The days after the Super Bowl were like a nightmare for Zhou Wenguang.

For a rich second generation who grew up with fine clothes and fine food, and grew up with praises.

I've never been made fun of like this before.

Every time I open the backend of various social media, I don’t have to think about it, but there are all kinds of ridicule from netizens.

He was so angry that he went off to fight with many people in person.

Then more screenshots were posted online.

This kind of dishonest behavior made him become a small Internet celebrity for a while, and many people came to tease him when they had nothing to do.

Originally, he wanted to play in this world-famous gambling city, but he lost interest.

Return directly to your country.

Then, all possible opportunities to meet with colleagues were eliminated.

Afraid of embarrassment.

Although, the popularity of "Infinite Future" has soared a lot.

As for the reason

It's because he, the boss of Dongrong Interactive Entertainment, is embarrassed on Weibo.

It brought a lot of traffic to the game.

He never expected that one day, the game would become popular because of people.

And it’s also because of embarrassment.

Or because I took advantage of Lin Mo’s traffic!

Although the shame is self-inflicted, it is because those few friend circles have lost face among the domestic player community.

But facts aside, don’t you, Lin Mo, have any responsibility?


The desire to overpower the naughty cat completely burst out.

Time passed and it came to early March.

The boss’ office of Blue Cat Live.

This is already the fifth live broadcast platform Zhou Wenjie has visited.

To promote the infinite future.

He thought of countless tricks, including linking with the live broadcast platform.

The other party is required to make the selected anchor broadcast more than two hours of Infinite Future at prime time every day within a month.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Apex cannot be played.

It's just that the idea is beautiful, but there are some problems with the execution.

Shark Platform agreed to let its influential game anchors broadcast Infinite Future during prime time.


Reject the request not to play Apex.

Even Zhou Wenguang had quoted a price that exceeded the upper limit of the estimate, but it was useless.

Because, his teeth were itching with anger, but he still had to leave a message.

"If Mr. Zhang thinks this proposal is good, you are welcome to give me a call."

Shark Live refused.

We have no choice but to turn around and look for other partners - Blue Cat Live Broadcast.

Although it is not the oldest live broadcast platform with the ability to create stars like Sharks.

But the Blue Cat platform is a platform that focuses on the segment of game live streaming.

There are many types of live broadcasts.

Games are only part of it.

Some people watch the live broadcast, but they only watch girls showing their thighs, some watch Lianmai, some watch singing, some watch dancing, some watch flirting with girls, and some watch treasure appraisal.

If the game business of Shark Platform is the first in the live broadcast industry, then the game business of Blue Cat Platform is the second in the live broadcast industry.

After all, on this platform, even those who show their thighs have to wear black stockings and pant while playing games.

The main focus is a marginal game.

On the platform, female anchors mainly serve as a sideline.

A large number of Bangguo game anchors have also been signed on the Blue Cat platform to expand business.

There are countless powerful gamers.

Male anchor, focusing on a technical flow or program effect.

Due to the anti-terrorism special team project, the performance of the Chinese team is extremely poor, not to mention Europe and the United States, even the major countries cannot beat it.

There was a time when baseball anchors were synonymous with technology. This situation improved only after AR won the championship in the CSGO era.

Bai Kang, the boss of Blue Cat Live, knows what the main force of his business is, and he also knows that he will lose some users.

But there is no way, the other party gave too much.

Moreover, the agreement to ban Apex is only valid for half a month.

It only lasted half a month, and for many viewers, it went by in a blink of an eye.

How many users can be lost?

By then the money has been obtained and the user will not lose much.

Isn’t it beautiful?


Facing the big benefactor, Bai Kang has no airs like the owner of Blue Cat Live Broadcast.

Shoot the flattery as much as you can.

I even want to be a little greedy.

"Mr. Zhou, I think the gaming committee ranked Dongrong Interactive Entertainment at fifth place, which is a bit low to be honest. It will be easy to surpass Naughty Cat in the next ten years and become a famous brand in Chinese games."

When he mentioned this, Zhou Wenguang became so angry that his teeth itched.

Naughty cat!

The trip to the Lighthouse Country was like a fish bone stuck in his throat, which was very uncomfortable.

Just thinking about it makes my teeth itch with hatred.

The more beautiful Lin Mo was, the more painful his face felt.

This desire to push Naughty Cat off the throne and replace it becomes even more urgent.

Zhou Wenguang said calmly: "That's natural. Dongrong Interactive Entertainment's future plans include multiple acquisition plans, involving a variety of game types."

Bai Kang nodded repeatedly, and then said: "I absolutely believe in Mr. Zhou's strategic vision, and Dongrong Interactive Entertainment has a bright future. I think, in addition to "Infinite Future", can we talk about cooperation in other games? "

Zhou Wenguang thought carefully for a while.

Nowadays, game promotion and live broadcast are inseparable.

Live streaming platforms have become an important part of game promotion.

But not all game companies are as good as Naughty Cat.

As soon as a new game is released, players will spontaneously spread the news around the world.

