the next day.

Naughty Cat's conference room.

No one is surprised by the establishment of the new project today.

After all, there is that inexplicable bet.

However, no one expected to see the game on the big screen.

Everyone even looked at Lin Mo with a strange look.

Du Rui hesitated for a while and then said: "Mr. Lin, I thought you would choose a Western-style RPG with Dungeons and Dragons as the background."

Lin Mo knew everyone's confusion.

There are many classic turn-based RPGs with a wide variety of optional objectives.

However, what domestic producers refer to as turn-based RPG generally refers to a mode like Sword Immortal in which the enemy and the enemy stand in a row, and you fight and I fight again.

This mode is also called JRPG.

Another development cost of 30 million was set.

Then many games cannot be selected as targets.

For projects like Final Fantasy, Baldur's Gate, and Dragon Quest, the cost will seriously exceed the budget.

Since it is a gambling game, then follow the requirements of the gambling game.

Therefore, a traditional turn-based RPG that was once ridiculed as "the best in the world" has become a good target - Persona.

Since it is number one under "Heaven", then "Heaven" is Zelda, giving him love, The Last of Us, Big Cousin, The Wizard or Baldur's Gate, it all depends on what you like.

What Lin Mo plans to produce here is the fifth part of the series in the previous life. Of course, the number 5 will not be included in the production.

This game is a "two-dimensional" game at first glance. In a simple sentence, I like to tell the story of high school students saving the world.

The most brilliant thing about its design is that it cleverly hides the annoying fixed process of the turn-based system.

Why do players like open world games?

I just like the feeling that I can make my own decisions and play whatever I want.

But in fact, the freedom that players think of has long been part of the designer's design.

On a huge map, you can ask for help through NPCs, or through buildings with completely different painting styles, or through a prop that appears in front of you and interests you.

A designed fixed process will begin.

This is the game Persona.

The first part of the game requires a "one way" process like a traditional turn-based RPG.

The protagonist needs to come to a new city and stay for a full year. This year is not the background board in many games.

Rather, it is more than three hundred days that players need to spend.

You have two opportunities to choose what to do every day, after class and in the evening.

But you have limited time every day, so you can only choose to do things that you think are interesting or important.

You can play mini games, date beautiful girls, work part-time to make money, watch movies, shop, fish, read novels, and even study overtime as a paper king.

Each event seems unrelated, but in the end, going around in a circle will give positive feedback during the battle.

For example, if you deepen your bond with a beautiful doctor, you can buy quite powerful medicines and props.

To deepen your bond with politicians, you can PUA monsters during expeditions and threaten them with money or props.

Deepening the bond with the protagonist's friends can unlock stronger skills. When the protagonist is fatally injured, he can come over to block the attack for the protagonist.

At the same time, you will also encounter some small surprises every two or three days, ensuring that every day's experience is completely different.

Of course, the most important thing is to enter the battle map "Palace" where the mission target is to advance the main line.

Just complete it within the specified time given by the game.

At the same time, the game is also designed to use other means to dilute this "fixed" feeling as much as possible.

Trendy and unique painting style, pleasant music, and countless interactive props, games, and Easter eggs in the map.

Each character has a complete plot story, which allows the character arc to be perfectly displayed.

Players can arbitrarily choose the gameplay they are interested in to experience.

In addition to being the "Phantom Thieves of Heart" who saves the world, the protagonist is also a student.

Therefore, the protagonist also has academic pressure, can pursue the girl he likes, needs to participate in school activities, has school trips, can have dinner with friends, go on adventures, go swimming at the beach, participate in fireworks displays, etc.

When the final plot is over, the protagonist leaves this metropolis where he has stayed for a whole year.

Think of those vivid and flesh-and-blood characters, the adventures we went through together, the countless streets we walked through, and the school where it all started.

You will feel like you have experienced an ordinary, fulfilling but exciting school career all over again.

It's like a lifetime ago.

This series of huge game content has built a game world with lifelike details and a strong sense of substitution.

Of course, this game is not without its shortcomings, there are quite a few.

The level of screen modeling is not very good, the dialogue is stand-up, the combat system is highly repetitive in the later stage, and the two-dimensional concentration of the plot is too high for many players to accept.

Behind this is another hidden advantage, which is that it requires low technical skills and saves money.

It's just that this game saves money so cleverly that it's hard to notice.

After Lin Mo briefly explained the game, many members frowned deeply.

I'm used to playing games lavishly, and it's really hard to adapt to the sudden need to tighten my belt.


Wang Zichen scratched his head and said distressedly: "Mr. Lin, you may need to grasp this game personally. I don't pay attention to the two-dimensional field. I'm afraid it will be difficult to write the kind of student-like content you want." Erbing's youthful, passionate, burning."

Lin Mo also frowned when he heard this, and then said speechlessly: "I don't pay attention either. No, don't you even watch anime?"

Wang Yi: "I like Heishencan."

Drury: "I love horror movies."

Zuo Xuming: "I like to see real people."

Lin Mo's mouth twitched and he said: "Fortunately, I didn't plan a two-dimensional card drawing mobile game. It's just a turn-based RPG, which doesn't require such a high concentration."

There was silence in the conference room for a long time.

Du Rui suddenly suggested: "Mr. Lin, may I recommend someone to you? He might be very suitable for this project."


"The person at the meeting yesterday, Zheng Ming."

"Him?" Lin Mo frowned, "That man looks to be in his forties. I remember that he participated in the development of Sword Immortal 4."

"You're not young, but does Mr. Lin know how he got into the gaming industry?" Du Rui paused before saying, "It was through fangirl games."

Many people were stunned.

Bishoujo Game, also known as GALGAME, or simply called butter by many people.

Lin Mo thought back to the serious look in his suit and leather shoes, but he really couldn't tell.

Wang Yi asked with a strange expression: "The kind where you take off your suit jacket and have an anime shirt underneath?"

Du Rui shrugged: "I don't know about that. He used to be a big boss in the fan game circle and a deep nerd. Later, because he did have a few brushes, he entered Soft Moon by chance."

Lin Mo thought about it carefully, and it was not impossible to recruit him.

This is a game with a very clear target audience.

It is indeed difficult for traditional gamers like them to create that flavor.

Being able to make Sword Immortal 4 shows that he is not mediocre.

Also happens to be pretty good at making turn-based games.

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