Although I have never played Overwatch, I still know some famous heroes.

Except for some female characters who are out of the circle because their butts are too perky and sexy, that's Genji.

Because he is handsome.

The enemy's attack power is very high, and Genji can easily be killed instantly as long as he attacks him.

But Genji can also rely on his mobility to move flexibly between various obstacles, rely on the shift skill to dash in and kill instantly, and he can also use the E skill to dodge and block the enemy's attacks.

It's still a bit difficult, so you won't get stuck or go through it without thinking.

I wanted to find some faults while playing, but the more Ogawa played, the more silent he became.

Naughty Cat, does the campaign plot really follow the specifications of a stand-alone game?

It not only brings out the characteristics of the hero, but also designs a whole set of gameplay as an extension.

[Anchor, hurry up and scold me, please, I want to hear you find faults]

[Not as good as Thunderfire Ranger, just a second, next question (funny)]

[Now the pressure is on Electronic Arts]

With all the barrage urging, Ogawa could only reluctantly say: "I admit, this single-player campaign mode is indeed a bit cool."

Genji's single-player campaign mode takes between 30-40 minutes to play.

In the last wave, hero skills and mechanisms were brought to the extreme.

There is an innocent citizen on the tallest building in the distance who is about to fall to his death.

If you want to save him, you have to rush there in a short time.

Genji double-jumped over a soldier's head and turned back to kill him with three darts.

Then he walked on the wall and killed all the enemies along the way one by one.

There is an abyss ahead. First, use the shift skill to kill an omnic in the air, and then use the refreshed shift skill to jump up.

Then he fired his ultimate move, refreshed for a while, moved up again, swung his knife in the air to kill a sniper, saved Tracer who didn't know it yet, and reached the rescue floor.

A dart cuts the rope pulling the heavy object, and the heavy object falls down to kill another person.

The last refreshed shift headed towards the citizens in front, saving them at the last moment.

"Thank you, thank you, wait, are you, Overwatch?"

Genji's electro-mechanical synth sounds have a hint of tenderness.

"Get down quickly, it's dangerous here."

Then Genji looked at Winston who was fighting hard, and a car hit him directly.

Follow the prompts on the screen and press the shift skill again to rush forward, and arrive in front of Winston in the blink of an eye.

Then, the dragon blade was unsheathed.

With one strike, the car was cut in half.


"Long time no see, Winston."

The single player story ends.

I looked at the time, 35 minutes.

Then the global speedrunning rankings popped up.

Ogawa looked complicated and exited without saying a word.

But Danmu doesn't want to spare anyone.

[It’s so handsome. I’m going to buy it now. I was a little reluctant to part with it]

[Thanks to the anchor Amway, I will give up Thunderfire Ranger and play Overwatch]

[Naughty Cat yyds: Give a fair review of this battle plot, one rocket at a time, quick! 】

He said it as if to prove that he was not lying.

Just send a rocket as a deposit.

Ogawa sneered and said: "What do you think I am? I am the anchor. I am free to broadcast whatever I want. Paying me to say it? Ridiculous."

But the next second.

Naughty Cat yyds gives away Super Rocket x1

[Naughty Cat yyds: One review at a time is super popular, if it works, just say it, if it doesn’t, I will pull it down]

Ogawa's face turned blue and purple.

A super popular streamer, no matter how big it is, deserves to stop playing games and say a few words to thank the boss.

Now he is not a top player on the live streaming platform.

If I don't take this money, I will feel uncomfortable all over.

He could only speak with a trembling voice.

"This, this single-player campaign plot, although the plot is simple, it is like a mechanical ninja. But it shows all the characteristics of Genji. The level design is reasonable, the action is smooth, and the gameplay is refreshing."

The more he spoke, the more he blushed.

Why do you feel so humiliated? !

He even had a feeling that he was like a has-been courtesan who was insulted with money and had to surrender in the end.

As for the elder brother, he said "Not bad, continue" with satisfaction.

Then, a super hot shot came out.

No hesitation at all.

Next up is Mei's single-player campaign.

Ogawa didn't want to say anything at first, but after thinking about it for the money, he still gave in.

"To be honest, I don't really believe that Xiaomei can do anything else in the single-player campaign. Can't she also do parkour?"

After finishing speaking, I felt sad in my heart.

Man, when you fall into evil, you only have the first time and countless times.

Slowly I got used to it.

Then, look at the commotion from Xiaomei's perspective.

There really aren't many enemies here in Xiaomei, but it's hard to follow a single path.

Since there is no rush ability, any place that is on fire or collapses must be found a way to get over.

Her skills mainly focus on controlling ice.

The E skill is to erect an ice wall to change the terrain. The shift skill can wrap yourself in ice to resist all attacks. The left button is to spray ice mist that freezes the opponent. The right button is to shoot an ice cone. The ultimate skill can slow down and freeze the enemy within the range. .

The first problem we faced was crossing a sea of ​​fire.

It's very simple here, use Xiaomei's left click.

Below, if you need to get over a high place, you use the ice wall to lift yourself up to the high place.

If you need to break something, use the right button.

