"I swear, EA officials have never pressured the club to crack down on match-fixing! Please believe me, the subsequent Thunder Fire League will still be one of the most promising e-sports events today."

"Withdraw sponsorship? Please calm down. The first day was just an accident. I admit that Electronic Arts lacks experience in organizing e-sports events, but please believe in the potential of Thunder Rangers."

"What? Are you going to vote to remove me? I know that Electronic Arts' stock price is not doing well this year, but please believe that I already have a mature plan to boost investor confidence, such as our latest acquisition of Tidal Studios."

One phone call after another, nothing like the wee hours of the morning.

After answering the last call, it was already dawn.

At this time, Bao Ken had been holding back his anger and had no place to vent his anger. He wanted to call Ryan and scold him, but he couldn't find anyone.

not answer the phone.

Good job you did!

What a bad hero you made, what a bad balance you made!

Do you know how much trouble it caused me?

Baoken walked around the study with a sullen face, hands behind his back, then yelled angrily and threw some office documents on the table to the ground.

There was a constant tinkling sound in the study.

After doing all this, the dissatisfaction and anger in my heart seemed to have finally eased.

There was a lot of action before the start of the Thunder Fire League.

A number of established e-sports clubs have set up branches one after another, and investors are also coming in for various operations.

For a while, it had the momentum to surpass CSGO and become the number one e-sports event today.

Even major gambling companies have opened handicaps for the Thunder Fire League, hoping to take advantage of the popularity to make a fortune.

Unexpectedly, a match-fixing scandal broke out on the first day.

Is it considered a fake match if the officials put pressure on players to choose other lineups to ensure the enjoyment of the league?

No matter what the purpose is, from a process perspective, it is.

Many people believe that betting companies are the driving force behind match-fixing incidents in various fields. In fact, they are the ones who most hope that the game will be fair.

Dog bettors will be happy to place bets only if the game is fair.

As long as you place a bet, no matter who wins or loses, you can make a lot of money by rake.

Therefore, many match-fixing scandals involving players or clubs were exposed by gambling companies.

The same is true for the Thunder Fire League.

The first person to initiate trouble and make this matter a big deal was the gambling company.

In the following day, things intensified, and news was pushed to every player's mobile phone.

Baoken only felt waves of physical and mental exhaustion.

How could you meet such a stupid young player?

Regardless of his own career, he wanted to expose this matter.

What does G3 Club do for food? He can’t even control his own players!

But it is useless to say this now. The top priority is how to deal with sponsors.

Something was wrong with the game, and many people were aware of it.

Many sponsors backed down to play it safe.

It was Baoken who used his previous connections to create a steady stream of sponsorships.

But there is a betting agreement.

Everyone is happy when the league is done, the sponsors play a promotional role, Electronic Arts makes money, and the players are happy.

But it didn't work out

The backlash is coming.

Thinking about the series of clauses and amounts involved in the gambling agreement, I feel terrified.

No, the Thunderfire Ranger must be rescued.

At this moment, he couldn't figure it out. He was obviously promoting game updates and holding competitions in accordance with CSGO's method.

Why did you mess up the pot?

After a busy day after the first day of competition, luckily we were able to temporarily appease the frustrated sponsors.

But what happens next?

If the situation does not improve, it may be time for him to step down.

When I think about Overwatch being unlocked on the same day and at the same time, I feel itchy with hatred.

Lin Mo, it’s all you!

I didn’t expect that what you said during the live broadcast was really right!

A deep regret came to my mind. Wouldn't it have been much better if I had not been so greedy in organizing the league and just relied on selling games?

He gritted his teeth and picked up the phone directly.

This time the call was not to Ryan, but to Werner.

The phone didn't ring for a few times before it was answered.

It's like the other party is waiting for this call.

"Hello? Mr. Baoken, I heard about the Thunder Fire League. It's all Naughty Cat's fault. Such a great game must have been cursed by Lin Mo to become like this. It's a pity that Electronic Arts made a great decision. .”

This level of flattery was extremely poor, but let alone, it really made Baoken feel a little better.

The acquisition of Tidal Studios is about to be completed and is in its final stages.

The approval from the Lighthouse Federal Trade Commission is coming soon, and Electronic Arts is using its connections behind the scenes, so it won’t be difficult.

Even though he was very flattered by this flattery, his words were still cold: "Stop talking about this. Werner, you should know why I acquired Tidal Studios, right?"

"I know, I know. It's an honor for me to join such a great game company like Electronic Arts. I believe that "Black Knight" can definitely beat Naughty Cat's game and win the WGA's annual award."

Baoken said indifferently: "As long as you understand. Today's Electronic Arts needs results so much. If there is no annual award, my position will not be guaranteed, and Tidal Studios will inevitably be disbanded. Do you understand?"

