A whole month of December.

It’s a month for Dark Souls.

Many people are confused this month.

The reputation of Dark Souls is obviously not good.

But why are there so many people playing? Why are there so many people watching?

Moreover, not only has the voice of discussion not diminished.

More and more as time goes by.

Dark Souls, not only players are talking about it, cloud players are also talking about it, and many media that have nothing to do with the game are also talking about it.

All kinds of memes are going viral online.

For example, the classic gesture of praising the sun with both hands pointing to the sky.

For example, the undead have no knees.

For example, a big body, a weak anal hair and a weak fire, a French dance group, brothers, do you want to pass on the fire? I will not pass on this fire.

There aren't many Dark Souls emoticons, so I'm embarrassed to chat with people online.

After the reputation of Black Knight exploded, no one cared about it anymore.

It seems that many people have forgotten that this game exists.

But Dark Souls has become more and more popular over time.

Sales volume has not decreased at all.

Many players have cleared the level once, but it's not enough.

I have to clear the level a second time!

It's not enough to clear the level with one weapon, you have to use a second one.

Many players even aspire to use all weapons to pass the level.

Many players are really tired of playing the game and simply play PVP.

There are even agreed-upon PVP locations, etiquette and rules.

A single-player game has created an enviable community culture.

WGA judging panel.

The winner of the year has actually been decided before the opening.

In previous years, the decision was made even earlier.

For example, the year of CSGO, for example, the year when two people came together.

But this year is different.

It’s the last day and there’s still no decision.

Because there are different opinions.

The panel of judges was divided into two groups. One group insisted that Dark Souls is a mediocre game with imperfect concepts and outrageous values.

The Black Knight is the best of the year.

This faction is represented by Freeman.

The other group believes that Dark Souls is a great game across generations and deserves the best game of the year.

This faction is represented by Jenkins.

In the afternoon, it’s time to finally decide who will win this year’s WGA awards.

At this time, Jenkins is experiencing the last journey in the game in Dark Souls.

Since he is still busy with work on weekdays, he does not invest much time in playing games.

Progress has fallen far behind.

The guide is already available all over the internet.

He is following the online guide to complete the final ending of Dark Souls.

He glanced at the Fire Sacrifice with some reluctance.

Controlling the undead man to walk in front of the fireproof woman.

Use the emote to sit down.

The fire-proof girl will spin around in a circle lightly, and her skirt will float up, as if she is dancing for the audience in front of her.

When choosing some funny and exaggerated actions, the fireproof girl will cover her mouth with her hands and chuckle.

It seems to be saying, Lord Ashes, stop being naughty.

Choose to bow with a knightly bow, and the Fireproof Girl will follow suit.

After trying them all once, take a deep breath and officially go to the end.

Facing the final BOSS - the incarnation of King Xin.

The fighting was extremely fierce.

The BOSS sometimes holds a flaming sword, swinging it in the wind, one move after another, leaving no room for breathing.

Sometimes he uses a staff, and various dazzling spells are thrown out as if they are free of charge.

Or he can take out a scimitar and move swiftly and nimbly, or he can hold a spear and attack from near or far, causing very high damage.

Stage 2.

The blood volume that was finally empty was restored to full again.

Each move is an AOE attack with a huge range, all with the effect of attached flames.

The BGM also started to become sad.

The ember effect on his body also burned brightly, as if he was burning himself for the last time.

The thunder gun combined with the violent five-hit combo made Jenkins a little tired to deal with it.

After several rounds of fierce fighting, the powerful incarnation of King Xin finally fell to the ground.

A bonfire appeared on the spot.

There are four endings in Dark Souls: Pass the Fire, Seize the Fire, Extinguish the Fire, and the hidden ending Seize the Fire.

What Jenkins wants to live through is putting out the fire and hiding the ending that interests him the most.

The first is the ending of putting out the fire.

At the Fire Sacrifice, give the fire-prevention girl's eyes to the fire-prevention girl.

After defeating the BOSS, summon the Fireproof Girl.

After appearing, she slowly knelt down and sat beside the bonfire.

The sky darkened, and a fire appeared in her hand.

The warm light of the flame shines on the side face of the fire-proof girl, like a beautiful picture, extremely beautiful.

The initial fire gradually died out, and soon darkness fell.

But one day, a small ball of fire will appear in the darkness.

That is the remaining fire passed down by the kings.

In the darkness, the voice of the fireproof woman came.

"Lord Ashes, can you still hear my voice?"

The last one is the hidden ending, the seizing fire ending.

The process is exactly the same as before.

But when the flames are completely extinguished, the undead man can choose to swing his weapon and chop the fireproof woman's body.

The fireproof girl fell to the ground, her hands still tightly protecting the last fire.

