There is a lot of excitement about Dead by Daylight in the outside world, and it has sparked discussion after discussion on the Internet.

From primary schools to universities to office workers, many people are talking about this eclectic asymmetrical competitive game.

Many people have found that, aside from the horror elements, the live streaming of the game works very well.

It's also very interesting, and many other contents are also worth pondering.

the other side.

In the ward, Liu Zenan had been depressed for several days.

The Weibo I had worked so hard to write was deleted, and I couldn’t say what I wanted to say.

I feel a sense of powerlessness all over my body, and I want to do something, but I find that I can't seem to do anything.

In that case, forget it.

Just live your life.

He used to ask his bedside parents to help him read the latest news or watch an episode of anime every day, but now he has no interest at all.

Every day I do nothing but be in a daze or sleep, and don't even want to say anything.

Liu Yi, the old father who stayed with him in bed, saw this and was anxious in his heart.

How can this continue?

Even the doctor said so.

The patient's personal will is of great help to recovery. If the will has been so depressed, the impact will be significant.

Although the current physical condition is best to rest in bed, it is equally important to allow the patient to contact some things to arouse personal will.

"Son, you haven't looked at your phone recently. What do you want to read? Dad, let me show you."

Liu Zenan stared at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, saying nothing, his eyes empty.

"Well, do you want to watch the live broadcast? Cartoon? The one you like, Ghost Blade?"

Not a word was spoken.

"How about daddy play a short video for you and you listen to the sound?"

Still silent.

I only heard the sound of the mobile phone in my ears being a little noisy, and the sound of marketing accounts kept entering my ears.

One time it was the international situation, another time it was romance and romance, another time it was the release of the latest mobile phone, and the other time it was Naughty Cat’s new game Dead by Daylight that was well received.

Wait, new game?

What new game?

What did you miss while you were recovering from illness?

"Dad, last one."


Liu Yi was stunned and spoke? Speaking for the first time today!

After hearing this, he quickly returned the video to the previous one and tentatively put it in front of his son to ensure that his son could see the specific scene.

The name of the game is Dead by Daylight.

Familiar numbers, familiar prototypes, familiar skills.

Liu Zenan's eyes widened.

At a certain moment, he had a guess.

My favorite game company ever made this game for...

This feeling is the feeling of having a backbone when you are most confused and helpless.

"Dad, I want to see other news about this game."

Liu Yi was stunned, although he didn't know why his son was so interested in such a horror game.

But that look no longer seemed empty.

With a little bit of hope and a little bit of determination.

One after another, they brushed past.

Some are game introductions, some are Easter eggs, and some are strategy tips.

There are also live slices of Lao Xue, which are even more popular online.

The effect of the show was so good that no one thought that Lin Mo would make such a joke with Lao Xue.

"Hello everyone, I am a gamer with high energy, and everyone must know some things.

Although I am just a marketing account doing slicing, I still want to tell every victim.

Death is not liberation, living is victory. Only through unity can we defeat the nightmare.

All proceeds from the Dead by Daylight series of videos I produced will be donated to contribute to the recovery of the victims.

come on! "

Clicking on the comment area, the cheering videos inside made Liu Zenan burst into tears without realizing it.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Dad, shake up the hospital bed and bring me my ID card. I want to take a video."

Liu Yi asked in confusion: "What video?"

Liu Zenan had a hint of determination in his eyes.

"You should have guessed it. Once you delete it, I will post it once; if you delete it several times, I will post it several times!"

With the release of Dead by Daylight, the buzz on the internet is getting louder and louder.

People keep telling the truth.

These sounds, no matter how slow they are transmitted, still receive a lot of attention.

On the short video platform, although there are not many yet, many people are speaking out.

The originally loose network power seemed to be twisted into a tight rope after the release of Dead by Daylight.

Invisible forces unite.

Qiao Weidong clicked on a voice message and listened.

"We must make Naughty Cat a bad name. One of the new games will be black and the other will be bad! I will give you twice, no, five times the money. Lin Mo must be discredited. I don't care what method you use!"

Five times!

Qiao Weidong thought with joy on his face.

He is a navy leader, a relatively big one.

Originally, according to his habit, he made money safely.

