Thunderfire Ranger died on November 1, when the Overwatch story campaign DLC was released.

But it will have to wait until some time has passed before burying it.

Overwatch's latest campaign plot is so conscientious that many players can't believe it.

A single-player campaign for four heroes, and a total of two and a half hours of four-player co-op mode.

There is a meat pigeon gameplay, and it is endless fun to play black.

In the first week of launch, Naughty Cat also released the purchase rate of the plot campaign pack.

A terrifying 51%.

This is a free game!

One of the two players spent 99 yuan to purchase it.

Many Thunderfire Ranger players couldn't bear it anymore and donated generously, taking advantage of this opportunity to join the Overwatch team.

The plot DLC for Thunderfire Ranger's homework, which has high hopes, can be announced before it goes online.

Moreover, after seeing the quality of the Overwatch story campaign DLC.

Electronic Arts immediately stopped promoting Thunderfire Rangers.

If it's just a little bit worse, then just publicize it well and recover more costs and make more money.

But the difference is obviously too much, just a simple calculation.

Maybe the money earned after the release is not as much as the cost of publicity!

Just save a little.

The most direct result is that the number of players has decreased rapidly, and the Thunder Fire League cannot hold on until its last breath.

The popularity of the league immediately began to plummet, falling below the red line, and sponsors began to look for trouble.

Who allowed Electronic Arts to have a gambling agreement?

Electronic Arts was extremely distressed, but they could only pay compensation according to the agreement.

What was originally a big profit turned into a small profit inexplicably.

On the other hand, all the sponsors that Bao Ken brought in through his previous connections left happily.

After getting the money, I avoided it like the god of plague, for fear of getting the bad luck of the Thunderfire Ranger.

Originally, the main battlefield was in the league of the lighthouse country, but it was very unfriendly in China to check the time.

Now, Huaguo Company has released a more fun Overwatch.

Who still pays attention to you Thunderfire Ranger?

When the plot battle of Thunderfire Ranger comes out a few days later, there are no surprises.

Violent death.

Those who died didn't even have ashes.

Not even a splash of water was turned out, and no one cared.

The only value of existence is to provide some material for those who complain about garbage games.

People who have played it have said that playing this crappy game is worse than going to the Overwatch training range!

In pvp, you fight players with 200 health, and in pve, you fight robots with 200 health.

The bullets are unlimited, and the health is as long as the nanny adds one bite.

The normal difficulty is boring, and the high difficulty either kills monsters instantly or is killed by monsters instantly.

There is no talent system and no special gameplay.

It’s really a training range with a plot.

The once-famous Thunderfire Ranger anchors have now lowered their arrogant heads.

Xiaochuan, who was once a top-notch anchor, has been reduced to a second-rate anchor.

Thunderfire Ranger created a prosperous world and worked hard to make players fall in love with this type of game.

As a result, they all made wedding dresses for Overwatch.

If we talk about the anchors who broadcast Thunderfire Rangers, they have experienced ups and downs.

Those e-sports clubs are really miserable.

For example, TY E-Sports Club has its ups and downs.

The Thunder Fire League was already in bad shape at the start of the season, and it went downhill from there.

This club spot has almost been forgotten, and it is also treated as a laughing stock when I think about it occasionally.

For those who are still playing CSGO, for example, AR is still not affected.

During these days when there are no major competitions, train all day long, start live broadcasts, and play "Titanfall" or "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" in your spare time.

There are only two good clubs in the country, but they are doing nothing. AR's popularity has increased inexplicably.

It can be said that wealth and honor fell from the sky.

TY's players transforming into Thunderfire Rangers means giving up the basics of CSGO.

Among them, TY's star player Tang Ge is visibly older.

Originally, he was still a star player who could tie with AR's Xiao Mo Liang and others, but now the exhaust gas can no longer be seen.

The championship dream may be hopeless in this life.

Will you return to CSGO again?


CSGO players supported the foundation of Naughty Cat as a company, and they are proud of themselves.

It doesn’t matter if you play Lin Mo’s other games, CSGO will always be your home.

It doesn’t matter if you play other people’s games, I believe you will return to the CSGO family sooner or later.

If you eat everything, put down the bowl and scold your mother, and try to get to the top by stepping on the naughty cat game.

You'd better bet that the game You Betrayed in the Past can really stay popular.

There is no turning back for you here.


Even though Electronic Arts suffered a triple blow from games, leagues, and sponsors demanding compensation.

The money spent on publicity and distribution was not saved.

Instead, they all voted for the new game "Black Knight" from the newly acquired Tidal Studios.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows this.

Throughout the year, Electronic Arts' situation was not very good, and the stock price generally trended downward amid fluctuations.

The monster that originally had a market value of 30 billion only had 24 billion left after one year.

If it weren't for the fact that Electronic Arts' main business, in addition to game production, is also one of the largest game publishers, it would be even worse.

