
The day before the official release of Thunderfire Rangers.

Xiaochuan thought carefully for a while and created a new folder on the computer.

The current popularity is hard-won.

Financial freedom all depends on the next month.

In order to record the content and direction of my live broadcast, it is better to record it.

If something is inappropriate, review it in time and keep a record-keeping diary.

As for today’s record.

Thinking about it, there was a little uneasiness on his face.

Thunderfire Ranger didn't have much to do today.

But Overwatch has released a second animated short - Double Dragon.

Two new characters, Genji and Hanzo, are introduced.

A pair of brothers.

The younger brother Genji is a ninja who uses darts as his main means of attack, and the older brother Hanzo is an archer who mainly uses bows and arrows.

The former's ultimate move is to draw out a dragon blade to kill the enemy, while the latter's ultimate move is to summon a blue dragon to fly towards the enemy.

Two of the slogans using ultimate moves are very handsome with the support of voice actors.

If he hadn't decided on the direction of the next live broadcast, he wouldn't be able to help but play Overwatch.

Skills, so cool.

Moreover, the camerawork in the animated short film is also very good, making the scene where the two brothers fight is very impressive.

Naughty cat, are you prepared?

In comparison, Thunderfire Ranger's side seemed much shabby.

But in a game, the most important thing is the gameplay.

CG or animated short films are not important either.


Write down what needs to be recorded.

Peak popularity in today’s live broadcast room.

28 million.

The next day, came the 20th.

Thunderfire Ranger is officially released.

"Brothers, the exciting time has come!"

There are only two hours left to unlock.

In order to be in the best condition on the first day of live broadcast.

Since the show started, he has been immersed in the gun training software.

The current popularity of the live broadcast room is 31 million.

The popularity of domestic live broadcast platforms is a very metaphysical thing, not the number of real-time viewers.

A small anchor with just a few people in the live broadcast room can get tens of thousands of hits just by receiving random gifts.

The algorithms of each platform are different, and the proportions of various values ​​are different. The most important ones are the number of paying viewers with consumption records and the receipt of gifts.

But simply put, the higher the popularity value, the better.

After practicing seriously for a while, he was about to warm up by drawing some small prizes.

As a result, I saw barrages that were flooding the screen like crazy.

[The first day patch content is out! Go and see it! 】

[Something serious has happened, your skills have been wasted]


What's going on?

Xiaochuan quickly clicked on the official website and took a look.

【First day balance adjustment】

[Wandering Swordsman: Stab damage -35 points, CD of walking on the waves +3.5 seconds, HP -25 points]

[Heavy Assaulter: Single bullet damage -1, concentrated aiming damage increase effect -35%, heroic jump landing speed +20%]

[Plague Doctor: Biochemical bomb slowing effect +15%, continuous damage increased by 2 points/second]

Xiaochuan looked at it and couldn't hold it back.


What's wrong? !

Are you sick?

These are two characters who practiced hard during the testing period.

Did you chop it down with a knife?

If you're just playing it, you really don't have to worry about strength or weakness, as long as the character is cool, you won't get tired of playing it for a day.

But in order to score points, the stronger player will play.

Not only him, but also the barrage was full of complaints.

[I’ve been studying for a long time, so I’m going to cut it off? ! 】

[Why is the patch content released today? You must be sick! 】

[I’m convinced, it’s really a scam]

Ogawa suppressed his temper and said something to change the topic.

But I still felt a little uneasy.

Don't cause trouble just by opening the server!

Fortunately, this situation did not prevent the grand launch of the game.

I waited in line for half an hour before I could enter the game.

Sure enough, the ladder mode was ready as soon as the server was launched.

I started playing the game with great enthusiasm and played the game almost in seconds.

Since it is the first time for every player to play, there is no data support, and most of them are not very good at playing.

It can be seen that the players are very new to everything.

Looking here and there, the preparation process is over and the game has started, but I haven't even realized yet.

When Ogawa relied on his personal ability to break through, his teammates arrived belatedly.

Although the Wandering Swordsman was severely slashed, his ability mechanism is good and he has more than a dozen abilities.

Won the first game easily.

