In the hospital.

Liu Zenan stared at the ceiling with empty eyes.

From the end of last year to now, it has only been a month.

For him, it will be unforgettable in his life.

In that hell-like place, a sick, centralized society was formed.

As a member of it, the first lesson you have to learn if you want to survive is acting.


Think about the screams of the classmates in Room 13 and the bruises on many people's bodies.

That's the consequence.

On the second day after arriving here, he was determined on one thing.


Must run.

No matter how high the price is, you still have to run.

Fortunately, after his parents sent him away, they visited him one last time before going home.

After that, while Yang Mingshou was talking to his parents and the instructor was not super strict, he took action.

The plan worked, but it didn't work either.

He didn't have to go back to that hell, but because he fell from a high building, his legs were broken, two ribs were broken, and he suffered a concussion.

In front of parents.

If there wasn't a roadside fruit shop with a shed underneath when he fell, he might not have been able to see the sun the next day.

After this experience, his parents no longer dare to talk about Internet addiction.

Even on the premise that it does not affect his recovery, he will use his mobile phone to play animation or live broadcast for him.

He was also glad that he did not become like his classmates, leaving a lifelong shadow.

It’s just that some things, like trust, can’t go back.

When I think of what happened to me, that devil.

He just wanted to kill his enemies with his own hands.

No more victims can be allowed to enter that hell!

"Dad, cell phone."

In the ward, a middle-aged man who was obviously older lowered his voice and said, "Let's rest for a while. Let's rest for a while."

How could he look like a little boss in this way? Just a father in pain and regret.

Liu Zenan just spoke louder: "Mobile phone!"

Got the mobile phone.

However, not to mention being wrapped as a mummy, it was quite inconvenient for him at this moment.

"Son, whatever you want to do, I'll help you."

Liu Zenan was silent for a few seconds.

"All right."

So, one asked for help.

It took more than an hour to post a Weibo post.

Send out everything you hear and see.

Then, due to lack of physical strength, he fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up again, it was already several hours later.

It's time for the nurse to take your temperature and blood pressure.

After finishing all this, he immediately thought of his Weibo.

Did more people see it?

Under strong request, the father who was accompanying him in bed once again turned on his mobile phone and operated it as required.

Just, the number of replies or likes.


Where is my Weibo?

Liu Zenan looked unbelievable.

Click in and take a look.

Waves of despair.

Weibo has been deleted.

Why is this happening?

Was it paid to be deleted? Or was it reported by multiple people?

This was the only weapon he could pick up while lying on the hospital bed.

But still nothing works.

Is it impossible to defeat that demon after all?

Waves of fatigue came over me.

My head was dizzy and I fell asleep unconsciously.

Just when he fell asleep.

Weibo buzzed.

It’s the account I’m paying special attention to that posted a new Weibo post.

Liu Zenan's father leaned over and took a look.

@Naughty Cat Game: "Dead by Daylight" - Death is not relief, living is victory. Only through unity can we defeat the nightmare. [Picture][Picture][Picture]

This Naughty Cat seems to be my son’s favorite game company?

He hesitated.

Let your son rest first.

Remind him another day.

The next day, the Internet Ring Center.

"Yang Mingshou, the matter on Weibo has been dealt with."

"Well, I understand, go out, Xiao Wang."

Yang Mingshou let out a long breath and lay down on the chair happily.

It’s another great harvest day.

When I think about the eight-digit deposit starting with 8 in my account, I feel ecstatic.

At the beginning, who would have thought that this money would be so easy to earn?

It’s just printing money!

Thinking about those game companies begging for money and begging him not to slander their games in public.

It's just a burst of excitement.

No money should be left out anywhere!

I said you are a garbage game that poisons teenagers, and you are.

Parents believe what I, Yang Xinyong, say!

Are you angry?

You have to hold in your anger.

Think again about the most famous game company in China - Naughty Cat.

The smile on his face immediately disappeared.

Hehe, you’re not here to send money, are you?

It just so happens that I also need to create some villains for parents here.

Your naughty cat game is so famous.

What a perfect fit.

As long as I mention your company's name without knowing it, what can you do to me?

If the naughty cat asks for money, how much is appropriate?

Tianyun Interactive Entertainment offered 15 million, and also hinted at criticizing Naughty Cat more.

Since Naughty Cat is so powerful and makes so much money, my offer of 35 million to you is not too much, right?

I want to see if your naughty cat is really not afraid at all.

Thinking of a bright future.

Xiao Wang, who had just left, hurried over.

"Yang called the beast, it's not good."

Yang Mingshou frowned, stood up from his chair and asked dissatisfiedly: "What's going on in such a panic?"

"That naughty cat turned you into a murderer and put it in the game!"


Yang Mingshou sat up with a start, took the phone and looked at it with a look of disbelief.

That was Naughty Cat’s official Weibo, with a character that looked like Frankenstein posted on it.

Although there is no slight resemblance in appearance.

But look at the name.


Another look at the backstory.

Every word makes it clear.

Weird pervert. Thunder and lightning torture

Let’s look at skills.

[Yang's Electric Spark]

Survivors hit will be affected by the neurological disorder effect.

Special Skill: Lightning Therapy

Special Ability: Static Explosion

See the comments below, sure enough.

[Holy shit, isn’t this the magnetic blast infantryman Yang Mingshou? 】

[Really or not, naughty cats can really cause trouble]

[Well done, this kind of demon is scarier than the ones in horror movies]

[My neighbor’s child is the victim. Such a smart child was harmed by that bastard]

The more Yang Mingshou thought about it, the angrier he became, and he slapped the table hard.

"How dare he! Damn it, damn it! He must be holding a grudge against me for repeatedly using the naughty cat as a negative example!"

Xiao Wang asked: "What should we do?"

Yang Mingshou said with anger on his face: "Since Naughty Cat dares to do this, he will naturally fight back! Just in time, this is a good example for parents to see."

"However, although the Weibo of the student who jumped from our building a few days ago has been deleted, the development of public opinion has been controlled. However, many screenshots are still saved, and the degree of discussion online is not low. Isn't it, first of all Is it better to be safe for a while?"

Yang Mingshou thought carefully for a while.


He knew the company Naughty Cat well, and could guess what kind of uproar this image would cause when posted online.

It will definitely be discussed again.

Instead of being tough at this time, it is better to use your own positive image to show weakness and win sympathy.

To direct public opinion, Naughty Cat openly smeared a good doctor who has helped countless Internet-addicted teenagers in order to make money.

Earn dirty money.

As long as Naughty Cat's reputation collapses, this game will not be released.

Or the character is not released.

The purpose is achieved.

You can even make extra money out of thin air, waiting for the naughty cat to send money to your door.

Dead by Daylight, this kind of horror game is most likely to be labeled as poisoning teenagers.

Thinking about it, he called Xiao Wang and started talking like this.

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