When Zheng Ming came to Naughty Cat, he was still confused.

Even the whole person was a little scared.

How can I be so virtuous?

Can I be invited to this place?

Although the original Naughty Cat made a phenomenal game like CSGO.

But many people think this is luck, and it is not yet the company that many practitioners dream of.

But one hit game after another followed, with project bonuses plus ample overtime pay and high benefits.

Many people who wanted to enter have been unable to do so.

What followed was three consecutive championships of the year, achieving an unprecedented achievement.

It can be said that if you want lizi, you must have lizi, and if you want face, you must have face.

Looking at the young man in front of him who smiled more than him, he didn't dare to look down upon him in the slightest.

After considering what he just heard, he asked tentatively: "Mr. Lin, you are saying that you need someone who understands two-dimensional themes and turn-based games. So you found me?"

"Yes." Lin Mo nodded.

Zheng Ming suppressed his inner excitement and asked: "I was present at the game exchange meeting. However, I am very curious, why is Mr. Lin not optimistic about turn-based game companies adapting IP into action games?"

"It would be better to adapt the IP into an open world game." Lin Mo shook his head and said, "But do you have the funding and technology? You have been at Soft Moon. What kind of action games do you think they can make?"

A difference in level is a difference, and the turn-based system should not be used as an excuse, just like Zhou Wenguang did.

That is extremely irresponsible.

It’s not that you can’t make good games based on the turn system. It can even be said that if you can’t do the turn system well, how can you get the courage to make an action game?

More difficult!

It is no exaggeration to say that if you train the most basic movement of jumping well, you can get stuck in more than 70% of game studios.

If the game is not done well, if you want to attract players to buy the game, you can only rely on playing the emotional card.

Sold badly.

To put it bluntly.

What is the difference between a liar and a liar?

That is to say, the difference between cheating and willing to take the bait is clear.

Zheng Ming smiled bitterly and replied: "Today's industry is blindly pursuing action games, and they don't even pay attention to the open world. I think Ruanyue may have a big failure this time."

Lao Xue will also suffer a big fall.

Lin Mo added in his heart.

"So what's your decision?"

Zheng Ming took a deep breath and said seriously: "Mr. Lin, let's prove it for the turn-based game together! I will work hard, and please take care of me in the future."

Lin Mo:.

It really fits the stereotype perfectly.

This smell is too strong.

It seems that I chose the right person.

Fortunately, this young man, who is in the second grade of middle school, speaks a little strangely.

But it’s quite normal in terms of game production.

After all, I have been in the industry for more than ten years and have been making turn-based games, and I have a lot of unique understanding of this type of game.

Moreover, the game screenwriter is still Wang Zichen, with Zheng Ming playing a supporting role.

Wang Zichen's personal style is too strong, and the overall tone of the game can easily be biased.

It would be too funny to have high school students in the game say some lines that are not age-appropriate.

Since the project was established relatively late, it was impossible to launch the product in time for May Day.

So we can only settle for the next best thing and set the release date in mid-to-late May.

However, the announcement of the game can start at the same time as the project is approved.

Now that the main consumer groups of the game have been identified, use the method they like to promote the game.

As for time, it is natural to disgust the competitors.

It’s scheduled to be on the night of the release of Jianxian 8.

It’s the last day of April.

On this day, Xiaobai didn't take a break immediately after he finished broadcasting.

Instead, open the web page and download Jian Xian 8.

The May Day holiday is coming soon, and this golden week will bring a huge wave of traffic to the live broadcast industry.

It just so happens that there is a domestic game that is very popular.

Jian Xian 8 is released.

As early as when players started playing the game, it was reported that the plot of this game was very good and would be more popular among female players.

The TV series adaptation was confirmed early.

And the most important thing is that this one finally changed the turn-based system that has remained unchanged for thousands of years into an action game.

Not only players are looking forward to it, but even novices are curious.

After working as a turn-based Soft Moon for so many years, why are you so bold all of a sudden?

Is this reliable?