The elegant and agile gameplay of the Wandering Swordsman also made the audience in the live broadcast room extremely enjoyable.

As expected, the audience loved it!

Popularity has reached 35 million.

Ranked in the top five in the entire game area.

Others are some big anchors who have already become famous.

Meng Dazui, the best brother in the shooting game, has long been left out of the top ten.

He still didn't play Thunderfire Ranger.

There was even a line of words hung upright in the live broadcast room: Waiting for Overwatch.

Don't blame me.

Start the next one happily.

It was still a crushing victory without any suspense.

The heroes chosen by teammates are all kinds of fancy.

Ogawa also started to play freely, switching between different heroes.

Anyway, you can win even if you take a healer and rely on your marksmanship.

So what are you afraid of?

It wasn't until two hours of winning streak that I encountered some resistance.

By this time, teammates had begun to consciously choose some powerful heroes.

For example, the newly enhanced favorites Plague Doctor and Guns N' Roses Lena are present in almost every game.

After three hours of winning streak.

The game finally encountered a somewhat strong opponent for the first time.

A co-host.

Not daring to play around anymore, I captured the Wandering Swordsman, one of the most capable and skilled heroes.

But, still haven't fought.

Every time you encounter the enemy's plague doctor, the opponent will win six out of ten times.

Obviously Ogawa's marksmanship is more accurate and stronger.

In desperation, he could only choose the boring Guns N' Roses Lena.

Big and white.

But the gameplay is boring.

But strong.

This time, relying on Ogawa's skillful operation, the decline was immediately restored and a hearty comeback came.


At the end of the game, looking at the extra points, I couldn't help but laugh.

The popularity has reached 41 million, ranking among the top three in the game area.

It also ranks among the best in the entire site.

Two o'clock in the morning.

Xiaochuan yawned and said, "This is the last time, brothers. I'm too sleepy. See you at the same time tomorrow."

After entering the game, start the game.

But it was discovered that the two sides were mirror image lineups.

Although it has not reached the highest level set by the game, there are indeed not many people who can reach this level on the first day.

Either the familiar CSGO ladder high score ID, or the anchor.

The hero choices of both sides are exactly the same, and both are strong heroes.

[Let me go, they are exactly the same? 】

[Okay, it’s time to fight with the bayonet]

【come on! 】

Win this last game and go on to the next broadcast.

I didn’t take a break for the first time, but recorded it in a notebook on my computer.

"The popularity has skyrocketed beyond expectations, and the program effects are also good. Killing is very exciting, and playing is hearty. This game will not be bad, it is a good game, and I am right."

"In terms of gameplay, tanks are still a bit weak and can easily be killed instantly."

After thinking about it again, I added another sentence.

"Also, there are a few heroes."

On the 23rd, eleven o'clock in the evening.

Still maintains extremely high popularity.

But something was wrong with the barrage.

[How come you only play one or two out of 15 heroes? I am bored】

【Change heroes! It’s either a plague doctor or Lina, even a wandering swordsman or a heavy assaulter! 】

Ogawa looked helpless. These two values ​​​​were too low to play.

But if the audience wants to watch it, they have to play it.

Seeing Ogawa replace the plague doctor with a wandering swordsman, his teammates were dissatisfied.

"No, buddy, what version did you choose this sewer?"

"That's right, this is divided into different levels, so don't choose swordsman."

"We don't want to lose with you."

Xiaochuan quickly explained: "Believe me, I am a unique skill brother. If it doesn't work, I will change."

Saying this finally suppressed the dissatisfaction of his teammates.

The result was a loss.

Even Ogawa's head was about to hit the monitor, thinking hard about the operation.

Unfortunately, the other party is also a master.

A hero who is stronger than you is simply stronger than you.

Moreover, the Plague Doctor’s slowdown perfectly restrains the Wandering Swordsman.

This round, I had no choice but to lose.

"Idiot, this is all you have to do to have a unique skill?"

"Have a good time and don't play again."

Ogawa's face turned red with anger.

But there's no way to refute it yet.

As the score gets higher, so do the games lost.

Moreover, the lineup is becoming more and more solid.

