Is this talking about a game?

Winning is inexplicable, losing is inexplicable.

Only some segments that are really advanced can understand one or two.

For example, Zhang Feng went too far when the game first came out, but gave up the game because his favorite hero was weakened.

"Do you understand?"

"Well, you can understand it. In the second game, the last wave was mainly because TY's Tang Ge made a wonderful move and avoided vulnerable injuries. As a result, he was not killed instantly, and G3 narrowly lost."

The other three were silent again.

Such a detailed thing, a high-end game that can only be understood with a magnifying glass and high scores, right?

Look down, look down.

Liu Xianming closed the webpage without interest.

"Forget it, let's just play games. It feels much better than watching games, and it's much more fun than Thunderfire Rangers."

I took one last look at Thunderfire Ranger’s live broadcast room.

Liu Xianming also left a message: "I also went to play Overwatch."

Just as he was about to exit the live broadcast room, he found a prompt popping up.

[Your account has been banned for 10 days]

Then, everyone in the live broadcast room who said they were good at watching was blocked by the official.

Is this because they are afraid that the popularity of the league will be further affected?

But who cares? It doesn’t look good anyway.

The four of them looked at each other and laughed together.

"No matter, come on, come on, watch."

"Liu Xianming, what did you say in the first place? It seems that professional games will be different and look good?"

Without saying a word, Liu Xianming gave himself a mouthful: "I said Electronic Arts is a stupid idiot, and the game Thunderfire Ranger is rubbish. Okay, pull me over. Which hero is better? I want to show off."

"That must be Genji!"

"Okay, let's play Genji."

"Everyone comes in the order of outputting one T, one breast, and two!"

"Open, open, open!"

Not long after, the narrator's voice sounded: "Welcome to the King's Road."

Liu Xianming stepped into the game for the first time, and everything he saw was new.

"This is Genji? It's so cool in the game! DVA! This tights is so slippery. And there are BT7274's linked skins? Damn, Black Widow and Ada's linked skins! Tracer's ass, holy shit, I can do it!"

"Some skins can only be unlocked after purchasing Naughty Cat's previous games, such as Resident Evil and Titanfall."

In the lobby waiting for the game to start, these Overwatch men who saved the world started wreaking crazy havoc.

Everywhere you look, not a blade of grass grows.

The game officially begins.

King's Avenue is a map where you capture a point and then push a cart. You need to capture the map point first. As long as there are no enemies in the point, you can increase the progress of capturing the point. Once it reaches 100%, you start escorting the vehicle to the end, which is considered victory.

Similarly, if there are enemies around, the car will not move.

I tried a few waves first, and soon everyone got involved.

The characters have very strong maneuverability. The Pharaoh controlled by Zhang Feng can fly in the sky and attack with rocket launchers. DVA can control the robot to fly forward and has a very thick body.

Liu Xianming's Genji can climb walls, use the shift key skill to thrust while causing damage, and killing can also reset the cooldown.

The trio took the lead and rushed towards the enemy.

It is different from the long-term search and operation strategy development of chicken game, and it is different from the mechanism of CSGO where you die once and watch the whole game and lose once and have no money to buy a gun.

Overwatch is simple and straightforward, just do it!

Just shoot!

After his first reckless shift attack, Liu Xianming immediately changed his strategy and took a detour from the side, trying to use shift skills to harvest the remaining blood heads.

After testing for a few rounds, the French chicken with the fastest skill progress has reached 70%.

"Kill the angel first!"

After giving the order, the three of them rushed forward like hungry tigers rushing towards sheep.

Pharah (Pharah) hits the head with one shot, and DVA rides on the face and outputs wildly.

The blood is gone!

Genji moved without hesitation.

With a "tick" sound, a head was obtained.

But then, a cold voice came from his ears.

"I see you!"

At some point, enemy soldier 76 stood on the high platform, activated his ultimate move, and the tactical eyepiece instantly turned into self-aiming.

The powerful firepower instantly killed the French chicken in the sky, and then killed the only healer DJ behind him.