There are some things that involve relatively big things that he shouldn't be involved in

But there is no way.

This time the money was more than 100 million points.


On the day Dead by Daylight was released, his team went out in full force.

It doesn’t matter whether the blackness is justified or not, anyway, the intensity is unprecedented.

It can be said that we have put all our efforts into this big order.

Knowing that this time it would be more difficult, he even went to play Dead by Daylight himself.

It’s just to find a spot where I can be black, a spot where I can be black, a spot where even if I splash dirty water on it, there won’t be any backlash.

However, I have tried all the black spots on the surface of Dead by Daylight, but it has no effect.

Moreover, we must avoid the parts related to Yang Mingshou and not drag the employer into trouble.

So what to do?

Just as he was thinking about it, a new piece of news came into his eyes.

Concept promotional image of Naughty Cat's new game "Ready".

This news was posted just minutes ago.


I clicked in out of curiosity.

At this sight, his eyes immediately lit up.

New game for naughty cats.

Hardcore, anti-terrorism!

Qiao Weidong touched his chin, this is interesting.

Among the maps released in this game, there is a map that clearly looks like a domestic background.

Thinking about it, I was bursting with inspiration, and my fingers clicked on the keyboard.

A piece of copywriting that can easily incite emotions was typed out.

Finally, he looked at the finished product and nodded with satisfaction.


If this kind of dirty water is splashed on the body, it means mud is in the crotch.

It’s not shit, it’s shit

After writing the copy, send it to the following people.

Go to sleep happily.

This sleep went directly from afternoon to night.

If the phone hadn't rang at an inappropriate time, I might have slept until daytime.

He answered the phone in a daze and asked, "Hello?"

"Hey! What are you doing? I asked you to blackmail Naughty Cat, where are your people!"

Qiao Weidong was stunned when he heard this.

Is it dark?

And I also wrote an excellent copy to eliminate blackmail. With many years of experience as a marketing account, the effect should be good.

Several hours have passed now, it should be working?

Even if the rewritten copy fails to achieve the effect, other people's dirty water should also be effective, right?

what happened?

"Don't be angry first. I'll go ask what's going on."

As he spoke, he put the phone next to him.

Pick up another cell phone to make an outgoing call and put it on speakerphone.

As soon as I got on the phone, there was a burst of cursing.

"How do you do things?! Where are the videos I made for your copywriters? And you are already professionals and you can't do this well?"

Ponyboy on the other side said weakly: "Brother Dong, I just wanted to tell you that this is quite evil."

Qiao Weidong frowned.


"Yes, evil." Ponyboy continued, "The employer's request cannot involve him, and we have to throw dirty water on Naughty Cat. Our idea is also to target Naughty Cat's new game "Ready".

"Then what."

"The evil source lies in the game "Stand by". Regarding this game, no matter how shady it is or how dirty it is, the related good night videos are either restricted or deleted directly, and several accounts have been blocked."

Qiao Weidong felt a little uneasy when he heard this, and quickly said: "What about "Dead by Daylight"?"

"Everything is fine with Dead by Daylight."

Qiao Weidong's heart sank.

To work in his profession, one must have a sensitive sense of smell.

When the law was not strong, he had several incidents where he said things he shouldn't have said.

As a result, he was almost beaten to death.

For the sake of safety, the main reason is to make money from game companies.

Compared with throwing dirty water on celebrities or spreading rumors, the money of game companies is much safer.

Although I earn less.

After a long time of comfortable life, these few words gave him another hint of crisis.

It's that feeling of touching something you shouldn't.

The question is, isn’t this just a game?

What's not worth touching?

Although he didn't know the reason, he knew it was good.

He immediately hung up the phone and said to Yang Mingshou.

"Yang Mingshou, I'm sorry. I will refund your money. I won't take this order anymore."

"No answer?! What do you mean?"

Not a single sentence was finished.

Qiao Weidong quickly hung up the phone.

How can I feel sleepy at this time?

Running in circles anxiously.

What went wrong?

Naughty Cat is a family of well-behaved behemoths.

There is no monopoly based on the ability to make money from games.

It is not listed on the market and is 100% controlled by the boss Lin Mo.

