After entering the game.

Title CG.

A hoarse and low female voice slowly told something.

Like an old man who has gone through vicissitudes of life, telling the story of this continent from the perspective of a bystander.

"Yes, that's right, that's Lothric. The hometown of the Fire King through the ages, it's also the place where wanderers gather."

On a desolate plain, full of desolation and ruins, the whole world gives people a sense of ruin.

It seems that the end of the world is approaching.

One by one, like pilgrims carrying tortoise shells on their backs, they walked in a certain direction.

"The fire has been extinguished, but the king is nowhere to be seen."

"When the flame of inheritance goes out, the bells ring all around, awakening the sleeping kings in the ancient coffins."

The next second, Xiao Bai subconsciously sat up straight.

Accompanied by epic chants.

One by one, mysterious, weird, and powerful Xinwang, or monsters, appeared.

Like a wriggling mass of slime and rotten flesh—the saint of the Deep Church, the god-devouring Eldridge.

Countless identical warriors holding swords and wearing pointed helmets - the monitors of the abyss, the French Undead Team.

A huge, faceless giant whose body is filled with embers—the lone king of the Sin City, Giant Yum.

And, a white-haired girl with no visible face and wearing a headdress.

"But kings will definitely give up their thrones. And the ashes of Wuhuo will come one after another."

"That is a nameless, unprofitable, cursed immortal. But it is also true that Ashes are so thirsty for the embers."

CG ends and enters the face pinching page.

Xiaobai's whole body was numb with excitement.

"Brothers, have you seen it? Those awesome guys won't be my next enemies, right? What are they called, Salary King? Damn, he's so handsome!"

The barrage also recognized it.

[They are really handsome, especially the giant Youmu, this thing looks very powerful]

[Naughty Cat Film and Television is a real success, and it is not doing its job every day making CG and movies]

[Is this a completely fictional worldview with a backstory? So bold]

【Difficulty warning! I heard that this is a fully upgraded version of Wang Yi's "Dark Cage", which is quite difficult]

[The whole internet has heard about it upstairs]

Looking at these barrages, Xiaobai said while pinching his face.

"I've also heard about this. Because of the confidentiality agreement, the media who got the game for review dare not disclose the game situation. However, it is said that it is very difficult."

Xiaobai's character is also named Xiaobai. He couldn't understand the various data professions, so he simply chose the knight.

Start the game.

As the bell rang, the knight who had just been chosen slowly stood up from a coffin.

"It is said that this game made the review media unable to get past the first BOSS for two hours. To be honest, I am looking forward to it. "Cage of Darkness" is the only game in recent times that makes me have the urge to go back to the strategy group to create a strategy. "

While chatting, he looked at the information on the ground and learned how to operate the game.

Like common action games, there are no special operations.

Walking to the front, I saw the first attackable mob with a health bar.

"I'm a bit low on skills now, but I was on the strategy team back then. I'm going to play it seriously this time to see how difficult Lin Mo's game can be!"

[Don’t be like the last big monster hunter who smoked one cigarette at a time when the mission failed. He smoked half a pack of cigarettes when he beat the Barbarian Dragon, and smoked another pack of cigarettes when he beat the Nergigant]

[This is what you said to Mr. Manjasaurus last time as well]

With three knives and two knives, he hacked to death one monster after another, and the journey was smooth.

Since he already knew that this game was difficult, Xiaobai carefully read every reminder and conducted experiments on the monsters.

When the shield counterattack and backstab are successful, the combination of sound effects, pictures and actions in the game gives people a very satisfying feeling.

"The most I died in "Cage of Darkness" was 15 times, right? Can it be more than that? I am a former member of the strategy team, brother."

[Now I am going to advance the story of someone being beaten and unconscious in "Dark Cage\

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