If there weren't many players who wanted to watch it, he really didn't want to play this game.

You can roughly imagine what the quality of the game is like.

You must know that there are only a few manufacturers in the world who are doing well in action games.

Most of the action games produced by foreign manufacturers are actually a piece of shit.

And he was labeled as a negative fan because of his long-term disapproval of the Sword Immortal series.

"Sword Immortal 8, Sword Immortal 8? Is there an origin platform?" Xiaobai was a little surprised after repeated searches and confirmations.

The origin platform is now the largest digital distribution platform in the world.

Not logged in?

After searching for a while, I found out that this game is exclusively sold on the company’s new Circle platform.

Xiaobai was mumbling while downloading.

"Thunderfire Ranger can get on the Origin Platform, but you, Sword Immortal 8, can't get on?"

Since the anchor had very high requirements for the internet speed at home, the platform was already downloaded after just a few words of muttering.

To purchase the game, click to download.

Xiaobai planned to take a bath first.

After returning from the bath, I was surprised to find that the game was not downloaded?

Let’s look at the preload speed.

80K per second? ?

Try pausing and then restarting the download.

The download speed actually dropped to zero.

Xiaobai opened the download settings inexplicably for a while.

its not right?

There is no limit on download speed?

Confused, I changed the download speed limit to 9999KB per second, which is just over 9M.

After this attempt, the download speed did become faster.

However, the maximum can only be set to 9M!

How fast?

Sorry, the platform does not support it.

Xiaobai was speechless for a while.

Damn it, it was made by a college student who paid 300 yuan for outsourcing, right?

For such a big company, you can’t even develop a gaming platform?

It took a whole night to download the game before finally downloading it.

I woke up the next day, it was May Day.

Xiaobai follows the usual practice of broadcasting a masterpiece early on its release date.

As soon as the broadcast started, there were viewers eager to enter the live broadcast room.

【Will you broadcast Jianxian 8 today? Support domestic production! 】

[I’m really looking forward to it. The last one was four or five years ago, right? 】

[I was still a student back then, but now I am working. I owe Ruanyue a genuine game! 】

[Heizi speaks, haven’t you always criticized the turn-based system of the Sword Immortal series? Now it’s an action game! 】

Xiaobai looked speechless for a while.

If this is similar, it was almost exactly the same when Jian Xian 7 was released.

No lines are changed!

However, the quality of the last Jianxian 7 game was really hard to describe.

From the graphics to the plot to the gameplay, everything is mediocre to the extreme.

After a simple warm-up, the game officially begins.

"To be honest, I also want to support domestic production, but I have to say something. The platform of Ruanyue is really difficult to use, and the technical level is worrying. Moreover, I am not rejecting the turn-based system. What I am saying is that the production team is not good enough and it is made in a turn-based system. Is not fun."

[It’s so difficult to produce a domestic stand-alone machine, why are you talking about Soft Moon? Besides Naughty Cat and Soft Moon, how many others are making stand-alone games? 】

[Anchor You is a fake supporter, right? How useful is Origin? 】

[The turn-based system is like this, okay. Have you ever played the game? 】

Ignoring the barrage, I clicked directly to start the game.


Not started.


Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, but saw an 80MB update popping up.

"Is this the first-day patch? It should be released soon."

The result was completely unexpected.

This time, the download speed per second was even ridiculously slow.

Moreover, what is even weirder is that the CPU usage is directly raised to 95%.

"Damn! Will updating the game CPU fill it up?" Xiaobai was stunned for a while, "Brother, are you using my computer to mine?"

Many passersby were shocked by this scene as soon as they came in.

Xiaobai tried many times, but this time, no matter what he did, he couldn't speed up the game update.

An 80MB patch that took almost an hour to update.

"Haha, good skills, good level."

Xiaobai's impression of this game became even worse.

But look at the barrage again.

[The host’s computer is not good either, the download speed is so slow]



as long as you are happy.

When you are a host, you will meet everyone.

Get used to it, get used to it.

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