"Holy shit, a big move?" Liu Xianming was startled. In his nervousness, he rushed directly to 76 on the high platform with his newly refreshed shift skill, and pressed a bunch of skills at the same time, including the E skill.

Genji directly raised his ribs, and all the bullets bounced back.

76 screamed and fell to the ground helplessly.

On the main battlefield, roommate DVA’s ultimate move is also ready.

The mecha driven by the girl accumulated energy like a huge bomb.

“This is so IMBA!”

Although the effect is unknown, the enemy knows that the farther away, the better.

All the enemies present crowded into nearby small houses to take shelter.

Liu Xianming gritted his teeth and gave up!

He jumped off the tall building and used his shift skill again to hit the enemy.

This time, he finally had enough energy.

Facing the fierce enemy, he activated his ultimate move without thinking.

Although he still doesn't know the effect of the ultimate move at this time.

Then, the blood-heated roar from the animation "Double Dragon" echoed through the dormitory.

"Dragon God's 剣を喰らえ!"

Genji directly pulled out the katana from behind, and at the same time refreshed his shift skill with his ultimate move.

After pressing randomly, another shift shot.

Then left click, right click, E key, shift key and press randomly for a while.

Everyone is a new player.

No one knows the effects of their character's skills.

Even under the stress, I forgot my skills.

Genji slashed left and right in the small room. When he had the skills, he released them, and a head jumped out.

The sound of killing was heard one after another.

When he came to his senses, there was no one standing in the room.

Junkrat was the only one screaming and falling to the ground.

The narrator's voice sounded.

"Penta kills! Team destroyed!"


Liu Xianming was stunned.

I killed five of them by myself?


"Damn it, Liu Xianming is awesome! He's so handsome!"

Just as he was about to put on a pose to show off, he saw a lot of bombs falling out of Junkrat's body after he fell.

Genji, who was standing still, was blown up and was killed with a scream.


"Hahahaha, you only have two seconds to show off, right?"

There was laughter and laughter in the dormitory.

In order to experience the new hero, Liu Xianming directly changed to Junkrat.

It's hard to aim, but the damage is high.

The left-click skill is to throw a grenade that is difficult to aim, has a parabola, and can be bounced around.

If you press the left button without thinking, you can pick up heads from time to time.

The last wave of Junkrat used his ultimate move, and a very fast bomb tire rolled forward.

The explosion killed two local healers.

Escort the car to the finish line and win the first game.

"Hahaha, I didn't even take my tires off when I saw you on the other side!"

"It's exciting. It's just as fun as when I played the Thunderfire Ranger closed beta."

"Thunderfire Ranger only has 15 heroes, and Overwatch has 21 heroes. How do they compare?"

"Next round, next round!"

Just as I was shouting, the game ended but did not pop up to the main interface.

The narrator's voice sounded.

"Best of the match."

Then, I saw Genji controlled by Liu Xianming.

First, use the E skill to bounce bullets to kill 76 who uses the ultimate move, and then rely on the DVA ultimate move to force everyone to gather together.

Then, the dragon blade was unsheathed.

He drew his knife and chopped four of them in a small room!

None of the 12 friends or foes left, it is best to watch this section completely.

"Damn it, Liu Xianming is awesome! I didn't know you were so handsome! Genji is such a handsome hero."

"What are you shouting about? You're laughing so hard at me, some gay guy opened my pants? Nantong must die!"

Even the person opposite also typed: Genji is awesome.

Where is Liu Xianming?

The corners of his mouth reached to his ears, and he couldn't stop laughing.

Low EQ: Games help you act cool

High emotional intelligence: Overwatch men show themselves as saints

This part is so good!

Let others know how handsome I am.

Thunderfire Ranger, you should learn more!

Thinking of where to continue the game.

But I found that at the best time to watch the game, the game was already queued.

After reading it, I automatically entered the game immediately.

Before the exhilaration of the previous round could fully recover, a new round started directly.

"Welcome to Dorado!"

It’s the most fun when you don’t know how to play a game.

For example, Overwatch was launched on the first day.

Win or lose?

