Naughty Cat fans have been in for a lot of surprises lately.

Dark Souls won the best game of the year, giving fans a shot in the arm.

Electronic Arts CEO Bob Ken, who has been despised by everyone, has decided to step down. It is only a matter of time.

Werner Studio was disbanded, and the Black Knight IP was taken away by Electronic Arts.

I've been cursing on Twitter all day.

It was Martin who thought he would be unemployed, but switched to a new project "Galaxy Hunters".

This was unexpected.

I thought Naughty Cat would take some time off, like last year.

Unexpectedly, a new game was officially announced!

Players opened Naughty Cat’s official account with great interest to check the information about the new game.

At this sight, everyone's eyes widened.

【Horror game? Asymmetrical competitive games? Lin Mo is starting a new life again]

[Holy shit, can you control the butcher to kill people? It’s so exciting, I must play it. The Trap Killer and Ghost Killer look so handsome]

[I won’t play this butcher without tanks and tyrants]

[Wait a minute, four survivors need to repair their motors to escape? In "Survival", did Bill say before his death that it felt like it wouldn't be the first time he had done such a job? 】

[Damn, will it be linked to the Biochemical series and Path of Survival? 】

The hot discussion among players has just continued for a day, and many people are even excitedly discussing whether there will be linkages with other game characters.

Only the next day, the new Butcher setting map was released.

Chainsaw Killer is equally cool.

But Chinese players noticed a very special character.

In the background story, he is a psychopathic doctor who likes to wear a white coat.

He enjoys torturing people, and he especially likes to torture his prey with electricity.

This setting, could it be said?

[No, Lin Mo is too courageous! 】

【Depend on! I just came across that thing, this kind of person is more like a butcher than a fictional butcher]

【ah? What's going on? Who can tell me? Does this butcher have a reason? 】

Because of the existence of information cocoon room.

Not all players know this exists.

Thanks to the popularization of science by more enthusiasts, the game has not yet been released, and this matter has already attracted a lot of attention.

Many players know the prototype of the demon doctor and the evil deeds done by the beast.

But they are also wondering, are you really not afraid of the beast's revenge by doing this?

This person is someone that all game companies in China should avoid!

How will the barking beast take revenge when he finds out about this?

It won't be long before the game is released.

Only the next day, the mystery was revealed.

Calling the Beast actually held a live broadcast!

Many players, fun people, and parents rushed into the live broadcast room instantly.

[Dog, when will Nima come? You have been recruited into Dead by Daylight, just wait.]

[Professor, my child has been playing silly with his cell phone all day long. I want to check but he still doesn’t give it to me. The cell phone has a password. Is it puppy love? 】

[Doctor, my son has skipped class several times. Is there anything I can do? 】

The live broadcast room was filled with smoke and smoke.

Mingshou first answered a few questions in the live broadcast room.

"Yes, parent, in this case, it is usually premature love. Puppy love is very terrible. It will not only lead to a decline in academic performance, but also pregnancy and miscarriage, causing a lifelong shadow."

Then I watched various barrage attacks, all talking about Dead by Daylight.

The barking beast was suddenly silent for a few seconds, and a few tears actually squeezed out of the corners of his eyes.

This confused everyone watching the live broadcast.

[Pretending, why are you crying? Still have the nerve to cry? 】

[Go away, it’s disgusting, crocodile tears]

Then, the barking beast let out a long breath.

"Thank you netizens for your concern. I have been under great psychological pressure recently. Maybe parents don't know this? I was hated for reminding parents to keep their children away from the poison of games. The game company created a murderous image in my image. , put it in the game.”

This sentence instantly aroused the anger of many parents.

【How can this be? These game companies are so shameless, what kind of company are they? Let’s all boycott it and let the country shut it down! 】

[It seems to be called Naughty Cat, which is the company that makes CSGO and chicken games, and it caused my son to suffer]

【resist! close the door! Give the teacher justice! These companies have increasingly no bottom line in order to make money! 】

[The beast has done so many evil things, who makes money without a bottom line? ! 】

The barrage instantly divided into two groups, and they were quarreling.

The beast looked like she was wiping away tears, but in fact she was already happy.


That’s the effect!

Show weakness to the enemy and let public opinion destroy the naughty cat.

However, the current situation is not enough.

The beast squeezed out some more tears and sighed.

"I don't mind game companies using my image to make money. But you are poisoning young people! Parents, look at what kind of games those are? They are thrilling, scary, and instigating children to commit crimes! You can make money, but please Please, stop poisoning teenagers! As long as you let the children go, you can vilify me any way you want."

These few words of retreat completely ignited the parents' anger.

