There was endless debate within the WGA organizing committee.

In the outside world, players have not yet glimpsed the true face of Dark Souls.

On the first day of November, everyone was still discussing fiercely about the ancient flying dragon that had the most information.


The ancient dragon and bonfire are a gimmick that aroused discussion among players.

Although there is a very special mechanism, after all, it has not transcended the scope of Monster Hunter World itself.

That night, some hunting masters had already prepared a complete set of weapons.

Also in the evening, Naughty Cat finally officially announced the game’s LOGO, name and some concept drawings.

"Dark Souls"!

The fire will die out and only darkness will remain.

The lonely immortal embarks on a journey to spread fire, and faces the fire kings who once spread fire.

Knight, mercenary, assassin, magician

A variety of weapons and various professions.

This is a subject that Naughty Cat has never touched upon.

And according to rumors from the media who got the game.

This game is very difficult.

It is said that the judging panel did not clear the first BOSS for two hours.

Rather than deterring players, this piqued the curiosity of many.

How hard can it be? Is it more difficult than "Cage of Darkness"?

Fortunately, the release date is November 30, the last day of the WGA selection deadline.

Soon, players will be able to see the true face of this game with their own eyes.

The level of discussion among players about this game is quite high.

【New theme! I thought Lin Mo couldn’t make a Western-style action RPG. Mr. Lin knows everything except giving birth]

[I hope it’s not too difficult, I’m handicapped]

【It’s better to be difficult! In recent years, games have become too simple, and there is no room for me to show off my skills]

【Best booking of the year! Now, there is no reason to buy the Black Knight]

[That is, who is better to buy from Electronic Arts? Three consecutive! Three consecutive! 】

But amidst such overwhelmingly positive expectations, some people are puzzled.

[Why does this game say the refund time is three hours? Shouldn't it be two hours? 】

[We are giving benefits to players again, we care about players]

[Lin Mo’s compassion? 】

[It’s not because the game is too difficult, so it’s designed like this (funny)]

It's just that these doubts did not raise any eyebrows in the players' expectations.

Players can wait, and as a host, the broadcast will still be broadcast.

Or wait until the popularity is completely over and the live broadcast effect will be lost.

On the first day, all kinds of anchors were playing the ancient flying dragon with great interest.

Starting from the next day, everyone was involved in the live broadcast of "Black Knight".

It doesn't matter if you don't play, just play.

Xiaobai was still very surprised and said: "Is this game okay? I didn't expect that Electronic Arts could actually have a normal game. Or should I say Lin Mo has a good vision?"

"Black Knight" mainly tells the story of an unknown black knight who saves the five kingdoms on the mainland in an environment where the devil is coming.

The Black Knight himself is a hero tainted by demons.

In some specific situations, it is necessary to turn on the demonized state to face certain mechanisms of the BOSS.

But the demonization mechanism itself will continue to reduce the upper limit of blood volume in exchange for powerful power.

The difficulty of the game is also mainly focused on the choices made under this mechanism.

The puzzle solving of the game is also designed around the demonized state.

Also because of being tainted by demons, the Black Knight himself is not a hero in the traditional sense.

Along the way, there were many people who deserved to be killed, whether they were ordinary people or holy women, nobles or clergy.

It's about doing the right thing in the wrong way.

After killing the opponent, you can also make a choice to let the opponent's soul go and let him be freed.

Or completely devour the opponent's soul to enhance one's own strength.

Whether it is devouring souls or freeing souls, the fate of every soul is related to the outcome of this world.

The quality of the game is very good in all aspects, and many micro-innovations have been made within the inherent classic framework.

Old wine in a new bottle is unexpectedly mellow and delicious.

Many players have just recovered from the surprises brought by Dark Souls and are immersed in the world of Black Knight.

But sales are not great.

When many players knew that the quality of this game was good, they had already video-passed it and gave up the idea of ​​buying the game.

There are also many players who hold on to the idea of ​​saving money to buy Dark Souls.

So the reputation is good, but it’s just a small profit.

However, the cost of the game itself is not high, and the profit margin is not bad.

But everyone who has played it says it is good, and ratings from major media outlets have also been released.

BGN gave it a high score of 9.4/10, and GameStop gave it a high score of 4.5/5.

MC media scored an average of 92 points.

In addition to the first day of the game's release, within the next three days, the game's ratings went up.

Many players know that there is such a popular but not popular game.

Many players and streamers became more and more excited after completing the game.

Lin Mo said it himself. Without Naughty Cat, this game would probably win the best game of the year.

So how interesting is Dark Souls?

This is indeed a formidable enemy.

Seeing the game's popularity, Electronic Arts executives also breathed a sigh of relief.

Sales volume is predictable and expected.

If we win the WGA and have the best support of the year, we can exceed expectations.

After Baoken saw the word-of-mouth about the game, his heart finally settled in his stomach.

I even feel my body is recovering much better.

Werner drank a lot of wine happily.

I even met a Black Knight fan and had a few chats.

"Do you regret not choosing to cooperate with Lin Mo?"

"Naughty Cat's technical guidance? Do I need it? I am the best of the year myself! Let's beat my Black Knight in Dark Souls first!"

While saying this, he didn't care at all that the fans were recording on their mobile phones.

Such wild words were posted online.

It immediately caused an uproar.

Some people criticized Werner for not being respectful and letting go of Naughty Cat. Lin Mo gave you a platform in public. Is this how you repaid him?

Someone else said it too.

Business cooperation is a matter of mutual consent.

Why do people have to agree if you, Naughty Cat, want to invest?

The online spat has not dampened the popularity of Dark Souls at all.

As the end of the year approaches, there are a lot of discussions about this year's best.

Everyone's consensus.

This year's best game of the year is either Black Knight or Dark Souls.

Either Electronic Arts ends Lin Mo's legend, or Lin Mo kicks Bao Ken out of the CEO position.

Amid such anticipation, the last day of November has arrived.

Dark Souls is officially released.

This day is also a day that forces many anchors to change their game time.

Many anchors were standing in front of their computers, looking around at the interface waiting for the game to be unlocked.

Xiaobai demonstrated it to the audience.

"No, Coke, coffee, potato chips, melon seeds, and two packs of cigarettes. I'm ready! I'll finish Dark Souls all night today, and then I'll make a prediction video about this year's WGA."

Xiaobai was gearing up for a while, looking at the countdown time that was slowly decreasing with great excitement.

When the time comes.

Start the game!

Let’s see what kind of game Lin Mo wants to win the WGA’s annual award.

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