Lao Xue is going crazy.

The game has just been released, where are there so many powerful butchers? What you have is a super powerful computer AI, right?

Or is it Lin Mo, that perverted monster who can play any game?

Otherwise, it’s the first day of playing? Why are you so powerful!

The good news is that although the location was exposed, the butcher did not come after Lao Xue.

Because I'm chasing someone else.

A few seconds after the static electricity exploded in the area, the second teammate's very miserable cry rang out.

It didn't take long before I was hooked.

That teammate was the one who knew what he was going to do best from the beginning. He obviously entered the game right after the server was launched and finished several games.

Even so, he still couldn't escape the butcher's knife.

There were only two people left in the venue.

The strongest teammate has fallen.

Now, the remaining two rookies had to be rescued.

If one more person is suspended, the game will be lost.

Apparently, another living teammate thought the same thing.

As a result, Lao Xue just approached his teammate on the hook and planned to save him.

He just heard another teammate scream, and the heartbeat sounded again.

This heartbeat like a nightmare lingered in my ears.

It feels like this game has never stopped!

Then, I saw Yang Mingshou carrying a third person and walking out of the room in the middle of the map.

Lao Xue's hair stood on end for a while, he didn't care about his teammates, turned around and ran away.

At this time, he was the only one left in the group of four.

In the game, if the other three teammates are all out of action, it will be impossible to repair the generator.

The last person alive will trigger the tunnel mechanism.

A tunnel will randomly appear on the map, and you can escape without repairing the generator or opening the door.

Lao Xue hesitated for half a minute and kept cheering himself up.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a game. Yang Mingshou can't hurt me. It's just a game. It doesn't matter. Go save your teammates!"

With that said, he walked out of the bunker resolutely and headed towards the nearest teammate.

As a result, just after taking a few steps, another static electricity explosion came.

Mental disorder level 1.

The terrifying voice of the barking beast came to my ears.

"First lesson, calm."

"No, it's not over yet!"

Old Xue Sa Yazi ran away.

The red light in front of the butcher was already very close.

As the distance got closer, the sound of his heartbeat turned into increasingly rapid music, reminding him that danger was behind him.

"Obstacle, obstacle! The front window!"

Lao Xue rushed over as if he had seen a savior.

It's just that the intention is too obvious.

Yang Mingshou behind him hit Lao Xue with a thunderbolt treatment.

Mental disorder rating, 2.

Lao Xue's character begins to hallucinate.

The weird sound came to my ears again.

"Second Lesson, Order"

Lao Xue rushed straight towards a board, but he didn't have time to use it.

Another thunderbolt cure has arrived.

Lao Xue's character covered his head and screamed, and his use of the board was interrupted.

"The third lesson, discipline"

"I know, I know! Yang Mingshou, can you please stop chasing me!"

The red light under my feet and the heartbeat in my ears continued.

He was clearly behind him, but he didn't draw his sword.

what happened?

Lao Xue mustered up the courage to look back.

"Huh? Where are the people?"

Although the butcher is no longer around, his heartbeat and red light are still with him.

what happened?

Isn't the butcher gone?

Why are the red lights and heartbeat still there?

【Stupid! The skill effect of Yang Mingshou! That mental disorder will make you hallucinate]

[Don’t you care about the effects of skills at all? I will be pissed off by you]

[You are the stupidest teammate in horror movies]

Lao Xue's face turned red after being scolded by the barrage, and he coughed slightly and said, "Isn't this for the effect of the show? Can I not know? This is to give you a chance to perform."

The mental disorder effect requires survivors to spend some time to remove it, otherwise they will not be able to use the medical kit or repair the motor.

With that said, he was about to walk into the dilapidated house ahead, where his teammates had been before.

There are many boards and windows to facilitate escape.

As a result, just when he relaxed his vigilance slightly and walked around a corner, Yang Mingshou walked out in front.

It was a knife aimed at Lao Xue.

Because the heartbeat and red light were always in his ears, he had no idea that the butcher was already close at hand.


Lao Xue shook his hand and knocked over the water glass on the table, spilling water all over him.

But there was no time to worry about this, so I kept running.

[Nima, I was scared, not the butcher, but you! 】

【Scream! You do scream! The louder you scream, the more excited we are! 】

【Jie Jie Jie? 】

Lao Xue had no time to watch the barrage.

The character's body was attacked with wounds visible to the bone. He groaned in pain and staggered away, not daring to let go.

The sudden attack just now made Lao Xue feel that his hands were shaking.

I don’t know if it’s because of fear or the secretion of adrenaline.

What’s even more terrifying is that the fourth lightning treatment has come.

"Lesson 4: Restraint"

Lao Xue's whole body was shaking and tense, and his mind went blank.

How can I have time to think about saving my teammates at this time?

My life is not safe!

Walking around the housing area, Lao Xue didn't even know where he was or where the butcher was.

All I know is that if there is a board, use it, and if there is a window, use it.