The game never contains private goods, and even uses Dead by Daylight for public welfare.

Such a company that is harmless to humans and animals should be easy to deal with because it is simple.

But this time, what happened?

Did you step on something that shouldn't have been stepped on?

Qiao Weidong no longer dared to think about throwing dirty water at this time.

I was even thinking about praising the naughty cat in return.

I always feel that if this matter is not handled well, it will end.

On the other side, Yang Mingshou's office.

"Something's wrong, something's really wrong! Lin Mo came prepared! Damn it, what's going on!"

Since the release of the game, there has been more and more information about him on the Internet, and many victims have come forward to give their own accounts.

The situation is getting worse.

Fewer and fewer people are signing up, and more and more children are being picked up.

Many parents even secretly filmed the incident when they came to pick up their children.

Just like what I just heard on my phone.


How evil!

Yang Mingshou didn't dare to think about what would happen to him if these things about him were completely exposed to the world.

Must save ourselves!

Since it is a matter of the game company, then ask the game company.

the next day.

In a coffee shop.

Yang Mingshou walked into a small booth fully armed.

Now his face is all over the Internet, and he must prevent anyone from recognizing him.

The person in the card room who has arrived early is Mr. Zhou from Dongrong Interactive Entertainment.

He is also one of his financial sponsors.

"Yang Mingshou, thanks to your help, the projects under our company's name can get so much attention." Mr. Zhou said with a smile.

Yang Mingzhupi responded with a smile.

"Infinite Future" is simply a chicken version of Overwatch.

It is a product of the combination of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Overwatch after seeing the explosion of the two.

From the beginning of the promotion, Yang Mingshou was dubbed the green game, which attracted a lot of attention.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Yang Mingshou told the reason for his visit.

"Mr. Zhou, you are also from the gaming industry. I hope you can give me more ideas in this situation like Naughty Cat. I really don't know why Naughty Cat would go to such great lengths to target me."

Mr. Zhou frowned and said quietly: "If I were you, I might consider surrendering."

Yang Mingshou said coldly: "Do you think I'm here to joke with you?

"I'm not kidding you." Mr. Zhou took a sip of coffee, "Lin Mo is a complete idealist. Because of the plug-in, he specialized in making games and forced the industry to rectify. Because he was unhappy with the monopoly squeeze of the game platform, I just relied on the Origin platform to completely destroy the game box. Now, because "

"That's enough!" Yang Mingshou said coldly, "Am I here to listen to you tell me about the history of Naughty Cat?"

Mr. Zhou shook his head and said: "I just want to tell you that Lin Mo is not short of money and still holds grudges. It would be fine if he was just a nobody. But he is still a crouching dragon. What can you do?"

Yang Mingshou's heart sank to the bottom.

Are there really such boring people who carry such a heavy burden on themselves because of their inexplicable sense of justice?

Do not believe!

"Just tell the truth, what should I do now?"

Mr. Zhou stretched out his first finger: "First of all, don't use those little tricks of yours, they're useless."

Yang Mingshou smiled bitterly, it was indeed useless.

The point is, it has no effect even after using it!

I don't even know where the problem lies.

Mr. Zhou extended his second finger: "Secondly, the only way to survive is to talk to Lin Mo."

"I don't want to! But Lin Mo doesn't give me any channel to talk!"

Until the end, no effective method was found.

The conversation broke up unhappily.

After returning home, he thought carefully for a while.

If that doesn't work, why don't you try sending an email?

This method of communication is very inefficient, but it is also the only one that can be used at the moment.

Thinking about it, he rushed to the study.

Lin Mo was the owner of UP before, and his email address was included in his information.

So far, many netizens have written emails jokingly asking for a job.

While writing the email, I thought about it for a moment.

Should we write about Dongrong Interactive Entertainment and Tianyun Interactive Entertainment?

It was absolutely impossible before, but now, in order to protect myself, I don’t think so much anymore.

So, a lot of words were sent out.

It was written with sincerity, and it made people sad and tearful.

At this time, he was still wondering about one thing.

Why is it that "Dead by Daylight" can be hacked casually, but "Ready" is a game with no splash.

It’s just that the darkness doesn’t move!

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