In a university dormitory.

Liu Xianming got up early, dressed, washed, went to the cafeteria, and then brought breakfast to his roommates.

Although today is the first day of the National Day holiday, four of the six people in their dormitory are in the dormitory.

Zhang Feng's home is in Zhonghai City and he plans to go home in the afternoon.

He didn't want to go back because his family was traveling.

Roommates AB didn't go home because they didn't buy tickets.

Smelling the fragrance, the four teammates sat up straight and simply put on some clothes.

After calling my adoptive father and washing up, I started eating.

Zhang Feng stuffed a small steamed bun into his mouth, squatted on a chair and asked, "Xianming, why are you getting up so early? The service hasn't started yet, right?"

Hearing this, Liu Xianming scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "The Thunder Fire League will start soon. I plan to take a look before talking about it."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of several other roommates.

"Hey, what are you doing? It's such a nice day to go watch the Thunder Fire League? Play Overwatch!"

Liu Xianming clasped his hands together, smiled, and then apologized: "You guys play first, I'll watch the game coming soon, just one game!"

Zhang Feng laughed and scolded without sounding good-humouredly: "Lin Mo is right, this game is almost out of date, and it's not fun at all. Why are you watching him? Watching the exact same lineup fight back and forth?"

"That's right." The other two people also agreed.

"What if the game can be different? What if the game is good to watch. I just think this game is a pity. I am still a staunch Naughty Cat fan!"

Roommate A pouted: "You'd better be."

After receiving Resident Evil 3 for free, he has become a loyal Mormon believer.

Zhang Feng gave a bad smile: "If it doesn't look good, you want to beg us to cheat, but you have to be responsible for buying lunch."

"Tch, I won't beg you."

While chatting, not long after, it was eight o'clock sharp.

Both sides started at the same time.

Zhang Feng and roommate AB opened Overwatch, and Liu Xianming watched the opening ceremony.

Because of the high expectations, the opening ceremony was very grand.

Not only were there some reused technologies from the Fantasy Future concert, but there were also some singers from Lighthouse Country as a warm-up.

It can be seen from the scene that there are many people.

The audience in the audience was even more excited, cheering and cheering without hesitation.

The scene was very lively.

The warm-up program is over.

Bowken walked onto the stage step by step.

It can be seen that this person who has only been CEO of Electronic Arts for a few years but has been dubbed the "worst CEO" is in a very good mood.

With joy on his face, he said loudly: "Welcome to the Thunderfire Rangers League, I am Bao Ken, CEO of Electronic Arts!"

There was a pause when he said this.

It was supposed to receive applause, but unexpectedly, there was only sparse applause from the audience.

There was quite a bit of booing.

Even with the status of this big businessman, his expression changed slightly and was a bit unsightly.

Fortunately, the speech continued.

Generally speaking, it is just to thank the players for their support and to brag about business results.

But there are also some sensitive barrages that have discovered some situations.

[We only mentioned that the number of players in the first week was 15 million, right? Why not mention it later? Are there still 5 million left? 】

[You really have the nerve to talk about your results and change a good game beyond recognition]

[Say hello, refund the money! 】

Seeing this, Liu Xianming couldn't help but sigh.

It's a pity indeed.

The first game is between Hua Guo TY E-Sports Club and G3 E-Sports Club.

As a traitor in CSGO, TY’s barrage was full of “bah” sounds when he appeared on the stage.

What he was watching was Xiaochuan's live broadcast room.

Today, the most famous anchor of Thunderfire Rangers has been waiting for a long time.

You can hear it from the sound.

"Brothers, it's here! It's finally started after looking forward to it for a month. I will commentate on all the Thunder Fire League games. Just lock in the live broadcast room. Whether it's in the morning or in the middle of the night, see you there or leave."

It's still some time before the game starts.

Liu Xianming was bored and turned to look at his three roommates.

At this time, they have all passed the most basic teaching and officially started the game.

The clean graphics, the art that is obviously much better than that of Thunderfire Ranger, the good shooting feel, and the crisp "ding-ding" sound when you shoot a head make people want to play it just by looking at it.

No, no, let’s watch the game first.

Game start.

When he arrived at the selection interface, Liu Xianming became full of expectations.

What hero will you choose?

Wandering swordsman!

This good-looking!

But don't choose Mechanical Ninja, this hero has nothing but numerical values.

But God did not fulfill people's wishes.

Not only do both sides have the hero Cyborg Ninja, but their lineups are also mirror images.

This disappointed Liu Xianming very much.

Isn't this the lineup for ranking points?

Both high and low segments are used.

In the past, the focus of playing the game was to kill the demon priest, but now the focus is how long it takes for the mechanical ninja to kill and heal.

Ogawa's somewhat embarrassing commentary voice came out: "Well, the lineups of both sides are exactly the same. This is understandable. This lineup has both offense and defense, a high operating limit, and fault tolerance. It is a must-have for Thunderfire Rangers to score points."

Liu Xianming:

Do I need you to say something? Who doesn’t know this when playing games?

Moreover, the starting position and tactics are exactly the same as the high-end ladder games.

There is no difference at all!

Even in the first wave of encounters, the timing of using skills is similar.

Not only Liu Xianming was disappointed, but the barrage was also disappointed.

[No way, this is the lineup for the first game? I keep watching the same thing, why don’t I watch Ladder? 】

[Disappointed, I won’t watch anymore, I’m going to play Overwatch]

【Are we together? I am the Black Widow Thief 6】

【My Hanzo is so fierce! 】

Hanzo is a character in Overwatch, an output position.