The result was the moment I climbed over the window and turned the corner.

Yang Mingshou was already standing in front of him.

"Ahhhhhh! Damn it! I'll fuck you!!"

Lao Xue was so frightened that he quickly turned back and climbed over the wall.

However, there is still a Yangming beast standing in front of him!

He raised the butcher knife high and chopped it down.

Fortunately, the sword hit nothing.

Every time the butcher swung his knife, he would make a motion of wiping blood, even if he didn't hit anyone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lao Xue quickly ran out of the housing area, panicking and choosing his own way.

"Come on, come on! Hallucination, the first butcher I saw was a hallucination of mental disorder! The second one is real! Lin Mo, what the hell did you design!"

He tentatively looked back.

This time the butcher, the red light, and the heartbeat weren't hallucinations.

Yang Mingshou is really chasing behind him!

【beg for mercy! Beg for mercy! 】

[Hahahaha, the effect of the program is indeed good, isn’t it a tough talk? Aren't you afraid? 】

[Meeting such a butcher will scare everyone away.]

"Board, there is a board! I am familiar with this place. I came here once when I was chased for the first time. There is a board!"

When I turned a corner and saw the board, it was like seeing a savior.

"If the board can hit the butcher in this position, I can still live!"

With that said, he rushed over and clicked to use it.

It's just, it's useless.

The board actually disappeared!

Looking at the ground again, there were fragments of boards from an unknown age.

【Hahahahaha! Is this board also an illusion? Didn't you use this to trick your teammates the first time, and then the board was stepped on by the butcher? 】

[How stupid, you have been deceived by illusions so many times and still fall for it? 】

In the headphones.

The sound of weapons being brandished behind him was so close that he even felt a phantom pain in the back of his head for a moment.

It's over.

This is the only thought in my mind.


The sound of metal colliding sounded.

This knife is crooked again!

still have a chance!

A little hope rose in my heart again, and I quickly ran towards the center of the map.

Muster up the courage to look back.

Yang Mingshou's terrifying eyes stared at him as he ran away, but he didn't come over in a hurry.

Slowly, slowly.

Keep a distance that's neither too far nor too close.

Where to hide?


There are six cabinets here, they should be safe!

Thinking about it, he didn't hesitate and went straight in.

The game is shifted to the first-person perspective.

Looking around, the cabinet was completely dark.

There is only a small gap to see outside.

Yang Mingshou walked here slowly and looked around.

When his eyes glanced at the position where Lao Xue was hiding, he paused obviously.

Lao Xue subconsciously straightened his back and performed an anus lifting movement.

What's even more terrifying is that Yang Mingshou started to open the cabinet.

Find them one by one!

"Bang" sound.

The first one opens.


The second, the third, the fourth.

Lao Xue felt goosebumps rising.

Death is not terrible.

The scary thing is waiting to die.

For the first time, Lao Xue hated his computer configuration for being so good, and the pictures were so real.

With the blessing of various physical effects, there is an immersive feeling.

Moreover, with these crappy headphones, the sound of opening a cabinet is too real!

You can all hear it, it's getting closer.

"No, brothers, we can't stay here anymore, I want to run!"


The fifth cabinet opened.

Next, is this cabinet.

However, the sound stopped very strangely.

There were no footsteps, and the butcher did not come to the cabinet.

"Leaved? You probably gave up. It has a mental disorder effect. I don't know if I left or not."

After waiting for a full ten seconds, there was still no movement.

【gone? Open one more cabinet]

[It’s a pity that I didn’t hear Lao Xue’s scream]

[Don’t be a butcher teasing people again]

Originally, it was broadcast at a different time, so it should not be very popular.

Because many viewers who have developed the habit of watching live broadcasts will not come to this point.

It’s hard to become popular relying on passers-by and audiences.

But the effect of this program is so good.

Almost none of the spectators who came in went out, and the popularity rose to the forefront of the game area.

Only at this time.

Lao Xue nervously focused all his attention on what was in front of him. How could he have time to pay attention to the barrage and popularity?

There was no movement outside for a long time.

"He should have left. Holy shit, I was scared to death. Oh, damn! Where did you come out?!"


A terrifying face was seen through the gap in the cabinet, with a smile of joy upon finding the prey.

The cabinet door was suddenly opened, and Lao Xue's character screamed and fell to the ground in fear.

A withered hand stretched out and picked up Lao Xue.

"F*ck! F*ck!! Yang Miaoshou, I was wrong! Don't shock me, I beg you! I really know I was wrong! I won't cause trouble!!!"

Seeing Yang Mingshou stop and stand firm in front of the hook, Lao Xue felt a little desperate.

As a result, after standing there for two seconds, he actually walked to another place, as if he was looking for something.

Lao Xue stopped screaming and was stunned for a while. He suddenly guessed something and cursed angrily: "This bastard is playing tricks on me! He's playing a cat-and-mouse game! He's a bastard! A scholar can't be killed!"

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