If future games can also prohibit the broadcast of games competing for teammates at the same time, only those of Dongrong Interactive Entertainment will be broadcast.

That has only advantages and no disadvantages.


Smash it!

Is there any business that can be accomplished without spending money?

So he nodded simply and said: "Yes. But the liquidated damages will also be increased."

Bai Kang was filled with joy and said with a smile, "That's natural."

This negotiation lasted for a whole day, and both parties were satisfied with the price of the plan.

The deal is 70% complete.

After Zhou Wenguang left, Bai Kang lay on the chair and felt happy.

What a fortune!

Every time I take advantage of someone, oh no, Dongrong Interactive Entertainment bans the broadcast of competing games when their games are released.

Once the period has passed, it will return to normal.

There is no delay in making money on both sides.

Includes Naughty Cat game.


In a small live broadcast room on the Blue Cat platform.

Xiaoyao waved to the camera: "Well, see you tomorrow. Remember to pay attention to my new video, which contains my interpretation and understanding of the Apex game."

Amidst all the barrage of saying goodbye to my wife, the live broadcast room was closed.

However, he did not immediately cancel the broadcast, but continued to play the game.

CSGO, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and Titanfall each practiced marksmanship for half an hour before going to take off their makeup and rest.

Xiaoyao, a former member of the female team of the Anti-Terrorist Special Forces.

Later, both the game and the league were smashed by CSGO, and he had no choice but to lose his job and became a streamer.

In the words of fans.

Those who are better looking than her are not as good at shooting.

His shooting skills are better than hers, but not as good-looking as hers.

Except for boys and girls.

I thought I could make a name for myself in the live streaming industry with my fluent marksmanship.

Never imagined.

Just like before in the women's team, everything was a mess.

The reason why being a professional is a piece of cake is because all my teammates know how to do is put on makeup, fight for the C position, fight, gain traffic, and appear in variety shows all day long.

Doing everything except training.

Created a great record of 28 consecutive losses in the season, playing 57 maps and winning 1 map.

Now that he is temporarily retired, his former teammates are relying on their original enthusiasm, not to mention being prosperous, and they have achieved small successes.

She is the worst one.

On the live broadcast.

People who look at skills and marksmanship go to see the male anchor.

When watching female anchors play games, how many of them come here for the game content?

Moreover, both the guild and the platform hope that she will develop in the direction of "female anchor with marginal skills".

But she really couldn't let go.

Fans are even more vicious.

[Watching the little demon cleaning the edges is not as interesting as watching my grandma cleaning the glass]

Although I am currently live broadcasting, I have never given up on winning the championship.

Moreover, she still wants to take the path of a technical anchor.

CSGO became popular, she is a member of the anti-terrorist special forces women's professional team.

After eating chicken became popular, she had not yet entered the live broadcast industry. She did not start practicing until the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds professional team was formed, which was too late.

Now, apex is coming soon.

He was full of energy and wanted to make a breakthrough.

Therefore, I practice shooting one and a half hours before the broadcast every day, one and a half hours after the broadcast, and practice apex in Titanfall multiplayer mode in advance after dinner.


Officially, the two games feel very similar.

I stretched and was about to move my body when I received a call.

"Hello? Xiaoyao, let me tell you something. Platform regulations prohibit the live broadcast of Apex within half a month after its official release. You have to broadcast Infinite Future for two hours during prime time every day."

"What? No!"

The little demon was a little anxious for a moment.

In order to play Apex well, he invested a lot of energy and time in the multiplayer mode of Titanfall.

How can you say that if it is not broadcast, it will not be broadcast?

"It's not something I can have the final say on, nor is it something you can have the final say on."

Xiao Yao bit her lower lip tightly, and after a moment, she asked in a pleading voice: "What if we only play Apex for half an hour every day?"

"No, if you say no, you can't. I know what you are thinking. Are you thinking that even if you don't renew your contract and change jobs, you will have to play Apex, or even want to take this opportunity to return to the professional team? I advise you to give up. You This will only result in being banned from the platform until the end of the contract.”

The phone hangs up.

Xiao Yao's heart fell to the bottom.

Want to give up?

When I heard the news, I really thought about changing platforms.

Her contract officially expires in a month and she is currently in talks to renew it.

Originally, the progress was very good, and the new contract improved some benefits.

If this incident had not happened, she would have gladly accepted the contract.


When I thought about accepting this contract, I missed out on the initial bonus from Apex and was labeled as Dongrong Interactive Entertainment.

Wanting to return to the arena and accept the cheers of the players is just a fantasy.

Fans of the Naughty Cat series are notoriously strict about "traitors".

The five traitors of the TY Club returned to CSGO in despair after the Thunderfire Rangers.

Every time on the field, there will be overwhelming boos.

Even if you win.

The little demon took a long breath and patted his face, walked to the bathroom and smiled in front of the mirror.

The decision has been made.

"Take a gamble! If you don't have the life of a big anchor and a champion, then you can really go and try to avoid it! I have a face like this and I have the capital!"


"It's just a bit flat."

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