Live Action Opens Up and Gets Blocked, Backhandedly Rectifying the Gaming Industry

Chapter 222 The designer is the one who cares, not the subject matter

Lao Xue already thinks that he is immune to all kinds of poisons when it comes to playing games.

But being killed repeatedly by players who were obviously novices without any pressure still made him somewhat vulnerable.

"Fuck! This stupid game will only become popular if it becomes popular."

The same live broadcast content, and even the same way of death.

Different anchors, different personalities and mentality will have different live broadcast effects.

Sister K will take off one piece of clothing every time she loses. What the audience is looking forward to is her last piece.

When Lao Xue died, it was either because he ran away with poison or he was shot to death just after going out.

He is not a player who likes to keep quiet.

But what the audience is looking forward to is the way he breaks the defense.

This kind of breach of defense was not just a show, he was really angry.

[Hurry, hurry, sign in, this is the only game where I have the opportunity to beat the masters]

[What are you thinking? Experts have already played Apex. Wouldn’t it be good to show off your skills and marksmanship? It’s fun to play]

[This concentration is too poor, look at Mr. Lin and he is not angry]

In fact, this is what Lao Xue is puzzled about.

"I said, aren't you angry? You were slaughtered at will by novice players."

Lin Mo said leisurely: "Don't be angry, this is my job. Instead of analyzing what makes a good game successful, it's better to analyze what makes a bad game bad."

"I understand work. But shouldn't you just play a good game and study hard?"

Lin Mo sighed after hearing this: "But I can't analyze my own game every day, right? That's someone else's job."

Lao Xue:.

This is so cool, full marks.

After hesitating for a moment, Lao Xue said to the barrage: "Brothers, I'm sorry, I'm going to turn off the mic for a while and ask Mr. Lin something."

With that said, he turned off the sound in the live broadcast room.

Lin Mo heard this and joked: "What, you want to enter the gaming industry? Do you want to apply for a job with me?"

Lao Xue smiled bitterly and said: "You are right about the first half of the sentence. I have already stepped in. That's it."

Then, Lao Xue told the ridiculous things he had done.

The more Lin Mo listened, the stranger his expression became.

"You mean, you envy me for being on WGA three times to receive awards, and you are a little jealous, and you plan to invest in a game project. And then you chose Soft Moon Studio?"

"That's not true." Lao Xue was extremely depressed, "But just this morning, news suddenly came that was acquired by Dongrong Interactive Entertainment."

"Good boy, you turned out to be an enemy?"

Lin Mo laughed and cursed in a dumbfounded way.

Capitalizing on an enemy is not a big deal, and Dongrong Interactive Entertainment will not become the master just because of the money.

It also understood what Lao Xue meant, indicating that this incident was not intentional.

But this Soft Moon Studio does have some big problems.

The masterpiece "Sword Immortal" is the enlightenment of many Chinese game players, it is true.

But this series quickly went downhill after its heyday.

The ten-thousand-year turn-based system that has been criticized by players relies on dead people to deceive tears and emotions to defraud sales.

After so many years, there has been little progress.

Now the reputation has been overdrawn.

If you sell your feelings too many times, there will be backlash.

Players may buy a game out of guilt for playing pirated games.

But after all, games are for playing, and no one is willing to waste their money on it.

Using game quality that is far inferior to similarly priced works and relying on emotions to make money is itself a kind of moral kidnapping.

After Lin Mo briefly stated his thoughts.

Lao Xue was relieved, as long as this friend didn't mind.

Then, he asked: "You mean, the turn-based system is dead? Will Ruanyue's "Sword Immortal 8" hit the streets? But "Sword Immortal 8" has been changed into an action game."

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "No. It's just a matter of the level of the designer or the production team. As long as it's done properly, the turn-based system will remain classic and never go out of style."

"What if the level is not good?"

"If your level is not good, making an action game would be even more frustrating. It's the designer who's the loser, not the subject matter."

Old Xue laughed dryly: "Don't scare me, I have invested a lot of money."

In the game, Lin Mo casually blasted a person's head with a sniper, and was then blasted into pieces by a rocket launcher along with the building.

"Anyway, the game will be released soon, won't we know the result just by looking at it?"

"Hey, that's all I can do."

With that said, Lao Xue turned on the sound in the live broadcast room.

[Old Xue, what are you doing so quietly! 】

[Tell me the truth, are you asking Naughty Cat about something confidential? 】

[Is this the case with Apex? 】

Lao Xue pretended to be mysterious and said: "We are talking about how many players Apex has now, but it is confidential and we cannot tell you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo said: "Actually, it doesn't matter. The current number of players is 11 million."

This number directly made Lao Xue choke on his saliva.

After coughing for a long time, he asked: "How much?!"

"So far, 11 million." Lin Mo said calmly, "This is a game that was announced in a high-profile manner at the Super Bowl, and it is still free. The number of players cannot be that small."

Lao Xue was silent for a long time.

"Brother Mo, do you still need investment in your game?"

"you guess?"

the next day.

Xiaoyao is on his way to the Shark Platform headquarters.

I took a look at my old club’s Blue Cat live broadcast.

Viewers plummeted starting the next day after many players discovered problems with the game.

The Blue Cat platform cannot broadcast live.

But the game is a good game, and players who want to improve their scores urgently need a channel to learn or watch live broadcasts.

How to do it?

Change the platform.

Xiao Yao took a look at Sister K, whose popularity in the live broadcast room was not as good as before. She took the risk of being banned from the live broadcast room at any time and forced herself to stay aside to gain traffic.

I felt happy in my heart.

It is said that choice is greater than hard work, and today, she truly felt this.

If it weren't for the anxiety and torture of not being able to start broadcasting for a month.

If I didn't change the platform just to play this game.

Presumably the outcome will be much worse than that of Sister K, right?

Thinking about it, I deleted the Blue Cat live broadcast software on my phone.

From now on, it’s a new beginning.

He took a long breath and said something silently in his mind.


This trip went to the Shark Live headquarters.

The purpose, of course, is to sign a contract.

In this era where electronic signatures have legal effect, paper contracts are no longer strictly necessary.

As for why we need to interview for visas, one is because they are all in the same city, which is more convenient.

Another one is the Shark platform for publicity.

In other words, disgusting fellow travelers.

Zhang Wenjie, the owner of Shark Platform, can laugh out of his dreams recently.

He no longer questions the quality of Apex's games, and is glad that he didn't call to "provoke the accusations."

There is no spoiling a good partnership with Naughty Cat.

Blue Cat Live dug its own grave and sent a large wave of traffic to the sharks in vain.

The live broadcast industry has already entered the stock era.

The focus of the platform is no longer to attract viewers to register.

Instead, it focuses on robbing the resources of its peers.

This kind of thing where you dig your own grave because your colleagues are stupid is really something that happens but cannot be expected.

Moreover, Blue Cat Live lacks a pillar who can be called by name.

Everyone in the industry knows this.

It was easy to find a potential one, but it was forced to run away.

The purpose of signing the contract this time is to show it to some anchors of Blue Cat Live.

Our Shark Live is where you should come!

Look at your platform’s stupid policies and your exclusion of talents.

Aren't you angry?

Angry, that's right.

Come to Shark Live!

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