Sometimes you need to freeze so that the weight on the other side of the scale increases to pass the level, and sometimes you need to freeze somewhere first and then melt it, and use the rising water surface to get important items.

The more Ogawa played, the more bitter he became, and he wanted to praise Lin Mo's game again.

This level uses the melting and freezing of ice to construct a decryption level with the same 30-40 minute process.

The flow of the main line is relatively simple, but many collectible puzzles are designed to be difficult.

It's difficult but easy, and I got addicted to it as I played.

When I came back to my senses, it was already the end of my personal battle.

Some ideas are still unfinished.

I took a look at the popularity of the live broadcast room.

Even more speechless.

Because of his big brother's super fire, and because of his status as a rebellious ninja, he praised Overwatch against his will.

The popularity is actually much higher than when the Thunderfire Rangers were broadcast live a few days ago.

This is very uncomfortable.

The harder it is to express a compliment, the more exciting the barrage becomes.

The more gifts there are.

After the personal battle was over, Xiaomei rushed to the meeting place.

Just in time to see a Talon soldier fire a rocket launcher at Winston.

Xiaomei made a quick decision and quickly erected an ice wall to protect her teammates.

At the same time, he also saw Genji falling from the sky and cutting the car into two pieces with a single blow.

"Xiaomei's personal campaign is more difficult to collect items, but the difficulty of the main story is moderate, taking into account the experience of all types of players."

Start the praise session.

The wealthy eldest brother didn't say anything, and made a super hot move.

I don’t know whether Ogawa’s face is crying or laughing, but in short, it’s very exciting.

Okay, I'm getting used to it now.

Please insult me ​​with rockets as hard as you can, thank you.

Tracer's personal campaign is mainly about combat, but it is not mindless. The enemy's attack methods are mainly designed using Tracer's flash and time retrieval abilities.

This girl of vitality is extremely handsome in battle, with a sense of freedom and ease that no leaf touches her body.

At the end of the battle, Xiaomei and Genji were already there when they arrived at the battlefield.

Finally, there is Winston's personal battle, somewhat like the way the Hulk fights in The Avengers.

With the shift skill, he can leap into the sky and then land with mobility, so he can do anything in the sky or on the earth.

Just like a superhero movie, jump around in the war and save innocent citizens in the city.

This level of personal campaign is more like a traditional RPG mode where you go to various points on the Hakoba map to complete tasks.

In the end, Winston fell to the ground exhausted, looking at the incoming attack with some despair.

At this time, Genji and Mei came to the handsome rescue.

Tracer was a step late.

Facing the surging villain army, and the Doomsday Iron Fist slowly turning away in the distance.

Overwatch assembles for its first mass action.

"Huh." Xiaochuan smoked a cigarette and was silent for a while, then said quietly, "I admit that Lin Mo's game is indeed excellent. Moreover, he is full of sincerity."

"The four individual campaigns alone can provide more than 2 hours of game time. Not to mention that there will be a four-player cooperative mode later, so it is unclear how long it will last."

"Undisputed conscience, this thing only sells for 99. It also comes with skins, expressions, spray paints, etc. after completing the story campaign package."

[No, you have to be unconvinced and have to be tough. It won’t be fun if you admit defeat]

[This is boring, isn’t it? Cyber ​​pets have to provide emotional value]

[So why don’t Liangjia think about working in KTV? Look, this is an example, the bottom line is used to break through]

Xiaochuan smiled wryly and started the four-person cooperation mode.

He knew that today's situation was just accidental.

It was just because he was a rebellious ninja who was broadcasting Overwatch for the first time. The audience liked to see him make a fool of himself and speak harshly, but also had to praise him for the gifts.

I will broadcast Overwatch live tomorrow and it will still be cool.

There is no such accidental program effect.

The basic disk is already broken, how about turning over again?


The first chapter of the four-player co-op mode.

I thought it was just a transplant of PVE into PVP intact.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that this is a meat pigeon game, divided into four difficulties.

Easy, average, hard, nightmare.

Each difficulty has different rewards at the end.

Here, bullets are not infinite, and health regenerates after a period of time without being attacked.

Attacking enemies has a probability of dropping health packs, ammunition and hero badges.

Character promotions are divided into permanent and temporary.

Permanent use of hero badges will increase attributes.

For example, critical hit rate, critical hit damage, skill damage, blood pack drop rate, ammunition drop rate, etc.

Temporary, dropped for killing BOSS or doing business.

For example, Genji has a chance of dropping an orange legendary card. After getting it, the Dragon Blade can be opened at any time, but it will continue to burn blood.

For example, an orange card of Xiaomei's can make the ultimate move explode instantly and cause a lot of damage instead of slowly freezing the enemy.

In addition, there are specially designed levels, independent model enemies, and specially designed bosses.

Ogawa subconsciously thought of the compliments on the Internet.

Lin Mo never engages in false propaganda.

He really created the Overwatch campaign plot with the attitude and specifications of a single-player game.

I'm really not lazy at all.

Although I haven’t finished the game yet, I can already draw a conclusion.

There is no need to show the campaign plot of Thunderfire Ranger.

This breath can be swallowed today.


Facing such a powerful enemy, it is impossible to continue.

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