No one cares.

Because the skills are powerful enough, as long as the ultimate move is used well, novices can also kill.

It doesn't even matter if you are playing a shooter for the first time.

"Thunderfire Rangers all play with the same lineup. It's really boring. Overwatch is better. It's either strong, interesting, or has a bad butt."

"There aren't many stress monsters. This is what satisfies me the most. Thunderfire Ranger is all about swearing. The other guy here is still praising me."

In this game, the roommate found a new way to play.

"Hey hey hey hey, little widow, where are you?"

Roommate A laughed obscenely, and controlled Winston to jump across the room to give the widow a direct electrotherapy treatment on her face.

Winston's electric energy gun can only attack enemies within melee range, but it has the advantage of not having to aim and does decent damage.

Coupled with Winston's extremely strong mobility and thick blood volume, the bullying opponent Black Widow directly replaced the human shield killer Reaper.

Two shotguns are designed to deal with blood cows like Winston.

"Brother Feng! Save me!"

"Here we come!" Liu Xianming laughed, and the French chicken flew directly into the sky, relying on the distance advantage to chase the opposite god of death and beat him.

Unfortunately, the 76 on the opposite side fired a big move, and the powerful firepower directly killed the remaining health Winston, the French chicken in the sky, and the McCree on the ground.

Liu Xianming turned around helplessly and cursed: "Where is your treatment?"

Roommate B leisurely took the last puff of his cigarette and watched all five teammates fall to the ground before he walked out of the corner.

"Sister Angel is here, sit down and hold yourself tight, the comeback begins!"

With that said, a shift flew to the dead teammate and pressed the ultimate move.


Sister Angel raised her hand.

"Heroes are immortal!"

Five teammates stood up with golden light.

All resurrected!

Liu Xianming shouted: "Beautiful! I'll treat you to dinner at noon, I have a big move!"

Directly launch the big move.

The character yelled.

"Justice from heaven!"

The Pharaoh spread its wings, and countless rockets fell from the sky, covering everything with firepower.

After reacting, 76 hit French Chicken with a grenade right in the face. Just as he was about to kill him instantly, Angel's treatment just saved French Chicken.

Unfortunately, there are angels on the opposite side.

Moreover, the resurrected hairy girl Zarya sucked everyone together with a gravity spurt, and then the opponent's sledgehammer Reinhardt rushed up swinging the hammer.

The battle lines are getting further and further apart.

The countdown starts when the time is up.

Roommate A then remembered: "Wait a minute, isn't our goal to push the cart?"

Roommate B: "Whatever! Just do it!"

The end of the game is still the best time in the game.

Roommate B said regretfully: "It's a pity. It's so difficult to get the best treatment."

As a result, the words just fell out.

"Best of the match."

What turned out to be two people appeared.

The left side of the screen is an angel, and the right side is a French chicken!

The camera showed Angel first, pulling up the other five teammates with a big move.

Then, Faji stood up and struck justice from the sky.

At this time, a grenade from Soldier 76 flew in a close-up, and the French chicken instantly lost its health.

At the critical moment, the camera showed the angel again, and he just raised the blood volume, completed this big move, and succeeded in the comeback.

At the same time, the lens also gives key information, such as blood volume and so on.

Let the viewers know why it deserves to be the best.

The three of them were stunned.

Best together!

Roommate B laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, it's indeed Lin Mo's game. I like this way of selecting the best in the game. Either Tank and Nanny are really autistic."

"Can Thunderfire Ranger learn from it? This is the best way to prevent players from missing the exciting parts of the game! It also allows players to show off and get good reviews."

Zhang Feng laughed loudly and said: "Didn't I say that Electronic Arts has that technology? I don't understand, but I also know how difficult this system is to implement."

The third game, the fourth game, the fifth game

There are new heroes to play in every game.

Time flies.

Everyone is immersed in the joy of the game and cannot extricate themselves.

Only on Liu Xianming's computer, the minimized Thunderfire Ranger client popped up the league battle report.

Go to hell!

Delete directly.

Then, continue with Overwatch.

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