In this case, it's time to bet on "The Black Knight."

This is a game that predictably won't sell particularly well.

But it will be a game with a good reputation.

After the trial was launched, it attracted praise from many people in the industry.

Call it a game with unlimited potential.

Lin Mo even said it himself, if there was no Naughty Cat game, it would be a strong contender for the best game of the year.


In the story campaign of Thunderfire Ranger, players found some game-linked easter eggs.

Thunderfire Ranger’s hero Juggernaut has a new set of skins.

He was covered in pitch black armor, and when he used skills, the horse on his crotch turned into a skeleton horse, and the weapon in his hand was a knight's sword.

It looks very handsome, and it’s still given for free.

Although it is far from as stunning as the Overwatch Cyber ​​Evil Genji skin, it has even attracted many players to change their graphics cards because of it.

But it also caused the Thunderfire Ranger's daily activity to soar briefly for a few days.

There are some hero voice content among them.

While standing still, he will say: "The devil is coming and the candle will be extinguished."

When faced with the Plague Doctor, he would say in his own hoarse voice: "I've seen you, Defiler."

When facing a heavily armored assaulter, he would sigh with emotion: "I was once a brave warrior just like you."

Rather than saying that this is a large-scale plot campaign DLC for Thunderfire Rangers, it is better to say that it is an advertisement for "Black Knight".

After all, Thunderfire Ranger has been popular for a while.

On many people's mobile phones, they will see relevant videos telling the current status of the game whenever something happens.

For better or for worse.

The vigorous promotion and the promotion of plot DLC have really attracted more attention to the game "Black Knight".

The release date of the game is set on the 15th.

But many players discovered one thing sensitively.

Just after the release date was announced.

As if to stir up trouble, Monster Hunter World has also announced an update patch.

A huntable monster will be updated, and players need to explore the specific situation in the game.

In a blink of an eye.

Before the novelty of Overwatch's story campaign has worn off, players have arrived at the release date of the Monster Hunter update and "Black Knight."

Xiaobaibai also started broadcasting early on this day.

Now he is a 700-hour veteran hunter.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon is no longer his enemy, and the Nergigante Dragon has also been beaten into a baa baa by him.

But the game is still constantly being updated, and it’s like a game that can never be finished.

"Brothers, I'm here! There's a lot to do today, let's start the show early."

【What do you want to play? "The Black Knight"? 】

["Black Knight" hasn't been unlocked yet? Do you want to go up so early? 】

[It is said that Lin Mo originally wanted to acquire shares of Tidal Studios, but unfortunately he ended up defecting to Electronic Arts]

[Do you want to play Monster Hunter first? 】

Seeing the barrage, Xiaobai nodded and said: "Yes! Go online first to see the updates of Monster Hunter, and then play "Black Knight". It's so mysterious that it makes me curious."

After not long waiting, it was time for the update, and I entered the game as soon as the update was completed.

Instead of rushing to explore new content, I first answered a call for help from a cute guy and gave Mea Me Zi a fat beating.

After the fight, he was about to leave the team when he noticed something was wrong.

Does this bleatie seem to be in trouble?

There are wounds on its body.

Who can hurt this extremely powerful ancient dragon hunter in the plot?

Out of curiosity, I walked forward and took a closer look, and found that the wounds could be interacted with.

But it’s not about collecting material.

But interaction.

Interact like you've discovered prey.

The moment the interaction button was clicked, the guide insects surrounded the wound.

Then a display pops up on the screen.

The information collection progress of mysterious dragons is 25%.

"Isn't this the latest update?" Xiaobai's eyes lit up.

The barrages also became excited.

[Damn, it’s so mysterious, it’s not an Easter egg in the new game, right? 】

【Maybe! Lin Mo likes to use this method to let players decipher and discover new games]

[Quickly, continue! Maybe there are new clues about Gu Long? 】

Xiaobai laughed when he saw this: "I didn't expect there would be an extra surprise. Are there any old hunters? Sign up! Let's brush up on ancient dragons quickly!"

It's been a long time since Monster Hunter was released.

It is not difficult to gather the other three Blue Stars.

Soon, several veteran hunters with thousands of hours of experience were ready to attack.

A fragment of skin was found at Yanwangsaurus.

Where the Dark Lantern Dragon was, a tooth was found.

After defeating the Xuanhui Dragon, a scholar appeared.

He told the hunters in front of him that a terrifying monster that did not belong to this world appeared on the Coral Platform.

At this point, the guide insect on Xiaobai finally reacted.

And a new nine-star mission also popped up.

Hunt ancient flying dragons.

The four of them followed the guide insect to the mission location, a small map on the coral mesa.

The guide insect disappeared when it reached a road in front of the mini map.

At the intersection ahead, there was only a bonfire burning quietly.

In the middle of the bonfire was a sword.

At the end of the road is a fog door.

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