On Blue Cat Live, a tepid female anchor achieved great success after changing her career.

Got a big contract from Shark Live.

An eye-watering contract.

Coupled with the platform strategy, the anchor is required to have at least two hours of unlimited time every day.

And most importantly, ban Apex.

The popularity of the platform plummeted.

People's hearts began to wander.

In an office of Blue Cat Live Broadcast.

"Damn, damn! Shark Live, you actually came here to play with me like a horse's bones!!"

After cursing angrily and calming down for a long time, he finally picked up a handful of gunpowder and put it into his mouth.

Because of an unwise decision, the interests of the platform were damaged.

He has been anxious about getting angry for a long time.

There were blisters all over the mouth and ulcers all over the mouth.

The day after the two games were released simultaneously, Apex officially announced its first-day data.

In just one day, 25 million players entered Apex Legends.

And the infinite future on the other side.

Just go to hell and stay silent.

Because the data is completely shameless to be released.

Are there any players who are still holding on to Wan Infinite Future?

Yes, quite a few.

Are there any anchors who still insist on broadcasting this game?

Yes, quite a few.

But the decline is evident.

save? Can't be saved.

Without Apex, players may still have to wait for some important patches for the game.

But there is no way, Apex, which is better in all aspects, will ruthlessly take over these players who have given up on the infinite future.

Although Bai Kang didn't know the specifics of the game, he could guess that the game's next-day retention rate should be ridiculously low.

This was obviously tricked by Dongrong Interactive Entertainment.

Got cheated by Zhou Wenguang!

As of today, it has been a week since the two games were launched.

In just this short week, 20% of active viewers left the live broadcast platform.

And it is still falling, far from reaching the end.

You can't see Apex here, you can only watch it on another platform.

There is no way, the game is too popular.

Not just at home.

On the Mouse Stage, the number of viewers of a new Apex game actually ranked among the top three.

Half of the half-month ban on broadcasting has passed.

But Bai Kang was already considering breaking the contract.

These viewers are the lifeblood of Blue Cat Live.

Who knows how many will be able to come back after the duration of the no-show agreement is over?

What if we stay on the enemy's platform?

Now many anchors have begun to post their Apex chicken highlights on their personal short video accounts.

Just to tell the audience.

I want to play it too!

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that the platform won’t let me!

I will play Apex every day until the end of time!

Moreover, some major anchors are not going smoothly with their contract renewals, and there are signs of defection.

Under internal and external troubles.

Today is the day to meet Zhou Wenguang.

If the infinite future continues to be like this, I would rather pay liquidated damages than dare to play with fire again.

What if Dongrong Interactive Entertainment’s games collide with Naughty Cat again in the future?

Damn it, why were you so greedy in the first place!

If you insist on being greedy for that little money, you will end up losing even more.

Thinking about it, Bai Kang gave himself a slap in the face.

The crisp sound echoed in the office.

As a result, Zhou Wenguang came in at this moment.

The two looked at each other for two seconds.

Zhou Wenguang coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Bai, there's actually no need to be like this. It's just a temporary defeat. There's no need to torture yourself like this."

Bai Kang looked at him coldly.

Before the game was released, this was Party A, the money-giving boy, and the big boss.

So the flattery is constant.

Now, this is the culprit that almost killed Blue Cat Live.

"Mr. Zhou, I won't give in to you anymore. That's it for the cooperation agreement. I will pay the liquidated damages."

Zhou Wenguang sat on the chair in the office, not panicking at all on the surface, but actually a little nervous.

Something has gone terribly wrong in the infinite future.

He knows how dissatisfied his partners are when they are implicated.

As for the other party paying liquidated damages and tearing up the contract, that is absolutely unacceptable.

Today’s Dongrong Interactive Entertainment is like a rat crossing the street.

This wave of reputation dropped directly to freezing point.

There is even a saying within the scope of anchors.

Playing Dongrong Interactive Entertainment’s games will lead to misfortune.

If today's games want to become popular, they are inseparable from short video and live broadcast platforms.

From another perspective, why can’t game live streaming be considered a live broadcast to bring goods?

Now Dongrong Interactive Entertainment is in need of a close partner who can help it promote its games.

Blue Cat Live is still very influential.

"Mr. Bai, I'm sorry about this. I was also deceived by that idiot Li Huairong."

Bai Kang remained cold and silent.

Last time you said that Lin Mo praised you and Li Huairong as "crouching dragons and phoenixes."

Now he has become an idiot again?

how about you?

Seeing that the other party was silent, Zhou Wenguang continued: "Mr. Bai, you just don't believe in Dongrong Interactive Entertainment's self-research capabilities, but you can't deny the two games "Sword Immortal" and "Super Three Kingdoms", right?"

Bai Kang still didn't look good.

The "Sword Immortal" series is the game enlightenment for many players.

And "Super Three Kingdoms" is the last fire left in the prosperous era of RTS.

But also because of the decline of this type of game, the number of players has decreased rapidly, leaving only the result of waiting to die.

Leng Yan said: "I know what you are doing, but the latest "Sword Immortal 8" is a stand-alone game. Relying on it to regain the lost audience is a fool's errand."

"However, we are also developing an RTS game with the "Sword Immortal" IP, "Sword Immortal Strategy Edition" at the same time."

"Relying on a game type that no one has played for a long time?" Bai Kang sneered.

"The genre is indeed out of date." Zhou Wenguang said leisurely, "But don't you think that RTS games are very suitable for carrying creative workshops?"

After saying these words, Bai Kang was obviously moved for a moment.

Zhou Wenguang continued: "I just need to build the game framework, and then let creative players produce excellent gameplay for me."

Bai Kang frowned and thought for a while.


Amway Creative Workshop is so successful.

Many manufacturers are very greedy, this is a chicken that can lay golden eggs.

For example, the CSGO community server has long-lasting peek-a-boo.

For example, the birth of Road to Survival and the endless stream of player-made levels.

For example, those MODs in the biochemical series that make people blush and their heart beats.

"The premise is that the game must gain the recognition and attention of players. No mod author is willing to invest his efforts in a deadgame."

"So, Mr. Bai, isn't this a matter of mutual benefit?" Zhou Wenguang tried his best to deceive, "The release of "Sword Immortal 8" is just to warm up, my trump card is "Sword Immortal Strategy Edition"!"

The expression on Bai Kang's face was a bit struggling.

I know this is just painting a big picture, but the painting is good enough.

There is no doubt how great the power of players is.

Seeing this, Zhou Wenguang added: "As a derivative of "Sword Immortal Strategy Edition", I will adapt an independent game. All adapted works will be exclusively broadcast on Blue Cat Live for one month."

Bai Kang finally showed a smile on his face.

"make a deal."

Zhou Wenguang shook hands with him.

“Let’s bring this ancient IP back to life!”

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