Live Action Opens Up and Gets Blocked, Backhandedly Rectifying the Gaming Industry

Chapter 194 Don’t compare Naughty Cat with big companies

It's nearing the end of the year.

There is growing talk about the best of the year.

The Internet is also divided into two factions, the Dark Soul Sect and the Black Rider Sect.

But for now, the Black Riders have a slight upper hand.

Dark Souls has mixed reviews, some good and some bad. It's your arsenic and my honey.

In combination with average ratings.

Many media jumped out to badmouth Naughty Cat.

Titles such as "falling off the altar" were once again placed on Lin Mo's head.

As for the financial backers behind these media outlets, many people know very well.

Dark Souls fans are quite shameless towards Black Knight.

Black Knight's first wave of explosive traffic came from Lin Mo's public high praise for it.

But halfway through the investment discussions with Naughty Cat, they even reached a verbal agreement. After Electronic Arts stepped in, they gave up and raised the price. In the end, the cooperation fell through.

He even later slandered Naughty Cat in public, and laughed out loud on Twitter on the day Dark Souls’ media ratings were released.

You don’t have to cooperate with Naughty Cat, it’s your choice and your right.

But don’t you have the most basic respect?

Adding insult to injury?

The more dissatisfied Naughty Cat's fans are, the more proud Werner becomes.

Before the most valuable WGA, many game award ceremonies have already begun.

The current naughty cat naturally disdains to participate.

But these ceremonies are precious to Electronic Arts, which has a reputation that has always been in decline.

In these small award ceremonies, many people from Electronic Arts participated in awarding awards.

For example, Martin, who took over "Demon Hunter" from Wang Yi, has now joined the "Galaxy Hunter" project team.

For example, Ruian, who had suffered a terrible disaster and had already laid down long ago.

Another example is Werner, the chief designer of "Black Knight" who was cut off from Naughty Cat by Electronic Arts.

Werner, in particular, was high-spirited when accepting the best of the year awards at small award ceremonies.

At the Golden Handle Award presentation site.

".The winner of this year's Golden Handle Award is - "Black Knight" Werner!"

There was warm applause.

Werner raised his head proudly, first greeted the studio owned by Electronic Arts, and then looked in the direction of Naughty Cat provocatively.

Then I was helplessly discovered that Zuo Xuming, who was attending as a representative, looked like he was in a daze.

Don't care at all.

Lin Mo didn't even come.

Werner gritted his teeth secretly, but still went on stage to accept the award with a smile on his face.

During the speech.

"This award is the best compliment to Tidal Studio. It is an affirmation for all of us."

"For a truly good game, what matters is the core concept and the true level of the chief designer, not the help or guidance of others."

"Similarly, you shouldn't rely on copying other games to get ahead, and you shouldn't use your own strength to crowd out your peers."

"Thank you for the Golden Controller Award, which deserves to be given to the best game of the year."

As soon as these words came out, the scene was in an uproar.

Many people read between the lines.

I don't like Lin Mo's technical guidance, and I am also at the best level of the year.

Moreover, your Overwatch copied Thunderfire Ranger and promoted Dark Souls specifically to squeeze the release date of Black Knight.

Many people couldn't help but look at the naughty cat's position.

Werner on the stage finished his speech, walked off the stage with the trophy, and looked at Zuo Xuming proudly.

However, Zuo Xuming is still wandering in the world.

A sad look on his face.


Deserve it!

Judging from your unconcerned look, I really thought you naughty cat people didn't care about anything.

The award ceremony ended soon.

An unhappy Zuo Xuming was pulled for an interview.

Werner deliberately leaned over, wanting to listen.

"Mr. Zuo Xuming, what do you think of this year's Golden Handle Award being awarded to the Black Knight?"

Zuo Xuming glanced at Werner who was eavesdropping, took out his mobile phone, found a photo and gestured in front of the camera.

"It doesn't matter, the honor room is full. If there are more games, we have to free up another room. Black Knight is a good game, and Electronic Arts has a long history and profound cultural heritage. You can't compare us, Naughty Cat, with those big companies."

The reporter smiled awkwardly.

Looking at the room full of trophies, there really wasn't much room left.

But, you can’t compare your naughty cats with those big companies?

What a vicious thing to say.

How many studios has Electronic Arts owned?

The awards I have received so far are less than one wall of Naughty Cat’s honor room.

Werner's face darkened and he gritted his teeth.

Don't be complacent! This year’s WGA is mine too!

The reporter hesitated for a while and decided to ask in a different direction.

Otherwise, wouldn't EA's money be in vain?

"Then why did you look sad during the award ceremony? Are you upset because you didn't get the Golden Handle Award?"

Zuo Xuming sighed.

"Mr. Lin took people to the WGA in Lighthouse Country to purchase goods, no, to receive the award. I have been deeply involved in the Game of the Year for three consecutive years, but Mr. Lin just didn't take me. I also want to feel the feeling of the Game of the Year on stage. .”

These words caused dissatisfaction among many people at Tide Studio.

The reporter quickly asked: "The awards haven't been awarded yet. Why do you think the best one of the year goes to Naughty Cat? As far as I know, you are only responsible for numerical planning, not the chief designer. Are these words unprofessional?"

As soon as these words came out, many people who heard the conversation laughed out loud.

Zuo Xuming glanced at the reporter in front of him as if he was mentally retarded, and then glanced at Werner who was eavesdropping next to him.


"I kind of know that EA's games won't win the best of the year. Next time, let's find a reporter who has played games."

Saying that, he turned around and left.

The reporter's face was extremely dark.

Werner was not much better, his face turned purple with anger.

I want to catch up, but I don’t know what to say.

Aren’t they two best players of the year? A room of honor filled with trophies!

What are you crazy about?

Thinking about it, he angrily walked towards the hotel.

packing luggage.

Set off tomorrow and return to Lighthouse Country.

Prepare to participate in the WGA and break Naughty Cat's three consecutive championships!

at the same time.

China Overseas Airport.

Lin Mo took a few steps forward and shouted: "Du Rui, get ready to go."

Du Rui was making a video call. After hearing this, he quickly turned around and nodded, then looked at the phone and checked it.

"Dad, then I will go on a business trip with Mr. Lin first. I already know about your student, and I will solve it when I come back. Be sure to convince the parents not to send their children to any hospital. It is not the children who are sick, right? Responsible parent.”

Then hang up the video call.

Lin Mo frowned slightly and asked, "What's going on? What?"

Du Rui sighed and said, "Isn't my dad a teacher? There is a student who likes to play games, and his parents think he is sick. My dad doesn't understand, so he asked me."

"Don't give it away." Lin Mo shook his head firmly, "That's no joke."

"That's what I mean too."

While talking, the two returned to the main army.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Wang Zichen thought carefully for a while.

"In the past few years, he has publicly criticized our naughty cat. As long as the company pays, he will not let us go."

"A big tree attracts the wind, what can we do? If we can win the WGA Annual Award this year, we will continue to enjoy our popularity." Wang Yi urged, "Let's go, get ready to board the plane. Go and receive the award!"

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