The attack method is to shoot an arrow with a parabola. A headshot will directly kill the crispy skin with 200 health.

It seems to be just for the occasion.

Suddenly there was a burst of powerful character lines in the dormitory.

"竜が我がenemyを喰らう!" (Dragon, devour my enemies!)

Liu Xianming couldn't help but take a look.

Map of Lijiang Tower.

Hanzo, controlled by Zhang Feng, launched a big move towards the enemy and us who were fighting in a chaotic mess without even thinking about it.

An arrow shot out, and then turned into two giant blue dragons like in the animation "Double Dragon", spiraling and rushing straight into the point.

The game has just launched, and many players are playing Overwatch for the first time.

I just transferred from Thunderfire Ranger, I didn't do a lot of homework and I don't know the skills.

As a result, the two dragons, mixed with terrifying power, directly tore apart all the enemies.

There was a beep, a head.

There was another beep, and there were two heads.

Until the beep beeped four times!

came the voice of a female narrator.

"Four kills."

Local Genji saw that something was not going well and quickly climbed the wall to escape.

Zhang Feng subconsciously pressed E, then left-clicked to take action.

Hanzo's E skill - Scatter.

Blue translucent light arrows exploded randomly, one of which floated to Genji's head without any bias.

"Penta kills!"

Originally, both sides were at over 90% of the points, but this time, it was a comeback!

The dormitory burst into cheers.

"Damn, he's so handsome! Is Hanzo's skills so powerful? He's so awesome, he can destroy the team by himself!"

"Hahaha, isn't it awesome? It's really interesting."

Liu Xianming swallowed his saliva and felt a little moved.

No, we agreed to watch the game first.

Forced to focus on the game, the most important team battle of this round broke out on the map.

TY, as the defender, this is a pass that is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and six people have ultimate moves.

As long as you hold on to this wave, you can take advantage of the next one.

G3, on the other hand, doesn't have many big moves.

Ogawa's impassioned commentary continued to come from the headphones.

"Holy shit! Brother Tang, the Plague Doctor's ultimate move, was too powerful. Although he didn't kill anyone, it caused a direct disconnect between the front and rear, and the treatment couldn't keep up. The front row tanks were about to be surrounded and killed!"

"Wait a minute, G3's mechanical ninja rushed in, and cooperated with his teammates to directly kill the nanny on the opposite side! This time the treatment was immediately interrupted, and TY's front row blood volume could not hold on!"

"It's wonderful, this comeback! It's so awesome! This is the charm of Thunderfire Ranger!"

Liu Xianming:

My mind is filled with questions.

No, Ogawa, are you commenting on Thunderfire Ranger?

I can understand what you said, but why don't I feel that it's wonderful when combined with the picture?

I didn't miss even a second of this team fight?

It’s not just Liu Xianming who thinks this way, the barrage thinks the same way.

【What is this? Is this the effect of using a big move? 】

[So boring, messy, not pretty at all]

[Why do you feel like it’s better to watch the live broadcast? 】

[Thunder Fire League, that’s it? No matter what, Electronic Arts can’t manage a competition]

[I’m bored, so I went to play Overwatch]

Ogawa seemed to have seen these barrages, and the voice of explanation came from the earphones.

"Brothers with lower ranks may not understand. G3's heavy-armored knight resisted the key skills of the mechanical ninja. As a result, G3's treatment was not instantly killed. The chain reaction offset the continuous damage of many plague doctors."

"Then G3's mechanical ninja rushed in, and combined with the field doctor's damage-increasing skills, it counterattacked TY's treatment. This caused G3, oh no, TY's heavy armored knight to rush in and lose its treatment support."

Liu Xianming sounded a little dissatisfied.

Directly post a barrage: [My low rank is not worthy of watching the game? My CSGO rank is also low, and my chicken game rank is also low. Will it affect my enjoyment of watching it? 】

Other players started to spray directly.

[If it doesn’t look good, it just doesn’t look good. What’s the point of saying so much? 】

[Lin Mo is right, this league deserves to die violently at the beginning. What is this, a mirror game? 】

[It’s so boring, I’m going to play Overwatch too]

"No, I don't mean to underestimate my brothers' ranks. This game is really confusing to play. There are 12 heroes, and their skills are very important. It is normal that the key and exciting operations cannot be seen. It doesn't matter. I will review it for everyone. "

[Laughing to death, I can’t see anything exciting in the live broadcast, do I still need to watch it again? So why don’t I watch highlights? 】

[The highlights of high-level segments are equally beautiful. Why do you think we watch the game live? 】

Liu Xianming cursed in his heart. He took a sip of water during the break and glanced at Overwatch.

Zhang Feng stood at a high point in this game, and Black Widow activated her ultimate move.

"No one can hide from me."

A sniper directly opened the perspective!

Everyone in the place can see an infrared shadow through the wall.

At this moment, Zhang Feng's marksmanship as a veteran shooting game player was fully demonstrated.

The clear tinkling sound of a headshot sounded, emphasizing the word "Happy".

Every headshot that hits a crispy body with 200 health is an instant kill.

Hitting a tank can also suppress a large amount of HP.

It really echoed Black Widow’s line.

One shot, one.

Liu Xianming became furious and continued to post barrages in the live broadcast room.

【Change heroes! It’s so boring. Can we not mirror the lineup? 】

[It deserves to be said that this game is not cool, and it died suddenly at the beginning of the league. What are these? 】

[I'm in an Internet cafe. Overwatch looks much more fun, really]

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