"I believe that Electronic Arts will regain its second spring under your leadership!" Werner's voice was very firm. "Tidal Studio will definitely bring you a best trophy of the year to prove your business vision!"

"Hmph." Bao Ken snorted coldly, "Don't talk so eloquently. Have you forgotten who was the first to say that "The Black Knight" has a chance to win the best of the year?"

Werner heard this and replied nonchalantly: "Uh, it's Lin Mo."

"Let me remind you again, when Lin Mo said this, he had a premise. Without Naughty Cat, "Black Knight" has the best chance of winning the best film of the year."

"Yes, it is."

There was silence on the phone for a long time, and then Baoken's emotionless voice sounded: "Express your opinion. How can Overwatch's ladder and league avoid the pitfalls that "Thunderfire Ranger" went through?"

Werner hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Baoken, I know what you mean. But Lin Mo probably has no plans to open an Overwatch ladder or hold a league. The design of this game seems to be It’s not intended to be a competitive game.”

Bao Ken's eyes widened when he heard this, and the hair on his back stood up.

Think about it carefully.


Since its launch, Overwatch has focused on shaping characters, broadening the world view, designing interesting gameplay, etc.

I never said anything about ladders and competitions!


Is such that.

"You, keep talking."

“I have studied Overwatch carefully and found that if the ladder mode and professional league are enabled, the lineup will be solidified and the heroes will be unbalanced.

Therefore, in terms of design, whether it is the headshot sound effects, the best system in the game, the cancellation of sensitive data such as headshot rate and number of kills, or the handsome ultimate voice special effects, they are all designed to dilute the impact of players after losing the game. Negative feedback.

Everything is designed to encourage offense and allow players to have fun. The design of "Thunderfire Ranger" is more like CSGO with powerful skills. The server opening is too short, so this is all I can see for the time being.

Mr. Bowken? Am i right?

Mr. Bowken? "

Bowken's mind was in confusion.

No wonder Naughty Cat is not in a hurry to launch Overwatch and Thunderfire Ranger.

No wonder Lin Mo dared to bluntly say that a game with 27% first-week retention is not good.

No wonder I dare to say that the Thunder Fire League opened with sudden death.

he knows.

He knows it all!

So there is no rush to launch Overwatch, I just want to watch Thunderfire Ranger kill himself step by step!

He already knew how to play this type of game.

I'm not in a hurry because I don't want to copy homework for Thunderfire Ranger!

As if he had guessed Baoken's psychology, Werner's voice rang again on the phone.

"Lin Mo is still awesome. It's like the finished product of this game has been placed in his heart. He knows all the advantages and disadvantages of the game and has already started to avoid these from the beginning of the design. It's amazing."

Bao Ken took a deep breath and roared: "To put it bluntly, I didn't know!"

As he spoke, he hung up the phone angrily and slapped it on the table.

Then he took a deep breath and tried his best to comfort himself.

As long as the popularity of the league is maintained, a lot of money can be made through sponsorship.

Overwatch has no league and naturally lacks profitability.

In this regard, I still have an advantage.


Since I copied the CSGO homework incorrectly, I now have a ready-made answer.

Overwatch is out!

Didn't it say there is a story campaign mode?

Can’t I, the Thunderfire Ranger, come out?

can also!

Overwatch has a whole new world and characters with distinctive personalities.

I, the Thunderfire Ranger, can do it too!

Although it started late, it is not impossible to start catching up now.

Moreover, relying on the gimmick of plot battles, it can also capture players' expectations.

Maybe it can save the game?

Kill several birds with one stone.

Just thinking about it, it was already bright before I knew it.

It's time to work.

Bowken's phone rang again.

I thought it was another sponsor who came to ask questions, but I didn't expect it to be Ruian.

You actually disappeared because you didn’t want to do it anymore? !

Do you still have the nerve to call back?

I wanted to scold him, but then I thought it was time to employ people, so I could only suppress my inner anger and answer the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Bowken."

"New mission, learn from Overwatch and create a story campaign mode."



Why is it different from before? Do you object?

It's useless if you prepare everything.

"Use the existing PVP map to modify it. There is no need to change the skill mechanism or anything. Let players cooperate to fight the villains together. Do you understand what I mean?"


Ruian's voice on the phone was a little lazy. He was not as careless as before, and he would speak out if there was something in his stomach.

After all, Baoken couldn't hold it back: "You have nothing to say?"

"No, sir."

"Then, okay. Remember, there is no need to make major changes, speed is the most important thing."


With that said, Ryan hung up the phone and got up from the bed.

He was obviously late, but he didn't care.

People, once there is no hope, nothing else matters.

I will do whatever your boss tells me to do?

You asked me to change PVP to PVE, and players fighting players will become players fighting computer villains.

The rest, I didn't change at all.

If anything happens then, it will have nothing to do with me.

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