There are only 15 heroes in total.

6V6 mode.

Throw away the ones that were cut and scrapped, how many can be played?

If you want to increase your points, you can only choose those strong heroes.

In the diary of that night.

"Something feels wrong. The scores are getting higher and higher, but the fun seems to be getting less and less. The lineup is becoming more and more solid. There are more and more pressure monsters and quarrels. You will even be scolded for choosing some heroes."

"The popularity of the live broadcast room has always been at a high level, which is gratifying for Electronic Arts."

“Today Overwatch releases a new animated short called Rebirth, introducing two new heroes, Tracer and Black Widow.”

"I feel a little uneasy."


[Can you play with other heroes? Just these two? Are they all the same? 】

[Can cloud players die? Can other heroes play? 】

[Why do you feel it’s not as fun as the closed beta version? 】

Ogawa looked at the word "failed" on the screen and the 36 million people, and felt a little panicked.

what happened?

where is the problem?

Why has the popularity of the Thunder Fire Ranger live broadcast room generally begun to decline?

It shouldn’t be!

In the diary of that night.

"Cheating has become rampant, and the game environment has begun to feel bad. Now, if you rely on marksmanship to make a comeback, you will be suspected of cheating for the first time."

"Currently, the game has 12 million players, and the momentum is good."

"I hope the second week's patch can save Thunderfire Ranger. It is said that in order to improve the experience of tank players, tanks will be comprehensively strengthened."


Xiaochuan felt panicked when he saw the popularity of 29 million.

Thunderfire Ranger is still a big division, but the audience doesn't seem to like it.

Because of the first week’s patch, the game ecosystem was directly destroyed.

The official is aware of the balance issue.

Originally, a competitive game should not be modified frequently, which can easily destroy the skills that many players have worked hard to practice.

However, the first week patch was released to strengthen tanks and some sewer heroes. Plague Doctor and Lina are no longer the only two.

However, something even more terrifying emerged.

On the scene, this team battle has been going on for three minutes.

No one can do anything to anyone.

A sewer nanny named Demonic Priest has about the same amount of milk as she does without, but her small skills allow her to control the contact, and her ultimate skill can resurrect two teammates who died in battle while speeding up all of them.

Not only does his ultimate move recharge slowly, his body is squishy and he has no mobility.

This sewer instantly became T0.

Three reinforced human shields are placed in front to withstand damage while delivering good output while protecting the crispy demon priest.

The Demon Priest relies on three tanks to drain blood to accumulate energy like crazy, and those who are instantly killed by concentrated fire can still be resurrected.

Continuously resurrecting teammates can also accelerate the speed of three tanks to charge into the formation.

The other two wet nurses kept protecting the devil priest and the front row wet nurse.

There is no output, three tanks and three nurses.

Is it fun? Is not fun.

Strong? Very strong.

The DPS team is completely unable to withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of this team.

In order to keep points, I can only join and play this boring lineup.

Everyone who plays is bored, and those who watch are even more drowsy.

In the point occupation mode, victory or defeat needs to be determined based on the progress within the occupation point.

The longer you stay in the spot, the faster the countdown will be, and no matter which party leaves the spot for even one second, you will fail.

It was a pity in this round, as the opponent released a perfect ultimate move.

In just an instant, everyone on Ogawa's side left the point.


Xiaochuan's mind went blank.

Can this be lost?

The internal voice chat has turned into a pot of porridge.

"Damn! I'm really impressed. What are you doing?"

"If you don't know how to play, don't play. You can't stand at any point? You can't expect me, the devil priest, to take over the points, right?"

"What are the tanks doing?"

Xiaochuan felt a chill down his back.

The barrage is also very dissatisfying.

【Change heroes! The more I play, the more boring I become, it would be better if I didn’t have this patch]

[I feel sleepy after watching this]

[It’s so boring. Is this still a shooting game? It’s more boring than playing a battlefield in an MMORPG]

[Bye, I’m going to watch CSGO]

Before another game started, the popularity had dropped to 23 million.

And Meng Dazui is still playing CSGO.

Popularity 9 million.

It seems that something is really not good.

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