Lin Mo didn't expect that the day he and Lao Xue played games would cause such an uproar.

The first thing is about Lao Xue. The call was really made to Mr. Chen of Shark Live.

With deliberate care and the gimmick that he really knew Lin Mo.

Popularity skyrocketed.

Apart from top anchors like Meng Dazui, he is one of the most popular anchors among those who do not broadcast Thunderfire Rangers.

What's more, what he said during the live broadcast in front of all the viewers aroused widespread discussion.

Reviews about Thunderfire Ranger.

Since Lin Mo usually keeps a low profile, he rarely expresses his opinions on social media.

This time, his comment that Thunderfire Ranger was not far from Liangliang became the focus of discussion for many people.

Live broadcast slices and game public accounts have been forwarded by the media.

On one side is the most popular game designer in recent years, and on the other is Thunderfire Ranger, the most popular game in the second half of the year.

Lin Mo's words aroused discussions among many people, were even translated into multiple languages, and caused an uproar on the Internet.

Many people expressed dissatisfaction with these "irresponsible" remarks.

Why do you say that?

Although 303 is indeed quite boring recently.

But it will be changed before the start of the professional league, and the game is currently selling well.

This made many people feel weird.

[Is this the level of top designers? Weird and strange? Thunderfire Ranger did it so well that even Naughty Cat didn’t reach the data, which is obviously sour]

[But it’s true that Thunderfire Ranger has not been normal recently, and what Lin Mo said is not accurate]

[Overwatch is obviously a plagiarist, but he still talks nonsense about the original work]

【27% first week retention will be low? Are you kidding me? Are you really a game designer? Running out of luck? 】

Even Ogawa sternly sided with the new game Thunder Fire Rangers on Weibo.

[ @Ogawa: I hope game companies will make good games and not start a war of words and become the person I hate most]

The comments below also understand the content.

[Indeed, when Lin Mo was still a young designer, he was often suppressed by public opinion offensives. He never wanted the boy who slayed the dragon to eventually become a dragon]

[I liked Lin Mo quite a lot at first, but now he started using such despicable methods to suppress his opponents like those disgusting big manufacturers]

[The plagiarists complain about the original work and it’s cool, it’s funny]

Whenever Lin Mo opens social media recently, the background is basically filled with this kind of ridicule and yin and yang weird arguments.

In response, he just tweeted.

[ @Lin Mo: A certain league died suddenly at the start of the game, I said so]

Then I don’t bother to look anymore and focus on my work.

The background setting of the game Omnic Crisis is quite exciting, and it would be a pity not to let players experience it.

The story campaign will be updated with the first hero Anna.

The second thing I did besides making the game was contacting Tidal Studios, the company behind the game Black Knight.

He had been paying attention to this game for a long time and had also played the demo of the game. He knew that this was a very poor studio.

But the game is also really good.

Lin Mo really feels that if there is no Naughty Cat game, "Black Knight" has the potential to become the best game of the year.

Therefore, when contacting Naughty Cat about investment matters, we will even provide some technical guidance if necessary.

I don't care about the profitability of this game, I just feel that it would be a pity if it was lost to everyone because of lack of money.

Bao Ken carefully read the media translation of what Lin Mo said during the live broadcast.

I read it over and over several times, not missing a single word.

He even hired a professional translator to translate what he said during the live broadcast.

The translations on the Internet were unreliable and he couldn't trust them. He was afraid that there would be some translation errors during the reading process and he would come to different conclusions.

After repeatedly confirming the meaning of Lin Mo's words.

Bao Ken snorted coldly and said to himself: "Thunderfire Ranger Liangliang? Can't you see its commercial results?"

But he also agrees with his judgment of the game environment and the current situation.

Although I don’t understand the game, I must pay attention to public opinion.

There is also the evaluation of the game "Black Knight".

Bao Ken touched his chin. Although he disagreed with Lin Mo's words, he still recognized the latter's vision of the game.

For now, this should be the first time that Thunderfire Ranger's judgment was wrong.

Such a master should not make a second mistake in a short period of time.

So, Black Knight should really be a good game?

He has already sent people to investigate this game.

Not surprisingly, the conclusion will be reached quickly.

As expected, just as I was thinking about it, my phone rang.

"Mr. Baoken, the matter you entrusted me to investigate has been cleared up."

"Oh? Say it quickly."

""Black Knight" is an action-adventure game. The developer is Tidal Studios. It has a strong personal style and a storytelling style that is a bit like the Riddler. The chief designer fully recognizes Wang Yi's approach."

"Tell the important point!"

"Okay. I heard that Lin Mo recently contacted Tidal Studio to inquire about investment matters. He probably wasn't lying when he praised the Black Knight during the live broadcast."


Baoken's eyes immediately lit up when he heard this.

