At this moment, Lao Xue Quan understood.

Why is it that every time I want to kill myself, the result is inexplicable?

I chased him several times and let him run away.

It's like a tabby cat facing a little mouse.

Hunting comes next.

The main thing is to treat mice as toys.

At this moment, the manipulator of Yang Ming Beast is the cat.

Lao Xue is that poor mouse.

"I have to rely on my own ability to escape!"

Lao Xue was very unconvinced, and instantly felt that his sense of terror was much weaker.

Struggling on the butcher's back.

The butcher remained unmoved, ignoring each hook and circling the ground.

Finally, Lao Xue's struggle succeeded.

He successfully ran off the butcher's back.

However, the butcher on the opposite side is too strong.

It's just too strong.

Even if Lao Xue mustered up the courage to look back at his position, he still couldn't escape the clutches of the butcher.

Just the right amount of lightning therapy hooked up with mental disorder to interrupt the action.

Properly run back and fight in front of you.

Each time, he raised the butcher knife high and deliberately chopped it crookedly.

It seemed like he was training him intentionally.

Played for a while.

It seems that he is tired of playing.

After catching up again, this knife did not deliberately cut at an angle, but hit Lao Xue squarely on the body.

He screamed and fell to the ground.

[If you chop it crookedly eight times, and you fall to the ground twice, you owe the butcher four lives]

[This butcher is a domineering president. I love you so much. If she runs away and he chases her, it’s hard to fly.]

[Don’t be disgusted, okay? Yang Mingshou is a middle-aged greasy man with thinning hair. He may have to use a sewing machine in a while. Why are you leaving him a widow? 】

[Eh, that’s disgusting, forget it]

This time, the butcher began to carry Lao Xue and continued walking all over the ground.

As for Lao Xue, he was completely destroyed.

He left the keyboard with his hands and sneered: "Heh, I want to see what kind of medicine you buy in your gourd. If I do something again today, I will take your last name! If you want to kill me, I'll give you a hard time!"

Even if Lao Xue didn't struggle, the butcher was still looking for something.

Lao Xue's face gradually became strange.

"He won't take me to find the tunnel entrance, right?"

【It seems to be true】

[This is a master, tired of playing, butcher’s mercy]

I searched for a while.

It was actually found.

The tunnel is not far from a hook, in the grass.

It’s really hard to spot without a good look.

The butcher put Lao Xue on the ground and watched quietly.

Lao Xue didn't move even after slashing him. He even stepped forward and slashed at the entrance of the tunnel.

Lao Xue blushed. He had just finished saying that he would change his last name, but it turned out that he had to do it.

"Can't you really move closer?"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth many times with hesitation on his face, but he just couldn't speak.

"Grandma, my surname can be Yang. In ancient times, there were many loyal generals in the Yang family who composed the epic of Chinese loyalty! But I can't be surnamed Yang, the bastard named Yang."

[Okay, let you escape, this is really not suitable]

【Let you take advantage of the loophole】

Climbing forward step by step, we were very close to the tunnel entrance.

You can escape from death soon!

"I ran away from the first game. Is my level still good?"

I haven’t waited for the barrage reaction yet.

Suddenly the butcher behind him walked up, picked up Lao Xue and walked straight towards the hook.

Hang up.

Lao Xue was silent for two seconds.

The butcher opposite stood motionless and looked at him in silence.

[Hahahahaha, laugh to death, it’s really a cat-and-mouse game]

【Have you ever seen a cat that would let a mouse go? I let it go in order to catch it back for better fun]

Then, several things that looked like spider legs stretched out from the sky and pierced into the bodies of the survivors.

All four were killed in action.

No one survived.

So Lao Xue started to curse.

The scolding was unpleasant.

The scolded supervisor came in and took a look.

After hesitating for a moment, he left.

I didn't exit to the main interface until I was tired of scolding.

Angrily, he clicked report on the butcher, and then started the next one.

