At this time, the Thunder Fire League was far away in the Lighthouse Country.

Bao Ken frowned and looked at the live broadcast data at this time, and asked dissatisfied: "What's going on? Why did the data drop so much just after playing?"

Ryan went crazy and wanted to rush up to him right now, grab him by the collar, and hit him with a hundred and eighty big mouths.

ask me?

you ask me?

Do you still have the nerve to ask me?

But you can never really do this, after all, the other party is a big shot.

He took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Baoken, it was my dereliction of duty."

Bao Ken snorted coldly and said dissatisfiedly: "Well, as long as you understand."


Why don't you die? Why haven't you been voted out of office by the shareholders' meeting?

Baoken thought for a while and said, "I see that players are feedbacking on the issue of hero selection. Can we add BP?"

Ryan was so scared that he flew out of his wits and said quickly: "Sir, including the new mechanical ninja, there are only 16 heroes now. After BP, there are really no heroes left to play."

"You still have the nerve to say that? How do you do your job? You can't even do such a small thing as balancing!" Baoken slapped the table, pointed at his nose and cursed.

Ryan was literally vomiting blood.

Isn’t this all according to you?

Let me make the balance slowly. Although 303 will exist for a long time, at least it will balance out a relatively good-looking game version.

The launch of a new hero directly locked all competition lineups from 303 to the single-core team of Robot Ninja.

As soon as the mechanical ninja is weakened, the version will immediately degrade to 303.

But I can’t say yet!

Ryan could only grit his molars and say, "Yes, it's my fault. I will correct it later."

Bowken was pacing the ground irritably.

He spent a lot of effort for the Thunder Fire League.

Sponsorships obtained through connections and channels all require the popularity of the league!

And there is a gambling agreement.

If the popularity is not up to standard, sponsors will withdraw their funding and Electronic Arts will have to lose money.

That's a lot of money.

We must maintain the excitement of the game!

"Let's do this. I'll contact the bosses of each team and ask them to choose different heroes for the next games. You should make good balance patches during this time."

Ryan's eyes widened.

Do you want to listen to what you are saying? !

"You can't do it! Officials are manipulating the game. This will offend countless people! This is a big deal!"

E-sports clubs, players, sponsors, betting companies.

This is the most taboo point.

Fake match!

"What else can you do if you make the game balance look like this!" Baoken yelled angrily, "Now the Thunder Fire League's viewing data continues to decline, we must stabilize the data!"

With that said, he couldn't help but leave and go make a phone call.

Ruian Gua's mind was buzzing.

Whether it’s Thunderfire League or Thunderfire Rangers.

It doesn't matter if both of them are cold.

Anyway, Thunder Fire Ranger is a buyout system supplemented by prop charges.

Even if the league is bad, I have already made a lot of money, so it is not a loss at all.

But what about me? !

You ruined such a good project.

How can I stay in the gaming industry in the future? !

"Take me one? Don't watch it. It's really boring. The scene is too chaotic and you can't see the exciting parts at all." Liu Xianming sighed, "Isn't it just lunch? I can just buy it."

"beg me."

"Fuck! That's it bro, right?"

"Then I'll start."

"Brother, I was wrong. I shouldn't have betrayed the organization. Please lead me as a gangster."

Zhang Feng had just finished the game at this time, glanced at him and said: "I would say that it is not as good as Overwatch. Thunder Rangers is destined to be a disgrace when it comes to Electronic Arts. This game is also the same. The audience can't see the exciting scenes, let alone Get cold."

"Is this a common problem in this type of game?" Liu Xianming asked in confusion, "Can't the watcher also see it?"

"Can't see it?" Zhang Feng smiled and exited the queue and clicked on the outstanding performance column on the homepage, "Please watch the VCR."

At the beginning, the four characters "Best of the Game" appeared on the screen.

First, demonstrate the action.

Reinhardt carried a sledgehammer and charged towards the camera, knocking it into the corner.

Reinhardt is commonly known as the Sledgehammer and is in the tank position.

A one-way energy shield can be deployed. Teammate's attacks can pass through the energy shield to attack the opponent, but the opponent's attacks cannot pass through.

The left-click normal attack is a close-range AOE attack by swinging a sledgehammer. The E skill scrapes a wave of flames. The shift skill can charge, causing a lot of damage to enemies that hit it. Enemies that are bumped will be knocked away.

