Overwatch was a great attempt, and its decline was not caused by one or two reasons.

For example, due to production capacity issues, Junkenstein is released every year, and only 11 heroes were updated during the life cycle of OW1.

Problems such as difficulty in balancing, slow updates, too team-based, high threshold for game viewing, too much negative feedback, cheating, inaction of official idiots, etc.

Every player who escapes from the trap has various reasons.

There are so many problems that cannot be explained in a few sentences.

And it's useless to just say it. It's better to watch the Thunderfire Ranger die once and for all.

In the production of Overwatch, the main profit models are passes and skin fees.

The initial hero update rate will be once a month, and will be slowed down after the hero pool is enriched.

At the same time, PVE battles that complete the background story are updated every year on important holidays.

"Okay, let's assume that this is the right way to go. But Mr. Lin, isn't Overwatch's production cycle too generous?"

"Yes, so there are two assignments for you during this period." Lin Mo turned the PPT to the end, "The first is to summarize the reasons for the sudden death of the Thunderfire Ranger and learn from experience."

Everyone nodded, although it is still unknown why Thunderfire Ranger died suddenly.

But there are also some expectations.

Successful games lead to the same goal by different paths, and failed games are all different.

Previous games that collided with the Naughty Cat game had at best some elements that were similar to it.

Thunderfire Ranger and Overwatch are so similar.

If the former dies suddenly, it will be a vivid lesson and a lot can be learned.

"The second is to prepare in advance for this year's WGA, which is Overwatch's next project and the last project of this year. Think about how to design an action game with a sense of accomplishment as the core."

As soon as he said this, Wang Yi's eyes lit up.

The wait is finally here!

After being trained by Monster Hunter, players began to like the sense of accomplishment brought by defeating powerful enemies.

Think about the dispute with Electronic Arts. High difficulty is the core to evoke players' sense of accomplishment. It is called a design concept that is doomed to failure.

Think about it again, I have worked hard and produced a best action-adventure game of the year, and it was still nominated for the best game of the year.

In the end, he was charged with "discrimination" and was kicked out.

It can be said that I have been working so hard this year, but I am still breathing a sigh of relief.

Prove yourself, then watch Electronic Arts games with nothing on the WGA, and then call Martin a clown in front of him.

How cool that would be!

After the game project was approved, Naughty Cat immediately started working like a sophisticated machine.

With Lin Mo as the backbone, everything was as smooth as lubricant.

At the same time, an Overwatch animated short film is in preparation.

The game is indeed released late, and pre-heating can start long ago.

"Mr. Lin, when will the first animated promotional video be released?"

Lin Mo originally wanted to say anytime in late July.

But then I thought about it, you Electronic Arts disgusted me so many times.

Wouldn’t it be too sorry to give you back the money without interest for all the plans you racked your brains on?

"Scheduled for the day before the release of "Thunderfire Ranger"."

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