The first day after the long vacation.

Inside Naughty Cat, a new project establishment meeting was held.

In addition to new game projects, there are two other things.

The first is the homework left when the Overwatch project was established - how to make an action game with a sense of achievement as the core.

It’s time for an inspection too.

Second, it’s time to knock some people in the company.

Now that Naughty Cat has expanded its recruitment several times, Lin Mo is too busy to keep track of some development tasks.

Something went wrong.

When we arrived at the conference room, it was already full.

The first item of the meeting was to check the completion of the work by several core designers.

Several key members took the stage one after another to talk about how to design the content they are responsible for with a sense of accomplishment as the core.

First, Wang Yi came on stage. She was mainly responsible for the design of the combat system.

"With the sense of accomplishment as the core, some difficulty can be appropriately added to the battle, and the design is designed to test the player's operation and game understanding, such as high-yield operations such as rebounding and rolling, and use physical strength to limit abuse to prevent abuse."

Du Rui is responsible for the level design.

"In terms of map design, I think it is more reasonable to use a box garden design. A loop design with an important checkpoint as the core can be regarded as a separate level. After the player explores this section of the road, a shortcut will be opened to It’s better to go to the BOSS room or go and repeatedly explore the lost props.”

Wang Zichen is in charge of screenwriting.

“Since the core is a sense of achievement, and in order not to destroy the combat-centered experience of the game, fragmented narratives can be used to hide the plot stories in various prop descriptions, character dialogues, and map details, which can be discovered and pieced together by players. "

Zuo Xuming is responsible for the numerical values.

"In terms of setting numerical values, players should be able to clearly experience the character's growth, but they should not overwhelm the game with numerical values."

Gu Ranmin is in charge of art.

"The above is the art style that I think is more suitable based on the opinions of other designers."

By the time everyone had finished speaking, two hours had passed.

Everyone was waiting with great anticipation for Lin Mo to grade their "homework" over the past few months.

Lin Mo slowly walked onto the stage and smiled happily at the talented designers below.

Sure enough, it was the same as he felt before.

The world does not lack geniuses, but it lacks a soil for them to grow.

Of course, the goal to be beaten today does not count.

A vague requirement like "an action game with a sense of achievement as the core design".

To actually achieve this step is really commendable.

Lin Mo walked onto the stage, smiled slightly, and said, "Your homework - 9 points."

9 points?

"Mr. Lin, you don't want to say that you have a perfect score of 100, do you?"

"Awesome! Let's get together and kill each other!"

"Long live!"

Wang Yi also let out a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "We are relieved now that Mr. Lin approves. It's just that I'm worried that with the design of our plan, it will cause too much frustration and difficulty for the players."

At the same time, I am also looking forward to it.

If this game is made, what kind of ranking can it get on the WGA?

Can you slap EA hard in the face?

After everyone calmed down, Lin Mo asked another question.

"But have you ever thought about it? Even according to your design, if the player dies, he will die without any psychological burden. Anyway, he will be a hero again at the save point and resurrection point. He will continue to be a wolf when he needs to be a wolf, and he will continue to be reckless when he needs to. You can even rely on Parkour opens the map, and it doesn’t hurt to die anyway.”


Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Wang Yi said doubtfully: "But aren't most games designed this way? Increase the death penalty? For example, reduce the durability of equipment?"

"Not enough." Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, "Imagine that the save point is designed as a bonfire that can restore the status. Every time you die, the status will be restored. However, all certain resources on your body will be dropped."

Everyone was stunned.

Is this death penalty too severe?

"Not only that. This resource is both the experience points required for upgrades and the currency used for purchase."

Wang Yi took a breath, and could already imagine how uncomfortable this setting was.

"Not only that! Every time you die or use a campfire to restore your status, all dead enemies will be resurrected!"

Everyone was silent.

None of them said a word.

You look at me, I look at you.

During the brainstorming, Wang Yi, Du Rui and others felt that the integration of these ideas was too unorthodox.

Isn't it too cruel to the players?

But this thing is terrible.

In comparison, several people felt that they were too kind and too traditional.

Just by imagining it, one can feel the player's despair after dying once.

"Not only that."

Wang Yi was excited and hurriedly advised: "Mr. Lin! This is enough. The player has been tortured and gone insane. He will come to trouble you."

"Listen to me, this time it is a setting that is good for players." Lin Mo made a reassuring gesture, "Players can return to the place where they died and pick up the dropped coins. But if they die again, all will be lost." disappear."

Zuo Xuming asked with a confused look on his face: "Is this considered a benefit?"

Gu Ranmin wasn't much better either.

"It should be better than dying once and getting nothing."

Wang Yi looked at Lin Mo with a complicated expression: "Mr. Lin, are you a devil? Isn't this the next new project of the company?"