[I know some people and I'm going to find them to shut this crazy cat down! Why can such a company exist?]

[My child was ruined by this naughty cat! 】

[Isn’t it troublesome to poison the money earned by students? What about conscience? 】

[Calling beast, what should we do? Save our children]

The beast was crying on his face, but he was already happy inside.

He pretended to wipe away his tears and said, "Let's do this. Next, I will listen to parents' situations at home and give targeted opinions."

The moment I turned on the continuous mic, there was a terrifyingly large queue.

I don’t know which barrage said this.

[Giving gifts can improve the order of wheat, allowing you to connect with the beast earlier]

Then, gifts came overwhelmingly.

An imperceptible smile appeared on the face of the beast, and the first application for continuous wheat was connected.

"Hello? Hello, professor."

One after another, during this night, many parents put on the wheat with worry and put down the wheat with gratitude.

Many people even said on the spot that they would buy tickets to go to the local area and take their children with them.

The smile on the beast's face could no longer be concealed.

The smile blossomed.

Before I knew it, three hours had passed.

"Finally, I will connect five more parents, and then I will exit. I would like to say sorry to the parents here."

With that said, a new application for wheat connection was connected.

"Hello? Parent, do you have anything to ask?"

"Yihao, Mingzhuo, my child also loves games, and loves to play Plants vs. Zombies. He and I have even played Double Row together. My child has just entered the second grade this year."

"I understand." Mingshou sighed, "He is another child who has been harmed by games. If such a child's Internet addiction is not treated, sooner or later he will become a member of the joint crackdown on counterfeiting and make trouble, and he will not be able to pass the junior high school entrance examination."

[Another poor child who has been harmed, this naughty cat deserves to die]

[It’s so pitiful that such a young child was killed]

"Who told you that my child will not be able to pass the junior high school entrance examination?" said the person whose online name is [Junjun]. "My child is among the top 20 in Zhonghai City in all grades, and the school is always ranked first."

As soon as these words came out, the barrage was filled with question marks.

Even the beast was stunned for a moment.

"Parent, do you come to Lianmai to ask about the children of your friends or relatives?"

"No." Junjun said calmly, "I used to be a practitioner in the gaming industry. My family was almost broken up. My marriage brought my wife and I back together. My story was featured on CCTV."

"and you."

"How do I do it? It's very simple. Spend more time with my children, communicate with them more, respect their hobbies and privacy, and play outdoors with them more. It's what a father should do."

"I didn't ask you this!" Mingshou said in a somewhat unkind tone, "Then you and I, Lianmai, are here to show off? Or are you here to laugh at the deeply poisoned parents in the live broadcast room?"

[Exactly, why are you like this? Sure enough, no one who makes games is good]

[Are you here to rub salt into the wound? Just wait, there will be times when you regret it]

"None of them." Junjun sneered, "You said Dead by Daylight poisoned young people in order to gain your popularity and make money, right?"

"Is not it?"

"My friend got the news from a charity organization. From the beginning of the "Dead by Daylight" project, it was decided to donate the subsequent proceeds to help the teenagers poisoned by you, the devil on earth, to recover!"

Junjun let out a fierce "poof" and said: "Some people wear a halo of holiness and stand on the moral high ground sanctimoniously, making money from human blood steamed buns. Some make horror games, but donate all the proceeds to help the victims. How ironic!”

The beast's face turned red. He never expected that such a change would happen tonight.

"How much money can you make from a crappy game! This is the Zaili Archway!"

"Based on half of Naughty Cat's lowest-selling game, the sales volume is 6.5 million dollars, and each copy is 20 dollars. Excluding taxes and various costs, it is conservatively estimated that Lin Mo has donated just over 50 million dollars."

This number made the live broadcast room quiet for a moment.

Everyone watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room couldn't believe it.

How can a game be so valuable?

Donate just when you say you want to donate?

Those who previously clamored that they knew someone and wanted to shut down Naughty Cat also fell silent.

Bragging is bragging.

When some parents really realized the power of this game company with a cute name and seemingly harmless to humans and animals.

No one dares to speak nonsense.

Not stupid.

At the same time, the barking beast suddenly felt a chill in his back, as if he was in the cold winter.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have made a huge mistake.

Perhaps, Lin Mo had no intention of making money by tarnishing his image or taking revenge.

What is pictured may be even more terrifying.

If what this netizen named Junjun said is true.

That is a behemoth with an annual profit of more than one billion U.S. dollars, investments in many fields, and cooperation with many Fortune 500 companies.

It stared at him like a poisonous snake.

If it's true.

The social status, voice, and wealth that one is proud of.

Those are all mirror images.

It breaks when touched.

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