"The last round was a mistake. I'm actually pretty good at it. I admit it. I was a little scared in the last round."

With that said, five 200 red envelopes were distributed in the live broadcast room, and a barrage was drawn.

"But I can't be afraid of this one! The last one was an accident, that butcher was so powerful. This time, I'm going to treat the butcher like a dog!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the game was scheduled.

Take a look at the ID.

The other party’s butcher’s name——Mo.

Lao Xue's eyes almost fell out.

【What? Why don't you yell? It made me laugh so hard, it’s a professional slap in the face, right]

[Begging for mercy, begging for mercy! 】

Lao Xue trembled all over.

I was vaguely afraid of this butcher named Mo.

Thinking about it, with a hint of pleading on his face: "Brothers, I was wrong, let's change the game."

Looking at Mo, he chose Yang Mingshou again.

Lao Xue gritted his teeth and then remembered the purpose of today's live broadcast.

Making games popular is not just about live streaming.

The better the program, the more people know about it, and the greater the sensation it causes.

More evidence can be collected.

He gritted his teeth and swallowed the second half of the sentence.

"Isn't it just a game? What are you afraid of! Don't be a coward!"

ten minutes later.

Lao Xue looked at the group elimination interface with a pale face.

"I can't help it anymore. I really can't help it anymore. You keep teasing and scaring me with hallucinations. I can't stand it anymore."

I was scared to death while playing Survivor.

I'm going to play Butcher's Headquarters, right?

The game is still queued in seconds.

After seeing the name of the escapee opposite,


Lao Xue said with a ferocious smile: "Good guy, it's my turn, right? Just wait for death! If I don't kill you, I will take your surname!"

ten minutes later.

Lao Xue looked at the opened door and kept squatting, getting up, squatting, and getting up in front of the escape intersection.

I'm so angry.

This time I was really slipped away!

In the whole game, the Yang Ming Beast he controlled never encountered Mo once!

Even during the pursuit, there was time to do some squatting and teasing.

The control of distance is simply terrible.

Not even the lightning treatment method hit.

"No, why is this wretched butcher so stupid in my hands?! Is this still a butcher? The other party is cheating!"

Lao Xue was about to vomit blood. He was so angry that he wanted to go up and chop him.

But the other party took a step back, entered the escape route, and ran away.

Lao Xue was cursing again.

It's hard to hear.

The superintendent is here again.

The supervisor left again.

He didn't stop until he was out of breath.

He took a sip of water and watched the barrage asking him to change his last name to Mo.

Denial said: "This can't work. There is no surname Mo in China. I don't even know the other person's surname. How can I change it? If I know, I will take his surname."

Just finished speaking, in full view of everyone.

Lao Xue's friend list shows that one person is online.

Lin Mo!

Then a private message was sent directly.

Lin Mo: Change it to Lin.

Lao Xue's head buzzed.

Something connected.


He took a deep breath and made a voice call.

Got hung up on.

Another voiceover.

Still hung up.

Lao Xue: Answer the voice call

Lin Mo: I don’t, you change it first

"I'll change your banana stick hammer, I'll change it! Lin Mo, you uncle, I'm just talking about so many players, how come I always get ranked as this one named Mo? Damn it, I should have thought of it earlier!"

Lin Mo: Come on, Lao Lin, I went to work and I had a lot of fun

Then, it went offline.

Lao Xue was so angry that he almost vomited blood, bursting into a fit of incompetent rage.

The live broadcast room is filled with happy air.

A live broadcaster called Game High Energy Bacteria, who does live broadcast slicing, made a rough cut of this wonderful live broadcast.

Dubbing, upload!

It will definitely be popular.

The game high-energy bacteria thought about it carefully again.

Should we add the origin of Yang Mingshou, the butcher?


Add it.

Lin Mo even donated money for a game.

I'll just add a few words.

Let more people know about this and punish this devil as soon as possible.

Although I am just a marketing account, making some bad money.

But I also have my own sense of justice, right?

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