Shark platform, in a live broadcast room named Lao Xue Ai playing games.

"Thank you Overwatch for the shameless plagiarism. Thank you for the hammer, the house management banned this person."

Lao Xue cursed and continued to play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Thunderfire Ranger had some problems recently, and he was sensitive to it.

The division's popularity has declined, but it is still the undisputed first division in popularity.

Although most of the current shooting game anchors have started to play Thunder Rangers, there are a few anchors who will never touch Electronic Arts games.

For example, Meng Dazui, such as Lao Xue.

Meng Dazui played it because the audience wanted to watch it, but because of the mistake, he lost his favor for the game and gave up the game.

But Lao Xue is a die-hard Naughty Cat fan.

Along the way, I have been influenced a lot because of this identity.

After the real explosion of Thunderfire Ranger, he was frequently attacked by Naughty Cat's anti-fans.

Especially for an anchor who has cheating experience, the live broadcast time is exactly the same.

The two had a quarrel and have been at loggerheads ever since.

When the anchor has something to do, he hires trolls to disgust him, or he sets the pace to make fans disgust him.

【Are you protecting the naughty cat again? Lin Mo is your father? 】

[Laughing, is there anyone so loyal? Call twice? 】

Looking at these insults, Lao Xue said with emotion: "I have set up a fan card to speak, and even sent gifts to level up to scold me, which makes it difficult for you. If you want to talk about me, I am just a deformed version of the Thunderfire Ranger, and I will be disgraced sooner or later."

There are also some true fans who are a little worried.

[Old Xue, stop talking nonsense, there are too many rhythms now]

[You really don’t need to give yourself such a clear label, wouldn’t it be better to just play the game silently? 】

Faced with fans' concern, Lao Xue said bluntly: "What's wrong with me supporting my friend's game? I just support it."

I felt a little helpless because I really didn’t want to explain this to Danmu.

He and Lin Mo were both UP owners in the game area. They met in the group and later played black and white games together.

They were all from Zhonghai, and they had drank a few times.

On the day when Lin Mo was banned for cheating on Dawei, he made many phone calls to persuade him.

I am afraid that if a small UP bumps into a big anchor, his career will be affected.

After Lin Mo really made CSGO, Lao Xueben did a small favor to his friend and started a live broadcast and became one of the first CSGO anchors.

Unexpectedly, it became popular and surpassed UP Master to become the number one business.

Since then, it has become even more magical. Naughty Cat has become a world-famous game company, rewriting the history of games.

Lin Mo is getting busier and busier. Except for the two of them playing privately twice when CSGO first came out, they never played together again in the next two years.

I can only call and send blessings during holidays.

But this friend position was still seen by many players.

When someone asked, he just said he was a friend and didn't say much else.

He knew that Lin Mo was the center of attention now, and he didn't want to cause trouble to his former friends.

After all, there is a great disparity in status now.

No matter how much you say it, no one will believe it.

He is just an anchor under the Shark Platform. No matter how big he is, he is still an anchor, let alone not the biggest.

Naughty Cat is already a world-famous game company.

It's just a barrage but not forgiving.

【Who do you know? I don’t know where a friend came from, I’ve been showing off for several years]

[It is estimated that when CSGO was still a small game, Lin Mo gave the anchor’s friend status in order to promote the game]

[Stop taking advantage of Lin Mo's enthusiasm. Please, what's the use besides getting scolded? 】

[I am still Lin Mo’s friend, but he doesn’t treat me as a friend]

When Lao Xue saw this, he rolled his eyes and cursed: "Silly x, is there something wrong with you? Why am I taking advantage of you? Why am I taking advantage of you to tell the truth?"

As a result, after just a few curse words, the live broadcast room was warned by super management, and some popularity was deducted as punishment.

If the popularity is low, the ranking will be low, which will affect the income.

Lao Xue choked. Seeing that the supervisor was still in the live broadcast room, he snorted and stopped talking.

[Laughing to death, I failed to gain popularity and got a warning. Isn’t it a shame?]

[You know Lin Mo, but you want Lin Mo to help you? (funny)】

[Lin Mo (v): Thank you for your concern, I called Boss Chen from Shark Live]

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[High imitation? 】

[Wairui, certified, is a real person! 】

[Super Tube-Xiaoyu:? 】

Lao Xue was stunned for a moment. The character stopped for a moment while running, and was taken away with a headshot.

Then he saw the background reminder.

Super Tube-Xiaoyu has exited the live broadcast room.

Then, the heat that had been deducted came back.

real or fake?

The next second, I saw the profile picture on the origin platform that had not been lit for a long time lit up, and a message was sent.

Lin Mo: I helped you put on a show in front of the audience, no need to thank me.

Lao Xue:? ? ?

The next second, a voice application came over.

After hesitating for two seconds, he answered.

It's the same familiar voice.

"You are no good, Lao Xue, how can you be killed? You won't be able to score points if I'm not here, right?"

Lao Xue let out a sigh and scolded with a smile: "I'm too lazy to score points, okay? But you, Boss Lin, aren't you busy at Overwatch? Don't forget each other whether you are rich or noble."

"Put it down, I invited you to work at Naughty Cat several times, but you didn't come." Lin Mo's voice came with a smile, "There is plenty of time to make Overwatch, and Naughty Cat has established a foothold, so you don't need to work all day long. busy."

