Titanfall? Ash?

Apex Legends? ?

Zhou Wenguang felt that his brain was not enough.

No, what went wrong?

Wasn't Lin Mo still looking for cooperation with the AFC Champions League team in the Chinese Super League some time ago?

Why did his game suddenly appear in the Super Bowl?

Still at the halftime show!

It’s also a mystery show!

And look at the blond girl next to her with blue eyes, long breasts, long thighs and a perky ass.

Quite looking forward to it.

Is there something abnormal about this world?

Zhou Wenguang only felt that his mood was like a big A today.

Sometimes it goes up and sometimes it goes down, and the overall trend is always downward.

I stepped on the naughty cat proudly just now, and the K line rose by three percentage points.

Immediately afterwards, it hit a limit downwards.

Zhou Wenguang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, feeling so angry that he didn't know how to vent his anger.

But the blond girl next to me didn't notice this and kept talking.

"Isn't Naughty Cat on board now? It's so exciting. Eh? You are all practitioners in the game industry. You should be as good as Lin Mo, right? Do you have any masterpieces?"

Zhou Wenguang coughed lightly and said: "Dongrong Interactive Entertainment, the masterpiece "Infinite Future" released in March."

"Uh, sorry, I haven't heard of it." The blonde girl said with a trace of apology on her face, "But I heard that good friends in China often say bad things about each other to express their concern for each other. You two must be related. Not bad right?"

"It's not bad."

I wish the other monster would die soon.

Not bad?

"Then can you get his autograph for me? My boyfriend is a big fan of his."

Zhou Wenguang talked for a long time before he convinced the young lady.

Game designers are not actors or singers, and they don’t do these signature jobs.

It turned out to be easy to explain.

In the end.

The young lady said again: "You are worthy of being a practitioner. Does this mean that this is a good game? I will have fun."

"This is my basic quality."

Zhou Wenguang replied feebly.

I never thought that one day I would praise my mortal enemy's game in a foreign country.

Damn, luckily no one knows.

Otherwise, it would be a huge shame.

Thinking of this, I suddenly didn't even want to watch the game.

Go directly to the back of the arena.

Have a cigarette

Go all the way back from the passage.

I also saw Lin Mo and Wang Zichen.

The mood K line rose a little again.

Haha, how about your good game, your high status, and your cooperation with the Super Bowl?

Did you get a good spot?

It’s not just a garbage location in the corner.

Go to the smoking room, light a cigarette, and start smoking beautifully.

At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and flipped through it.

Naturally, the Super Bowl has also been on the hot search list in China.


Since no one likes rugby in China, no one cares about how exciting the game is.

What many people are interested in is just the halftime show and the guests present.

Not long after the halftime show ended, a video was uploaded.

Everyone is praising the wonderfulness of the show.

and .Apex Legends.

At the same time, many netizens expressed emotion again.

[Lighthouse Country is still strong in technology. This kind of black technology debuted for the first time in the Super Bowl. It is worthy of being the Lighthouse Country Spring Festival Gala]

[I’m curious, how much money did Lin Mo spend to put a game ad on the Super Bowl? Still during the halftime show]

[As expected of a naughty cat, he is really wealthy. Do you understand the value of the worst sales of more than 7 million? 】

[Apex Legends, if you dare to announce it like this, it must be an awesome game, you must play it]

[This game is already the second most searched in the Lighthouse Country, second only to the Super Bowl]

Zhou Wenguang looked very uncomfortable.

At the same time, I felt a little sour.

Damn, Infinite Future interacted with the Chinese Super League, and when it came to the AFC Champions League with an advertisement, it was at the bottom of the hot searches, and it stayed there for a while.

As a result, Apex Legends went to the Super Bowl and became extremely popular?

What's going on with the sour taste in your mouth?

Under related topics, he actually saw screenshots of his own circle of friends.

I don’t know who sent the screenshot?

Article 1.

[One day, I will use this technology to broadcast my "Infinite Future" game! 】

Article 2.

[Damn it, the technology here in Lighthouse Country is awesome. There is no need to build a holographic projection in a glass room! So realistic! Awesome! 】

It still caused quite a stir.

Because the official blog of "Infinite Future" also liked the forwarded marketing account.

Some players who are looking forward to the game also @Zhou Wenguang.

[ @Zhou Wenguang: Mr. Zhou, can you really do it? That would be wonderful]

[ @Zhou Wenguang: Bring this technology back and use it in Dongrong’s home court and in the infinite future! 】

After thinking about it, he replied.

[Zhou Wenguang (v): We are in the lighthouse country, we are talking, we should be able to win]

Then I looked at several comments after a few seconds and turned off my phone with satisfaction.

Draw the cake first.

If we can't talk about it, we can't talk about it.

At least not in terms of momentum.

On the way back to his seat.

Passed by Lin Mo again.

The game has not officially started yet.

Lin Mo's face is unfamiliar to most people.

But there are also many fans who know him.

Now there are many players gathered around him, asking for photos with great interest.

And asked about the new game Apex Legends.

