The time has come to November 1st.

The day the Overwatch campaign plot is updated.

We still have a few days to wait for Thunderfire Ranger’s campaign plot pack.

The month since the release of Overwatch has been the most difficult month for Thunder Ranger anchors.

If you are a player, if you give up the game, you will give up. At most, you will feel sorry for the money you spent to buy the game.

But the anchor is different.

There is a price to pay for changing games.

Such as Ogawa.

Giving up the basic base of CSGO means giving up the old audience.

If you want to embrace new traffic, you must bear corresponding risks.

Nowadays, the popularity of the Thunder Fire League has been greatly reduced, and it is still hanging in the air.

It is said that many sponsors are already preparing to withdraw their investment and then take the money from Electronic Arts in accordance with the gambling agreement in the contract.

Once Thunderfire Ranger is abandoned by Electronic Arts, his career will suffer a devastating blow.

Ogawa secretly prayed for Thunderfire Ranger.

You must not fail!

Thunderfire Ranger "plagiarizes" Overwatch's PVE campaign plot, which is what many players who still stick to Thunderfire Ranger are most looking forward to.

Whether this last breath can be continued depends on this big update.

Start live streaming.

"Hello brothers, I miss you so much after not seeing you for a day."

[Morning, Brother Chuan]

[It starts a little late today]

Looking at the sparse greeting barrage in the live broadcast room, I felt sad.

It’s not as popular as when I was live streaming CSGO.

There are no greater ups and downs in life than this.

Those who originally stuck to the CSGO and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds camps have recently been playing in the multiplayer modes of Overwatch and Titanfall in their free time.

The popularity is not far behind.

Even that old Xue became a top player with Lin Mo's bonus.

But he was declining.

"Today we will play games first. Thunderfire Ranger will reach the top of the ladder, and then we will watch the game."

[There is no one in this game, so what’s the point of rushing to the next level? 】

[Speaking of words. Thunderfire Ranger’s campaign plot pack is so expensive, 99? Same price as Overwatch? 】

[Why are you so confident? Don’t be the last wave of leeks to run away】

These words made Xiaochuan a little defensive, and he said unconvinced: "It's just a battle plot, how can it still be entertaining?"

[If you don’t believe it, just play it, Naughty Cat said it was made according to the standards of a stand-alone game]

[Lin Mo is good at making games and has a good conscience, you have to say this]

[If you don’t believe it, then just play. After playing, you will know whether you can make flowers]

Ogawa was already giving up on himself, and when he heard this, he became even more angry.

"Just play. I'm most annoyed by the brainlessness of you naughty cats. As long as you have some common sense, you know that the plot mode of this game is to add a narration to tell you where to kill a few!"

With that said, Ogawa actually started downloading Overwatch and then purchased the campaign plot pack.

Soon, the game will be downloaded.

He has seen the opening CG of Overwatch, which contains some elements that describe the gameplay and reflect the game style.

I was about to skip it, but I didn’t expect that the picture displayed was different from the previous CG.

no the same?

Xiaochuan felt that something was wrong.

For a campaign plot package, you wouldn’t actually make a new CG, right?

A few seconds passed.

It really is!

At the beginning of the film, a bald black man is standing in a cell, and there are sounds of fighting outside.

From the information on the cell door, we can learn that his nickname is Doomfist.

He quietly thought about his battle with the Overwatchmen.

Winston unleashes his primal rage, Genji unsheathes his dragon blade, and Tracer flashes constantly.

Thinking about it, he punched the wall hard.

With his bare hands, he smashed a deep hole into the concrete wall.

The sound of fighting outside is getting closer and closer.

The battle with Overwatch in his memory became increasingly fierce.

The expression on Doomfist's face became increasingly angry.

Punch after punch.

Faster and faster, heavier and heavier.


There was a bang.

This wall was actually smashed down by him.

He slowly walked out of the cell amid the smoke.

Surrounded by Talon soldiers who came to rescue him.

The ground was covered with blood from the soldiers who had guarded him.


"The time for revenge has come!"

The CG ends here.

It's not long, only about a minute and a half.

But this is real CG.

[Holy shit, that’s not the case, is it? It’s just a plot and campaign package, so luxurious? Those who didn’t know thought it was a CG from some 3A masterpiece]

[Naughty Cat Pictures Co., Ltd. is confirmed]

[Excuse me, host, what do you think of this cheap CG? 】

Ogawa was silent for a moment.

I admit that what I just said was a bit loud.

Is it too late to withdraw now?

I know that your Naughty Cat games are all big hits, so you have never lost any money.

It's not so luxurious, right? !

Reluctantly, he praised: "I admit that Naughty Cat's CG does have some tricks up its sleeve. But if the content isn't good, isn't it useless?"

With that in mind, the battle plot began.

Riots broke out in the city as Doomfist escaped from prison.

Countless omnics were used by Talon to create chaos and began to attack civilians indiscriminately.

On the plane.

Tracer, the former pilot, flew the plane and looked at the riots in the city with anger, but at the same time he was worried.

"What should we do Winston? Overwatch has not yet assembled. We may not be able to stop it."

Winston adjusted his glasses: "It must be stopped."

As he said that, he saw many Black Claw snipers on the top of the building and flying omnics in the sky.

At the same time, there are suffering civilians on the ground.

"Split up!"

"Okay. Be careful."

With that said, the rear hatch of the plane opened, and Flash and Winston jumped out one after another.

At this time, these two Overwatch members were not the only ones in the city.

On the top of the building, Genji wore a hood and saw Winston jumping down and getting into a hard fight with many soldiers.

In the alley, Xiao Mei also saw Tracer and wanted to dare to join him, but was blocked by a sea of ​​fire.

Four options appear in front of you.

They start the single-player campaign as Winston, start the single-player campaign as Tracer, start the single-player campaign as Genji, and start the single-player campaign as Mei.

At the same time, there is also a four-player cooperative campaign below.

And there is a small note.

It is recommended to complete the four-player single-player campaign first to have a better gaming experience.

Anyway, there is no need to worry if there are no teammates.

Because of his fondness for mechanical ninjas, he chose Genji first.

The camera zooms in to Genji's perspective.

"Winston, hold on!"

As he spoke, Genji threw out a dart and killed a Black Claw soldier who wanted to attack in a sneak attack.

Games start.

"There's something going on here!"

As he spoke, more Black Claw soldiers and omnics attacked.

Ogawa didn't want to praise Overwatch, but he couldn't help but say: "The beginning of this game really looks like a stand-alone game."

[Don’t look at whose game it is]

[Isn’t that nonsense? 】

The game starts with a tutorial.

Using a shift skill, Genji instantly lunged forward to kill a soldier, and then dodged a rocket launcher with a double jump.

Then, we came to a place that was different from the PVP mode.

Genji in PVE can not only climb walls, but also attack enemies while running on walls!

Soon, he guessed the design idea of ​​Genji's personal campaign.

Use Genji's kill to refresh your shift skills, enhanced parkour abilities, and agile body.

Genji’s personal campaign has been turned into a parkour game with a cool combat system!

What stands out is one word.


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