"I don't want to be your little brother. How about I make a video and start a live broadcast?" Then old Xue Jiangxin asked suspiciously, "Did you really call Mr. Chen of Shark Live?"

"Really, I told you to help you pretend to be cool, how can this be fake? Many of Naughty Cat's games have in-depth cooperation with Shark Platform, as you know."

At this time, the barrage was confused.

[No, do you really know him? ! Full marks for this cool outfit]

【Depend on! Is this friend the real deal? 】

[Knowing Lin Mo, are you still here as a small anchor? 】

[Mr. Lin, I am your fan! 】

During the chat, Lin Mo had already sent a game invitation and started playing the game.

We chatted here and there, about daily life, game development, and future plans.

Lao Xue's expression remained as usual, but in fact, there had already been an uproar in his heart.

How can he, a small anchor, play games with Naughty Cat's boss, Lian Mai?

This friend from back then really remembered him and was willing to help.

And there was no arrogance in his tone, it was still the same as before.

"Old Xue, why don't you fight Thunderfire Ranger? Why don't you want such a popular person?"

"Isn't this to support your game?"

"Pull him down, let's broadcast whatever is popular. I'm still half a player short of this?"

"Yeah, I'm not half an audience short of that."

"Help me get one with a vertical grip." After mentioning the accessories he wanted, Lin Mo continued, "That's true. Thunderfire Ranger won't be popular for long anyway, so it doesn't matter if it's not broadcast."

Lao Xue took a breath of cold air and quickly said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "What Mr. Lin means is that games always have a life cycle."

"No, that's what I mean. I have told the company before that the number of players in this game is expected to be halved by the end of the second week, and then halved again by the third week. It will be cool in two or three months."

Lao Xue's face was covered with black lines, his eyelids twitched, and he said, "I'm on live broadcast."

"I know. Don't we all see the Thunderfire Ranger's problems? The game ecosystem has collapsed, and the first step has been taken."

Although because of Lin Mo, Lao Xue did not play the game of naughty cat rivalry.

He had also heard about the 303 incident involving the Thunderfire Ranger.

But the game is still selling well, and there are still a lot of players.

"This is said to be impossible, right?"

"What's impossible? Thunderfire Ranger has been on the wrong path since he was born."

Players all know Lin Mo's character.

This is someone who dares to post a video dissing this scammer’s game when the apocalypse is in full swing.

But is it too bold to dare to say that a game has already been released and has achieved very good results?

[If you can’t compete with the Thunderfire Rangers, you just start a live broadcast to talk about them. What’s the difference between that and Martin? 】

[You are not the only one in the world, Lin Mo, who can make good games. Overwatch is not a copycat of Thunderfire Ranger]

[Then your Overwatch was released at the same time as Thunderfire Ranger. What are you going to do after hiding for a month? 】

[Lin Mo’s games are good, but they beat Electronic Arts. If you don’t accept it, just hold it in]

[Waiting for the day when Thunderfire Ranger dies suddenly]

Lao Xue ignored the barrage and got used to it.

"Is the WGA sure to win this year? Apart from your game, which game do you think has a chance?"

In the voice, Lin Mo pondered for a few seconds and then said: "There is an action game called "Black Knight". It will be released at the end of this month. It has great potential. I am very optimistic about it."

"I have to try the game that makes you praise me." Lao Xue said, stuffing a found vertical grip into his backpack, "I found it, I'll give it to you! Where are you going? ?”

Lao Xue looked at the map in confusion.

Lin Mo rushed directly to a housing area where someone had been spotted before.

This is a 4-player mode, and they prohibit other people from joining, which is equivalent to a remnant team.

He was so frightened that he ran to support him.

However, he didn't wait for him to reach his destination.

There was a burst of fierce gunfire ahead.

At the top right corner, four people fell to the ground.

Lao Xue was silent for two seconds, then admitted with a wry smile: "Okay, brothers in the live broadcast room. I admit that at that time in the high-end bureau of the anti-terrorist special forces, I was holding Lin Mo's thigh."

"I haven't played for a long time, I feel rusty."

The ending of this one is a chicken win without any suspense.

The two played a total of three games before Lin Mo got offline.

A few seconds after hanging up, the phone dinged.

The above is a multiple message.

Lin Mo: Seriously, come to work at Naughty Cat?

Lao Xue smiled and typed his refusal: Thank you for your kindness. I really don’t know how to develop games. If I go there, I will get nothing. I understand. Also, thank you very much for what happened today.

Lin Mo: It’s okay.

Lao Xue took a deep breath and was about to continue the live broadcast, but found that his live broadcast room had been listed on the homepage of Shark Live.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is rising like crazy.

As for the anchor who hired trolls to troll him, his popularity was cut by nearly half.

He looked confused and didn't know what happened.

Lao Xue shook his head.

It’s really a big deal from the game to the career.

How do you want me to live stream Electronic Arts games?

Don't have that face.

I, Lao Xue, also know how to be grateful, right?

After saying that, he laughed loudly, not afraid of another quarrel among the audience, and said: "Keep eating chicken, brothers! Do you hear me? Thunderfire Ranger is absolutely cool, Mr. Lin and I have the same judgment."

Seeing the angry look on the black fan's face, he felt even happier.

Feel sorry! There are three chapters left to be updated later, and Kavinka is going crazy. I deleted more than 10,000 words in one day, but it felt wrong no matter how I wrote it.

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