The undead man stepped hard on the fire girl's head with one foot, not caring about her pain at all.

Reach out your hand and snatch away the fire.

At this time, the CG at the beginning of the game and the low narration sounded.

"That is an undead person who has no name, no salary, and is cursed. But it is precisely because of this that the ashes are so eager for the embers."

At the end of the picture, the undead man kneels next to the body of the fire-prevention woman, holding the fire in his hands toward the sky, toward the eclipse-like sun.

The same tone of voice, the same lines.

Watching it now, the feeling is completely different.

Unexpected and reasonable.

Instantly, Jenkins' scalp felt numb.

Which ending is the real ending?

have no idea.

But in the ending of Seizing the Fire, the echoes of the narration made people feel that something was wrong.

This world is still lonely and desolate, without any hope.

Moreover, achievement trophies pop up in the first three endings.

Only this hidden ending does not exist.

"It's really an unforgettable ending."

Looking at the credits that popped up at the end of the game, Jenkins sighed.

Nowadays, game plots have become highly routine, and you can basically know the ending after reading the beginning.

A plot worth designing is the beginning and the end.

This is not wrong, but if you watch it too much, you will get bored.

But I didn't expect it.

Nowadays, we can actually see such an alternative and unexpected game.

How long has it been since there was such a surprising game?

After stretching, he looked at the time. It was time to meet the other members of the judging panel.

It’s the final moment to decide who will be the WGA Player of the Year this year.

after an hour.

The people present were still arguing.

Freeman said firmly: "If you ask me, Black Knight is a well-deserved best game of the year! It's hard to find any shortcomings. On the contrary, Dark Souls has countless shortcomings."

After saying this, someone immediately retorted: "Dark Soul is a cross-era game. It is likely to write the history of game development and create a new game type."

"A brand new game type? Are you kidding me? Do you still want to say that a category called soul-based games will be born?"

"Why is it impossible? Its design idea can be widely adopted, and it provides a new way of thinking for game design! Before the release of Dark Souls, the development of this type of game had reached a bottleneck period."

"Isn't there a black knight here!"

“In addition to micro-innovation on the inherent framework, what else does Black Knight have?”

Both sides insist on their own opinions, and no one can convince the other.

Jeff, one of the organizers of the WGA, had a huge head at this time.

Who to choose is a big question.

Hosted for nearly 20 years, this award has already become the highest award in the industry and the most valuable award.

If you cannot convince the public, you will destroy your own brand.

In the past, who the best of the year was was generally recognized by most people before the ceremony began.

Players also have a steelyard in their hearts, and they can guess pretty well.

Never before have there been two equally matched games like this year.

No matter which one you choose, you won't be able to convince the other group of people.

Jenkins, who had been silent, suddenly said: "Okay, stop arguing. Since no one can convince anyone, let Mr. Jeff start the voting session."

At this moment, everyone looked towards the top of the table.

Jeff thought for a long time and slowly said: "Let me tell you my opinion first. Black Knight, the best choice of the year, is the safest choice. There are many short-lived alternative games in the history of games, and no one can guarantee Dark Souls. Is it one of them?"

As soon as these words came out, Freeman's face immediately showed a hint of pride.

Looking at Jenkins across from him provocatively.

The latter did not show any expression and listened quietly.

Jeff changed the subject: "But! Dark Souls is Lin Mo's game. It is a game that I am not qualified to judge. I don't know how to analyze its success at all. It is indeed a game that has the opportunity to write The game of history.”

Freeman's smile froze, and he retracted his smile angrily.

Jeff looked around the silent office and said, "So, let's vote. Win by vote. First of all, if you think Dark Souls is the best of the year, please raise your hand."

Of the ten people who threw Jeff away, only four hands were raised.

Freeman laughed loudly and said: "Look. I just said that the Black Knight's best of the year is what everyone expected."

Jenkins slowly put down his hand and said calmly: "Don't worry, the voting is not over yet."

Jeff said again: "Raise your hands if you think the Black Knight is the best of the year."

This time, there are still four people!

Freeman looked at the other people in surprise, put down his arms, and asked angrily: "What do the two people who didn't raise their hands mean?"

The two of them hesitated for a long time before speaking one after another.

"I abstain."

"I also abstained. I don't think my level can judge this year's Best of the Year. The most successful game I designed that year was not as good as Lin Mo's lowest-selling game."

After repeated confirmation, everyone's eyes were focused on Jeff.

His vote determines the winner of the year.

It's all down to a single thought on his part.

The atmosphere in the conference room was frighteningly solemn.

Jeff was silent for a long time, his expression struggling.

This choice is so important.

Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have already made a decision. But I'm sorry, I can't reveal the decision. On the day of the Best of the Year award, I will personally give the Best of the Year card to the award-winning guests.

Until then, see you again. "

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