Good guy, you Naughty Cat stole a big order from me, causing several of my games to fail to meet my expectations. I was disgusted many times, and even openly criticized Thunderfire Ranger on social media.

I haven't settled the score with you yet!

Zhengchou didn't know how to go back with nausea. Didn't this opportunity come?

"Let's join in! Contact Tide Studio immediately. No matter what price you pay, you must snatch this studio away from Naughty Cat! If this is really a high-quality game that can win WGA, That’s a lot of money!”

What Electronic Arts likes to do most is be a studio killer.

Acquire, intervene, disband when expectations are not met, and then keep the IP in your own hands.

The other party has long been used to it.

"Yes sir."

Finally got a chance to take revenge.

Thinking about Lin Mo’s angry expression, it’s so cool!

But think about it after you calm down.

Games like "Black Knight" with a strong personal style are mostly well-received but not well-received.

As long as they don't lose money, they can get the WGA, which will improve Electronic Arts' reputation and become the person who helps them in times of need.

Just make money.

In comparison, Thunderfire Ranger is the basic game.

Thinking about it, I called Ryan directly.

After waiting for a long time, the call was connected.

"Hello? Mr. Bowken?"

"I want to compliment you, you did a good job!" Baoken laughed heartily, "The sales volume in the first week was 15 million copies. Although the purchase price of the game was low, the total sales were not as good as that. But in terms of quantity, Naughty Cat didn't even do that. What a miracle!”

Ruian forced a smile and said: "Yes, yes."

"How has the game's balance issue been resolved?"

Ruian was a little surprised for a moment. Is this still the CEO who only wants to make money?

I'm concerned about game balance.

He quickly explained his current plan.

In general, the test server is to test the effect, and then officially launch the patch before the start of the league to solve the problem of the 303 lineup.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Ryan was happy for a moment when he heard this comment, and then he was immediately dumbfounded by the next sentence.

"But, no." Baoken said seriously, "This matter must be resolved immediately. We cannot wait for the game patch to be slowly adjusted. It must be changed immediately!"

Ryan said anxiously: "Immediately? But Mr. Baoken, releasing patches too frequently will make players feel that official orders are changed overnight, and all credibility will be lost."

"Who said you should make changes by releasing patches? Release new heroes."

Ryan's scalp exploded when he heard this.

My boss, do you want to listen to what you're saying?

Are new heroes so easy to come out with?

Do you know that the chemical reaction between heroes can lead to terrible things?

"No! Mr. Baoken, a new hero doesn't just set up the skills and send them up. It requires a long period of testing, changes, and adjustments."

"The current game ecosystem has already gone wrong due to your stupid modifications." Baoken's tone was unquestionable, "I read the submitted work report and launched the hero called Robot Ninja. It just happened to be a perfect 303 lineup. "

Game ecology? !

That businessman would use such words?

Thinking about it again, it’s not because he saw what Lin Mo said when he was playing games with others, right?

If he refutes this, you can even imagine the dialogue that will happen.

Things like, ‘This is what Lin Mo said, are you better than Lin Mo? ''What level are you at? Do you not believe what Lin Mo said? 'some type of.

The problem is, Lin Mo said that Thunderfire Ranger has taken the wrong path, why did you selectively ignore it?

Ruian was about to vomit blood at this time. He was silent for a long time, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay."

"The e-sports clubs participating in the Thunder Fire League are very active, and many CSGO branches have already transformed. You just need to do your job well. There will be a trophy for you in the WGA."


The phone hangs up.

Ruian felt weak all over and even felt a little anxious.

There are too many things to handle.

This is far beyond his own ability.

Games are still selling like hot cakes, and the popularity of the division is not as good as before, but it is still at the forefront of the game section.

Players are not sensitive to this, but platforms and manufacturers are very sensitive to this.

Obviously each tank only has a small amount of damage and movement speed added.

How could it become like this?


Two large balance patches released half a month after the server was launched?

What a fuss!

But it won’t work if we don’t change it. This 303 gameplay is used throughout the ladder.

Other lineups, even the strongest output position, cannot kill even one tank.

The only way to win is to kill the demon priest.

But how can it be so easy?

Everyone knows the biggest weakness of the lineup, and they are all trying their best to protect the demon priest.

If you can't beat it, join.

Except for the six heroes needed for 303, the selection rate and winning rate of other heroes have dropped to freezing point.

Strengthening and weakening through patches has the least impact on the game ecology, but it is also the slowest.

The introduction of a new hero will have an immediate impact, but if it is not tested, it may cause greater damage to the game ecology.

Gritting his teeth.

Since your CEO has said so and you can’t resist, I will launch a new hero.

Let an assassin who can accurately snipe and kill crispy skin - a mechanical ninja.

Change the status quo of 303.

As long as the demon priest is targeted, 303 cannot be established.

As for what happens next, let’s talk about it later.

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