The ultimate move, Earth-shattering Slam, will smash the floor in the star chasing range ahead, knocking all enemies within range to the ground, and can be blocked by shield skills.

Then start the feature film.

On the map Ilios.

The opponent's sledgehammer is holding a large shield against the deep pit in the middle of the map. If the character falls, he will be instantly killed.

Zhang Feng's sledgehammer had unknowingly moved around behind him.

The energy is 89%, and only a small amount of damage is enough.

No one noticed the sledgehammer behind them.

Zhang Feng used his E skill, and the flame wave hit almost everyone. In an instant, one-third of the HP of the crispy men was lost.

The enemy Sledgehammer realized that someone was around him and quickly turned around.

He also has an ultimate move where he raises his hammer high and then slams it down.

With a bang, the hammer hit the ground, and cracks spread instantly on the ground.

However, Zhang Feng pressed the right button in time to block this big move!

Then he threw his own Earthshattering Slam with his backhand.

"Hit me!"

In an instant, all six enemies fell to the ground with residual health.

Then Zhang Feng controlled Reinhardt to go up and swing the sledgehammer wildly.

Open and close, crazy output.

The last charge was to rush into the abyss in the middle with the enemy's sledgehammer.


Another pentakill!

There was only one Genji left, who was flanking the houses on both sides. Seeing that the situation was not good, he quickly ran away.

Liu Xianming was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, her mouth opened in surprise, enough to fit a light bulb into it.

"Here, what is this? It's so handsome! Is it the video system that comes with the game?"

"Video? No, no, no." Zhang Feng said happily, "I only learned about it after playing the first game. It's called the best of the game. You can edit out the most eye-catching clips in the game, and at the end of the game Show it to everyone.”

"Isn't this so cool?"

Liu Xianming murmured to himself for a while.

Showing off in front of all your teammates?

Oh no, appearing in front of others?

Who can bear this?

Thinking about it, my hands felt a little itchy.

I regretted it for a moment, what kind of Thunder Fire League are you watching?

I was about to close the webpage and play black games together, but I saw a new round of the Thunder Fire League game started.

G3 has chosen a new lineup!

Ogawa's excited voice came from the headphones.

"It's a new lineup! The output combination of retro heavy-armed assaulters and wandering swordsmen! G3 would actually choose this lineup! Why do all the G3 team members look so ugly?"

Looking at TY again, it’s still the same lineup as last round.

This movement attracted the attention of the four people in the dormitory.

"Guess who wins?"

"G3, right? After all, they are strong and a veteran team in the CSGO division."

The game starts soon.

What surprised everyone was.

G3 was actually crushed!

It can be seen that G3 is really strong here.

But unfortunately, the output capability of the heavy-armed assaulter is now a level lower than that of the mechanical ninja.

A rout all the way.

In a cruel move, they directly switched out the mirror lineup during the last wave of team battles.

There is no ultimate move, so play TY with one ultimate move.

Actually, he won the battle.

Although he was very tenacious, he had no choice but to lose the small game due to the huge disadvantage.

Game three.

From the perspective inside the glass room, six team members seemed to be arguing with the coach, and then one team member angrily chose the mechanical ninja.

The two sides returned to mirror lineups.

TY became vulnerable again. With the same lineup, they were almost crushed and killed without leaving a trace.

Finally I couldn't stand the barrage anymore.

[I gave up and started playing Overwatch. I am really serious about having expectations for Electronic Arts]

[I just played a game, and Overwatch is quite fun, it feels like Thunderfire Ranger just came out]

[Having tried poison, the difference between Overwatch and Thunderfire Ranger is quite big. It’s more interesting, there are more heroes, the shooting feels better, the painting style is better, the butt is more upturned, and the female characters are hotter]

[I also played it. Compared with Thunder Fire Ranger, it is a fully enhanced version. It is fun to play, and the characters are full of imagination, and it is obviously better made]

【You can always trust Naughty Cat】

Only in the earphones, Ogawa's voice still continued to explain.

"It's a pity that G3 lost in the end. I still have to praise it. G3's concentration of fire, protection of teammates, skill deployment, and energy circulation are still better. It's wonderful, it's really wonderful!"

The four people in the dormitory were silent when they saw it.

You look at me, I look at you.

what are you talking about?

Are you sure this thing looks good?

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