Lin Mo snapped his fingers and said, "Correct answer!"

With that said, the PPT turned to a new page on the big screen.

"Dark Souls"

Then he looked at Wang Yi and said happily: "It's time to implement your usual high-difficulty game design. Are you touched?"

"Don't dare to move, don't dare to move." Wang Yi looked confused and asked tentatively, "Mr. Lin, can our new project be simpler?"

"I don't think it's hard enough."

Wang Yi was so frightened that he quickly said: "That's enough! It's really enough!"

"Not enough. According to your design, the player can withstand five swords in front of the BOSS. How can this be done?"

Du Rui said with a dark look on his face: "I always thought that Wang Yi was a radical and Mr. Lin was a conservative. I was right. Conservatives think that radicals are too conservative."

Next, Lin Mo began to explain the key points of game design to his designers.

With the previous homework and thinking, it is obviously much easier to explain.

We won’t waste our time talking because some ideas are too advanced.

There were many things that other people had become aware of, and after a little effort from Lin Mo, they immediately understood them.

Regarding the difficulty of the game, many people still cannot accept it.

to the end of the meeting.

"Okay, that's it. The new project "Dark Soul" will be produced simultaneously with the Overwatch story campaign starting tomorrow."

Simultaneous production?

Several people were stunned. Have you finished the plot campaign of Overwatch?

But then I saw Lin Mo's expression became serious: "Others can leave. People from the Overwatch PVE team, stay."

Seeing Lin Mo's expression, many people were heartbroken.

It seems that Mr. Lin is going to lose his temper.

Unrelated personnel walked out of the conference room.

Some brave ones pricked up their ears and listened quietly nearby.

Lin Mo looked at the many people sitting in silence and snorted coldly: "I seem to have said this on the first day you entered the company. If you have different opinions, you can put forward them, and you are not allowed to be smart!"

With that said, the PPT switched to a new page.

The Overwatch campaign plot has been completed.

“Did I mention that Overwatch’s campaign story pack is divided into free content and paid content?”

"Have I ever said that the new campaign plot content should be produced according to the standards of independent stand-alone games?"

"Have I ever said that this is a very important part of the Overwatch ecosystem!"

"Did I ever say that if you don't understand, you can ask me!"

Lin Mo slammed the table and shouted: "Li Huairong, this is how you completed the task I assigned you! Are you trying to ruin Naughty Cat's reputation?"

Li Huairong came in during Naughty Cat's recruitment expansion six months ago. He is 35 years old and has ten years of development experience. He leads the PVE content in the Overwatch project.

When his name was called, he stood up in excitement, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, I don't understand. Is there something wrong?"

"What went wrong?" Lin Mo narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "I tell you, everything went wrong!"

"I said that it will be produced with independent stand-alone game specifications. The first chapter of the four-player cooperative mode is free content. In the campaign, the single hero will design a separate campaign mission according to the hero's characteristics."

"What's the result? You changed the PVP map, and then asked players to fight a bunch of iron robots with four to five hundred health boosts. Does it count as PVE?"

"I said we were going to make a talent system! Let players choose to increase critical hit rate, critical hit damage, movement speed, skill damage, and that counts as a talent system?"

"Why should players pay for this PVE mode? Why should they pay for such a piece of shit? They might as well go to the training range!"

Li Huairong's face turned blue and purple, and he gritted his teeth and explained: "Mr. Lin, the industry is like this. I don't think I did anything wrong. I am saving development costs for the company."

"Do I need you to save? I'm not using your money to play games!"

Li Huairong's face turned red and he clenched his fists tightly, looking unconvinced.

Looking at Lin Mo, who was much younger than him, he felt unconvinced.

Before joining Naughty Cat, he was the company's chief designer.

Everyone respects him and speaks the truth.

Unexpectedly, after arriving here, I only served as the designer of the PVE part of Overwatch.

Nothing else matters to him.

All his bosses are younger than him, but have higher positions than him.

There must be a gap in my heart, I always feel like my talents are being buried.

In terms of PVE design, it is indeed lazy.

But he was also filled with resentment.

Is this kind of thing such a big deal? Don't I want to lose face?

I have long been unhappy.

So, he said bluntly: "Mr. Lin, if that's the case, let's hire someone else."

Lin Mo sneered and said: "You don't think that since the company currently has so many projects that are short of manpower, you have to be the chief designer of Overwatch PVE, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Huairong's face felt a little unnatural.

"In that case, it's as you wish. I'll go to the finance department tomorrow to pay my salary. I will personally serve as the chief designer for both the PVE part of Overwatch and the new project Dark Souls."

With that said, he turned around and walked out of the conference room.

Inside, there was an uproar.

Li Huairong's eyes widened, somewhat unexpected.

It's only been half a year.

I was actually fired?

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