So what if Naughty Cat is the last game company in the world? So what if you are popular with players? So what if the game goes to the Super Bowl?

Aren't you just sitting in this miserable position and watching the game in frustration?

Thinking about it, I feel a little better again.

As a result, at this moment, two staff members came over and whispered something to Lin Mo.

Then he was taken away by two people.

The remaining staff member was a step late in helping to pick up the things left behind.

Um? ? ?

Where is this going?

Zhou Wenguang quickly took a few steps forward and asked, "Hello, this is my friend. Where is he going?"

"Friends?" The receptionist was stunned and said quickly, "This was our mistake. When I received the notice, I only knew that Mr. Lin only brought one person with him. I didn't expect that there was another friend. Please come with me."

"Where to go?"

"Go to Mr. Goodell's exclusive private room."

Zhou Wenguang:?


Eyes widened.

He still knew the name.

Roger Goodell.

President of the Lighthouse Nation Professional Football League.


The staff looked a little weird.

"Aren't you friends who came here together? Don't you know? This holographic projection technology was provided by Mr. Lin."

Provided by Mr. Lin

which provided.

Zhou Wenguang’s head exploded.

Am I crazy or the world is crazy.

Finished watching the halftime show.

You told me that the mysterious technology is holographic projection, the mysterious program is Apex, and these are all Lin Mo's.

Near the seats, there were international students from China who had previously asked to take photos, some business owners, and Chinese people who had traveled thousands of miles to watch the Super Bowl.

Everyone became excited after hearing these words.

He immediately took out his cell phone and didn’t know what he was sending.

"But, but, since Lin Mo received the invitation, why did he sit in such an ordinary position below to watch the game?!"

The staff member said: "Mr. Lin said that it was his first time to watch football live and he wanted to feel the atmosphere."

After saying that, he didn't feel like this person was Lin Mo's friend. He packed up his things and left with a vigilant look on his face.

Zhou Wenguang almost vomited blood.

I had guessed that today would be a very unhappy day, but I didn't expect that it would be so unhappy.

All the things that could be proud of have been crushed.

Not long ago, advertisements for Infinite Future appeared in the AFC Champions League, and then we saw Apex appear in the Super Bowl.

This is the Lighthouse Country Spring Festival Gala.

Influence is not at the same level.

Originally, even Lin Mo didn't get a good seat.

As a result, people came down there to experience the atmosphere.

No, what age are you here playing pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? Are you sick?

The game suddenly felt like it was no longer interesting.

Watching the game?

Look at the hammer!

Turn around and leave.

Before leaving, I took a look at the VIP box.

By coincidence, Wang Zichen looked here.

He even waved his hand in a cowardly manner and said hello.

He looked even more angry.

As he walked away, he angrily sent out multiple messages.

"Li Huairong, Infinite Future better be as popular as you boast!"

Return to hotel.

I took a shower and ate something simple.

I thought it would be better if I diverted my attention.

Unexpectedly, it couldn't be transferred at all.

Just thinking about it makes me angry.

Let’s play with the phone.

At this point, the Super Bowl is over.

The Chiefs narrowly won in overtime.

The focus of discussion on foreign social media is still the same.

Super Bowl, Chiefs championship and Apex.

There is also a discussion about how cool holographic projection is.

[The technological level of China has advanced too fast. I didn’t expect it to come from a game company]

[It’s a pity that I didn’t see Cooper and BT, but I like Power Boy]

[Why does Lighthouse Country only have trash like Electronic Arts, but China has Naughty Cat? 】

[Lin Mo has Smecta, a bloodline of our Dabang country! 】

Let’s look at the country.

The number one hot search Apex.

The second one is.

# Zhou Wenguang’s circle of friends


Zhou Wenguang was stunned, can my circle of friends be a hot search?

what is wrong?

When I clicked on it, I saw that the most popular Weibo was from an international student.

@Xiao Ming, an international student from Lighthouse Country: [Picture][Picture] Guess who I met at the Super Bowl? Mr. Lin! Momen! And I also learned some amazing news, the holographic projection technology used at the Super Bowl. It's from Naughty Cat!

Comment below.

[Hahahahaha, this is @Zhou Wenguang, didn’t you say in Lighthouse Country that we could negotiate, just wait and see]

[Laughing, are you going to the Lighthouse Country to talk to Lin Mo? No need for duck, you can do it in the country]

[I’m thinking that this technology is only used in the digging and climbing competition, and it will not be used in the infinite future (funny)]

[This Momen disciple would like to thank Mr. Zhou for praising the new technology of this "Lighthouse Country". Is the air over there fragrant or sweet? 】

While talking, he also saved the screenshots of Zhou Wenguang's Moments that were posted online by someone unknown, added pictures, and tortured them.

Zhou Wenguang's head was empty for a while.


Forgot about it.

It didn’t matter if the Moments were posted online before.

But now I know that this holographic projection technology belongs to Naughty Cat.

The nature has changed.

What a shame!

Now, he just wanted to ask one question.

"Who did this?! Who the fuck took the screenshot of my circle of friends and posted it online!!"

"I'll be your uncle!"

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